Firstaid - Awareness Harry

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First Aid Awareness

First Aid Safety Meeting Topic

Use of first aid kits
General awareness on what to do if:
You have minor injuries;
Students or School members are injured
Safety Meeting – Not intended to
provide formal certified first aid
Awareness Training

Medic assist
First Aid Kits
first aid kits
Installed in common areas
Size of the first aid kits:
Large (Areas up to 75 persons)
Medium (Areas up to 50 persons)
Periodically replenished by vendor
First Aid Kit
Bandages (Various
Sizes) Burn Gel & Spray
Roller Gauze & Gauze Antibiotic
Pads Ointment
Sterile Dressings & Eye/Skin
Tape Buffer/Flushing
Antiseptic Swabs, Solution
Spray, & Towelettes Ice Pack
Finger Splint, Nitrile Gloves
Tweezers, & Scissors CPR Mask
General Guidance for Injuries
Remain calm
Take time to assess the situation and
hazards (Avoid tunnel vision)
Call 118 ASAP if serious – Using a
Cell Phone call the ‘118
Equivalent’ local phone number
After calling 118 contact Building
Security to initiate internal
Cell Phone ‘911 Equivalent’ Local
Emergency Numbers 0361-223333
Add the’118 Equivalent’ local phone
number to your cell phone address
Denpasar 0361 223333
General Guidance
Learn CPR! -
Suspect Spinal/Neck Injuries
Do NOT move the person (unless extreme
Always Trust Your Own:
Good Judgment; and
Common Sense
Common Sense
Direct Pressure
Steady firm pressure
Clean cloth or bandage – Avoid contact
Maintain Pressure on Wound
15 Minutes
Apply more layers if needed
Elevate extremity if no fractures (Lie
First Degree Burn – Minor redness
Run cold water over burn for >5
minutes (No ice or ointments!)
Second Degree Burn – Blistered skin
Do Not Break the Blisters
If the Blisters Break:
Clean & apply antibiotic ointment
Cover with sterile dressing
Change dressing every day
Third Degree Burn – Charred skin
Call 118 immediately

University of California
Office of the President

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