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Volume 40, Issue 6, December 2013

Online English edition of the Chinese language journal

Cite this article as: PETROL. EXPLOR. DEVELOP., 2013, 40(6): 801–805. RESEARCH PAPER

Application of rotary geosteering drilling in deep and thin

reservoirs of Tarim Basin, NW China
ZHANG Chengguang1, 2,*, WU Qianli1, WANG Xiaoliang2, LÜ Ning3
1. CNPC Drilling Research Institute, Beijing 100083, China;
2. CNPC Tarim Oilfield Company, Korla 841000, China;
3. Sinopec Shengli Oilfield Company, Dongying 257001, China

Abstract: Geological features, such as deep and thin reservoirs and unstable structure margin, occur in an oilfield of the Tarim Basin. To
deal with these problems while drilling, a rotary geosteering drilling technique was introduced. The effect of its application was analyzed
with an example, the shortcomings were summarized, and suggestions were given for other oilfileds. The feasibility and necessity of us-
ing rotary geosteering drilling were presented according to the engineering challenges in the oilfield, then the theory and main tools of it
were introduced. Focusing on a double-step horizontal well in field application, the features and effects of this technique were elaborated.
With rotary geosteering drilling in this well, the average rate of penetration was high and oil reservoir encountering rate was up to 82% in
thin layers less than 1 m. Also, it avoided effortless weight on bit in sliding drilling method and made the wellbore more smooth and
clean. The problems met were concluded, for example, the tools build-up rate was affected by several factors, measurement while drilling
(MWD) signal was interfered, and the tools working performance was unstable. Suggestions were put forward for applying the rotary
geosteering drilling technique in other oilfields.

Key words: horizontal well; drilling; rotary geosteering; deep thin reservoir; logging while drilling (LWD)

Introduction ditions in the block, and ensuring the wellbore trajectory in

the best position of the pay zone.
For deep reservoirs with complex geologic structure, well-
bore trajectory can not be effectively guided to pay zone by 1 Technical difficulties and countermeasures for
use of bent housing PDM. Rotary geosteering drilling is used deep thin reservoir drilling of Tarim oilfield
more and more widely because of its technical advantages in
(1) Deep and thin target layers. The targets are over 5 000
these reservoirs, and has become a mainstream technique to-
m deep vertically in general, and the total depth is 5 500–
day [12]. In recent years, the number of wells with geosteering
6 000 m [4]. When using conventional slide drilling, friction
and rotary steerable drilling has been soaring across the and torque will rise as depth increases, and requirements on
world [3]. Taking Schlumberger Company as an example, the MWD signal transmission will be higher too. The targets are
number of wells drilled with geosteering increased from about two sets of sandstones, in which pay zones are thin, only 1–2
300 in 2006 to 700 in 2009, and the footage of rotary steerable m thick [5]. To get better development, double-step horizontal
drilling increased from 5 898 km in 2006 to 19 740 km in drilling needs to be applied. The rotary drilling mode used in
2011; from 2004 to 2010, geosteering drilling was applied to the rotary geosteering drilling, conducive to cutting removal
more than 345 horizontal wells in various complicated reser- and hole cleaning, can lower drag, and enhance the capability
voirs in China. of horizontal section extension significantly.
In a block of the Tarim oilfield, the thin sandstone reser- (2) Long openhole section and wide variation in lithology.
voirs are deep in burial depth, small in thickness and laterally The second drilling section about 5 000 m long is prone to
unstable at the structural margin. Rotary geosteering drilling problematic weight transfer to the bit and differential sticking,
has been introduced in order to develop this type of reservoir with thief zone and sloughing zone found in the same bore-
more efficiently and continuous efforts have been put into hole. Multiple sandstone-mudstone interbeds and strong abra-
better adapting the technology to the specific formation con- sion result in uneven drilling time. Therefore, drilling fluid

Received date: 18 Apr. 2013; Revised date: 24 Sep. 2013.

* Corresponding author. E-mail:
Foundation item: Supported by the National Science and Technology Major Project (2011ZX05021-005).
Copyright © 2013, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, PetroChina. Published by Elsevier BV. All rights reserved.
ZHANG Chengguang et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2013, 40(6): 801–805

viscosity and shear strength should be controlled properly, bit to the bit shaft, while the motor rotates at a RPM same as the
type should be selected according to the operating features of drill collar speed, but in a reverse direction to hold the tool-
steering tools and short tripping should be used frequently to face, making the borehole trajectory extend towards the tar-
assist cutting removal in rotary drilling. get [1, 13], with the maximum build-up rate of 8°/30 m. The
(3) The reservoirs at the structural margin are uneven in composite type can be regarded as the combination of the
distribution, making stratigraphic correlation difficult. At the former two types, which depends on the extension of the
structural margin, unstable sand bodies, wide variation in pushing pads inside the tool towards the inner wall of drill
formation dip, and difficult stratigraphic correlation pose great collar (not the formation) to change the dip of the bit shaft
challenges to the landing position identification and pay zone with the collar, to deliver the directional effect, with a nominal
tracking. Therefore, the LWD/MWD data must be accurate build-up rate as high as 17°/30 m. It is known from the appli-
and steering tools must have rapid and stable building up ad- cation experiences and results in China and abroad,
justment capability. point-the-bit and composite types are the future development
(4) High requirements on trajectory control. In the deviated direction of rotary steerable tool, with high rate of angle
section, it is difficult to maintain a stable build-up rate of tools build-up and working performance little affected by lithology.
in mudstone, and inclination angle needs to be monitored and In actual drilling operation, proper LWD tools should be
calculated in real time. Timely adjustment is required when selected and added into the BHA based on formation features
the actual trajectory is found not conforming to the designed and operational demand to realize real-time measurement of
one. Since the target window in thin pay zone is narrow, with parameters such as natural gamma, resistivity, porosity, for-
a half target height of only 0.5 m, and a proper angle is needed mation temperature, well inclination, azimuth, toolface, WOB,
for landing, otherwise, there will be no leeway for adjustment torque, etc. After the measured data are transmitted to surface,
of borehole trajectory [6]. LWD/MWD is relied on to obtain geosteering engineers on site can analyze the rock properties,
information such as angle between the actual trajectory and bed boundary and structural dips based on data curves or im-
formation during horizontal drilling to ensure the hit ratio of ages to adjust the borehole trajectory and steer the landing of
reservoirs. horizontal section.

2 Principles of rotary geosteering drilling 3 Application

“Geosteering”, integrating drilling, LWD and reservoir en- A double-step horizontal Well H4, 5 965 m in total depth, is
gineering organically into one [7], aims to optimize the place- located in the margin of a regional reservoir structure in the
ment of horizontal well trajectory in reservoir, reduce drilling Tarim Oilfield. It was drilled with the application of the rotary
risk, enhance drilling efficiency and maximize well productiv- geosteering technique. The ROP was 2.6 m/h, and the actual
ity and investment return [3]. In this technology, geosteering hit ratio of reservoirs was up to 82.2% in the case of thin pay
operation is realized by use of rotary steerable tools, instead zones (less than 1m). PowerDrive X6 and PowerDrive Xceed
of the previously used slide-drilling by means of bent housing were used in this well and the BHA was 8 ½ (215.9 mm)
downhole motor [8], in combination with LWD/MWD to PDC drill bit+6 ¾ (171.4 mm) X6/Xceed+6 ¾ (171.4 mm)
measure geologic and engineering parameters [910], and geoVISION LWD+6 ¾ (171.4 mm) TeleScope MWD+5
real-time interpretation and control of drilling track are real- (127 mm) NMDP+5 (127 mm) DP+5 (127 mm) HWDP+5
ized by the surface software system through timely adjustment (127 mm) DP.
of the formation/structure models based on parameters from Directional sidetracking was conducted at the depth of
MWD [7, 11]. 4 620 m in Well H4, and then PowerDrive Xceed was used in
Rotary steerable tools can be divided into three types in build-up drilling. In this process, however, we found that the
terms of steering mode: push-the-bit (represented by deflecting force of Xceed was slightly insufficient when in
Bake-Hughes AutoTrack RCLS and Schlumberger Power- small borehole inclination (less than 22°) or in shale with low
Drive X5/X6), point-the-bit (represented by Schlumberger ROP. The average build-up rate was 3.3°/30 m which lagged
PowerDrive Xceed) and composite type [1, 1214]. For push-the- behind the designed one (4.2°/30 m). Then PDM was installed
bit type of tool, the operating commands to the downhole to build up borehole inclination to 45°, later PowerDrive
system are adjusted in real time based on comparison between Xceed was changed back for the purpose of good borehole
measured parameters and the designed ones, and the pad near quality. In the landing section, top of the reservoir should be
the bit extended towards borehole wall controlled by control identified by means of GR and resistivity in geoVISION LWD.
circuit and hydraulic system provides the lateral force needed Due to unstable marker bed, however, it was difficult to cor-
for the bit to change hole inclination and azimuth, making the relate the logging data in vertical pilot hole with that of offset
bit advancing along the preset borehole trajectory, at a maxi- wells, which result in a wrong track out of the pay zone from
mum build-up rate of 8°/30 m. The point-the-bit type, similar its bottom (5 312 m) after point A (target landing point, 5 301
to bent housing PDM, the internal eccentric shaft driven by m, see Fig. 1). By the analysis of the LWD data (Fig. 2) on
the servo-motor provides a dip of 0.6° with the drill collar axis site, geosteering engineers adjusted the commands of Xceed

ZHANG Chengguang et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2013, 40(6): 801–805

to its 100% building-up angle state and it worked well. The jectory was placed as expected, with the hit rate of reservoir in
trajectory came back into the pay zone at point A1 (5 360 m, CD section reaching up to 100%.
seen in Fig. 1). In the subsequent horizontal section (5 360– In recent years, PowerDrive X5/X6/Xceed+LWD+MWD
5 965 m), there were two small segment of tracks out of oil have been used commonly for rotary geosteering drilling in
layer (section A2–A3 in Fig. 1, 5 436–5 470 m; section the deep thin reservoirs of Tarim oilfield. As more wells are
A4–A5 in Fig. 1, 5 492–5 560 m) because of the failure of drilled and drilling parameters are optimized continuously, the
Xceed and sudden change of formation dip. Detecting this in rotary geosteering drilling has adapted gradually to the forma-
time, engineers adjusted the commands of Xceed to turn the tions in the block, its advantages show up progressively. Ta-
trajectory back into the reservoir. The whole horizontal tra- bles 1 and 2 list some wells drilled by rotary geosteering

Fig. 1 Wellbore trajectory of Well H4

Fig. 2 Sectional LWD data of Well H4

Table 1 Application data of rotary geosteering drilling

Pay zone thickness /m Successful
Operation Borehole Section/ Footage/ ROP/
Well Top pay zone Bottom pay ratio/ Tools
time (Year) size/mm m m (m·h1)
section zone section %
H1 2005 215.9 4 571–5 776 1 205 4.20 1.4 0.8 56.2 PD X5+AND
H2 2008 215.9 4 690–5 441 751 2.05 65.3
H3 2010 215.9+152.4 4 689–5 618 929 2.32 4.0 83.6 PD X5/Xceed+PeriScope
H4 2012 215.9 4 620–5 965 1 345 2.60 0.7 0.9 82.0 PD X6/Xceed+geoVISION

Table 2 Application data of bent housing PDM

Operation Borehole Section/ Footage/ ROP/ Pay zone thickness /m Successful
time (Year) size/mm m m (m·h1) Top pay zone section Bottom pay zone section ratio/%
H5 2007 4 820–5 517 697 1.24 1.5 1.5 45.3
H6 2008 4 639–5 905 1 266 1.54 1.0 1.5 55.6
H7 2008 4 756–5 620 864 1.77 1.5 1.5 77.8
H8 2011 4 720–5 542 822 1.51 1.0 61.5
ZHANG Chengguang et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2013, 40(6): 801–805

drilling and conventional bent housing PDM respectively. times due to long interval of fill-up, burst of flex tube resulted
Their comparison shows that the average ROP and reservoir from pressure difference, unstable electric voltage, etc. Also,
hit ratio of rotary gepsteering drilling are higher to different MWD failed 1 time because of a problem of its coil resistance
degrees at roughly the same footage per well than the conven- in alternator leading to the signal loss. These all resulted in
tional slide/composite drilling. tripping out to change BHA which took 190.25 hours in total.
To improve the stability of the tools in deep well and long
4 Analysis and conclusions of field application
time drilling, manufactures should select high quality acces-
Analysis of field application of rotary geosteering drilling sories and engineers on site should operate according to drill-
in the deep thin reservoirs of the Tarim oilfield leads to the ing codes as well.
following understandings:
4.3.3 Interference in transmission of MWD signal in deep
4.1 Results of rotary steerable drilling wells
During drilling in the deviated and horizontal sections, The increase in well depth will make the transmission path
WOB was more effectively transferred to the bit, comparing of MWD mud pulse signal longer, leading to increase of sig-
with slide-drilling with PDM. 3D directional control resulted nal attenuation and drop in SNR. In addition, the fluid flow
in smoother borehole and reduced torque /frictional drag, properties, bubbles, pump noises and other factors will have
which is good for lowering operational risk. Rotation over the great impacts on MWD signal [14], especially in deep wells. To
whole drilling process enhanced the agitation of drilling fluid reduce signal interference, the following measures can be
and cuttings, favorable for cutting carrying and transport, thus used: adjusting signal transmission band, ensuring the quality
mitigating cutting accumulation and making the hole cleaner. and performance of drilling fluid with solid control and filtra-
4.2 Function of LWD tion devices, and changing pump to reduce pump noise, etc.

LWD is the key in trajectory control during rotary steerable 4.4 Experiences sharing
drilling. As the eye of rotary steering, LWD plays a crucial Rotary steering BHA, with higher stiffness than PDM BHA,
role during drilling of the landing and horizontal sections in could suffer tripping difficulties in well sections with big
thin reservoirs. The correlation of the measured natural dogleg angles. During the drilling of the horizontal section of
gamma and resistivity between the well being drilled and off- Well H4, a short trip was needed at an interval of 40–50 m,
set wells is critical for precisely locating the marker bed. The resulting in long NPT. To solve this problem, a smoother tra-
dual measurements of geometry and geology can accurately jectory with no severe doglegs is advised, and also the flexible
navigate the bit to the target. Through identification of lithol- nipple may help.
ogy, detection of bed boundary and fluid interface, and Rotary steerable tools of push-the-bit type use pads to
judgement of bit up-going or down-going, borehole exten- change the bit direction by extending against the wellbore,
sional direction can be monitored to keep the trajectory within which are likely to wear when used in hard formations. By
the reservoir. comparison, point-the-bit type tools have a greater wear resis-
4.3 Problems and solutions tance, so the point-the-bit type and composite type ones are
recommended in abrasive formation.
4.3.1 Several factors affecting build-up rate of tools
Rotary steerable tools of push-the-bit type need high pres-
When sidetracking at vertical or slight deviated well section, sure drilling fluid to push the pads, which have requirements
the performance of rotary steerable drilling tools will be af- for bit pressure-drop. The pump pressure needs to be in-
fected if the building-up trend has not formed yet, especially creased by about 3 MPa compared with point-the-bit type
in hard formations. Besides, the servo-motor in PowerDrive tools. Therefore, safety and reliability of surface pipelines,
Xceed holds the toolface by counter-rotating the offset man- and the drilling fluid supply and mud flow need to be ensured
drel at the same rpm as the collar, thus when the stick-slip when using push-the-bit type ones.
effect is significant, the rotating speed measurement will have From the experiences of the Tarim oilfield, rotary geosteer-
errors, therefore the uncertain output of motor leads to the ing drilling has a remarkable competitive edge in deep and
unsteady of bit-pointing and building-up rate, furthermore, ultra-deep reservoirs with uncertain lateral distribution. For
drill bit could not cut sandstones efficiently, which explains complex formations, a deviated pilot hole is recommended to
that low ROP and low building-up rate occured at the same be drilled in order to obtain logging data of target layers and
time. In this case, driller should work up and down the drilling determine the formations lithologic characteristics and depths.
tools, adjust drilling parameters (decrease WOP, increase sur- 5 Conclusions
face RPM, etc.) in order to avoid bit bouncing downhole as
far as possible. In view of the technical difficulties in drilling the deep thin
reservoirs in the Tarim oilfield, rotary geosteering drilling was
4.3.2 Insufficient tool stability
introduced. The technical advantages are showing up gradu-
During drilling of Well-H4, PowerDrive Xceed failed 3 ally through ongoing trial, with the hit ratio reaching 82% in
ZHANG Chengguang et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2013, 40(6): 801–805

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