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Jn students to doll the exerczos in het notebook + Students proctse sing verbs with specific grammatical patterns ‘Tag quesions: various tenses + Students proctse vsing positive and negative question 4995 in @ varity of tenses, Phrasal verbs: figure out, find out, give up, look fo, look into * Students practise phrosol verbs in context Detective work: alibi, clue, criminal, deduction, evidence, hhuneh, legal, lawyer, private delecive, red herring, sleuth steal, suspect, unsolved, witness Stadt ue a rerge of voccbulry eee deco Investigation: analyso, chock, conclusion, coverup, disappearance, discuss, interview, missing, notice, police office, solve, sick to * Studens encounter vocobulary related to crime investigation, rr cand expressions ‘Coming to conclusions: put hvo and two togather, thn crops, hth a nh bad, po * Students look ot idioms ond expressions related to coming to conchisions in he context of tak about ‘Agathe Christe omer Alltenses,Infinives, ing forms + Students interpret a pie cho * Students discuss @ case of vandalism «Students write and perform the end of a crime story + Students discuss @ short courtroom drome, * Studenis complete and perform a short interaction using idioms end expressions. Pronunciation: Students practise rising and falling tag ‘question intonation, 128 Park: Shien use vrius medioson techniques feral ploy on inrvew between a detecive ond @ sped * Students answer muliplechoice questions about a short elective story, + Students lston complete o short report about three suspects in @ case of vondalism, * Students lst to the end of a crime story to compare ‘against their own versions. * Students listen and complete a short courtroom dramo, * Students listen and complete foc les about two Famous fctional detectives er ‘Students read and analyse a detecive story. ‘Students quess the meanings of words in context ond uve them fo complete sentences. «Students order leters to make words fo match their definitions Core values: Students reflect on the value of withholding iudgement nd ferent ways tense that hey don jump to conclusions * Students look a features of @ detective sory, including clues and direct speech ‘Students plan, write and check a short detective story. 9 Focus on verb forms

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