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Bicol University - Guinobatan

ABE 51 Processes of AB Materials

A Case Study on A Study on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of

Fiber Board Using Varying Ratios of Cocopeat, Cocohusk Chips, and Coco Fiber

Loterte, Caryl Ramos

Mitra, Kimberly Jane Magno

S.Y. 2023

This study, A Study on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Fiber Board Using Varying Ratios
of Cocopeat, Cocohusk Chips, and Coco Fiber, focused on evaluating the properties of fiber boards produced
from varying ratios of coco peat, coco husk chips, and coco fiber. The study aimed to assess Modulus of
Rupture (MOR), Modulus of Elasticity (MOE), Nail Head Pull Through (NHPT), Water Absorption (WA),
Thickness Swelling (TS), and Moisture Content (MC) with comparisons against ANSI A208.2-2002 and PAES
320:2002 standards.
The results showed that all ratios failed to meet the PAES 320:2002 standard for Modulus of Rupture
and Modulus of Elasticity, with the highest NHPT exceeding the standard. Water Absorption and Thickness
Swelling values were also excessive, with the highest NHPT exceeding the standard. While the Nail Head Pull
Through (NHPT) met or exceeded standards, the fiber boards exhibited deficiencies in Modulus of Rupture
(MOR), Modulus of Elasticity (MOE), Water Absorption (WA), Thickness Swelling (TS), and Moisture Content
This study shows the underscores challenges in meeting industry standards for crucial mechanical
and moisture-related properties in the fiber boards, pointing towards the need for further refinement or
optimization in the manufacturing process. These findings have implications for the application and
performance of the fiber boards in real-world scenarios, especially in environments where moisture resistance
and structural strength are critical. Moreover, the identified challenges in meeting industry standards highlight
the importance of continuous research and development in the field of fiber board production. Understanding
the implications of these challenges not only informs future iterations of fiber board production but also fosters
innovation in material science, laying the groundwork for sustainable and high-performance construction
materials in diverse applications.


The study conducted from June to November 2014 at Bicol University, Juboken Enterprise, and the
Forest Product Research and Development Institute (FPRDI) focused on evaluating the properties of
fiberboard produced from varying ratios of coco peat, coco husk chips, and coco fiber. The ratios explored
were 10:20:70, 20:30:50, 50:10:40, and 30:40:30. The objective was to assess the fiberboard's Modulus of
Rupture (MOR), Modulus of Elasticity (MOE), Nail Head Pull Through (NHPT), Water Absorption (WA),
Thickness Swelling (TS), and Moisture Content (MC).
To gauge the quality of the fiberboard, the study compared its properties with the standards outlined
in ANSI A208.2-2002 and PAES 320:2002, providing a benchmark for assessment. The research aimed to
contribute insights into the mechanical strength, durability, and dimensional stability of the fiberboard
manufactured using coconut-derived materials. Overall, the study offers a comprehensive analysis of the
fiberboard properties and their alignment with established industry standards. The findings could have
implications for the advancement of fiberboard manufacturing processes using coco peat, coco husk chips,
and coco fiber.
Results and Discussion

The study, titled "A Study on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Fiber Board Using Varying
Ratios of Coco Peat, Coco Husk Chips, and Coco Fiber," aimed to assess the properties of fiberboard
produced from different ratios of coco peat, coco husk chips, and coco fiber. The study compared these
properties with industry standards (ANSI A208.2-2002 and PAES 320:2002) to understand the implications for
fiberboard manufacturing using coconut-derived materials.
Modulus of Rupture (MOR):
The mean Modulus of Rupture (MOR) for all boards fell below the PAES 302:2002 standard of 35
MPa. Board 1 obtained 0.8932 MPa, Board 2 obtained 2.0090 MPa, Board 3 obtained 6.1947 MPa, and
Board 4 obtained 4.4353 MPa. The suboptimal MOR values indicate insufficient mechanical strength for all
tested ratios, failing to meet the specified standard.
This performance discrepancy may be attributed to the observed challenges in the manufacturing
process. The inadequate temperature of the heat pressing machine, as well as issues with heat distribution
and pressure control, likely contributed to the subpar mechanical properties. The initial failure with urea
formaldehyde as a binder and the subsequent switch to latex underscore the sensitivity of the manufacturing
process to material selection.
Modulus of Elasticity (MOE):
The result for the Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) of all fiber boards tested did not pass the ANSI A208-
2002 set standard of 3.34 GPa. Board 1 obtained 0.0323 GPa, Board 2 obtained 0.1107 GPa, Board 3
obtained 0.1564 GPa, and Board 4 obtained 0.0983 GPa. These values indicate insufficient stiffness in
comparison to industry standards.
The inadequacy in MOE aligns with the observed challenges in the manufacturing process. Uneven
heat distribution and design limitations of the molder likely contributed to the compromised stiffness of the
fiberboards. These results emphasize the need for precision in the manufacturing parameters to achieve the
desired mechanical properties.
Nail Head Pull Through (NHPT):
Average values for Nail Head Pull Through (NHPT) tests of fiber boards showed that Board 1 had an
NHPT value of 0.6487 KN, Board 2 had a value of 0.7509 KN, Board 3 had a value of 0.7082 KN, and Board
4 had a value of 0.6713 KN. All four ratios surpassed the standard set by PAES 302:2002 (0.1950 KN). This
indicates that the fiberboards possess satisfactory nail head pull-through resistance, meeting or exceeding
industry expectations.
The performance in NHPT suggests that the manufacturing process, particularly the switch to latex as
a binder, positively influenced the mechanical integrity of the boards, resulting in adequate resistance against
nail pull-through forces.
Water Absorption (WA) and Thickness Swelling (TS):
Test results for Water Absorption (WA) revealed that Board 2 had the lowest value at 99.03%, while
Board 4 had the highest at 191.57%. Unfortunately, all fiberboards exhibited excessively unacceptable water
absorption capacities, leading to collapse and delamination after two hours. This failure to meet the standard
indicates a significant issue with water resistance.
Similarly, results for Thickness Swelling (TS) showed that Board 2 had the lowest TS value at 28.58%,
while Board 3 had the highest at 61.12%. These values exceed the 20% standard set by PAES 302:2002,
contributing to the observed collapse and delamination after two hours.
The high-water absorption and thickness swelling values suggest a critical vulnerability in the
fiberboards' dimensional stability, possibly due to inadequate binding and sealing of the fibers.
Moisture Content (MC):
The Moisture Content (MC) test results indicated that Board 3 had the highest MC value at 18.86%,
and Board 1 had the lowest at 14.92%. These values significantly exceeded the 10% standard set by PAES
302:2002. Elevated moisture content could be attributed to the material composition and manufacturing
process, contributing to reduced durability and increased susceptibility to environmental conditions.
The observed variations in NHPT, WA, TS, and MC highlight the complexity of fiberboard
manufacturing. While NHPT performance met or exceeded standards, water-related properties demonstrated
a critical weakness. These findings underscore the need for further refinement in manufacturing processes,
especially in achieving water-resistant and dimensionally stable fiberboards.

Conclusion and Recommendation

This study has provided valuable insights into both the properties of the resulting boards and the
manufacturing process itself. This essay aims to summarize the observed challenges and present
recommendations for optimizing the production process and enhancing the quality of fiber boards.
One notable limitation identified during the study was the restricted temperature range of the heater
(60-140 °C), which fell short of the requirement (180 °C) for extracting lignin from coco peat, a natural binding
agent. To address this, it is recommended that the machine's heater be upgraded to achieve the necessary
temperature for hot pressing, thereby enhancing the binding properties of the fiber boards.
Another issue that surfaced during the research was the malfunctioning pressure gauge, which
impeded accurate pressure recording during the hydraulic press process. The proposed solution is to replace
the faulty gauge and conduct further studies to precisely measure the applied pressure, ensuring the
consistency and reliability of the manufacturing process.
The method of latex application emerged as a critical factor, with losses attributed to wind
interference during spraying. To mitigate this, the recommendation is to shift from spraying to mixing the latex
with raw materials. This adjustment aims to minimize losses, enhance uniform distribution, and optimize the
overall binding process.
The study's findings also raised concerns about the internal bonding strength of the boards,
particularly when layering was employed in forming mats. The suggestion is to adopt alternative processes,
such as mixing, to improve internal bonding strength and, consequently, the overall structural integrity of the
fiber boards.
To broaden the scope of research, it is recommended to explore different proportions of raw materials,
alternative bonding agents, and varying moisture content in the latex binder. This will enable a more nuanced
understanding of the effects of these variables on the final product, allowing for fine-tuning and optimization of
the manufacturing process.
Furthermore, the study indicated that the fiber boards did not meet the general standard for pallet production.
To overcome this limitation, it is advised to conduct further studies to identify specific applications where these
boards can excel, such as insulation boards, wall linings, or push pin boards. Tailoring the use of fiber boards
to their strengths will enhance their market viability and utility.
In conclusion, the observed limitations in the fiber board production process present opportunities for
improvement and optimization. Implementing the aforementioned recommendations can contribute to the
development of a more robust and efficient manufacturing process, ultimately resulting in fiber boards that
meet or exceed industry standards for various applications. This iterative approach to refinement and
adaptation is key to advancing the field of sustainable material production and ensuring the continued
evolution of fiber board technology.

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