The Influence of Democratic Parenting On Children Independence

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The Influence of Democratic Parenting on Children’s Independence | 2023

The Influence of Democratic Parenting on Children's Independence

Authors :
Afifah Yunia Sastra1, Nasywa Ayu Prameswari Adrianus2, Tatu Zakiyatun Nufus3
Psychology Faculty of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

The theory of democratic parenting and children's independence is the main topic of this journal, with an
emphasis on the relationship between parents and children in making decisions. The purpose of this study is to
investigate how democratic parenting impacts on children's level of independence. This research was conducted
using a qualitative approach and utilized the literature study method. Journals were used as a source of research
data, and journal notes should be in accordance with the research topic. The results showed that there is a
positive relationship between democratic parenting methods and the growth of children's independence. This
report helps researchers and practitioners develop parenting methods that help children become more
independent, which has important consequences in improving interpersonal relationships in the family .
Keywords: Parenting, Democratic, Independence.

Children's behavior and thinking will be influenced by the role or responsibility of parents in
managing their children's learning. Then, what parenting style is most suitable for shaping the
character of children's independence? Common parental roles are authoritarian parenting,
democratic parenting, and permissive parenting. Authoritarian parenting is very dominant,
often making decisions without considering the child's feelings. Democratic parenting is
different from authoritarian, parents always involve their children in making rules, and also
give their children the freedom to voice their opinions and determine their life goals. Whereas
permissive parenting, parents provide little direction and regulation but tend to love their
children very much.
The democratic role controls behavior, mistrust, reluctance to negotiate, and shyness.
Children are given fair and consistent discipline, encouraged to be independent, and show
their love and affection through democratic caregivers. The child gains good social skills,
self-confidence, and the ability to regulate their emotions. One way to control and demand
the role of parents is democratic parenting, which according to Baumrind was introduced in
1971. This pattern leads to problem-oriented child activities and produces children who are
independent, self-reliant, and able to control themselves. Achieve life satisfaction (Baumrind,
1971). Today, democratic parenting is in high demand as it teaches children social skills,
democratic principles, self-esteem, personality and discipline.

Literature Review
There is a term "parenting style" that refers to the way parents raise their children. Parenting
style can refer to the level of parental expectations, performance demands, attention given to
rules, and the way parents discipline their children to meet their expectations. From a
language perspective, parenting consists of two words: "pattern" and "parenting". "Pattern"
means model, system, way of working, form (fixed structure) means guarding, caring for,
educating children so that they can stand on their own. The definition of parenting itself is a
process carried out by parents to educate, guide, and protect children to grow up in
accordance with the norms of society. Idris argues that parenting is the first and main legacy
that parents give to their children. However, according to Fathi, parenting includes the
relationship between parents and children to fulfill their physical and psychological needs.


The Influence of Democratic Parenting on Children’s Independence | 2023

a. Types of Parenting
Types of parenting according to Wibowo (in Wulandari, 2019) include others:
1. Authoritarian Parenting: Parents often make decisions without considering the
child's feelings. Children must obey the rules and wishes of their parents. Parents
will strictly supervise their child's behavior and punish them if they break the
2. Democratic Parenting: Contrary to the authoritarian parenting system. Parents
always involve their children in making rules, and they also give their children the
freedom to voice their opinions and determine their life goals. Parents
communicate and establish a good relationship with their child.
3. Permissive Parenting: This parenting style is characterized by light requirements
and high responsiveness. Permissive parents tend to provide little direction and
regulation but tend to love their children a lot.

According to Dariyo (2004), democratic parenting means that children and parents are in
the same place, decisions are made together by considering both parties, children are
given responsible freedom, which means that what children do is still under the
supervision of parents and can be held morally responsible, parents and children should
not act arbitrarily, and children are given trust and educated to be responsible for what
they do. This method helps children understand why certain behaviors are expected. It
emphasizes the educational element of self-discipline rather than the punitive element.

b. Child Independence
1. Self-reliance is the etymology of the word "independence". According to Ali and
Asrori (in Sutarmanto, 2015) the basic word of independence is "independence",
which means it has the meaning of the term "thing" and "state" because it has the
meaning of preparation or suffix. According to Debora K. Parker (in Yamin and
Sanan, 2013), independence is a person's ability to think independently, take risks,
manage their time and everything they have. To prevent a personality that is
dependent on others, independence, or autonomy, instill independence in children
as early as possible. Providing motivation to children is the most important thing
in fostering children's courage to know knowledge through parents (Susanto,
2. Parenting is one of the factors that can cause the key to the success of an
independent child to last. Therefore, parents have a very important role in caring,
guiding, educating, and encouraging their children to become independent
(Wahyuni, 2001 in Suseno, 2010).

This research was conducted with a qualitative approach and the literature study method was
used. Journals were used as a source of research data, and journal notes should be appropriate
to the research topic.

Result and Finding

Humans are social creatures. Childhood determines future families, communities and nations.
Social skills are instilled in children through democratic family duties (Miklikowska &
Hurme, 2011). A study conducted in China (Zhang et al., 2018) found that a good
relationship between parents and children can help children develop social creativity and
democratic values. To maintain a good relationship, parents should encourage their children


The Influence of Democratic Parenting on Children’s Independence | 2023

to talk about choices, show affection and care, build independence and reasoning, cooperate
with others, and talk about justice, freedom, and equality.
In this regard, Lavrič & Naterer (2020) found that children raised in a democratic way have
better social and instrumental abilities, which means they have higher self-esteem and lower
depression. Children gained cultural autonomy, better reasoning and academic independence
through democratic parenting (Osorio & Gonzalez-Camara, 2016). Similarly, a cross-cultural
study in Spain, Portugal and Brazil found that only democratic parenting internalizes
children's social values and fosters their self-esteem. According to the above literature, only a
democratic role can produce socially valued self-esteem.
Democratic parenting develops personality traits such as openness, conscientiousness,
extraversion, neuroticism, and agreeableness. Kunwor (2018) investigated how parents in
Nepal exhibit intimidating behaviors, limit autonomy, and usually administer physical
punishment. As a result, the child appears pessimistic, shy, and withdrawn; he or she is also
unable to speak openly and control emotions such as fear, anger, frustration, jealousy,
loneliness, and hesitation to talk to others.
The best way to develop a child's personality is democratic parenting. A Finnish study
(Metsäpelto & Pulkkinen, 2003) found that democratic parents received higher scores for
showing greater sensitivity to openness, extraversion, and friendliness. A survey in India
(Maddahi et al., 2012) found that wealthy, highly educated, and cultured parents teach
children humanism, reciprocity, acceptance, and awareness. Similarly, Ceka and Murati
(2016) stated that parents' care, appreciation and praise of children greatly influence their
personality traits. Therefore, parents should listen and pay attention to their children, avoid
punishing them badly, give them good examples, and teach them to accept their mistakes. By
doing so, children can develop personality traits without realizing it.
Democratic parenting values discipline a child must value discipline to be a true human being
socially and culturally. In order for their children to value discipline, parents should educate
them in a positive way, such as setting limits, giving consequences, listening to them, giving
your attention, capturing good attitudes, knowing when not to respond, preparing to face
problems, and giving time off.

Studies show that democratic parenting makes children more confident and less stressed. In
addition, cross-cultural evidence from Spain, Portugal and Brazil shows that democratic
parenting instills social values in children in different ways. It has also been shown to have
the potential to positively shape children's personalities. Studies in Finland and India show
that democratic parents are more likely to teach their children traits such as friendliness,
openness and extraversion.
Children's personality traits are influenced by parental attention, appreciation and positive
reinforcement. Democratic parenting is a useful and effective strategy to foster positive social
values and personality traits in children without the need to tell them.

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The Influence of Democratic Parenting on Children’s Independence | 2023

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