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(WEEK 13)

Part II

I. Title/Topic: Developing Rubrics for Assessing Authentic Assessment: Enhancing Feedback in

Teaching, Learning, and Practices

II. Objective/s:
A.) To understand the importance of designing effective authentic assesment rubrics.
B.) To recognize the role of rubrics in encouraging self-reflection and goal setting.
C.) To gain insights into designing effective authentic assessment rubrics.

III. Content:


1. Clearly Define Task and Learning Objectives

•Rubrics must align with the learning objectives and reflect the authenticity of the task. Clearly
articulate the criteria to be assessed and ensure they are measurable, observable, and relevant
to real-world applications.

2. Incorporate Multiple Performance Levels

•Rubric categories should include various performance levels (e.g., novice, developing,
proficient, exemplary) to cater to the diverse range of student abilities and differentiate
achievement levels effectively.

3. Use Descriptive Language

•The language used in rubrics should be clear, specific, and concise. Avoid jargon and provide
concrete examples within each criterion to ensure students have a comprehensive
understanding of expectations.

4. Provide Feedback on Strengths and Areas for Improvement

•Rubrics should not only identify strengths and weaknesses but also provide constructive
feedback. Tie the feedback to the rubric criteria, highlighting specific areas for improvement
and suggesting strategies to enhance performance.

•Developing rubrics for assessing authentic assessment tasks promotes clarity, consistency, and
meaningful feedback in teaching, learning, and practices. By incorporating well-designed
rubrics, educators can enhance student understanding, foster self-reflection, and inform
instructional practices. These rubrics provide valuable data that guide both students and
instructors towards continuous improvement, ensuring authentic assessment effectively
supports educational outcomes

IV. Assessment:
A. Easy (5 points): Multiple choice
1.What is the primary purpose of aligning rubrics with learning objectives?

a. Enhance confusion

b. Foster authenticity

c. Increase complexity

d. Discourage real-world relevance

2. Why is it essential to incorporate multiple performance levels in rubrics?

a. Simplify assessment

b. Cater to diverse abilities

c. Ignore achievement levels

d. Limit student growth

3. What is a key aspect of using descriptive language in rubrics?

a. Embracing jargon

b. Encouraging ambiguity

c. Being vague

d. Ensuring clarity
4. In the context of rubrics, what is the purpose of providing constructive feedback?

a. Praise only

b. Identify weaknesses only

c. Enhance self-reflection

d. Ignore student performance

5. How do well-designed rubrics contribute to educational outcomes?

a. Increase confusion

b. Hinder self-reflection

c. Guide continuous improvement

d. Discourage instructional practices

B. Average (10 points): TRUE OR FALSE. Direction: Write the word TRUE if the statement is
correct. If not, change the underlined word/s to make it correct. Write your answer on the
space before each number.

1. Well-constructed rubrics play a crucial role in authentic assessment.

2. Rubrics hinder student understanding by providing ambiguous guidelines for
3. Rubrics enable instructors to provide generic feedback, limiting the focus on identified
4. Rubrics discourage self-reflection and goal-setting among students.
5. Rubrics have no role in assessing teaching methods and analyzing aggregated data.

C. Difficult (15 points): Discuss the role of rubrics in informing instructional practices and how
educators can use them to assess teaching methods.


Answer key:

1. b. Foster authenticity

2. b. Cater to diverse abilities

3. d. Ensuring clarity

4. c. Enhance self-reflection

5. c. Guide continuous improvement


2.False - Well-constructed rubrics enhance student understanding by providing clear guidelines

for evaluation.

3.False - Rubrics enable instructors to provide specific feedback focused on identified criteria.

4.False - Rubrics encourage self-reflection and goal-setting among students.

5.False - Rubrics play a role in assessing teaching methods and analyzing aggregated data.

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