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By: Sherilyn J. Velasco

Almighty God, as we celebrate this special occasion, we thank you for your
presence and guidance for the success and blessings you have given throughout the
past 61 years. On this 61st founding anniversary of the school, we ask for your
blessing on each and every one of us and ask that you help us to continually live
and reflect on your teachings as we celebrate this wonderful day. We are forever
grateful for what we have learned, the friendship we had, the devotion we shared,
and for what we are nurtured in this institution. We thank you for enlightening our
minds in this changing world, in which we grow our faith in you. We pray that you
continue to touch our hearts and minds as we continue to move forward as
stewards of your wisdom. With this, we pray and seek your knowledge and values,
which should be inculcated in our minds for us to keep steady and firm. May the
gift of the Holy Spirit continue to evolve in us.

May you bless us as we go throughout our week, and may we be grounded and
rooted in your word. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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