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Mikayla Wiebe

The difference between empathy and sympathy is that…… when you feel sympathy you pretty
much just feel pity or bad for another person, you don’t really relate with them. An example
would be when you go and talk to a therapist and they sit there and feel bad for you and say
their sorry for you, but they don’t actually feel how you’re feeling or relate with you. When you
feel empathy, it means that you’re putting yourself in the other persons shoes and can actually
relate and feel what the other persons feeling. An example would be when my neighbour lost
her dog. I had empathy for her because I lost my dog for before and I was sad and terrified that
something would happen to him. So, I stayed out for 30 minutes to an hour to look for my
neighbour’s dog till we finally found him.

This episode displays empathy and sympathy because in the beginning I kind of felt empathy for
Daly because I’ve been in that same position where I’ve felt like a loner or outsider. Ig may have
been my own fault, but it still hurt. When Daly went into the game and showed his dark side, all
that empathy instantly went away, and hatred easily took over. All my sympathy then went
toward the people that Daly trapped in his game because of his quick temper and harsh fast
judgement. Some of those people that he trapped in his game didn’t even do anything bad to
him, like not smiling. That’s not a crime, she didn’t smile at anyone. Plus, maybe she was having
a bad day and he just made it 100 times worse by ruining her life. So, in conclusion Daly was a
psychopath and even thought I kind of felt bad that he died at the end, he kind of deserved it.

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