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JUDUL Evaluation of the Tourism Management CHSE Protocol

During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Situ Gunung,
Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park
NAMA JURNAL Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
TAHUN 2023
PENULIS Ismeth Emier Osman, Nurbaeti, Adam Rachmatullah,
Fetty Asmaniaty, Jatna Supriatna, Djoni Wibowo
REVIEWER Sindy Petra Yanti Sianturi
TANGGAL REVIEWER 25 Oktober 2023
LATAR BELAKANG The background of this study is to evaluate the
effectiveness of the CHSE protocol in ensuring the safety
and sustainability of tourism activities during the Covid-
19 pandemic in Situ Gunung, Gunung Gede Pangrango
National Park Area.
PERMASALAHAN The issues addressed in this study relate to the challenges
faced in implementing CHSE protocols during the Covid-
19 pandemic in the national park area.
TUJUAN PENELITIAN This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the CHSE
protocol in ensuring the safety and sustainability of
tourism activities during the Covid-19 pandemic in Situ
Gunung, Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park Area.
SUMBER DATA The data sources in this study consisted of three groups of
respondents, namely 30 communities, 30 tourism
managers of Situ Gunung GGPNP, and 30 tourists. The
sampling technique used was random sampling. Data
were collected through study documentation, observation,
and closed questionnaires. Qualitative data were
processed and presented descriptively in tables, while
quantitative data were processed using basic descriptive
statistical techniques in frequency distributions.
METODE PENELITIAN The research method used in this study is phenomenology
enriched with data collection techniques of study
documentation, observation, and closed questionnaires.
The analysis method used is the One Score One Indicator
Scoring System, which is an analysis model used through
the development of elaborated questionnaires in collecting
data and evaluating various variables that have been
determined by the researchers. Qualitative data was
processed and presented descriptively in tables, while
quantitative data was processed using basic descriptive
statistical techniques in frequency distributions.
OBJEK PENELITIAN The research object in this study is the "Cleanliness,
Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability (CHSE)"
protocol in tourism management during the Covid-19
pandemic in the Situ Gunung area, Gunung Gede
Pangrango National Park Area. This study aims to
evaluate the effectiveness of the CHSE protocol in
ensuring the safety and sustainability of tourism activities
during the Covid-19 pandemic in the national park area.
HASIL PENELITIAN The results showed that the CHSE protocol in tourism
management during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Situ
Gunung area, Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park
Area proved effective in ensuring the safety and
sustainability of tourism activities. The analysis results
show that there is no significant difference in the attitude
scale between stakeholders towards CHSE management in
the Situ Gunung GGPNP employee quarters area, where
both actors gave an assessment score of 6, which means
good. In addition, there is no significant difference
between actors in the management of CHSE in the main
and secondary office areas at Situ Gunung.
KELEBIHAN PENELITIAN The strengths of this study include the use of a
phenomenological approach enriched with various data
collection techniques such as study documentation,
observation, and close-ended questionnaires. The One
Score One Indicator Scoring System was used as an
analytical method to evaluate various variables that
researchers had determined. The study also provides
practical implications for tourism management in the Situ
Gunung, Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park Area and
other similar tourist destinations during the pandemic. The
findings of this study can be used as a reference for
policymakers and tourism stakeholders to improve the
effectiveness of the CHSE protocol in ensuring the safety
and sustainability of tourism activities during the
KEKURANGAN The limitations of this study include the small sample
PENELITIAN size, which may limit the generalizability of the findings.
The study was conducted in a specific location, and the
results may not be applicable to other tourist destinations.
The study also relied on self-reported data from tourists,
which may be subject to bias and may not accurately
reflect the actual situation. Additionally, the study did not
consider the economic impact of the pandemic on the
tourism industry, which could be an important factor in
the implementation of the CHSE protocol. Finally, the
study did not explore the perspectives of tourism
stakeholders, such as local communities and tourism
operators, which could provide valuable insights into the
effectiveness of the CHSE protocol.
DISKUSI/REKOMENDASI Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended
that tourism stakeholders, including government agencies,
tourism operators, and local communities, continue to
implement and improve the CHSE protocol to ensure the
safety and sustainability of tourism activities. This can be
achieved by increasing public awareness of the
importance of following health protocols, providing
adequate training and resources for tourism operators to
implement the protocol effectively, and involving local
communities in the decision-making process to ensure
their participation and support.


JUDUL Forest Land Change Assessment of Karang Mumus Sub-

Watershed Area
NAMA JURNAL Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
TAHUN 2023
PENULIS Sri Endayani, Andrew Stefano, Fathiah, Hamka, Andi
REVIEWER Sindy Petra Yanti Sianturi
TANGGAL REVIEWER 25 Oktober 2023
LATAR BELAKANG The background of this journal is to evaluate land change
in the Karang Mumus watershed and assess the potential
of the Karang Mumus sub-watershed to support land
capability. This is important because this area has been
developing relatively fast, especially in the mining and
plantation industries, and needs to be limited in land use
by using the concept of environmental support capacity
based on land capability.
PERMASALAHAN One of the issues discussed in this journal is the
conversion of forest land to agricultural land in the
Karang Mumus sub-watershed. This land conversion
occurs due to the use of inappropriate agricultural
technology and lack of soil conservation, so that
agricultural operations cause erosion and decreased land
yields. In addition, the Karang Mumus watershed also
experiences environmental degradation caused by human
activities such as mining, plantations, and infrastructure
development. This can lead to a decrease in water and soil
quality, and threaten the survival of flora and fauna in the
TUJUAN PENELITIAN The purpose of the research conducted in this journal is to
evaluate land change in the Karang Mumus watershed and
assess the potential of the Karang Mumus sub-watershed
to support land capability. This research aims to provide
useful information for decision makers in managing
natural resources in the area, as well as to ensure
sustainable land use and minimize negative impacts on the
environment. In addition, this study also aims to provide
recommendations on better land management in the
Karang Mumus watershed.
SUMBER DATA The data sources used in this journal are secondary data
obtained from various sources such as the Karang Mumus
Sub Watershed Damage Identification Report 2017 from
the Mahakam Berau Watershed Management Center,
Samarinda City in Figures 2017 from the Samarinda City
Statistics Agency, as well as several journals and books
relevant to the research topic. In addition, this research
also uses spatial data obtained from geographic
information systems (GIS) to evaluate land changes in the
Karang Mumus watershed.
METODE PENELITIAN The research method used in this journal is quantitative
descriptive method. This research uses secondary data
obtained from various sources, such as the Karang
Mumus Sub Watershed Damage Identification Report
2017 from the Mahakam Berau Watershed Management
Center, Samarinda City in Figures 2017 from the
Samarinda City Statistics Center Agency, as well as
several journals and books relevant to the research topic.
In addition, this study also used spatial data obtained from
a geographic information system (GIS) to evaluate land
change in the Karang Mumus watershed. The data
obtained was then analyzed using overlay and scoring
techniques to evaluate the potential of the Karang Mumus
sub-watershed in supporting land capability.
OBJEK PENELITIAN The object of this research is the Karang Mumus
watershed located in Samarinda City, East Kalimantan
Province, Indonesia. This research focuses on evaluating
land change in the Karang Mumus watershed and
assessing the potential of the Karang Mumus sub-
watershed to support land capability.
HASIL PENELITIAN The results showed that most of the Karang Mumus sub-
watershed was categorized as land capability class III,
with moderate erosion limiting factors covering 15,864 ha
(50.45%). The rest is categorized into land capability
classes IV and VI, with class IV having a heavy slope
limiting factor and class VI having a heavy slope limiting
factor with soil sensitivity to erosion, covering 8,751.14
ha (27.83%) and 6,829.85 ha (21.72%) respectively. Class
III land is recommended for agricultural cultivation,
application of appropriate agricultural technology, and
soil and water conservation. soil and water conservation.
This study recommends that class IV and VI land be used
for community forests or forest plantations managed by
government agencies involved in the Forest Area
Consolidation Center (BPKH) of Samarinda Region IV.
KELEBIHAN PENELITIAN Using geographic information system (GIS) technology to
analyze spatial data quickly, efficiently, and accurately,
which can help identify areas of high priority for
conservation and restoration efforts.
KEKURANGAN The study focuses only on the Karang Mumus sub-
PENELITIAN watersheds, which may not be representative of other
areas in East Kalimantan or Indonesia as a whole.
DISKUSI/REKOMENDASI Encouraging the use of proper agrotechnology and soil
conservation practices in agricultural operations to
prevent erosion and maintain land yield. This could
include providing training and education to farmers and
promoting the use of sustainable farming practices.


JUDUL Ecological Analysis of Community and Private

Partnership in Tree Planting Program to Rehabilitate
Degraded Lands: A Case Study in East Java, Indonesia
NAMA JURNAL Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
TAHUN 2023
PENULIS Lia Hapsari, Titut Yulistyarini, Trimanto, Setyawan Agung
Danarto, Shofiyatul Mas'udah, Janis Damaiyani,
Rachmawan Adi Laksono, Ardiawan Jati, Sugeng
REVIEWER Sindy Petra Yanti Sianturi
TANGGAL REVIEWER 25 Oktober 2023
LATAR BELAKANG The background of this study is to assess the potential of
tree planting programs involving partnerships between
communities and companies in restoring degraded land
and improving ecological conditions in the monsoon
forest region of East Java, Indonesia. This is based on the
fact that land degradation and environmental degradation
have become an increasing problem in Indonesia, and tree
planting programs that involve the participation of
communities and companies can be one of the solutions to
address these problems.
PERMASALAHAN This research addresses the potential of tree planting
programs involving community and company partnerships
to restore degraded land and improve ecological
conditions in the monsoon forest region of East Java,
TUJUAN PENELITIAN This study aims to provide useful information for policy
makers and practitioners in designing and implementing
effective and sustainable tree planting programs in
degraded areas.
SUMBER DATA The data was collected through a combination of field
measurements, such as changes in vegetation cover, flora
diversity and carbon storage, and interviews with local
stakeholders, including community members, private
companies and government officials. The study also
draws on previous research on community forest
management and industrial timber plantations in
Indonesia, which may have informed the design and
implementation of the tree planting program.
METODE PENELITIAN The researchers used qualitative research methods by
conducting a case study in the Selobanteng Village area,
Banyuglugur District, Situbondo Regency, East Java
Province, Indonesia. The researchers measured and
analyzed several ecological aspects, such as changes in
vegetation cover, flora diversity, above-ground carbon
storage, and soil and microclimate conditions. In addition,
the researchers also conducted interviews with
communities, companies and local government to obtain
information on the implementation of the tree planting
program and its impact on the community and
OBJEK PENELITIAN The research object of this study is a tree-planting
program involving a partnership between communities
and companies in Selobanteng Village, Banyuglugur
District, Situbondo Regency, East Java Province,
Indonesia. The research focuses on ecological aspects of
the program, such as changes in vegetation cover, flora
diversity, above-ground carbon storage, and soil and
microclimate conditions.
HASIL PENELITIAN This study found that the tree planting program in
Selobanteng Village had a positive impact on the
ecological condition of the area. The program resulted in
increased vegetation cover and flora diversity, as well as
increased above-ground carbon storage. The study also
found that the program had a positive impact on soil and
microclimate conditions. The program successfully
engaged local communities and private companies in
plantation management, which helped ensure the
sustainability of the program. The study concludes that
the results of this research can serve as a learning material
for tree planting programs for degraded land rehabilitation
through public-private partnership schemes and the
feasibility of similar schemes to be replicated in other
contexts at national and global scales.
KELEBIHAN PENELITIAN The study provides a comprehensive analysis of the
ecological impact of the tree planting program, including
changes in vegetation cover, floristic diversity, carbon
storage, and soil and microclimate conditions.
KEKURANGAN The study focuses on a single case study in a specific
PENELITIAN location in Indonesia, which may limit the generalizability
of the findings to other contexts.
DISKUSI/REKOMENDASI However, it is important to note that there are limitations
to this study, such as the limited scope, lack of social
analysis, short-term analysis, and limited data on soil and
microclimate conditions. Therefore, it is recommended
that future research in this area should address these
limitations and provide a more comprehensive analysis of
the social and ecological impact of community and private
partnership tree planting programs.

Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the

potential of community and private partnership tree
planting programs for rehabilitating degraded lands and
improving ecological conditions. However, further
research is needed to address the limitations of this study
and provide a more comprehensive analysis of the social
and ecological impact of such programs.


JUDUL Morphological Characteristics and Potential of Sago

(Metroxylon spp.) in Lingga Regency, Riau Islands,
NAMA JURNAL Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
TAHUN 2023
PENULIS Primadhika Al Manar, Ervizal Amir Muhammad Zuhud,
Nuri Andarwulan, Mochamad Hasjim Bintoro
REVIEWER Sindy Petra Yanti Sianturi
TANGGAL REVIEWER 25 Oktober 2023
LATAR BELAKANG This study was conducted to evaluate the potential of sago
as an alternative food source in Lingga Regency, Riau
Islands, Indonesia. This study also aimed to evaluate the
morphological and production characteristics of sago in
the area.
PERMASALAHAN This study was conducted to evaluate the potential of sago
as an alternative food source in Lingga Regency, Riau
Islands, Indonesia. Therefore, it can be assumed that this
research was conducted to address food security issues in
the area.
TUJUAN PENELITIAN The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of sago
as an alternative food source in Lingga Regency, Riau
Islands, Indonesia. In addition, this study also aimed to
evaluate the morphological and production characteristics
of sago in the area.
SUMBER DATA The data used in this research was obtained through
observation and field research in Lingga Regency, Riau
Islands, Indonesia. In addition, possible data was also
obtained from literature and data sources related to sago
in Indonesia.
METODE PENELITIAN The research method used in this study is descriptive
method. This research was conducted by conducting
observations and field research in Lingga Regency, Riau
Islands, Indonesia. Observations were made of the
morphological characteristics and production of sago in
the area. In addition, this research also uses secondary
data from literature and data sources related to sago in
OBJEK PENELITIAN The object of the research is the sago plants in Lingga
Regency, specifically the morphological characteristics
and production of sago in six sago-producing villages.
The study aims to determine the potential of sago stands
in the area and to identify the two types of sago in Lingga:
spiny and thornless sago.
HASIL PENELITIAN The study found that there are two types of sago in
Lingga: spiny and thornless sago. The morphological
characteristics and sago production vary greatly between
research sites, with sago stands having a production
potential ranging from 3.37 to 14.55 tons per hectare.
KELEBIHAN PENELITIAN The research provides valuable information on the
potential of sago stands in Lingga Regency, which can be
useful for farmers and policymakers in the region. The
identification of two types of sago in Lingga, spiny and
thornless sago, can also aid in the development of sago
cultivation and production in the area. The use of random
sampling and the transect method in field observations
adds to the reliability and validity of the study's findings.
Overall, this research contributes to the understanding of
sago production in Lingga Regency and can serve as a
basis for further studies on the topic.
KEKURANGAN One of the limitations of this study is that it only focuses
PENELITIAN on one region in Indonesia, which may not be
representative of sago production in other regions. In
addition, this study does not provide information on the
economic viability of sago production in Lingga Regency,
which may be important for farmers and policy makers
considering investing in sago cultivation.
DISKUSI/REKOMENDASI Based on the findings, it is recommended that further
research be conducted to determine the economic viability
of sago production in Lingga Regency. This would
provide valuable information for farmers and
policymakers considering investing in sago cultivation.
Additionally, collaboration among multiple stakeholders,
including local government and related agencies,
universities, communities, and industry, is necessary to
revitalize the sago forest into a sago garden. This would
require the transfer of a large number of seeds in one
clump and more research on the genetic analysis of each
sago accession in Lingga Regency to predict kinship and
genetics between accessions. Overall, this research
provides valuable information on the potential of sago
production in Lingga Regency and can serve as a basis for
further studies on the topic.

JUDUL Exploring Terrain Indices and Slope Morphometry for

Trail and Campsite Planning on Mount Irau, Malaysia
NAMA JURNAL Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
TAHUN 2023
PENULIS Muhammad Shafeeq Sapian, Azita Ahmad Zawawi,
Thinaraj Balakrishnan, Mohd Hasmadi Ismail
REVIEWER Sindy Petra Yanti Sianturi
TANGGAL REVIEWER 25 Oktober 2023
LATAR BELAKANG This research was conducted to identify the landscape in
Batu Gangan Forest Reserve and identify suitable
campsites and potential trails in the area. The research
also aims to support sustainable recreational resource
planning in complex mountainous areas.
PERMASALAHAN The problem raised in this study was to identify the
landscape in Batu Gangan Forest Reserve and identify
suitable campsites and potential trails in the area.
TUJUAN PENELITIAN This research aims to classify the landscape in Batu
Gangan Forest Reserve by conducting morphometric
analysis on a digital terrain model (DTM) with 10 m
resolution. In addition, the study also aims to identify
water sources, vantage points, and suitable campsites and
potential trails in the area. The results of this study can be
used to support sustainable recreation resource planning
in complex mountainous areas.
SUMBER DATA Data sources in this study were obtained from Jabatan
Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia (JUPEM) and Jabatan
Perhutanan Semenanjung Malaysia (JPSM). Spatial data
with a resolution of 5 to 50 meters were obtained from
DEM/DTM suitable for various analyses, including soil
modeling, hydrology, and landscape analysis.
METODE PENELITIAN The research method used in the given article is landform
analysis using satellite images and digital elevation
models. . In addition, other articles in the search results
also discuss the use of geographic information systems
(GIS) in forest management, landform analysis using
terrain attributes, and object-based landform
OBJEK PENELITIAN The object of research discussed is the analysis of
landforms in Batu Gangan Forest Reserve, Cameron
Highlands, Pahang State of Malaysia. . This research was
conducted by performing morphometric analysis on
digital terrain model (DTM) with 10 m resolution to
classify landforms using topographic position index (TPI).
In addition, the study also included topographic
characteristics such as elevation, slope, LS factor, and
topographic wetness index (TWI) in the area. The results
of this study can be used to support sustainable recreation
resource planning, especially in complex mountainous
HASIL PENELITIAN Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be
concluded that:
Topographic position index (TPI) is an important method
in identifying accurate landform classes.
The topographic conditions surrounding the trails and
landforms in Batu Gangan Forest Reserve were revealed
through morphometric analysis on a digital terrain model
(DTM) with 10 m resolution using TPI.
The landform classification obtained proved to be a highly
effective technique for determining different landform
compartments within Batu Gangan Forest Reserve.
KELEBIHAN PENELITIAN The research method used in this study, landform analysis
using satellite imagery and digital elevation models and
the use of geographic information systems (GIS), is a fast,
feasible and easy-to-use method that is critical in
assessing soil characteristics, especially for large areas.
KEKURANGAN This study only discusses research objects that are limited
PENELITIAN to landform analysis in Batu Gangan Forest Reserve,
Cameron Highlands, Pahang State of Malaysia. Thus, the
results of this study cannot be generalized to other areas
that have different topographic characteristics.
DISKUSI/REKOMENDASI In this case, some recommendations that can be made for
future research are:
Conduct a broader study and include other areas with
different topographic characteristics to obtain more
generalized results.
Conduct more comprehensive research by considering
other research methods that may provide more accurate or
more complete results.
Conduct more holistic research by considering the impact
of natural resource use and recreation in the Batu Gangan
Forest Reserve area, as well as social and economic
aspects related to natural resource management and
recreation in the area.



VOLUME DAN 25(1), 1-12.
TAHUN 2023
PENULIS Elkana Timotius
REVIEWER Sindy Petra Yanti Sianturi
TANGGAL 25 Oktober 2023
LATAR BELAKANG This research was conducted to find ways to trigger achievement
motivation of mid-level managers as intrapreneurs in retail
PERMASALAHAN The issue raised in this study is how to trigger the achievement
motivation of mid-level managers as intrapreneurs in retail
TUJUAN This study aims to discover the factors that influence mid-level
PENELITIAN managers' achievement motivation and how companies can
support them to become successful intrapreneurs. This research
was conducted to assist companies in understanding how they can
improve their managers' performance and achieve better business
SUMBER DATA The data sources in this study were 41 store managers in a
national bicycle retail chain in Indonesia. Data were collected
through 32 Likert scale questions used to measure the factors that
influence mid-level managers' achievement motivation as
intrapreneurs in retail businesses. This study used quantitative
methods to analyze the data collected.
METODE The research method used in this study is quantitative. This study
PENELITIAN used a questionnaire with 32 Likert scale questions to collect data
from 41 store managers in a national bicycle retail chain in
Indonesia. The data collected was then analyzed using path
analysis to measure the effect of three independent variables and
one intervening variable on the dependent variable. This study
uses a conceptual framework that tests seven hypotheses. The
study was conducted in January-February 2020 and met the
expected sample adequacy requirements.
OBJEK The research object in this study is the factors that influence the
PENELITIAN achievement motivation of mid-level managers as intrapreneurs in
retail businesses. This study aims to find factors that influence
mid-level managers' achievement motivation and how companies
can support them to become successful intrapreneurs. The object
of this research is store managers in a national bicycle retail chain
in Indonesia, totaling 41 people.
HASIL PENELITIAN The findings of this research indicate that the achievement
motivation of middle-level managers is directly affected by the
reward system and job satisfaction. However, to become
successful intrapreneurs, they also need management support. The
study also found that the work environment and reward system
did not have a significant effect on the achievement motivation of
middle-level managers. Overall, the research suggests that
companies should focus on providing management support and
creating a positive job satisfaction environment to trigger the
achievement motivation of middle-level managers as
KELEBIHAN The sample of the study was relevant to the research question, as
PENELITIAN it consisted of 41 store managers in a national bicycle retail chain
in Indonesia. This allowed for a more specific and targeted
analysis of the factors that affect the achievement motivation of
middle-level managers in the retail business.
KEKURANGAN Although the study used path analysis to analyze the relationships
PENELITIAN between the variables, it did not use more advanced statistical
techniques, such as structural equation modeling or multilevel
modeling, which could provide more robust and nuanced results.
DISKUSI/ Companies should provide their middle-level managers with the
REKOMENDASI necessary support to become successful intrapreneurs. This
includes providing them with the resources, tools, and training
they need to develop their entrepreneurial skills and implement
innovative ideas.


NAMA JURNAL Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan
VOLUME DAN 25(1), 13-24.
TAHUN 2023
PENULIS Sabrina Wissen, Lina Anatan
REVIEWER Sindy Petra Yanti Sianturi
TANGGAL 25 Oktober 2023
LATAR This study was conducted to identify the influence of utilitarian and
BELAKANG hedonic content, as well as openness on customer inspiration and
purchase intention, and the mediating role of customer inspiration in
the relationship between these variables. This research was
conducted because of the importance of customer inspiration in
influencing consumer purchasing decisions, especially in the
architecture industry which relies heavily on customer trust and
satisfaction. In addition, this research was also conducted to provide
new insights for architecture companies in utilizing social media as
an effective marketing tool.
PERMASALAHA Some of the problems encountered include:
N How to increase customer inspiration through content presented on
social media?
How to influence purchase intention through customer inspiration?
How to utilize utilitarian and hedonic content, and openness to
increase customer inspiration and purchase intention?
In this research, the author tries to answer these problems by
conducting data analysis and providing recommendations for
architectural companies in utilizing social media as an effective
marketing tool.
TUJUAN The purpose of this study is to identify the influence of utilitarian
PENELITIAN and hedonic content, as well as openness on customer inspiration
and purchase intention, and the mediating role of customer
inspiration in the relationship between these variables. In addition,
this study also aims to provide new insights for architecture
companies in utilizing social media as an effective marketing tool.
SUMBER DATA The data source in this research is primary data obtained through
surveys. The author uses five architecture companies in Bandung
City as research objects and the research population is residents of
Bandung City aged between 18-34 years, because this age group
dominates property searches based on Property Market Trends
Research in the first semester of 2021 from Lamudi.
METODE The research method used in this study is quantitative research with
PENELITIAN primary data obtained from surveys. The study took five
architectural firms in Bandung City as the object of research and the
population of Bandung City aged between 18–34 years as the
population. The constructs in this study were measured using items
adapted from existing literature. Four items adjusted from Wang
(2017) were used to measure each utilitarian content and hedonic
content. Openness was measured by six items adjusted from Khoi et
al. (2020). Customer inspiration, which is a second-order formative
construct, was measured by inspired-by and inspired-to, which
measurements were both adapted from Tang and Tsang (2020). The
data obtained from the survey was analyzed using regression
analysis and path analysis to test the research hypotheses.
OBJEK The object of research in this study is five architectural firms in
PENELITIAN Bandung City, the capital of West Java province, Indonesia. The
study aims to examine how these firms can increase their
architectural service purchase intention through social media
marketing. The population of the study is the people of Bandung
City aged between 18-34 years, as this age group dominates the
property searches based on the Property Market Trends Research in
the first semester of 2021 from Lamudi. The study uses a
quantitative research method with primary data obtained from
surveys. The constructs in this study were measured using items
adapted from existing literature.
HASIL The results of the study show that utilitarian content and hedonic
PENELITIAN content have a positive effect on customer inspiration, which in turn
has a positive effect on purchase intention. Openness also has a
positive effect on customer inspiration. Furthermore, customer
inspiration mediates the relationship between utilitarian content,
hedonic content, openness, and purchase intention. These findings
suggest that architecture firms in Bandung City can increase their
architectural service purchase intention through social media
marketing by providing both utilitarian and hedonic content,
targeting customers who are open to new experiences, and inspiring
them through social media content.
KELEBIHAN The study provides insights for architectural firms to effectively
PENELITIAN practice social media marketing by focusing on creating customer
inspiration through the content provided and targeting the right
potential customers in order to generate architectural design service
purchase intention.
KEKURANGAN The study focuses on five architectural firms in Bandung City,
PENELITIAN Indonesia, and the population of Bandung City aged between 18-34
years. Therefore, the findings may not be generalizable to other
architectural firms or other age groups.
DISKUSI/ Architecture firms should focus on creating social media content that
REKOMENDASI provides both utilitarian and hedonic value to their potential
customers. Utilitarian content can include information about the
firm's services, while hedonic content can include visually appealing
images or videos that inspire customers.


NAMA JURNAL Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan
VOLUME DAN 25(1), 41-54.
TAHUN 2023
PENULIS Shine Pintor Siolemba Patiro, Kresno Agus Hendarto, Hendrian, Hety
Budiyanti, Rubangi Al Hasan, Yumantoko, Ahmad Nur, Edi
Kurniawan, Naning Yuniarti, Desmiwati, Deddy Dwi Nur Cahyono,
Tri Astuti Wisudayati, Yudha Satria Aji Pratama, Tri Dasta
Nursehaneka Yatma, Yosephine Martha Maria Anita Nugraheni
REVIEWER Sindy Petra Yanti Sianturi
TANGGAL 25 Oktober 2023
LATAR The background of this study is to understand the relationship
BELAKANG between stakeholder awareness, perceived impacts, and attitudes
towards ecotourism development in Mount Rinjani National Park.
This study was conducted in Senaru Village, Bayan Sub-district,
North Lombok Regency, which was chosen because it is one of the
villages passed by Mount Rinjani climbers and has ecotourism
objects such as Sendang Gile, Tiu Kelep, the ancient mosque of
Bayan, and the traditional house of Karang Bajo.
PERMASALAHA In this study, the issues raised are how stakeholder awareness, impact
N perception, and attitudes towards ecotourism development in Rinjani-
Lombok Geopark.This study also discusses the division of impact
perception into positive and negative impacts, as well as the
limitations of this study, such as the location of the research which
was only conducted in one village and cannot be generalized to other
TUJUAN This study aims to understand the relationship between stakeholder
PENELITIAN awareness, perceived impacts, and attitudes towards ecotourism
development in Gunung Rinjani National Park.
SUMBER DATA The data in this study were collected using a survey at the research
location, namely Senaru Village, Bayan District, North Lombok
Regency. This village was chosen because it is one of the villages
passed by climbers of Mount Rinjani and has ecotourism objects such
as Sendang Gile, Tiu Kelep, the ancient mosque of Bayan, and the
traditional house of Karang Bajo.
METODE The research method used in this study is the survey method. The
PENELITIAN survey was conducted by distributing questionnaires to randomly
selected respondents in Senaru Village, Bayan District, North
Lombok Regency. The questionnaire contained questions about
stakeholder awareness, perceived impacts, and attitudes towards
ecotourism development in Rinjani-Lombok Geopark. The collected
data were then analyzed using regression analysis.
OBJEK The research object in this study is the development of ecotourism in
PENELITIAN Mount Rinjani National Park, particularly in Rinjani-Lombok
Geopark. This study aims to understand stakeholder awareness,
impact perceptions, and attitudes towards ecotourism development in
the area.
HASIL The results of this study discuss the relationship model between
PENELITIAN stakeholder awareness, perceived impacts (environmental, economic,
and socio-cultural), and attitudes towards ecotourism development in
Gunung Rinjani National Park (TNGR). The model was tested using
a sample of 157 stakeholders, and the results showed that only the
perceived economic impact of ecotourism partially mediated the
relationship between awareness and attitudes towards ecotourism
development. The article also mentions that stakeholders in TNK
have a more compromising attitude towards ecotourism development
related to socio-cultural and environmental impacts.
KELEBIHAN Research contributes to the existing body of knowledge by exploring
PENELITIAN new ideas, theories, and concepts. It helps to fill gaps in
understanding and provides a foundation for further study
KEKURANGAN There is no information about the variables used in this study. The
PENELITIAN article provided only mentions that this study examines the
relationship between stakeholder awareness, perceived impacts
(environmental, economic, and socio-cultural), and attitudes towards
ecotourism development in Gunung Rinjani National Park, but does
not provide details on how these variables are measured or
DISKUSI/ This study only tested the perceived economic impact of ecotourism
REKOMENDASI as a mediator between stakeholders' awareness and attitude towards
ecotourism development. Therefore, future research can test other
mediators that may affect the relationship between awareness and
stakeholder attitudes, such as perceptions of environmental and
socio-cultural impacts.



NAMA JURNAL Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan
VOLUME DAN 25(1), 25-40
TAHUN 2023
PENULIS Sherlywati Sherlywati, Eliot Simangunsong
REVIEWER Sindy Petra Yanti Sianturi
TANGGAL 25 Oktober 2023
LATAR The background of this study is the difference in findings with
BELAKANG previous research that shows that three motivators (instrumental,
normative, and relational) are drivers in social sustainability
practices. This difference may be due to the focus of previous
research on established industries and companies, while this research
was conducted on new businesses owned by Generation Y and
Generation Z entrepreneurs. In addition, this study also makes a new
contribution to social sustainability research by providing a direct
analysis of Generation Y and Generation Z entrepreneurs in
developing countries.
PERMASALAHA The issue raised in this study is the factors that influence the
N willingness of Generation Y and Generation Z entrepreneurs in
Indonesia to integrate social sustainability in their business.
TUJUAN This research aims to identify potential factors that may shape the
PENELITIAN willingness of Generation Y and Generation Z entrepreneurs to
integrate social sustainability in their businesses, as well as the
factors that are most significant in motivating them to integrate and
transform social sustainability into business strategy.
SUMBER DATA The data for this study was collected through a survey using a
questionnaire distributed through Google Forms. The questionnaires
were distributed to a convenience sampling of alumni and students
from several universities in Indonesia who belong to the Gen Y and
Gen Z generations. Respondents were selected based on their
suitability for the study, namely as Gen Y and Gen Z entrepreneurs
in Indonesia.
METODE The research method used in this study is quantitative research. The
PENELITIAN data was collected through a survey using questionnaires distributed
through Google Forms. The survey was conducted among a
convenience sample of alumni and students from several universities
in Indonesia who belonged to the Gen Y and Gen Z generations. The
collected data were then analyzed using the Partial Least Square
Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) with the SmartPLS 3
application. The measurement model was evaluated for convergent
validity, internal consistency reliability, and discriminant validity
reliability, while the structural model was assessed for predictive
relevance, variance, and effect size
OBJEK The object of this research is the willingness of Gen Y and Gen Z
PENELITIAN entrepreneurs in Indonesia to embed social sustainability in their
businesses. The research focuses on understanding the potential
factors that shape their willingness to integrate social sustainability
and identifying the most significant motivators that drive them to
embed and transform social sustainability into a business strategy.
The study specifically targets Gen Y and Gen Z entrepreneurs in
Indonesia, who are alumni and students from several universities in
the country.
HASIL The results of the research showed that instrumental motivators and
PENELITIAN normative motivators significantly influenced the willingness of Gen
Y and Gen Z entrepreneurs in Indonesia to embed social
sustainability in their businesses. However, relational motivators did
not have a significant impact on their willingness to embed social
sustainability. Among the three motivators, normative motivators
were found to be the most significant factor in motivating Gen Y and
Gen Z entrepreneurs to integrate and transform social sustainability
into a business strategy
KELEBIHAN This study makes a new contribution to social sustainability research
PENELITIAN by focusing on Generation Y and Generation Z entrepreneurs in
developing countries such as Indonesia. This is important because
previous research has focused more on established industries and
KEKURANGAN The sample size in this study is relatively small, with most
PENELITIAN respondents coming from the western part of Java. This may affect
the representativeness of the research results and the generalizability
of the findings to a wider population. For future research, it is
recommended to expand the sample size and include respondents
from areas outside Java.
DISKUSI/ The shortcoming of this study is the relatively small sample size,
REKOMENDASI especially with the majority of respondents coming from the western
part of Java Island. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct further
research by expanding the sample size and including respondents
from areas outside Java. This will increase the representativeness of
the research results and allow generalization of the findings to a
wider population.



NAMA JURNAL Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan
VOLUME DAN 25(1), 63-82.
TAHUN 2023
PENULIS Lieli Suharti, Hani Sirine, Samuel Martono
REVIEWER Sindy Petra Yanti Sianturi
TANGGAL 25 Oktober 2023
LATAR The development of sustainable tourism villages is becoming
BELAKANG increasingly important due to the increasing interest of tourists to
visit places that have the uniqueness and authenticity of local
culture. However, the development of tourist villages can also have
negative impacts such as environmental damage, loss of cultural
identity, and economic inequality. Therefore, a sustainable tourism
village development model is needed that can minimize negative
impacts and maximize positive benefits for local communities.
PERMASALAHA The government often does not provide sufficient support for the
N development of sustainable tourism villages, both in terms of budget
and policy. This can hinder the development of sustainable tourism
villages and make it difficult for local communities to access the
resources they need.
TUJUAN This research aims to identify factors that influence the success of
PENELITIAN sustainable tourism village development, as well as to develop a
sustainable tourism village development model that can be adopted
by other tourism villages in Indonesia.
SUMBER DATA Primary data were obtained through interviews with various related
parties, such as tourism village managers, local communities, and
tourism industry players. The interviews were conducted using a
structured questionnaire that had been designed previously. In
addition, researchers also conducted direct observations at Kaki
Langit Mangunan Tourism Village to collect data on the condition of
the tourism village, infrastructure, and existing tourism activities.
Secondary data was obtained from various sources such as scientific
journals, books, and official documents related to sustainable
tourism village development in Indonesia. This secondary data is
used to support the analysis and discussion in this study. Some of the
secondary data sources used in this research include scientific
journals such as the Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship,
Journal of Business Administration, and Sadar Wisata Tourism
METODE This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study of Kaki
PENELITIAN Langit Mangunan Tourism Village. Primary data was obtained
through interviews with various related parties, such as tourism
village managers, local communities, and tourism industry players.
The interviews were conducted using a structured questionnaire that
had been designed previously. In addition, researchers also
conducted direct observations at Kaki Langit Mangunan Tourism
Village to collect data on the condition of the tourism village,
infrastructure, and existing tourism activities.
OBJEK The object of this research is Kaki Langit Mangunan Tourism
PENELITIAN Village (KLMTV) in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia. KLMTV is
one of the best tourism villages nominated by the Indonesian
Ministry of Creative Economy and Tourism in 2021. It was chosen
as a case study because it has shown evidence of significant
improvements in business development and supporting
infrastructure, and has received several prestigious awards during its
eight years of operation as a tourism village.
HASIL The study found that Kaki Langit Mangunan Tourism Village
PENELITIAN (KLMTV) in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia, has successfully
developed a sustainable tourism village model through the
involvement of the local community, social entrepreneurship, and
effective tourism management. The study identified several
supporting factors that contributed to the success of KLMTV,
including community participation, cultural preservation,
environmental sustainability, and effective marketing strategies. The
study also developed a sustainable tourism village model that can be
adopted by other tourism villages in Indonesia. The model
emphasizes the importance of community participation, social
entrepreneurship, and effective tourism management in achieving
sustainable tourism development. Overall, the study provides
valuable insights into the development of sustainable tourism
villages and can serve as a guide for policymakers, tourism
practitioners, and local communities in Indonesia and beyond.
KELEBIHAN The strengths of this study include its focus on a specific case study,
PENELITIAN Kaki Langit Mangunan Tourism Village, which has been recognized
as one of the best tourism villages in Indonesia. The study provides
valuable insights into the factors that have contributed to the success
of this village, including community participation, cultural
preservation, environmental sustainability, and effective marketing
strategies. The study also offers a sustainable tourism village model
that can be adopted by other tourism villages in Indonesia, which
emphasizes the importance of community participation, social
entrepreneurship, and effective tourism management in achieving
sustainable tourism development. The use of qualitative research
methods, such as in-depth interviews and focus group discussions,
allowed for a comprehensive understanding of the perspectives and
experiences of various stakeholders involved in the development of
the tourism village. Overall, this study provides a valuable
contribution to the literature on sustainable tourism development and
can serve as a guide for policymakers, tourism practitioners, and
local communities in Indonesia and beyond.
KEKURANGAN One of the shortcomings of this study is that the research object is
PENELITIAN only limited to one tourist village, namely Kaki Langit Mangunan
Tourism Village in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Therefore, the results of
this study cannot be generalized to other tourist villages in Indonesia
or in other countries. In addition, this study focuses more on the
positive side of sustainable tourism village development, and less on
the problems or obstacles in building sustainable tourism villages.
DISKUSI/ Based on the findings, it is recommended that policymakers, tourism
REKOMENDASI practitioners, and local communities in Indonesia and beyond should
prioritize community participation, cultural preservation,
environmental sustainability, and effective marketing strategies in
developing sustainable tourism villages. The study also suggests that
the sustainable tourism village model developed in this study can be
adopted by other tourism villages in Indonesia and beyond.



NAMA JURNAL Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen
VOLUME DAN Volume 8 Nomor 1, 19-31
TAHUN 2023
PENULIS Diana Dwi Astuti, Wiwik Fitria Ningsih
REVIEWER Sindy Petra Yanti Sianturi
TANGGAL 25 Oktober 2023
LATAR Latar belakang dari topik penelitian ini adalah bahwa audit delay
BELAKANG menjadi isu yang penting dalam dunia bisnis karena dapat
mempengaruhi kepercayaan investor dan kreditor terhadap
perusahaan. Audit delay dapat terjadi karena berbagai faktor, seperti
ukuran perusahaan, kompleksitas operasi, reputasi KAP, opini
auditor, dan lain-lain.
PERMASALAHA Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah faktor-faktor apa yang
N mempengaruhi audit delay pada perusahaan jasa transportasi dan
bagaimana perusahaan dapat menghindari resiko audit delay
TUJUAN Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang
PENELITIAN mempengaruhi audit delay pada perusahaan jasa transportasi yang
terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2016-2020. Penelitian ini
diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi perusahaan dalam
menghindari resiko audit delay dan meningkatkan kualitas laporan
SUMBER DATA Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah laporan keuangan
perusahaan jasa transportasi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia
periode 2017-2021. Sampel penelitian dipilih menggunakan metode
purposive sampling dengan kriteria-kriteria tertentu, yaitu laporan
keuangan perusahaan jasa transportasi yang diterbitkan
menggunakan mata uang rupiah periode 2017-2021 dan memiliki
data lengkap terkait penelitian. Metode analisis yang digunakan
dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi berganda. Oleh karena
itu, data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder
yang diperoleh dari laporan keuangan perusahaan jasa transportasi
yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia.
METODE Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan
PENELITIAN pendekatan analisis regresi berganda. Sampel penelitian dipilih
menggunakan metode purposive sampling dengan kriteria-kriteria
tertentu, yaitu laporan keuangan perusahaan jasa transportasi yang
diterbitkan menggunakan mata uang rupiah periode 2017-2021 dan
memiliki data lengkap terkait penelitian. Data yang digunakan
dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari
laporan keuangan perusahaan jasa transportasi yang terdaftar di
Bursa Efek Indonesia. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan
software SPSS versi 25.0. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah
analisis regresi berganda untuk menguji pengaruh variabel
independen (ukuran perusahaan, kompleksitas operasi perusahaan,
reputasi kantor akuntan publik, dan opini auditor) terhadap variabel
dependen (audit delay). Selain itu, dilakukan juga uji asumsi klasik
untuk memastikan bahwa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini
memenuhi syarat untuk melakukan analisis regresi berganda.
OBJEK Objek penelitian dalam studi ini adalah perusahaan jasa transportasi
PENELITIAN yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2017-2021. Sampel
penelitian dipilih menggunakan metode purposive sampling dengan
kriteria-kriteria tertentu, yaitu laporan keuangan perusahaan jasa
transportasi yang diterbitkan menggunakan mata uang rupiah
periode 2017-2021 dan memiliki data lengkap terkait penelitian.
HASIL Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa ukuran perusahaan,
PENELITIAN kompleksitas operasi perusahaan, reputasi kantor akuntan publik,
dan opini auditor secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap
audit delay pada perusahaan jasa transportasi yang terdaftar di Bursa
Efek Indonesia. Namun, secara parsial hanya ukuran perusahaan dan
kompleksitas operasi perusahaan yang berpengaruh signifikan
terhadap audit delay, sedangkan reputasi kantor akuntan publik dan
opini auditor tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap audit delay.
Selain itu, hasil uji koefisien determinasi menunjukkan bahwa
variabel ukuran perusahaan, kompleksitas operasi perusahaan,
reputasi kantor akuntan publik, dan opini auditor secara bersama-
sama mempengaruhi audit delay sebesar 10,7%, sedangkan sisanya
dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain di luar penelitian. Oleh karena itu,
perusahaan jasa transportasi yang ingin mengurangi audit delay
dapat memperhatikan faktor-faktor tersebut dalam pengelolaan
KELEBIHAN Sampel penelitian dipilih menggunakan metode purposive sampling
PENELITIAN dengan kriteria-kriteria tertentu, yaitu laporan keuangan perusahaan
jasa transportasi yang diterbitkan menggunakan mata uang rupiah
periode 2017-2021 dan memiliki data lengkap terkait penelitian. Hal
ini memastikan bahwa sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini
relevan dengan tujuan penelitian.
KEKURANGAN Penelitian ini hanya memfokuskan pada perusahaan jasa transportasi
PENELITIAN yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2017-2021. Oleh
karena itu, hasil penelitian ini mungkin tidak dapat digeneralisasi ke
perusahaan jasa transportasi di luar periode dan wilayah tersebut.
DISKUSI/ Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa ukuran perusahaan
REKOMENDASI dan kompleksitas operasi perusahaan berpengaruh signifikan
terhadap audit delay pada perusahaan jasa transportasi yang terdaftar
di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sedangkan reputasi kantor akuntan publik
dan opini auditor tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap audit delay.
Selain itu, hasil uji koefisien determinasi menunjukkan bahwa
variabel ukuran perusahaan, kompleksitas operasi perusahaan,
reputasi kantor akuntan publik, dan opini auditor secara bersama-
sama mempengaruhi audit delay sebesar 10,7%, sedangkan sisanya
dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain di luar penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil
penelitian ini, kami merekomendasikan perusahaan jasa transportasi
untuk memperhatikan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi audit delay
dalam pengelolaan keuangannya. Perusahaan jasa transportasi yang
ingin mengurangi audit delay dapat memperhatikan faktor-faktor
seperti ukuran perusahaan dan kompleksitas operasi perusahaan.
Selain itu, perusahaan jasa transportasi juga dapat
mempertimbangkan untuk menggunakan jasa auditor dari KAP big
four yang memiliki reputasi yang baik dalam melakukan audit



NAMA JURNAL Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen
VOLUME DAN Volume 8 Nomor 1, 1-18
TAHUN 2023
PENULIS Dwi Susilowati, Juwari, Ega Priamay Sella
REVIEWER Sindy Petra Yanti Sianturi
TANGGAL 25 Oktober 2023
LATAR Latar belakang pada penelitian ini dilakukan karena terdapat
BELAKANG pengaruh variabel literasi keuangan, digital banking, dan gaya hidup
hedonis terhadap perilaku keuangan pada mahasiswa Fakultas
Ekonomi Universitas Balikpapan.
PERMASALAHA Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana
N variabel literasi keuangan, digital banking, dan gaya hidup hedonis
mempengaruhi perilaku keuangan pada mahasiswa Fakultas
Ekonomi Universitas Balikpapan.
TUJUAN Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel literasi
PENELITIAN keuangan, digital banking, dan gaya hidup hedonis terhadap perilaku
keuangan pada mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas
SUMBER DATA Sumber data dalam penelitian ini berasal dari mahasiswa aktif kelas
A Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Balikpapan. Pengumpulan data
dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner melalui Google Form.
Dalam penelitian ini, diperoleh data pengisian kuesioner oleh 276
mahasiswa/i aktif kelas A Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas
Balikpapan. Selanjutnya, data yang diperoleh dianalisis
menggunakan beberapa alat analisis seperti uji instrument, uji
asumsi klasik, analisis regresi linear berganda, dan uji hipotesis.
METODE Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah
PENELITIAN metode survei. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan
kuesioner melalui Google Form kepada mahasiswa aktif kelas A
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Balikpapan. Selanjutnya, data yang
diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan beberapa alat analisis seperti uji
instrument, uji asumsi klasik, analisis regresi linear berganda, dan
uji hipotesis. Adapun teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linear berganda untuk menguji
pengaruh variabel literasi keuangan, digital banking, dan gaya hidup
hedonis terhadap perilaku keuangan pada mahasiswa Fakultas
Ekonomi Universitas Balikpapan.
OBJEK Objek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah perilaku keuangan
PENELITIAN mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Balikpapan. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel literasi keuangan,
digital banking, dan gaya hidup hedonis terhadap perilaku keuangan
pada mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Balikpapan.
Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa aktif kelas
A Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Balikpapan dengan rentang usia
15-24 tahun. Sedangkan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian
ini sebanyak 270 mahasiswa aktif kelas A Fakultas Ekonomi
Universitas Balikpapan yang dihitung menggunakan rumus slovin
dengan teknik purposive sampling.
HASIL Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa literasi keuangan memiliki
PENELITIAN pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku keuangan pada
mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Balikpapan. Selain itu,
digital banking memiliki pengaruh positif tetapi tidak signifikan
terhadap perilaku keuangan, sedangkan gaya hidup hedonis
memiliki pengaruh parsial terhadap perilaku keuangan .
KELEBIHAN Penelitian ini dilakukan pada populasi mahasiswa aktif kelas A
PENELITIAN Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Balikpapan dengan rentang usia 15-
24 tahun, dan sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 270 mahasiswa aktif
kelas A Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Balikpapan yang dihitung
menggunakan rumus slovin dengan teknik purposive sampling. Hal
ini menunjukkan bahwa sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini
cukup representatif dan dapat mewakili populasi yang lebih besar.
KEKURANGAN Penelitian ini memiliki keterbatasan dalam ruang lingkup
PENELITIAN penelitiannya, sehingga diharapkan untuk peneliti selanjutnya jika
meneliti penelitian dengan tema yang serupa dapat memperluas
ruang lingkup penelitian seperti dengan penambahan variabel atau
faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini agar penelitian
dengan tema ini dapat semakin berkembang kedepannya
DISKUSI/ Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa literasi keuangan memiliki
REKOMENDASI pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku keuangan pada
mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Balikpapan. Oleh karena
itu, penting bagi generasi Z untuk meningkatkan literasi keuangan
mereka agar dapat membuat keputusan keuangan yang lebih baik di
masa depan.


JUDUL Leader-Member Exchange Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja: Mediasi

Komitmen Organisasi dan Perceived Organizational Support
NAMA JURNAL Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Dan Bisnis
VOLUME DAN Vol. 24 No. 1, 26-41
TAHUN 2023
PENULIS Sharifah Fathia Hannisa Noor, Jufrizen
REVIEWER Sindy Petra Yanti Sianturi
TANGGAL 25 Oktober 2023
LATAR Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Leader-
BELAKANG Member Exchange, komitmen organisasi, dan perceived
organizational support terhadap kepuasan kerja pada karyawan
Kantor BKKBN Sumatera Utara.
PERMASALAHA Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah pengaruh
N Leader-Member Exchange, komitmen organisasi, dan perceived
organizational support terhadap kepuasan kerja pada karyawan
Kantor BKKBN Sumatera Utara.
TUJUAN Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh
PENELITIAN Leader-Member Exchange terhadap kepuasan kerja melalui
komitmen organisasi dan perceived organization support pada
Kantor BKKBN Sumatera Utara secara langsung dan tidak
SUMBER DATA Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sampling jenuh, di mana semua
anggota populasi dijadikan sampel penelitian sebanyak 91 orang.
Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner/angket
dan wawancara. Semua data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis
menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan analisis statistik partial
least square – structural equation model (PLS-SEM).
METODE Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam PDF ini adalah metode
PENELITIAN kuantitatif asosiatif. Metode kuantitatif adalah pendekatan penelitian
berdasarkan konsep positivisme yang digunakan untuk menganalisis
populasi atau sampel tertentu dengan cara mengumpulkan data
menggunakan peralatan penelitian dan mengevaluasi data kuantitatif
atau statistik dengan tujuan menguji hipotesis yang telah disusun.
Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan Kantor BKKBN
Sumatera Utara sebanyak 91 orang
OBJEK Objek penelitian ini adalah pengaruh Leader-Member Exchange
PENELITIAN terhadap kepuasan kerja melalui komitmen organisasi dan perceived
organizational support pada Kantor BKKBN Sumatera Utara.
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada karyawan Kantor BKKBN Sumatera
Utara sebanyak 91 orang.
HASIL Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Leader-Member Exchange,
PENELITIAN komitmen organisasi, dan perceived organization support
berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja. Selain
itu, Leader-Member Exchange juga berpengaruh positif dan
signifikan terhadap komitmen organisasi dan perceived organization
support. Leader-Member Exchange juga berpengaruh positif dan
signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja melalui Komitmen Organisasi
dan Perceived Organizational Support pada Kantor BKKBN
Sumatera Utara.
KELEBIHAN Penelitian ini juga menggunakan analisis statistik partial least square
PENELITIAN – structural equation model (PLS-SEM) yang dapat melakukan
analisis jalur (path) dengan variabel laten dan dapat mengevaluasi
model pengukuran dan model struktural secara bersamaan.
KEKURANGAN Sampel penelitian hanya diambil dari satu kantor (Kantor BKKBN
PENELITIAN Sumatera Utara) sehingga hasil penelitian mungkin tidak dapat
digeneralisasi ke populasi yang lebih luas.
DISKUSI/ Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disarankan agar pimpinan kantor
REKOMENDASI BKKBN Sumatera Utara dapat memperhatikan kualitas hubungan
antara atasan dan bawahan dengan cara meningkatkan komunikasi,
saling menghormati, dan keterbukaan informasi. Selain itu,
pimpinan juga dapat memberikan perhatian pada kesejahteraan
pegawai dengan memberikan kesempatan promosi, penghargaan
(reward), pemberian fasilitas, keamanan dalam bekerja, dan
kesempatan mendapatkan pelatihan yang akan meningkatkan
kontribusi dari pegawai. Hal ini dapat meningkatkan persepsi
dukungan organisasi dan pada gilirannya meningkatkan kepuasan
kerja karyawan.



NAMA JURNAL Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa dan Manajemen Sistem Informasi
VOLUME DAN Vol. 9, No. 1, Hal. 01-07
TAHUN 2023
PENULIS Mona Fronita
REVIEWER Sindy Petra Yanti Sianturi
TANGGAL 25 Oktober 2023
LATAR Latar belakang yang mendasari penelitian ini adalah perkembangan
BELAKANG teknologi website yang sangat pesat dan menjadikan website sebagai
salah satu fasilitas pendukung terlaksananya proses pendidikan lebih
mudah, termasuk UIN Suska Riau khususnya Program Studi Sistem
Informasi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi yang dikenal dengan
website Sistem Informasi Tugas Akhir (SITASI). Perkembangan
teknologi website sebanding dengan risiko yang juga meningkat,
oleh karena itu website harus dilakukan pengujian untuk
memastikan bahwa tidak ada risiko atau masalah keamanan pada
PERMASALAHA Permasalahan yang mendasari penelitian ini adalah untuk
N melakukan pengujian terhadap website SITASI untuk melihat
kerentanan keamanan.
TUJUAN Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memastikan bahwa tidak ada risiko
PENELITIAN atau masalah keamanan pada website SITASI.
SUMBER DATA penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan pengujian terhadap
website SITASI menggunakan utilities dan tools seperti whois,
Nmap, Zenmap, OS Kali Linux dan Acunetix Vulnerability Scanner
METODE Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dilakukan
PENELITIAN secara sistematis untuk dapat menjadi pedoman dalam
melaksanakan penelitian agar mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan. Alat
ukur metodelogi penelitian menggunakan bagan alur metodologi
seperti pada gambar 3.1. Tahapan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian
ini antara lain information gatering, Network Mapping dan
vulnerability scanning.
OBJEK Objek penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah
HASIL Berdasarkan hasil pengujian menggunakan Acunetix Vulnerability
PENELITIAN Scanner, ditemukan 2 ancaman level medium severity
vulnerabilities dan 6 ancaman level low severity vulnerabilities pada
website SITASI. Namun, dari keseluruhan hasil pengujian, dapat
disimpulkan bahwa website SITASI sudah tergolong aman dari
celah keamanan.
KELEBIHAN Dengan melakukan pengujian keamanan, dapat diidentifikasi celah
PENELITIAN keamanan yang ada pada website dan dilakukan tindakan
pencegahan untuk mengatasinya. Hal ini dapat membantu
meningkatkan kepercayaan pengguna terhadap website dan
mencegah terjadinya kerugian akibat kebocoran data atau serangan
KEKURANGAN Beberapa kekurangan yang mungkin terjadi pada penelitian
PENELITIAN pengujian keamanan website adalah terbatasnya waktu dan sumber
daya yang tersedia untuk melakukan pengujian secara menyeluruh,
serta kemungkinan adanya celah keamanan yang belum terdeteksi
oleh tools atau utilities yang digunakan dalam pengujian.
DISKUSI/ Berdasarkan hasil pengujian keamanan website SITASI yang
REKOMENDASI dilakukan menggunakan Acunetix Vulnerability Scanner, dapat
disimpulkan bahwa website SITASI sudah tergolong aman dari
celah keamanan. Meskipun ditemukan beberapa ancaman level
medium severity vulnerabilities dan low severity vulnerabilities,
namun keseluruhan website sudah terlindungi dengan baik dari
ancaman keamanan. Namun, perlu diingat bahwa pengujian
keamanan hanya dilakukan pada saat tertentu dan tidak menjamin
bahwa website akan tetap aman dari ancaman keamanan yang terus
berkembang. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan pengujian keamanan
secara berkala dan menyeluruh untuk memastikan bahwa website
tetap aman dari ancaman keamanan yang terus berkembang.


JUDUL Likuiditas dan Leverage terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Dimediasi

Profitabilitas: Eksplorasi Peran Financial Technology sebagai
variabel Moderasi
NAMA JURNAL Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Dan Bisnis
VOLUME DAN Vol. 24 No. 1, 1 – 25
TAHUN 2023
PENULIS Intan Zoraya, Chairil Afandy, Ridwan Nurazi, Nia Herlina
REVIEWER Sindy Petra Yanti Sianturi
TANGGAL 25 Oktober 2023
LATAR Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji dampak likuiditas dan
BELAKANG leverage terhadap nilai perusahaan yang dimediasi oleh
profitabilitas, serta eksplorasi peran financial technology sebagai
variabel moderasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada perusahaan
perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama periode
PERMASALAHA Permasalahan yang diangkat pada penelitian ini adalah bagaimana
N dampak likuiditas dan leverage terhadap nilai perusahaan yang
dimediasi oleh profitabilitas, serta bagaimana financial technology
memoderasi hubungan antara likuiditas dan leverage terhadap
TUJUAN Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan wawasan baru
PENELITIAN tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai perusahaan dan
peran financial technology dalam mengubah hubungan antara
likuiditas, leverage, dan profitabilitas.
SUMBER DATA Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data
sekunder berupa annual report perusahaan sampel. Data tersebut
diambil dari Bursa Efek Indonesia dan situs resmi perusahaan
terkait. Peneliti mengumpulkan data secara tahunan melalui laporan
tahunan atau annual report. Metode pengambilan sampel
menggunakan purposive sampling, yaitu desain terbatas untuk
orang-orang spesifik yang dapat memberikan informasi yang
diperlukan karena hanya mereka yang memiliki informasi atau
memenuhi kriteria yang ditetapkan penelitian. Sampel yang
digunakan adalah perusahaan dari sektor perbankan yang terdaftar di
Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2016-2021 yang memenuhi kriteria
sampel dalam penelitian ini. Dalam hal ini, diperoleh 24 perusahaan
perbankan yang dapat dijadikan sampel penelitian.
METODE Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah
PENELITIAN penelitian eksplanatori kuantitatif. Jenis penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk menjelaskan hubungan antara variabel-variabel yang diteliti.
Populasi penelitian ini adalah perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar
di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama tahun 2016-2021 berjumlah 43
perusahaan perbankan. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan
purposive sampling. Sampel yang digunakan adalah perusahaan dari
sektor perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun
2016-2021 yang memenuhi kriteria sampel dalam penelitian ini.
Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif, dan
analisis regresi linear berganda dengan menggunakan program
EVIEWS. Analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan data panel
yang merupakan gabungan antara deret waktu (time – series) dan
data deret lintang (cross – section). Terdapat dua macam panel data
yaitu data panel balance dan data panel unbalance, data panel
balance adalah keadaan di mana unit cross-sectional memiliki
jumlah observasi time series yang sama. Data panel unbalance
adalah keadaan di mana unit cross-sectional memiliki jumlah
observasi time series yang tidak sama. Penelitian ini menggunakan
data unbalance panel.
OBJEK Objek penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah perusahaan perbankan
PENELITIAN yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama tahun 2016-2021.
HASIL Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa likuiditas dan leverage
PENELITIAN berpengaruh terhadap profitabilitas. Selain itu, likuiditas juga
berpengaruh terhadap nilai perusahaan, sedangkan leverage tidak
berpengaruh terhadap nilai perusahaan. Penelitian ini juga
menemukan bahwa financial technology mampu memoderasi
pengaruh likuiditas dan leverage terhadap profitabilitas. Dalam hal
ini, financial technology dapat memperkuat pengaruh likuiditas
terhadap profitabilitas dan memperlemah pengaruh leverage
terhadap profitabilitas. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi
penting bagi pengembangan teori dan praktik manajemen keuangan,
khususnya dalam konteks perbankan.
KELEBIHAN Populasi penelitian yang digunakan adalah perusahaan perbankan
PENELITIAN yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama tahun 2016-2021,
yang merupakan populasi yang relevan dan representatif untuk
penelitian ini.
KEKURANGAN Penelitian ini hanya menguji pengaruh likuiditas dan leverage
PENELITIAN terhadap nilai perusahaan yang dimediasi oleh profitabilitas,
sehingga tidak mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor lain yang dapat
mempengaruhi nilai perusahaan.
DISKUSI/ Perusahaan perbankan dapat mempertimbangkan untuk
REKOMENDASI meningkatkan likuiditas mereka, karena penelitian ini menunjukkan
bahwa likuiditas berpengaruh positif terhadap profitabilitas dan nilai

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