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GROUP WORK. Lunes, 6 de noviembre 2023
(hasta las 12:00 mediodía)
1. ______________________________________ Publicar en:
2. ______________________________________ Moodle UNAP - Semana 3
3. ______________________________________ Ejemplo archivo:
4. ______________________________________ Grupo1-Tarea3-PANDURO PEREZ ROSA
5. ______________________________________

VOCABULARY: relationship verbs

A. Connect each of the phrasal verbs with the correct definition. Write your answers in the box below.

1. Get along a) to have a good relationship

2. Go out (with) b) to disapprove of, treat with contempt
3. Look after c) to reconcile, forgive and become friends again
4. Look down on d) to protect and provide for somebody
5. Make up e) to begin to like somebody or something
6. Take to f) to have a romantic relationship with somebody

1 2 3 4 5 6

B. Complete the sentences putting the correct verb in each sentence. Be careful though, make sure you put the
verb in the correct tense! There are two additional verbs you don’t need!
hug make up kiss fall for become argue date love
1. My father ________________ my mother as soon as he met her. They married only 7 month later.
2. I knew I __________________ my husband, the first time I saw him.
3. I finally _____________________ with my boyfriend last night, we hadn’t been talking for a few days.
4. I always _______________________ my friends when I see them, and have since I was a teenager
5. October 31st _________________________known as all Hallows’ Eve.
6. She always ____________________ her boyfriend on the cheek before he goes to work.


C. Circle the correct alternative

1. I always visit my parents ___ Fridays. a) at b) in c) on

2. See you _____ two weeks! a) at b) in c) on
3. ___ the weekend, I can spend the days how I like. a) at b) in c) on
4. The baby often wakes up ___ the night. a) at b) in c) on
5. It’s his birthday ____ 19 October. a) at b) in c) on
6. I want to eat Mexican food ____ my birthday. a) at b) in c) on

D. Read the information in the box

Complete each sentences. Use: and / but / or / so / because

1. My cat was hungry ________________ it ate a fish. 6. You can go by bus __________ by train.
2. I called Tom, __________ he didn’t answer. 7. Patrick can drive ________________ he took driving
3. I’m tired ________________ I didn’t sleep well last lessons last month.
night. 8. She got into the car ________ left.
4. It was very late, _______ we took a taxi. 9. Would you like to do it now _______ later.
5. Olivia was happy ________________ she had a great 10. Maria can sing, ______ she can’t dance.
time at the park.


E. Read the passage and circle the best answers


In a recent survey, it was found that 25 percent of the women interviewed reported drying and burning of the skin after using certain soaps,
ten percent had eye and nasal irritations after using certain perfumes, and eight percent had cracked lips after using certain lipsticks. The
most common symptoms of allergic dermatitis are extremely dry skin, scaling, and redness with swelling and itching. The products most
likely to cause this condition are lipstick, nail polish, soap, hair preparations, deodorants, and perfumes. Various drugs are being
developed for the relief of allergy sufferers. However, your best help is to convert to a cosmetic product to which you have no harmful
reaction. Remember that the product is not at fault or in any way injurious; it is your particular sensitivity to it that creates the problem. A
line of hypo-allergenic cosmetics that are relatively free from substances that have been found to create allergic reactions is on the market.

EXERCISE 1: Find words or phrases in the passage which mean the same as:

Column A Column B
a) investigation or study of people's behaviour, opinions, etc. SURVEY

Column A Column B
b) of the nose
c) feeling of discomfort or pain
d) having lines or splits on its surface because it is damage
e) sign of illness, indicated by changes in the body’s condition
f) a skin condition or disease

EXERCISE 2 : Choose the correct answer according to the passage.

1. The writer advises those with allergic reactions to

A) stop using soap
B) take anti-allergenic drugs
C) change their brand of cosmetics
D) avoid all cosmetics
E) complain to the manufacturer

2. It's likely that the aim of the survey was

A) to test how well a particular brand of soap was selling
B) to aid the drug manufacturers in their development of remedies
C) to get evidence to support a legal claim for damages against a cosmetics company
D) to collect the information needed to force cosmetics companies to withdraw certain products
E) to get an idea of how women react physically to cosmetics

3. Certain products cause allergies because
A) they are very low quality
B) the women are taking drugs which react adversely to the cosmetics
C) the women overuse them by as much as 25 percent
D) certain people are sensitive to their ingredients
E) the manufacturers use harmful ingredients because they are cheaper


Some of America's finest novelists began to write in the 1920s, or the "Jazz Age", as this decade is sometimes termed. Older authors such
as Theodore Dreiser and Ellen Glasgow were still writing, but new authors wrote with new attitudes and styles. Most of the serious
novelists critically analyzed American society and ways of life and tried to depict Americans as they really were. F. Scott Fitzgerald caught
the restless spirit of the 1920s in his The Great Gatsby. Ernest Hemingway depicted war and disillusionment in his The Sun Also Rises
and A Farewell to Arms. With his direct, unadorned style and forceful dialogue, Hemingway set a pattern for much future American
literature. Sinclair Lewis, the first American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, satirized the American businessman and small town in his
Main Street and Babbitt. His style was mediocre, but his work vividly dissected a large section of American life.

EXCERCISE 1: Choose the correct answer according to the passage.

1. Ernest Hemingway's style

A) was extremely satirical
B) influenced a great many American writers
C) made him the first American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature
D) was criticized by most of the serious novelists
E) was analytical and critical

2. Until Sinclair Lewis,

A) no other writer had used satire
B) American writing was considered mediocre
C) the only successful writer was Ernest Hemingway
D) American life did not feature in novels
E) no American author had been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature

3. According to the passage, many authors of the "Jazz Age"

A) were disillusioned because of the war
B) received awards such as the Nobel Prize for Literature
C) had a mediocre style
D) wrote about the realities of American life
E) were criticized by American society


F. Films stories: Think of your favorite film. Then write a story of a film using the present simple. (250 words)

Example: Harry Potter goes to Hogwarts School. He has two close friends, Hermione and …..…

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