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A New Approach to Pile Testing

Nouvelle technique pour les essais sur p

by T h o m a s W h it a k e r
R o b e r t W . C o o k e ( B u ild in g R e s e a rc h S ta tio n , G a r s to n , W a tf o r d , E n g la n d )

Sum m ary Som m aire

A method of testing developed in the laboratory for the deter­ Une méthode d'essai mise au point au laboratoire pour déter­
mination of the ultimate bearing capacity of model piles has been miner la capacité portante maximum de modèles de pieux a été
used in tests of a number of piles in the field. In a test the pile is employée pour essayer un certain nombre de pieux sur chantier.
made to penetrate at a constant speed from its position as installed, Au cours de Fessai oh fait pénétrer le pieu à une vitesse constante
the force applied at the top of the pile to maintain the rate of à partir de sa position de mise en œuvre, la force appliquée au
penetration being continuously measured. In the case of either sommet du pieu pour maintenir la vitesse de pénétration étant
a driven or a bored pile in clay the failing load and immediate mesurée de façon continue.
settlement at failure are obtained without ambiguity. Fo r a driven Dans le cas d’un pieu battu ou foré dans l’argile, la charge de
pile bearing in gravel a unique point is identified on the force- rupture et le tassement immédiat à la rupture sont obtenus sans
penetration diagram, where a change occurs in the characteristic aucune ambiguité. Dans le cas d'un pieu battu dans du gravier,
behaviour of the pile, which may be termed ‘'failu re” . A compa­ on distingue un point unique dans le diagramme force- pénétration
rison of the method with the more usual method of lest, in which auquel se produit un changement dans le comportement caracté­
the loading is made in increments, is given for a pile bearing in ristique du pieu qu’on peut appeler “ rupture’'. Les auteurs ont
gravel. fait une comparaison entre cette méthode et la méthode plus
usuelle, consistant à augmenter graduellement la charge, pour des
pieux enfoncés dans le gravier.


One o f the authors required to know the ultim ate bearing

capacity o f m odel piles in soft clay (W h i t a k e r , 1957), and
experim ented with :
(a) Loading b y increm ents, and pausing after the addition
o f each increm ent u n til settlem ent ceased before adding further
lo ad ;
(b ) Placing a large (dead) load on the head o f the pile and
allowing it to plunge into the soil until it cam e to rest ;
(c) Increasing the load at a constant r at e;
(d ) A method in which the pile was made to penetrate at a
constant speed from its position as installed, the force applied
at the top o f the pile to m aintain the rate o f penetration being Fig. 1 A. Diagram of force versus penetration for two cycles
continuously measured. of loading of a model pile j in. diam., 4 in. long in soft
O f these m ethods (d ) was b y far the most successful. It clay, when tested by the C.R.P. method.
showed quite clearly the value o f the force and o f the penetra­ B. Diagram of force versus penetration for two cycles
tion necessary to bring about the total m obilisation o f the of loading of a model pile | in. diam., 6 in. long in
saturated sand, when tested by the C.R.P. method.
resistance o f the soil, which represented “ failure” o f the pile.
It appeared to meet the further requirem ent o f a test method A. Graphique force- pénétration pour deux cycles de
in that the soil supporting the pile was stressed under condi­ chargement d’un modèle de pieu d’une longueur de
10 cm, de diamètre de 6,35 mm soumis à l’essai par
tions approaching a constant rate o f strain, so that the pile la méthode de pénétration à vitesse constante, dans
loading test could legitim ately be related to a quick shear test une argile molle.
o f the soil in the laboratory. B. Graphique force- pénétration pour deux cycles de
The method o f testing by em ploying a constant rate o f chargement d'un modèle de pieu d une longueur de
penetration (to be referred to later as the C.R. P. test) when 10 cm, de diamètre de 6,35 mm soumis à l’essai par
applied to a model pile in soft remoulded clay gave a result la méthode de pénétration à vitesse constante, dans
such as that given at (A ) in Fig . 1. This force- penetration le sable saturé.
diagram represents two cycles o f loading, each attaining a
m axim um point indicating shear failure o f the clay. In some p ile in sand, two cycles o f loading being shown. In none of
model tests the “ peak” was m ore pronounced; in others the the tests in sand was a m axim um point obtained. The inter­
curve passed sm oothly into a line o f constant force. pretation o f this type o f force- penetration curve w ill be dis­
Fig . 1 (B) gives the force- penetration diagram o f a m odel cussed later.
In each cycle o f loading the downward penetration and the
upward recovery o f the pile were controlled so that they took
place at the same rate. Fo r convenience both types o f m ove­
m ent have been called “ penetration” , and upward m ovem ent
o f the pile must be considered negative in direction.

Field Tests on Piles

The C.R.P. method o f testing has been applied to a number

o f driven reinforced concrete piles, and to one cast in- situ
bored pile. A hydraulic jack was used to apply the load, the
reaction being provided either by kentledge or by tension PENETRATION FROM POSITION ASINSTALLED
piles in the norm al m anner. The vertical m ovem ent o f the
Fig. 2 Diagram of force versus penetralion for a 16 in. square
head o f the pile was measured by one o r more dial gauges reinforced concrete pile 43 fl. long driven through fill,
supported on a reference beam. The movement o f the reference sand and gravel inlo London Clay. The cycles of
beam was either elim inated (b y fix ing it to foundations loading were made at the rates of penetration shown
unaffected b y m ovem ent o f the kentledge or the test p ile), or on the diagram.
measured by dial gauges with reference to deep seated datum Graphique force- pénélration pour un pieu carré en béton
points. The force applied to the pile was most conveniently armé de 40 cm de côté et 13,1 m de long, enfoncé à
measured by a proving ring, but where the anticipated force travers du remblai, du sable et du gravier dans la
was greater than the proving ring capacity, the fluid pressure London Clay. Les cycles de chargement ont été impo­
in the jack was measured. sés aux vitesses de pénétration indiquées sur le gra­
In carrying out a test the pile was caused to penetrate by phique.
jacking from its position as installed, and records o f lim e and
jack ing force were made at equal intervals o f m ovem ent o f 13 ft. being clear o f the soil. The curve o f the first cycle has
the pile head, the rate o f jacking being adjusted so that rea­ been projected to form an envelope to the upper portions o f
dings occurred at equal interval o f tim e. It was found conve­ the curves o f succeeding cycles at approx im ately the same rate
nient to m ake a plot o f force versus penetration as the test o f penetration, and it is seen that the curves representing
proceeded in order to determ ine the end- point. cycles at other rates o f penetration fall close to the envelope.
The tim e to reach ultim ate bearing capacity should be Although the speed was varied between \ and 4 times the
approx im ately the same as the tim e which would be taken in itial rate o f 0- 032 in, per m in. the divergence from the enve­
in m aking a “ quick” shear test o f the soil in the laboratory. lope is not greater than 4 per cent o f the force.
In practice, a duration o f test o f about 10 minutes was found The result o f a test on a 14 in. square reinforced concrete
suitable for piles in clay, but for piles in gravel testing times pile 42 ft. long driven Ihrough 35 ft. o f soft alluvium to bea­
o f about 1 hour were necessary because o f the large penetra­ ring in gravel is shown in Fig . 4. There is no suggestion o f
tions involved. reaching a m axim um in the first test cycle, and with increasing
The authors attem pted to determ ine whether the rate of penetration the applied force reaches progressively higher
penetration used in a test affected the force measured at fai­ values. An envelope lo the succeeding cycles has been drawn
lure under field conditions. The sim ple course o f testing a by projecting the curve o f the first test cycle, and again it
num ber o f identical piles at various rates was not possible w ill be observed that the rate o f penetration used has no signi­
on account o f cost. There was also the objection to such a ficant effect on the positions o f the force- penetration curves
procedure that the random variation between the piles might in relation to this envelope.
be greater than the effect itself. Two “ identical” piles were in If Fig . 4 is com pared with Fig , 1 (B) it is seen that a sim ilar
fact tested : pattern has been obtained in both model and full- scale tests.
(a) A reinforced concrete pile driven through a frictional
layer and then 20 ft. into the London Clay. The first cycle o f In terp retatio n of the F orce-P enetration D iagram s
loading at a rate o f penetration o f 0*031 in. per m in. gave a
m axim um force o f 132 tons at a penetration o f 0- 35 in. The force- penetration diagram resulting from the C .R.P. test
o f a pile in clay is unam biguous. A maximum is reached in
(b ) An adjacent “ identical” pile, but driven 19 ft. into the the curve, which represents “ quick” shear failure o f the soil,
London Clay. The first cycle of loading at a rate o f penetra­ and the force and penetration at the maximum m ay legitim a­
tion o f 0- 064 in. per m in. gave a m axim um force o f 131 tons
tely be termed the “ failing load” (o r the “ ultim ate bearing
at a penetration o f 0- 35 in.
capacity” ), and the “ im mediate settlement” . If the penetration
The authors considered that this close agreement m ight be is progressively increased after failure has been established,
a chance result, and it was therefore decided that a more the force- penetration diagram shows a short section over
satisfactory method o f exam ining the effect would be to m ake which the force rem ains constant, but on continued penetra­
successive cycles o f loading on the same pile at different tion the force rises as the length o f the pile in the soil m aterially
rates o f penetration. This was done wherever possible, and the increases. Th is is shown in Fig. 5 fo r a model pile which was
results are discussed below. installed entirely at a constant rate o f penetration, but which
Fig. 2 shows the force- penetration diagram o f a 16 in. was unloaded and reloaded at four points. Each reloading
square reinforced concrete pile driven through 23 ft. o f f ill, gave a force- penetration curve o f typical shape, but on ly
sand and gravel into London Clay (p ile (b ) ab o ve); the shaft in the last o f these is it possible to see the “ peak” on the scale
length in the clay being 19 ft. Cycles o f testing at various rates at which the diagram is drawn.
o f penetration were perform ed, and inspection o f the resulting The interpretation of a C RP test on a pile in which the sup­
series o f curves suggests that rates o f penetration between port is p rincip ally due to the point bearing in a frictional
0- 018 and 0- 064 in. per m in. had no significant effect on the m aterial m ay be made by reference to Fig . 6 which is the
ultim ate load. force- penetration diagram for a model pile installed at a
Fig . 3 shows a sim ilar lest on a cast in- situ bored pile in constant rate o f penetration. The process o f installation has
London Clay. The pile was 19 in. diam . and 45 ft. long, the been interrupted at four points, and the pile unloaded and then
lower 32 ft. o f the shaft being in London Clay, the rem aining reloaded at the same rate o f penetration. It is seen that the






Fig. 3 D iagram of force versus penetration for a 19 in. diam. bored pile in L ondon Clay. The cycles o f loading were
m ade at the rates o f penetration shown on the diagram.
G raphique force-pénétration pour un pieu foré de 48 cm de diam ètre enfoncé dans la L ondon Clay. Les cycles
de chargem ent ont été imposés aux vitesses de pénétration indiquées sur le graphique.


Fig. 4 D iagram of force versus penetration for a 14 in. square reinforced concrete pile 42 ft. long
driven through soft alluvium to gravel. The cycles o f loading were made at the rates of
penetration shown on the diagram.
G raphique force-pénétration pour un pieu carré en béton arm é de 36 cm de côté et 12,8 m
de long enfoncé dans du gravier à travers des dépôts alluvionnaux meubles. Les cycles
de chargem ent ont été imposés aux vitesses de pénétration indiquées sur le graphique.

Fig. D iagram o f force versus total penetration for a model
pile i in. diam. installed in soft clay by em ploying a
constant rate of penetration. F our points are shown
where the operation was interrupted and a cycle of
unloading and reloading at the same rate of penetra­
tion was performed.
G raphique force-pénétration totale pour un pieu modèle
de diam ètre de 6,35 mm enfoncé dans une argile
meuble avec une vitesse de pénétration constante.
Quatre points sont indiqués où l’opération a été inter­
rom pue et le cycle de chargement et déchargement a été
repris à la même vitesse de pénétration.


MO Fig. 6 D iagram o f force versus total penetration for a model

pile £ in. diam. installed in sand by em ploying a
constant rate of penetration. F our points are shown
IOO where the operation was interrupted and a cycle of
unloading and reloading at the same rate of penetra­
tion was performed.
90 G raphique force-pénétration totale pour un pieu modèle
d’un diam ètre de 6,35 mm enfoncé dans du sable avec
une vitesse de pénétration constante. Q uatre points
80 sont indiqués où l’opération a été interrom pue et le
cycle de chargem ent et déchargement a été repris à la
même vitesse de pénétration.







related to the pile installed to a penetration represented by
point C, and if the term “ failure” m ay be used for a pile in
friction al soil, point D would give the load and immediate
settlem ent at “ failure” . By m aking successive cycles o f C.R.P.
tests, points such as D and G for the second and succeding
cycles m ay be located. In the authors’ experience the average
penetration in the test cycles to reach these points is not less
than 2 0 per cent o f the pile width and m ay be considerably
more, depending upon the com paction or dilation o f the soil
during penetration. It is not easy to determ ine the position
o f this unique point on the force- penetration diagram for
the first cycle o f the C .R.P. test, and until further evidence is
availab le the 2 0 per cent o f the pile width criterion m ay be
Fig. 7 Idealized diagram o f force versus penetration for three
cycles o f testing by the C .R .P . method. C om parison with the U sual M ethod o f Test
G raphique théorique force-pénétration p o u r trois cycles
d ’essai par la m éthode à vitesse de pénétration The method o f conducting a pile loading test as norm ally
constante. recommended is based on loading by increm ents, with a pause
after adding each increm ent until settlement is considered to
reloading portion o f the curve picks up the line o f the force- have ceased before adding further load ; the loading proceeding
penetration curve o f installation. In Fig . 7 the force- penetra- until failure is reached (Am . Soc. C.E., (1946); Civ. Eng.
tion diagram resulting from a C .R.P. test on a point- bearing Codes o f Practice Jo in t Comm . (1954); Deut. Norm . (1953)).
p ile is given in idealised form as O A B, the pile recovering to In some variations o f the method the load is rem oved, and the
point C on unloading. If a further C.R.P. test were made, the pile allowed to recovery before proceeding to the next higher
force- penetration curve C D E would be form ed, unloading load. Failu re is usually considered to have been reached when
giving the point F ; a third cycle o f loading and unloading continued settlement takes place under a constant load. Fo r
would give the curves FG H K . The authors postulate that the convenience this method w ill be referred to as the “ m aintained
upper portions o f the loading curves A B, D E and GH fall load” (M .L.) method.
on the line o f a force — total penetration diagram such as The authors have attem pted to com pare the C RP and the
that generated in Fig . 6 . The line O A BD EGH is the idealised M .L. methods b y perform ing both tests on the same pile in
form o f the envelope shown in Fig . 4. Clearly the point D has a succession.
unique relationship with a pile installed to a total penetration Fig . 8 gives the results o f tests on a pile 14 in. square and
represented by the point C, and G with a pile installed to 40 ft. long driven through 35 ft. o f soft alluvium to bearing
point F. From C to D the pile has an individual behaviour in gravel. Tw o cycles o f loading were first perform ed by the
depending on the position o f C. Beyond point D the curve C.R.P. method, followed by an M .L. test, and fin ally by a
ceases to have a unique relationship with point C ; a point third C .R.P. test. The diagram shows an envelope to the tests
such as E could have been reached b y a pile which had been at constant rate o f penetration, and also the “ load- settlement”
installed in itially to any point between O and L. It seems curve linking the points o f m axim um settlem ent at each o f the
legitim ate to consider a point such as D as a unique lim it m aintained loads. If a C.R.P. test had been made at point A

Fig. 8 D iagram showing tests on a 14 in. square reinforce concrete pile 40 ft. long driven through soft alluvium to gravel.
A test by the use o f m aintained loads was interspersed between tests at constant rate o f penetration.
G raphique représentant les essais sur un pieu carré en béton arm é de 36 cm de côté et de 12,2 m de long enfoncé
dans du gravier à travers des dépôts alluvionnaux mous. Un essai à charge constante a été intercalé entre les
essais à vitesse de pénétration constante.
instead o f th e M .L . test, the p ro b ab le p o sitio n o f th e curve w hich th e test can be perfo rm ed m ak es it a very atlra c tiv e
w o u ld have been as show n by th e d o tte d line A B, m e etin g th e field test.
en v elo p e a t B, the o rd in a te o f B giving th e failing load o f th e Since engineers are co n cern ed w ith b o th th e to ta l settlem en t
pile in stalled to a p e n e tra tio n rep resen ted b y A . I f in the 7th to be expected u n d e r th e design lo ad an d th e value o f th e load
cycle the lo a d h ad been m a in ta in ed a t a load equal to th a t a t B, a t failure, it m ay be possible to em p lo y a co m p o site test. In the
a lin e C D w ould h ave resulted, D form ing an a d d itio n a l first p a r t o f such a test th e failin g lo a d m ig h t be established
p o in t o n th e lo a d -se ttlem en t d ia g ram , w hich is show n ex tended b y a C R P test, follow ed by th e sim ple d eterm in atio n o f
to this p o in t. T his a n d o th e r sim ilar tests suggest th a t so far settlem ent u n d er a m a in ta in ed lo a d eq u a l to th e design lo ad .
as piles in gravel are concerned, o n ly by co n tin u in g an M .L. O n th e o th e r h an d , if a n estim ate o f th e failing load can be
te st to a co n sid e rab ly g reater settlem ent w ould a load be m ade, th e tests m ay be m ad e in th e o th e r o rd er.
reached eq ual to the failing load given by a C .R .P . te st on an
identical pile.
A cknowledgm ents
Discussion T h e w ork d escribed in this p a p e r fo rm s p a r t o f th e research
T h e m a jo rity o f pile tests are co n d u c ted w ith a view to p ro g ram m e o f th e B u ilding R esearch B o ard a n d is published
c o n stru c tin g a d iag ram o f load versus settlem en t, a n d it is by perm ission o f th e D ire c to r o f th e B u ilding R esearch
im plicit in the n o rm a l m e th o d o f test w ith m a in ta in ed loads S tatio n o f th e D e p a rtm e n t o f Scientific a n d In d u stria l R esearch.
th a t the relatio n sh ip to be o b ta in ed sh o u ld rep resen t the T h e a u th o rs g ratefu lly ack n ow ledge th e help o f th e ir colleague,
equ ilib riu m c o n d itio n . In p ractice th e d em an d s o f expediency G eo rg e W . C lark e, a n d o f th e C en tral E lectricity G en eratin g
in v a riab ly fix an o v erall tim e lim it fo r th e test, so th a t th e B o ard , th e S o u th -E a stern G as B o ard , th e L o n d o n C o u n ty
p au se a t each load increm ent is very o ften te rm in a ted a rb itra ­ C ouncil C h ie f E n g in eer’s D e p a rtm e n t, th e In stitu tio n o f
rily , a n d th e n u m b e r o f increm ents is reduced to a m inim um . P rofessional C ivil S erv an ts a n d M essrs P ressu re Piling L im ited
In co n sequence the resulting cu rv e o f load versus settlem ent in p ro v id in g o p p o rtu n itie s fo r testing.
is on ly an a p p ro x im a tio n to th e eq u ilib riu m c o n d itio n , a n d is
likely to be ill-defined tow ards th e region o f failure. E xperience References
w ith the testing o f m aterials ex h ib itin g p lasticity leads one to
a v o id a n y m e th o d b ased on ach ieving supposed equilibrium [1] American Soc. Civ. Eng. (1946). Pile foundation and pile
s tress-strain c o n d itio n s, because o f difficulty in locating the structures, M anual o f Engineering Practice No. 27, The
e n d -p o in t. In th e la b o ra to ry , m e th o d s o f d eterm inin g th e Society, New York.
sh ear stren g th o f soil b y lo a d in g a t a c o n sta n t ra te o f strain [2] Civil Engineering Codes o f Practice Joint Comm ittee, 1954.
h av e su p erseded all others. Civil Engineering Code of Practice, No. 4 (1954), The
In th e C .R .P . test, the pile m ay be reg ard e d sim ply as a device Institution o f Civil Engineers, London.
[3] D eutscher Normenausschuss, 1953. D IN 1054, Zulässige
fo r testing th e soil, an d th e pile m o v e m en t as th e m eans o f Belastung des Baugrundes, Deutscher Normenausschus,
m o bilising the resisting forces. T h e te st gives th e failing load Berlin.
o n ly , n o a tte m p t is m a d e to d eterm in e th e settlem ent a pile [41 W h ita k e r, T. (1957). Experiments with model piles in
m ig h t suffer u n d e r su stain ed load. H ow ever, the rap id ity w ith groups, Geotechnique 7, (4), 147.


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