The Roller Coaster Ride The Resignation of A Sta

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The Roller Coaster Ride:

The Resignation of A Star

Uploaded by Subodh R Wasnick on Jan 28, 2015

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The Roller Coaster Ride: The resignation of a star
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Jan 28, 2015
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The Roller Coaster Ride: The resignation of a star


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Case Background:

‘The Roller Coaster Ride: The Resignation of a Star’ is a Harvard Business School case study that
tries to highlight informal source of power and dependence within an organization

Stephen Connor is the head of glo!al technology research at investment !an" Ru!in# Stern# and Hertz
$RSH% &ne of his star analysts# 'eter Thompson# has decided to resign Stephan is ta"en a!ac" !y
this 'eter is one of the most recognized analysts with RSH He is an integral part of the ongoing
'owerChip deal that is (uite important for the company Stephen had had a word with 'eter two
months earlier when the former heard that 'eter was loo"ing for opportunities elsewhere 'eter had
assured Stephen then that he had no such intention Stephen has come to "now that the reason for
'eter’s resignation is !etter salary !eing offered !y competitor Stephen is speculative that 'eter will
ta"e his entire team with him while e)iting the firm To tac"le the situation Stephen comes up with
two alternatives: give a counteroffer to 'eter or find his replacement *iving a counteroffer will !e
synonymous to giving in to !lac"mailing +any senior analysts in the industry have recently changed
their firms due to which finding a replacement for 'eter will !e tough ,n such a situation# Stephen
ponders if there is another way out

Rina Shea is 'eter’s -unior and has !een assisting him since he hired her . years ago &n some
deli!eration# Stephen comes to "now that Rina is also leaving with 'eter Stephen offers her
promotion to senior analyst role# a chance of enrolling for a prestigious /.0wee" course# and a
considera!le salary hi"e

1ach of the three protagonists is considering their options Stephen is inclined towards offering a
promotion and other !enefits to Rina as opposed to giving in to 'eter’s demands But he is dou!tful
a!out the reactions of investors and other channel partners on 'eter’s e)it Rina is (uite e)cited a!out
Stephen’s offer !ut her loyalty towards 'eter is holding her !ac" 'eter is loo"ing for a way to ta"e
control of the situation He wants Stephen to ma"e him a counteroffer


Rina Shea

,t is suggested that she should accept Stephen’s offer Reasons for the same are as follows:

• ,t is one of the !est opportunities availa!le in the industry for a person with her e)perience#
she will !e a senior analyst heading a team of her own
• ,f she performs well# she will !e responsi!le for the semiconductor !usiness which is growing
fast and is promising
• She will get an opportunity to !e a part of special /.0wee" course on how to !ecome
Institutional Investor- ran"ed2 334 of the people enrolled for this course had !een ran"ed !y
Institutional Investor magazine
• She will get to interact more closely with the higher level managers as she will !e promoted2
she is handpic"ed !y Stephen which will strengthen their professional relationship going
• 5part for this# Stephen can also act as mentor to her $formally as well as informally%
• &ne of the ma-or drivers for her to change -o! was higher compensation $6788#888% !ut
Stephen is offering her 6.88#888 which is much higher than what she will get if she -oins the
other firm

She can still ponder on !eing loyal to 'eter !ut the offer given !y Stephen is too good to re-ect By
far# she has !een under the guidance of 'eter This is an opportunity for her to cultivate political and
professional connections

Peter Thompson

,t is indicative from the case that monetary !enefit is the main reason !ehind 'eter’s desire to -oin
another firm 9irst# he should have discussed the matter openly with Stephen when latter countered
'eter two months earlier But now he has somewhat spoilt his relation with Stephen ,f 'eter chooses
to stay# Stephen is not going to rely on him in future Their relation in going forth will !e very

5lso# if he stays# Rina will !e denied the promotion that Stephen is offering her now The nature of
their relation may not !e cordial in future Rina might view him as a road!loc" in her career

Stephen Connor

Stephen should not ma"e a counter0offer to 'eter He has made an intelligent move !y ma"ing an
offer to Rina ,f Stephen !udges to the demands of 'eter# other analysts will also start try to follow
'eter’s line of action

*oing forward# the two most important things Stephen should !e careful a!out are:

• Be more focussed and aggressive in developing the in0house talent pool $stellar researchers%
• 5s far as the important industries are concerned# do not rely on one analyst for the entire -o!2
always have a !ac"up

• This case reflects on the shift of informal power in an organization2 first from 'eter to
Stephen and then to Rina
• Sources of 'ower
o Stephen 0 1nergy and endurance# fle)i!ility# sensitivity $read and understood others%#
willingness to engage in conflict and confrontation# a!ility to su!merge one’s ego
o 'eter 0 1nergy and endurance# focus $Semiconductor industry%
o Rina 0 1nergy and endurance# fle)i!ility# focus $Semiconductor industry%
• The power residing in you is su!-ected to not only your sources of power !ut also the way
you e)ploit these sources to !uild an atmosphere which ma"es you the power centre

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