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Globaltech Company encountered a spike in noise level for whatever reason, which caused or
impaired the performance of its employees. The causes for this include communication and their
surroundings. It is critical for a business to check on the well-being of its personnel and provide
them with a peaceful location to work, especially if serious concentration is required. This will
assist them in clearly organizing their thoughts. Furthermore, setting regulations will aid them in
keeping the business's peace and order.

2. They can prevent the "Sick Building Syndrome" if they analyze the factors that impact on their
staff, such as the building's surroundings. They can monitor ventilation, lighting, air quality,
temperature, and avoid extraneous sounds, which is especially important for individuals who are
sensitive to noise. By providing a pleasant working environment, they will be able to increase the
production and efficiency of their staff. In addition, they should create some ground rules for how
they will maintain a pleasant workplace by undertaking team-building exercises and soliciting
recommendations for improvements to their job.

3. Only by providing the appropriate type of space in the workplace for the period that employees
work there can GlobalTech maximize employee productivity. GlobalTech must recognize that
their employees are involved in a variety of activities, and it is critical that they adjust their
workplace's space and facility offerings to their employees' varied interests. The organization may
also improve employee productivity by picking settings that allow people and teams to choose
the most appropriate environment for their task-related demands at any given time.

4. GlobalTech may use the 5S idea in their workplace organization by starting their lean
transformation with 5S to develop the foundation and discipline needed to drive continuous
improvement initiatives successfully. And, first, employees must conduct S1-Sort, which involves
going through all the tools and supplies in the workspace and preserving just the needed stuff.
S2-Shine requires GlobalTech personnel to do three activities: cleaning the workplace,
maintaining its look, and taking preventative actions to keep it clean. S3-Set in order focuses on
the necessity to arrange tools and equipment in a way that encourages optimal workflow. S4-
Standardize entails developing best practices for continual workplace improvement, and S5-
Sustain entails keeping the momentum established during the first adoption of the 5s and
developing sustainability programs to preserve discipline.

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