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Pot-Proceing APDL Model Inide

An Workench V15.0

An Workench Mechanical v15.0 upport “xternal Model” – a facilit for directl importing an
An Mechanical APDL model’ CD meh �le into Workench for uequent tud or reult
potproceing in a Workench Mechanical chematic. Thi include the ailit to read a reult RT
or RTH �le that correpond to the CD �le that ha een attached a an xternal Model. The
approach applie to olid and hell model. Thi article decrie an approach with olid element.

Thi article review tep in creating a CD �le in An Mechanical APDL, and reading in the CD
�le in Workench, plu importing reult from an aociated RT reult �le. Thi permit the
Workench Mechanical environment’ tool to e emploed in potproceing a model that
originated in An Mechanical APDL, a well a generating a report to automate generation of
data that might e of interet in the appendix to an engineering report. Good qualit modern
graphic image of model, animation, reult coping, and other feature of the Workench
Mechanical interface ma e of interet to uer.

Uing an An APDL xternal Model in Workench 15.0

Workench Mechanical at releae 15.0 ha a new xternal Model component tem that can take
a olid or hell �nite element meh from a CD �le, and generate a olid model with a meh for ue
in Workench Mechanical. Uer hould review the An v15.0 Help tem for information on thi
xternal Model feature. It contain information on reading an external model, a well a on rotating
and tranlating the geometr that i imported.

The xternal Model approach for model review i not an o�ciall upported feature of the An
oftware, o uer intended to ue thi facilit mut do their own qualit control if thi feature i

To ue thi feature, a CD �le that contain a upported meh tpe mut e generated in An
Mechanical APDL. The CDWRIT command of An i ued in /PRP7 to generate the CD �le.
Argument are et to generate the meh, without the geometr data, for example:
CDWRIT, Option, Fname, xt, –, Fnamei, xti, Fmat
Write geometr and load dataae item to a �le

The following example generate a meh �le onl (no aociated geometr):


The following example model contain OLID185 8-node rick olid tructural element uject to
preure loading and to contraint on node movement. It could e olved in An Mechanical
APDL, in which cae an RT tructural reult �le would e generated in the working director:

In the An Mechanical APDL interface, the following menu item will generate a CD �le for the
aove meh:
Workench v15.0 i capale of reading the CD �le of the meh, �tting a geometr to the meh, and
ending the reulting model of geometr and meh into Workench Mechanical for tud in that
environment, making the variou tool of Workench Mechanical availale for further tudie on
model that originate in the APDL interface.

For implicit, tart  etting Unit to thoe emploed in the CD �le—the uer mut know thi in

In the Workench project page, drag an xternal Model component tem into the Project

Then, drag an appropriate anali tem into the Project chematic, uch a the tatic tructural.
Next, drag the etup cell of the xternal Model to the Model ranch of the tatic tructural tem:
Right-click the etup cell of the xternal Model tem, and chooe dit:

A Data ource window open; rowe to the CD �le of interet:

Find the CD �le for import, click it, and click Open. Now, cloe the window  clicking the X:
Click the linked Model cell in the tatic tructural tem, right click, and chooe Propertie:

In the Propertie window that open on the right, chooe the Length Unit a in the CD �le, tweak
the Tolerance Angle if needed to aid in �tting geometr face to the meh in a complex model, and
indicate whether the anali i 3D or 2D. Nodal Component will e included  default and might
e deired to ue a Named election:
Note the “Proce Nodal Component” entr aove. Nodal component in the APDL model (ee the
CM command) ecome Named election in Workench Mechanical, correponding to face in 3D.
To potproce reult on thee component, enure the check mark i et a in the �gure aove.

Now, the xternal Model can e updated  clicking etup, right-clicking, and chooing Update.

Geometr will have een �tted to the meh, and the tatic tructural tem can e opened to
commence work:

Right-click Model in the tatic tructural tem, and chooe dit:

The Workench Mechanical window i expoed. lement from the CD �le are preent, a i the
geometr that wa �tted to the element. The material ued are not thoe of the CD �le—the are
taken from the ngineering Data ranch of the tatic tructural tem, and default will e
aigned. Load are not read from the CD �le, either. Note that the tatic tructural tem in the
�gure elow i not read to e olved—neither load nor oundar condition are preent.

Here i the meh that came from the CD �le in thi example:
A tated neither load nor material are imported from the CD model. At thi point, a uer could
aign ngineering Data material to geometric entitie, place load and oundar condition on
the model, and olve the FA model. Alternativel, the CD model’ RT reult �le can e imported,
which will e illutrated next.

The model indicate that it i not read to e olved ecaue of the aence of load and oundar

Place an empt APDL Command Oject in the tatic tructural environment. It preence let
Workench Mechanical aume loading exit, o that a uer can load reult from an RT �le. Thi
i een in the �gure elow:

Highlight the olution ranch, and go to Tool > Read Reult File… to acce the RT �le:
The RT �le i elected, uuall from the working director in which the CD �le wa found. Note
that the .RR error �le for the model mut exit there. If none exit, a dumm �le with the correct
jo name can e created there, uing the .RR extenion.

The aove window cloe when the Open utton i clicked. Thi i followed  a dialog ox
requeting that the uer indicate the Unit emploed… the uer mut enure that the correct choice
i made, and click OK:
With thi done, a uer can egin to requet reult elow the olution ranch.

ranche for reult uch a Deformation or tre might e inerted:

A requet to valuate All Reult i made next:

Uer can emplo the variou tool of Workench Mechanical to review reult from the RT �le.
If deired, a uer can work directl from an RT �le, without a CD or dataae D �le. tart An
Mechanical APDL, go to /POT1, and ue the File command to indicate an RT reult �le of interet.
Ue the T command to read a reult of interet—thi work for RT �le that,  default in APDL,
contain element and node data for the model. Go to /PRP7 and ue CDWRIT to write a CD
meh �le. Workench can now read the CD �le, �t geometr to the meh, and read the RT �le
(the .RR �le mut exit—create a lank joname.err �le if necear matching the CD �le).
Workench Mechanical can now potproce a model for which onl an old RT �le exit. (RT �le
generated  Workench Mechanical will not contain thi meh data, for ize e�cienc.) A een in
the �gure aove, thi approach can dipla degree of freedom data (diplacement in a tructure).
It can dipla tre and train if the exit in the RT �le. Proe cannot e created for reaction
force and force acro contact ince no uch oject exit in the Outline—APDL Command
Oject would review uch thing.

During model review, Contruction Geometr can e ued to create Path and urface to e ued
in potproceing oject. In the �gure elow illutrate tre on a urface oject.

A Path can e created  variou technique, and reult or linearized reult hown on the path, for
Reult can alo e preented a coped onto elected geometr:

An imported CD �le could contain contact. If the RT �le contain contact reult, thee can e
inpected in the Workench Mechanical model. The following �gure how two odie in contact. A
contact pair i created a a reult of geometric proximit of part—thi doe not re�ect what
contact exited in the CD �le. In thi example, the contact pair ha een given the ame “Tpe” a
that in the CD �le.

The have een queezed together in the An Mechanical APDL model:

A Contact Tool can e created for a contact pair, and if the “contact” urface of the pair in the CD
�le contain a reult, the contact reult can e reviewed in Workench Mechanical:
Workench Mechanical v15.0 can ue xternal Model to read an An Mechanical APDL model’
CD �le for a meh (a written  the CDWRIT command) for tpical olid and hell element.
Geometr can e �tted to the meh, and Workench Mechanical can receive the mehed model.
An aociated reult �le (RT �le for tructure) can e read into Workench Mechanical, o that
the tool of Workench Mechanical can e ued for model review.

Generating a Report within Workench Mechanical can produce extenive model information of
potential interet, which would e tediou to generate manuall.

Man creative application for thi xternal Model capailit can e developed, in addition to
merel uing Workench Mechanical to review the reult of An Mechanical APDL model. Note
that inide An Mechanical APDL, the UPGOM and UPCOORD command can e ued to move
node of an untreed model into the poition calculated  a OLV. A factor can e applied to
the movement, uing value other than a default 1.0. If a negative factor of -1.0 i ued, node are
moved into a poition uch that when loaded, a tructure move into the poition of the original
geometr (in a linear anali). Thi might e ued, for example, to �nd how to hape a tructure o
that it move into a deired geometric hape after loading. Workench Mechanical and F Modeler
could e ued to �nd the geometr that �t that pre-deformed meh. A more complex procedure
could e ued if large de�ection e�ect were relevant for accurac.

Thi xternal Model approach permit the tool of Workench Mechanical to e ued to examine
the reult of old An APDL model with the variou advantage of the Workench interface.

 Pot View: 4,342

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