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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 676

International Conference on Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies (ICIMS 2022)

The Concept of Ummatan Wasatan in The Qur'an

(A Comparative Study of Tafsir Fii Zhilaalil Qur'an by
Sayyid Qutb and Tafsir Al-Munir By Wahbah Zuhayli)
Mukhlish Abdul Rosyid1,* Zulfa Mumtaza1,* Ahmad Nurrohim1.* Yeti Dahliana1
Al Qur’an and Tafsir Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Corresponding author. Email :,,,,

This research discusses the concept of Ummatan Wasaṭan in the Qur’an through a comparison of Sayyid Qutb's
interpretation in Tafsir Fī Ẓilālil Qur’an and Wahbah Zuhayli's interpretation in Tafsir Al-Munir, with the aim of
examining the meaning of Ummatan Wasaṭan in both interpretations. The researchers describe and analyze the
meaning of Ummatan Wasaṭan according to contemporary commentators, particularly Sayyid Qutb and Wahbah
Zuhayli. This research is a literature review that uses a comparative method by comparing the similarities and
differences in the interpretations of Sayyid Qutb and Wahbah Zuhayli. The object of this research is the interpretation
of the meaning of Ummatan Wasaṭan in the Qur'an. In general, the presentation of Sayyid Qutb's interpretation in the
Tafsir Fī Ẓilālil Qur’an uses the tahlili method with a bi al-iqtiran interpretation approach and is characterized by adab
al-ijtima'i,while the presentation of Wahbah Zuhayli's interpretation in Tafsir Al-Munir employs the tahlili and
maudhu'i methods with the interpretation approach of bi al-iqtiran and al-ijima'i adab pattern with fiqhi nuances.
Sayyid Qitb interprets Ummatan Wasaṭan not only as the chosen people, but also as Muslims who are just, balanced,
and will be witnesses of all mankind. Wahbah Zuhayli interprets Ummatan Wasaṭan as Muslims who are chosen as
people who are in a middle position, fair in handling things, and thus become the best people.

Keywords: Ummatan Wasaṭan, Tafsir Fī Ẓilālil Qur’an, Tafsir Al-Munir

1. INTRODUCTION Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), and the Islamic State of

Indonesia (NII) [2].
Today’s Muslims are dealing with internal Extreme and non-middle-ground attitudes will
conflict. For example, problems related to only lead to conflicts between religious communities
comprehension of Islamic teachings. Various and, in the worst-case scenario, internal religious
interpretations emerge, leading to a loss of muruah of community conflicts. These incidents have occurred
Islam, which is full of love, giving rise to the throughout the history of Muslims, resulting in
assumption that Islam teaches terrorism, radicalism, hostility and even wars between fellow Muslims [3]
intolerance, and even liberalism [1]. Radicalism is The Liberalism group can be identified by its
characterized by an extreme and strict understanding extreme lax attitude toward the application of religious
of various Islamic laws, as well as attempts to impose rules, which tends to maintain behavior and
their understanding on society, including the use of understanding that is in contrast to Islamic teaching
violence. In Indonesia, radical Islamic groups or and tradition [4]. Liberal Islamists continue to believe
movements include the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), that Islam is the true religion. On the other hand, they
the Indonesian Mujahidin Council (MMI), Hizbut

Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 51
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 676

accept that religions other than Islam are also true. If process library data to obtain answers to the main
each religious believer preaches that religion and God problems. The data sources used as references in this
alone are true, this is only a relative assumption based research consisted of both primary and secondary data
on the context and religion of each individual. sources. The primary data sources were the book of
However, when viewed in the context of all religious Tafsir Fii Zhilaalil Qur'an by Sayyid Qutb and the
teachings, every religion has the concept of divinity, book of Tafsir Al-Munir by Wahbah Zuhaili.
which also teaches goodness [5]. Secondary data sources included library reference
The points described above may have a materials that support this research and books that
negative impact on Muslim unity. It will also result in supplement the primary data above, such as Nuim
the formation of Islamic radical organizations. Some Hidayat's book "Sayyid Qutb Biografi dan Kejernihan
people believe that the emergence of the diversity of Pemikirannya," Nasrudin Baidan's book "Metodologi
terms in the name of Islam is the result of the efforts Penafsiran Al-Qur'an," and a journal by Muhammad
of orientalists who assisted their study of Islam. Some Hilmy entitled "Quo-Vadis Islam Moderat Indonesia,"
even argue that this is done to divide the unity of the as well as various other references, books, and
Muslim community [6]. journals.
As a result, the study of the ummatan wasatan
is deemed relevant, given that as the modern era 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
progresses, many religious views emerge in society, 3.1 Definition of Ummatan Wasatan
leading to extreme attitudes, either toward The word ummatan (‫ )أمة‬is etymologically
fundamentalism or liberalism. Therefore, this research interpreted as the ummah, people, or nation in the Al
provides a significant understanding of how Islam can Munawwir dictionary [9]. Similarly, Mahmud Yunus
provide a sense of security, compassion, and tolerance interprets it as the ummah or the people [10]. In the
among others, both within and outside of belief [7]. Qur'an, the word ummatun (‫ )أمة‬is repeated 51 times in
The title of this article is "The Concept of the singular (mufrad) and 13 times in the plural
Ummatan Wasatan in the Qur'an." This research is (plural) umamun (‫[ ) أمم‬11]. However, of the many
a comparison of Tafsir Fi Zhilaalil Qur'an by Sayyid phrases of the ummah found in the Qur'an, only one
Qutb and Tafsir Al-Munir by Wahbah Zuhayli. These phrase is based on the word wasathan, and that is
two monumental contemporary tafsir (interpretations) found in Q.S Al Baqarah verse 134 [12].
are very interesting to study as comparison materials In terms of terminology, the word ummah has
because their quality as well as the authors' scientific a profound meaning and a distinct concept that has no
capacity have been acknowledged by scholars. exact equivalent in Western languages. In general, the
word ummah is understood in everyday Indonesian as
2. METHOD an expression containing the meaning of the nation,
The data used in this study were qualitative, the people, religious adherents, the general public, or
namely research data that emphasize searching and mankind [13]. In Islamic literature, terms that are
reviewing the literature on various books, journals, nearly equivalent to the word ummah as a community
and existing works, particularly those related to the include Qabilah, which means a group of human
ummatan wasatan. The data generated were the individuals who choose the same goal, or Qibla.
answer to the problem formulation. This is library Qaum, this group life is based on supporting
research [8], namely research that seeks to obtain and individuals through association and working together

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 676

to complete a task. Sha'b, which means that every 3.2 Biography of Sayyid Qutb
human child in this world is divided into several Sayyid Qutb was born in the village of Musha
groups. Tabaqah is a group of people whose lives are (some mention the village of Qaha) [21], Asyut
almost identical; they form strata (layers or classes), Province, 235 miles south of Cairo, on the west bank
then occupy life, position, work, and social indicators of the Nile, on October 9, 1906 [22]. His full name is
that are similar, if not identical, which is known as a Ibrahim Husain Shadhili, and he was the third child of
social class in foreign terms. Mujtama or jami'ah five siblings, two boys and three girls born to Al-Haj
refers to a group of people or a society in a Qutb bin Ibrahim and Sayyidah Nafash [23]. His
certain location (social). Thaifah is a human father was a middle-class farmer and a member of a
association that surrounds a particular process or zone; nationalist party, while his mother was a religious
it can also be interpreted as a group of humans who Muslim woman who was concerned about her
live in a specific area and move around (nomadic) children's education, particularly by instilling a strong
[14]. sense of religion and a love of science. She expected
The word wasatan is then interpreted as “the that all of his children would be able to memorize the
middle one” in al Munawwir's dictionary [15], Quran [24]. Sayyid Qutb, a well-known mujahid and
whereas it is defined as “the middle” in other seeker of Islamic knowledge, was born in the
dictionaries. [16] Thus, one of the derivatives of the twentieth century. Despite his controversies, he was an
word is wasith which means the middle or impactful figure. His critical thinking was also sharp,
intermediary. In Arabic, the term al-wasath is an isim as evidenced by a number of works that have served
that can be used for muzakkar, muannats, mufrad and as references in various Islamic movements [25]. In
jama’[17]. Wasathiyah serves several conceptual addition, he was a literary critic, novelist, poet,
purposes, including being simple, moderate, balanced, Egyptian Islamic thinker, and the most famous
fair, and not excessive. In Arabic, it is known as Egyptian Islamic activist of the twentieth century,
i'tidal, which means neither too tight nor too loose surpassing the popularity of Hasan al Banna, the
[18]. founder of the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikwanul
Ahmad Omar Hashem defines wasathiyah as Muslimin) [26].
anything in the middle, so that nothing is superfluous His father immediately took over his education
or excessive. According to al-Qaradawi, wasathiyah as a child. He started elementary school in his village
necessitates reasonable rights, namely providing when he was six years old, and because of his sharp
proper rights while remaining within the bounds of mind, he completed his elementary education in just
Islamic law [19]. From an Islamic standpoint, four years. He began memorizing the Qur'an at the age
washatihiyyah has several etymological and of 10. He continued his education at the Tsanawiyah
terminological meanings in the Qur'an. Washathiyyah level in Cairo when he was 13 years old, and then at
has a wide range of etymological meanings, including Daar Al Ulum. After graduating from Daar Al Ulum
leaders and role models. It is because both are role he was appointed Inspector of the Ministry of
models, perspectives, and expectations of community Education [27].
members in life [20]. Sayyid Qutb had the opportunity to
When the two words are combined to form continue his education in the United States during his
ummatan wasatan, it means to be a balanced, middle, tenure. He finished two and a half years of study at
or best ummah (people). two universities at the same time, Wilson's Teacher

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 676

College in Washington and Stanford University in tahlili method, specifically the tartibul mushaf from
California. While in America, he took the opportunity Al Fatihah to An Naas. The primary source of this
to visit several cities and countries in Europe, interpretation is the Qur'an, so it is known as the
including England, Switzerland, and Italy [28]. interpretation of the Qur'an bi Al Qur'an [32]. The
Sayyid Qutb discovered during his journey that, while style of his interpretation is adabi Ijtima'i. The
Western countries were very advanced in modern interpretation approach used is the tashwir (depiction)
technology and science, Western civilization was approach, which is to display the message of the
fragile due to a lack of spiritual values. The problem Qur'an as an image that is present, alive, and concrete
in social society was that it raised the concept of [33].
materialism, making it difficult to understand divinity
[29]. Upon his return to Egypt, Sayyid Qutb began
3.4 Biography of Wahbah Zuhayli
actively writing about Islamic topics. He believed that Prof. Dr. Wahbah Zuhayli was a world-

Islam is capable of rescuing people from the renowned modern fiqh cleric and also a professor in

unsatisfactory concept of materialism. Sayyid Qutb's the Islamic field from Syria. He was born in the

sincerity in writing about Islamic treasures prompted village of Dir 'Atiyah, Qalmun region, Damascus,

him to resign from his job [30]. Syria on March 6, 1932 AD / 1351 H with the birth

He soon joined the Muslim Brotherhood, and name Ibn Mustafa al-Zukhaili [34]. His parents are

in 1955, President Nasser imprisoned him for 15 years Mustafa al-Zukhaili and Fatimah ibn Mustafā Sa'adah.

on charges of conspiring to overthrow the His father was a farmer as well as a hafiz who was

government. However, he was released in 1964 at the known as a religious figure and his mother was well-

request of Iraqi President Abdul Salam Arif, who was known for adhering to Islamic teachings.

visiting Egypt at the time. One year after his release, He studied the fundamentals of Islam under the

he was detained again along with his three siblings guidance of his father, and he completed his

Muhammad Qutb, Hamidanh, and Aminah. Again, the ibtidayyah education in his village. Then, in 1952, he

Muslim Brotherhood was accused of attempting to received a bachelor's degree from the Faculty of

overthrow the government. Then, on August 29, 1966, Sharia of Damascus University, as well as an Islamic

Sayyid Qutb and his two siblings served the death education from Al Azhar University in 1956. Then, in

penalty, and the Egyptian government ignored the 1959, he received a master's degree from Cairo

protests from the international amnesty organization University, and in 1963, he obtained a doctorate in

that deemed the trial process of Sayyid Qutb contrary Sharia from Al Azhar University. In 1963, he began

to justice [31]. working as a lecturer at his alma mater, the Faculty of

Sharia, Damaskus University. His position rose to the
3.3 Profile of Tafsir Fii Zilaali al Qur’an
point where he was appointed as a professor of Islamic
Tafsir Fii Zilaali al Qur'an is also known as
law at one of Syria's universities [35].
"tafsir of movement," as it interprets verses in a prose
Wahbah Zuhaily is a well-known expert in
style. The name of this interpretation originated from
Fiqh and Tafsir, and he was a key figure in the
the cruel and inhuman torture he endured at the hands
twentieth century. He grew up in the Hanafi school's
of his oppressor at the time. This caused him to rely
circle of scholars. Even though he was of the Hanafi
on Allah and appreciate the Qur'an, and he lived his
school, he did not prioritize the schools he adhered to
life under the auspices of the Qur'an with all of his
when describing his da'wah; instead, he remained
soul and feelings. In his interpretation, he used the
neutral and proportional, and he always respected the

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 676

viewpoints of other schools of thought. This is evident attempted to present an interpretation using a simple,
from his interpretation of fiqh-related verses [36]. comprehensive method that focused on the purpose of
Throughout its development, he emerged as one of the the Qur'an's revelation [38].
comparative madhhab experts (Muqoronat al When interpreting Qur'anic verses, Wahbah
Madzahib). Al-Fiqh Al Islami wa Adilatuhu, one of his Zuhaily employed the tahlili method in this book. In
works, is currently one of the most popular works of some places, however, he used the thematic
comparative fiqh. He died on Friday night, August 8, interpretation method (maudhu’i) [39]. The tahlili
2015, at the age of 83 [37]. method, on the other hand, is more prevalent because
3.5 Profile of Tafsir Al-Munir the majority of interpretations are carried out in detail
Wahbah Zuhayli's most famous work in the and at length [40]. Influenced by his scientific
field of tafsir (interpretation) is Tafsir Al-Munir, but background, namely Islamic law and legal philosophy,
he also wrote two other books of interpretation, Tafsir in the discussion of the meaning of the verses of the
Al Wajiz, and Tafsir Al Wasith. The inspiration for Qur'an, he appears to have a strong fiqhi style. In
Tafsir Al Munir came from Wahbah Zuhaily's addition to fiqhi, this interpretation is also rich in
dedication to science, particularly Islamic science, to literary, cultural, and social nuances (Adabi Ijtima'i).
connect Muslims with the Qur'an through a logical Then, in this interpretation, the approaches used are
and close relationship. Furthermore, because the both bi al Ma'tsur and bi Ar Ra'yi [41]. This is evident
methodology used in the existing interpretation was when al-Zuhaili attempted to express himself by
too long and verbose, there was public saturation in commenting on the narrations he described and

reading the book of interpretation. As a result, he exploring the laws contained in them [42].

Table 1. System of Writing

Theme Sayyid Qutb Wahbah Zuhayli

Bi Al Ma’tsur and Bi
Approach Tashwir
Ar Ra’yi

Method Tahlili Tahlili and Maudhui

Fiqhi and adab al-

Style Adab al-ijtima’i

3.5 Results and Discussion “And thus we have made you a just community that
you will be witnesses over the people and the
3.5.1 Sayyid Qutb’s Interpretation Messenger will be a witness over you”.

Muslims, as ummatan wasatan, are just, At the beginning of the discussion of ummatan
balanced, and the best ummah (people). As Allah has wasatan in Tafsir Fī ilālil Qur'an, the interpretation of
explained in Surah al-Baqarah verse 143: Sayyid Qutb is not much different from that of other

َ‫ك َج ع َ لْ ن َا ك ُ ْم أ ُ َّم ة ً َو سَ ط ً ا لِ ت َك ُ و ن ُ وا ش ُ هَ د َ ا ء‬ َ ِ ‫َو كَ ذَٰ َ ل‬ scholars. Sayyid Qutb explained that ummatan
wasaṭan does not only refer to the chosen people but
‫اس َو ي َ ك ُ و َن ال َّر س ُ و ُل ع َ ل َ يْ ك ُ ْم ش َ ِه ي د ًا‬ ِ َّ ‫عَ ل َ ى ال ن‬ also to people who are balanced, just, and are
ۗ witnesses over all humans. Thus, Muslims are an

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 676

enforcer of justice and balance between humans. And First, ummatan wasatan is interpreted from a
it can be seen in his basic ideas, which can tashawwur perspective (beliefs, perceptions, thoughts,
influence various points of view, traditions, symbols, and views). Muslims are not only people who drift and
and values. The next interpretation is that Muslims are struggle with spirituality, nor are they only
human witnesses because they are people who uphold materialists. Muslims, on the other hand, are people
just laws among themselves. They are witnesses over who, in order to fulfill their instincts, are balanced and
other humans while Prophet Muhammad is a witness conform to physical fulfillment. This is not like the
to Muslims, determining various considerations and pre-Islamic peoples, in which Jews were only
values, as well as defining the law on their various concerned with material and wealth issues and only
practices and traditions, considering all that comes met their physical needs. It is also different from
from them, and delivering a final word on all of them. Christians, who were only concerned with spiritual
As a result, restrictions are imposed on the nature and issues and abandoned the world and everything in it,
responsibilities of these Muslims for them to feel and and put aside the desire for physical pleasures [44].
recognize their greatness. As a result, they receive Muslims will be able to improve their quality of life
genuine respect and the happiness they deserve. with this balance. At the same time, they can maintain
According to Sayyid Qutb, Muslims will be the and develop that life, carry out all activities in the
ones who maintain human balance and justice, and spiritual world in a non-excessive manner, and
Muslims will eventually become witnesses for others. become a balanced and simple person.
It means that ummatan wasatan is a person who can Second, ummatan wasaṭan is interpreted in
position himself fairly and without partiality toward terms of feelings and thoughts. Muslims are not
one side. He must be able to think objectively when people who are stuck in their ways or cling to what
reviewing and making decisions about a problem. This they know. They are not the people who avoid
indicates that a balanced and just human does not take scientific experiments and other forms of knowledge.
sides. As a result, the attitude that emerges will serve They are also not easily influenced and do not blindly
as proof for himself. Character is a way of behaving follow the opinions of others (taqlid). Muslims, on the
and thinking that is unique to each individual, which other hand, are people who adhere to principles,
can be seen in the way a person conveys something, manhaj, and a way of life. Then they pay attention,
his various ideas, and how he socializes with his observe, and investigate the understanding that results
community, which can then reflect the individual's from their experiments and thoughts. Their motto
actual characteristics [43]. is "wisdom (knowledge) belongs to the believer;
They are ummatan wasaṭan, or middle therefore, wherever he finds it, he has the right to take
people, with all the good meanings of wasath derived it ".
from the word wisaathah, which means major and Third, ummatan wasatan is interpreted in
good, or from the word wasath which means balanced terms of life's rules and harmony. Muslims should not
and fair, or from the word wasath which has a sensory only be concerned with matters of conscience and
material meaning. feelings, and they should also not only engage in
Sayyid Qutb said the following issues related to rules and manners. Muslims should
characteristics are reflected in Muslims as the elevate the human conscience through Allah's rules, as
implementation of the meaning of ummatan wasatan: well as through teaching and guidance. They should
also ensure the rule of law in the community by

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 676

enacting a comprehensive rule. Islam does not want a Fifth, ummatan wasatan is interpreted in terms
social order to be determined solely by the ruler, nor of place, which is a location on the earth's surface
does it want revelation to directly carry it out. The where Muslims can be found in all directions, whether
social rules, on the other hand, are a blending of the west, south, east or north. Muslims become witnesses
two, consisting of rules derived from revelation and to other humans as a result of this placement.
enforced by authorities. Sixth, ummatan wasatan is interpreted as the
Fourth, ummatan wasatan is interpreted in time, period at which a person leaves childhood and
terms of bonds and relationships. Islam forbids enters adulthood. He is adamantly opposed to all
humans from letting go and exceeding the limits of the forms of superstition that still exist as a result of
individual, and it does not abolish the individual's role ignorance and childishness in the past, and he restrains
in society or the state. Islam expressly prohibits the development of thoughts controlled by the lusts of
humans from being greedy in social situations. Satan. He also seeks various guidance from the
However, Islam allows for the freedom of all that is Prophet, which is God's message related to spirituality,
good. For instance, the liberty that leads to growth and through various sources, and dynamically uses his
progress. As a result, it will foster a mutually mind and thoughts, directing them to the path of
beneficial relationship between individuals and society goodness and avoiding the wrong path.
or the state and can elicit feelings of pleasure in
individuals to perform community service.
Table 2. Sayyid Qutb’s Interpretation

Theme Sayyid Qutb

Definition Muslims are people of the middle and just, as well as a

witness over all human beings. Ummatan wasatan is a
human being who can take a neutral stance without
siding with one particular party.
Criteria 1. Balanced in thoughts and feelings
2. Balanced in rules and compatibility in life
3. Balanced in the relationship.
4. Balanced in place
5. Balanced in time.
Function Muslims are the middle ummah, and they will bear
witness to humans because they are the holders of just
law among them. When they are witnesses to other
humans, Muslims look to the Prophet to determine the
rules and values. They make the rules governing their
practices and traditions and pass judgment on them. As a
result, the nature and duties of these Muslims are
limited, so that they can recognize and appreciate its
greatness. They will receive true respect and the
happiness they deserve in this way.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 676

3.5.2 Wahbah Zuhayli’s Interpretation they do not deviate from this moderate attitude. This
ummah will receive hujjah from their Prophet through
Allah has determined that Muslims are superior righteous religion, which he demonstrates through
and just people. They are the best of the ummah, and commendable behavior, which is always associated
they take a wasath (balanced or moderate) stance on with him. So, whoever deviates from the wasathiyyah,
every issue, never crossing boundaries or ignoring the Messenger of Allah will testify if the individual
issues concerning religion or the world. They do not does not belong to the people described by Allah in
have an excessive religious attitude, but they are also his word.
not careless in carrying out all of their obligations. As Then, it indicates that the individual deviates
a result, they are neither materialists like Jews and from the straight path. This entails recalling the
polytheists nor spiritualists like Christians. They testimony that Rasulullah can be compared to a guard
combine two types of rights: spiritual rights and against deviation as well as a controller, ensuring that
bodily rights. They are not ignorant of any aspect, and every individual remains steadfast on the right and just
this attitude is consistent with human nature, as path.
humans are made up of both physical and spiritual The two types of testimonies (testimony of the
components. people in the past and testimony of the Prophet to his
Wasathiyyah has several goals and outcomes, people) are analogous to the controller and supervisor
one of which is for Muslims to be witnesses to of the individual giving his testimony. One narration
previous people on the Day of Judgment. They will mentions shilah syahaadah in the first order (in His
testify to the people that the word of God has arrived word, syuhadaa'a 'alan naasi), while the other
through the intercession of the Prophet. However, the mentions it in the second order (in the sentence
materialistic group abandoned Allah's rights and 'alaykum syahiidan). The first order seeks to reveal
became preoccupied with worldly matters, whereas their testimonies to various previous people, while the
the spiritualists forbade themselves from enjoying second ascertains their specificity by requiring
material things, even lawful ones. As a result, these Rasulullah to act as a witness for them.
people become trapped in forbidden problems and In short, the testimony to the previous believers
deviate from a balanced or middle path, ignoring a is due to the wasathiyyah nature of Islam, this is
variety of physical needs. reinforced by the testimony of the Prophet who
Allah strengthens this through the Prophet reveals the justice and goodness of his people.
Muhammad's confession to his people that he has
carried out da'wah, explained Allah's shari'a to them in
a mu'tadil (balanced or moderate) method, and that he
is a just leader, a good role model, and the most
appropriate reference regarding wasathiyyah so that
Table 3. Wahbah Zuhayli’s Interpretation
Theme Wahbah Zuhayli

Definition The people of ummatan wasatan are the best and

most just. They are the best ummah, and they are
wasath (moderate or balanced) in all matters,
neither overstepping nor slacking in matters of this

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 676

world and the hereafter

Criteria 1. Just
2. Balanced
3. The best ummah
4. Steadfast in the truth
5. No tafrith or ifrath.

Function Shilah syahaadah is mentioned in the first order

(in His word, syuhadaa'a 'alan naasi), while other
mentions it in the second order (in the sentence
'alaykum syahiidan). The first order seeks to
reveal their testimonies to various previous
people, while the second ascertains their
specificity by requiring Rasulullah to act as a
witness for them.
c. There is no ifrath or having an excessive attitude
in carrying out religion.
3.5.3 Criteria for Ummatan Wasaṭan as
d. Not having tafrith or an attitude that undervalues
Mentioned by Sayyid Qutb in Tafsir Fī
and takes it easy on religious matters, causing a
Ẓilālil Qur’an and Wahbah Zuhayli in sense of laziness in doing charity and worship.
Tafsir Al-Munir e. I’tidal or straight and firm.
The following criteria emerged from a f. Tasamuh or tolerance.
comparison of Sayyid Qutb's and Wahbah Zuhayli's g. Syura or deliberation.
interpretations of ummatan wasatan: h. Tathowwur wa Ibtikaar or dynamic and
a. Tawazun or a balance in thoughts and feelings. innovative.
b. Tawassuth or middle ummah. i. Tahaadhur or civilized.
Table 4. Similarities and Differences in the Interpretation

No Similarities No Differences
Sayyid Qutb divides ummatan
wasatan into multiple
dimensions, including place,
Both Sayyid Qutb and Wahbah Zuhayli time, feelings, and so on. On the
interpret ummatan wasatan as Muslims other hand, Wahbah Zuhayli
who are in the middle, who are balanced, does not divide it into several
fair in all situations, and proportional 1. dimensions.
Sayyid Qutb uses tahlili method
Sayyid Qutb and Wahbah Zuhayli regard in Tafsir Fī ilālil Qur'an , while
ummatan wasatan as an ummah who will Wahbah Zuhayli in Tafsir Al-
be witnesses over other humans on Earth 2. Munir uses both tahlili and

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 676

maudhu'i methods, although the

tahlili method is more dominant.
Sayyid Qutb utilizes the adab al-
ijtima'i interpretation style,
whereas Wahbah Zuhayli
implements both the adab al-
ijtima'i and fiqhi interpretation
3. styles.
Sayyid Qutb employs the
Tashwir (Depiction) method,
whereas Wahbah Zuhayli uses
the al-iqtiran method (a
combination of the bi Al Ma'tsur
4 and bi al Ra'yi approaches)

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 676

4. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION  Sayyid Qutb utilizes the adab al-ijtima'i

interpretation style, whereas Wahbah Zuhayli
implements both the adab al-ijtima'i and fiqhi
The followings are some conclusions based on
interpretation styles.
the research results and discussion that have been
presented:  In comparison to Sayyid Qutb, Wahbah Zuhayli is
lack explanation in criticizing the ummatan
Ummatan wasatan refers to Muslims who are
wasatan dimension. Sayyid Qutb is very detailed
in the middle, balanced, fair in all cases, and
in interpreting ummatan wasatan from the
proportional. They are the prophet Muhammad's
definition, the function, to the dimensions of
followers who are always wasath (balanced) in all
ummatan wasatan. Meanwhile, Wahbah Zuhayli
things, do not overstep their bounds, and are not
only provides a broad overview of the definition
careless in matters of religion and the world. Muslims
and function of ummatan wasatan.
will be the enforcers of justice and witnesses to all
humanity. Suggestion

The similarities of the interpretation The researchers recognize that this research is still far
methodology of Sayyid Qutb and Wahbah Zuhayli from perfect, as there are numerous inaccuracies. This
are: deficiency may be due to the lack of references and
literature that the researchers used in this research.
 Both Sayyid Qutb and Wahbah Zuhayli interpret
Future researchers need to conduct additional research
ummatan wasatan as Muslims who are in the
to fill in the gaps, allowing the meaning of ummatan
middle position, who are balanced, fair in all
wasatan to be seen clearly and comprehensively.
situations, and proportional.
 The two mufassirs (author of tafsir) regard REFERENCES
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