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Describing social issues (crime)

the crime in our country is too hard to has control it, because the robbers always
exist in the streets, and the society causes, I say it because, the society can’t help
others people to have economic problems, familiars problems and another ones. Making the
only solution is steal. This is reflecting in the street like people making problems. These
problems that affect to all in the country not only for a little bit people.

A principal thing that start this problem, is “the broken windows” garbage in the street, little bit
illumination and another ones, because seeing this in the street represent that the street not has
polices, organization, mayors who can do something to change. Moreover, this open the
possibility to create criminal groups in the hood. To stop this we need to create institutions that
will to change the young people, putting them to do activities that can change the vision of the
world, seeing that not all is bad.

For that, the mayors and presidents need to create institutions that can have many young people
that want to change their life and the ways to live. Others institutions give work to young people
having the possibility to carry money to their home.

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