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I come before you today to pray for my portfolio. I acknowledge that all that I have is a gift from
you, and I am grateful for the opportunities and resources you have provided me to build my

Lord, I ask for your wisdom and clarity as I make decisions about what to include in my portfolio.
Guide me to select the pieces that best represent my skills and abilities, and that will showcase
my potential to potential employers or clients. Help me to organize and present my work in a way
that is professional and impactful.

I also pray for your favor upon my portfolio. Open doors of opportunity for me, Lord, that I may
have the chance to share my talents and contribute to meaningful projects. Help my portfolio to
stand out among others and to capture the attention of those who have the ability to advance my

Father, I surrender my portfolio into your hands. May it be a reflection of your goodness and
creativity, as I seek to use my talents to honor and glorify you. I trust in your plan for my life and
trust that you will lead me to the right opportunities.

In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.


In the quiet classrooms of an ordinary school, a student named Alex yearned for a teacher who
would not only educate, but inspire and ignite a flame of passion within them. Alex longed for a
teacher who would truly see them, embrace their unique strengths, and guide them towards
their full potential. As each school year passed, their wish for such a teacher grew stronger.

One day, as the sunbeams danced through the classroom windows, a new teacher named Mrs.
Jonalyn walked into Alex's life. Mrs. Jonalyn possessed a magical aura that immediately caught
Alex's attention. Her warm smile radiated genuine care and her eyes sparkled with curiosity and
encouragement. Alex's heart skipped a beat, hoping that this might be the teacher they had
always dreamed of.

From the very first lesson, Mrs. Jonalyn teaching style was anything but ordinary. She sought to
create an environment where learning was not a monotonous chore, but a thrilling adventure.
Mrs. Thompson knew that in order to inspire her students, she needed to foster a sense of
wonder and curiosity in them.

She embraced creativity, encouraging her students to think outside the box and explore new
ideas. She provided opportunities for hands-on experiments, engaging discussions, and
collaborative projects that allowed every student to showcase their unique perspective. Mrs.
Jonalyn saw the potential in each student, helping them discover and nurture their individual
talents, whether it was through writing, art, science, or music.

But Mrs.Jonalyn magic did not end in the classroom. She went above and beyond to build a
caring and inclusive community, where every student felt safe, valued, and empowered. She
listened attentively to their hopes, dreams, and fears, offering words of encouragement and
support. Through her unwavering belief in her students, she taught them the meaning of
resilience and the importance of embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.

In Mrs. Jonalyn classroom, learning became more than just memorizing facts and figures. It
became a transformative experience, where students discovered their strengths, overcame their
fears, and forged their own path towards success. With her guidance, Alex felt their self-
confidence soar, believing that they could accomplish anything their heart desired.

As the school year drew to a close, Alex looked back on the profound impact that Mrs. Thompson
had made on their life. The lessons learned in that classroom extended far beyond textbooks and
tests. Mrs. Jonalyn had instilled a love for learning, a thirst for knowledge that would accompany
Alex throughout their journey.
knew that their suc
My reflection about this topic the code of ethics for professional teacher is to protects the rights
of a students, all the students. It is important that teachers understand that the teaching position
are agree to follow the code of ethics The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers typically
emphasizes professionalism, integrity, respect, and commitment to learners' development. It
often includes values like honesty, fairness, competence, and continuous improvement, aiming to
guide educators in their responsibilities towards students, colleagues, parents, and the
community. Reflection on this code might involve considering how these principles align with
one's teaching practices and personal values, fostering a positive and ethical teaching
My reflection about this topic the demands of society from the teacher as a professional is
Society expects teachers to be not just educators but also mentors, advocates, and role models.
They're expected to adapt to diverse student needs, promote critical thinking, foster inclusive
environments, and contribute to holistic student development. Additionally, teachers are often
looked upon to navigate technological advancements, incorporate innovative teaching methods,
and collaborate with various stakeholders to prepare students for an ever-evolving world.
Reflecting on these demands involves assessing how one meets these expectations and adapts to
the changing needs of society while maintaining professional standards.
My reflection about this topic the developing concerns for others is Developing concerns for
others as a teacher involves cultivating empathy, understanding, and support for your students,
colleagues, and the community. It's about recognizing and addressing their needs, challenges,
and aspirations. Reflecting on this aspect could involve assessing how well you understand the
perspectives of others, how you create an inclusive and supportive environment, and how you
actively contribute to the well-being and growth of those around you. It's an essential part of
being an effective and compassionate educator.
My reflection about this topic the code of ethics for professional teachers his/her person,
profession and business is the ethics for professional teachers often intertwine with personal
values, professional integrity, and the responsibilities inherent in the teaching profession. It
involves aligning personal beliefs and behaviors with the professional standards expected in
education. Teachers must balance their roles as individuals with their responsibilities to their
students, colleagues, and the broader educational community. Reflecting on this connection
involves considering how one's personal values and actions align with the ethical standards of
teaching, ensuring that integrity and ethical conduct are integrated into both personal and
professional spheres without conflict of interest.
My reflection about this topic the seven philosophies of education is Reflecting on the seven
philosophies of education involves considering the foundational principles that shape educational
practices,reflecting on these philosophies involves considering which philosophy aligns best with
your teaching style, values, and goals for student development, as well as how to integrate
elements from different philosophies to create a balanced and effective educational approach.
My reflection about this topic on becoming a global teacher is becoming a global teacher involves
embracing diversity, cultural awareness, and a broad perspective on education. It means being
open-minded, adaptable, and willing to incorporate diverse viewpoints and practices into
teaching methods. Reflecting on becoming a global teacher includes considering how to integrate
global perspectives into the curriculum, fostering an inclusive classroom environment, promoting
cross-cultural understanding, and preparing students to thrive in a interconnected world. It also
involves continuous learning and collaboration with educators worldwide to enhance teaching
practices and global competence among students.
My reflection about this topic a closer look at the teachers and the teaching profession in the
ASEAN and beyond is exploring the teaching profession in the ASEAN region and beyond can
provide valuable insights into diverse educational systems, cultural contexts, and teaching
methodologies. Reflecting on this involves understanding the unique challenges and
opportunities teachers face in different countries within ASEAN and globally. It includes
considering the variations in educational policies, the impact of cultural diversity on teaching and
learning, and the ways teachers adapt their methods to meet the needs of diverse student
populations. Additionally, reflecting on this topic might involve recognizing successful practices,
exchanging ideas with educators from different regions, and embracing the richness that cultural
diversity brings to the teaching profession on a global scale.
My reflection about this topic the changing global landscape for the 21st century teacher is the
changing global landscape for 21st-century teachers presents both challenges and opportunities.
Reflecting on this evolution involves recognizing the rapid advancements in technology, the
increasing interconnectedness of the world, and the growing diversity in classrooms. It requires
acknowledging the shift towards digital learning, the need for adaptable teaching methods to
engage tech-savvy students, and preparing learners for an unpredictable future job
market.Reflecting on this landscape also entails embracing lifelong learning to stay updated with
evolving educational trends, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability in students,
and cultivating global competencies to navigate diverse cultures and perspectives. It's about
understanding that the role of a teacher now extends beyond imparting knowledge to facilitating
skills essential for success in a dynamic, globalized world.
My reflection about this topic the ensuring teacher quality through competency framework and
standards Ensuring teacher quality through competency frameworks and standards reflection
might include evaluating how these frameworks enhance teaching practices, support
personalized growth plans, and ensure a high standard of education. Additionally, it involves
considering how these standards adapt to changing educational landscapes, foster innovation,
and address diverse learning needs, ultimately contributing to improved student outcomes.
My reflection about this topic teaching, the noblest of all profession's Teaching is often regarded
as one of the noblest professions.It's about acknowledging the intrinsic value of guiding and
nurturing young minds, inspiring curiosity, instilling values, and unlocking potential. Reflecting on
teaching as a noble profession involves understanding the influence educators have in shaping
not just academic abilities but also character, resilience, and lifelong learning skills in their
students. It's recognizing the potential to make a lasting, positive difference in the lives of others
and the world at large through education.
My reflection about this topic to commit or not to commit is in teaching, this reflection might
involve evaluating the commitment to a particular approach in education, investing time in
professional development, or deciding on the level of involvement with students, colleagues, or
extracurricular activities. It's about considering the impact of commitment, recognizing personal
limitations, and finding a balance between dedication and maintaining a healthy work-life
equilibrium. Ultimately, it involves introspection to align commitments with personal values,
goals, and the well-being of oneself and others.
My reflection about this topic the demands of society from the teacher as a person is The
demands society places on teachers as individuals are multifaceted. Reflecting on these demands
involves recognizing the various roles teachers fulfill beyond the classroom. Society expects
teachers to be not only educators but also role models, mentors, and advocates for their
students. They are expected to demonstrate empathy, understanding, and patience while
fostering a positive learning environment.Reflecting on these societal demands involves
considering how to balance personal well-being, professional growth, and meeting the
expectations placed upon educators by society while maintaining a high standard of teaching and
support for students.

One of my favorite teachers was Mrs. Corazon Pan, a high school English teacher who left a
lasting impact on my life. From the moment I entered his classroom, it was clear that he was
passionate about literature and deeply invested in his students' learning.

Mrs. Corazon Pan had an infectious enthusiasm that made even the most complex literary works
come alive. He had a knack for selecting thought-provoking novels, plays, and poems that
sparked meaningful discussions among his students. Through his guidance, I learned to delve
deeper into the themes, characters, and symbolism hidden within the pages of these literary

What set Mrs. Corazon Pan apart was his ability to create a safe and welcoming space for all
students to express their thoughts and ideas. He encouraged us to voice our opinions,
challenging us to think critically and articulate our perspectives. He never dismissed our thoughts,
no matter how different they were from his own, but rather encouraged respectful debates that
broadened our understanding of the world.

Mrs. Corazon Pan also believed in the power of writing as a tool for self-expression and
introspection. He guided us through various writing assignments, pushing us to hone our skills,
find our unique voices, and craft compelling narratives. With his gentle guidance, he transformed
writing from a daunting task into a cathartic and empowering process.

Beyond academics, Mrs. Corazon Pan genuinely cared about our personal growth and well-being.
He consistently took the time to check in on his students, offering a listening ear and words of
encouragement. He recognized that we were more than just students, but individuals with
dreams, fears, and struggles. His unwavering support and belief in me gave me the confidence to
face challenges head-on and strive for excellence.

Mrs Corazon Pan impact extended beyond the classroom walls. He went above and beyond as a
mentor, organizing extracurricular activities that further ignited our love for literature. He would
arrange book clubs, poetry readings, and even took us on field trips to museums and theaters.
These experiences opened our eyes to the power of art and its ability to connect us to the world
and its myriad of perspectives.

Even years after graduating, I continue to carry Mrs. Corazon Pan teachings with me. His passion
for literature and his unwavering dedication to his students have shaped my own love for learning
and my desire to make a positive impact on others' lives.

In reflecting on my favorite teacher, I am reminded of the profound influence an educator can

have. Mrs. Corazon Pan not only imparted knowledge but sparked curiosity, nurtured empathy,
and fostered a love for lifelong learning. His impact goes far beyond the classroom, as he instilled
in me the belief that education extends well beyond textbooks – it is a journey of self-discovery
and empowerment.

As a grade school teacher, my philosophy in education is centered around fostering a positive,

inclusive, and engaging learning environment. I believe that each child is unique and has the
potential to succeed and flourish academically and emotionally. In my classroom, I implement a
student centered approach were students are active participants in their learning journey. I
believe in providing opportunities for hands on experiences, collaboration and critical thinking. I
encourage students to question, analyze and explore concepts, promoting a growth mindset. I
believe that education should not only focus on academic achievement but also on the holistic
development of students. I integrate the social emotional learning into my life teaching kindness,
and emotional intelligence.

Finally I believe that the role of education is extended beyond the classroom rules walls. I aim
to collaborate with parents, guardians and the wider community to support students learning
and well being, my philosophy in education as a grade school teacher is focused on fostering an
inclusive student centered and holistic learning environment that values diversity and supports
the well being of each student.

In a world of minds eager to grow,

A beacon of knowledge, you gracefully bestow.
You stand tall in the front, with wisdom untold,
Guiding your students to futures bold.

With patience and care, you offer your hand,

Helping us grasp concepts we may not understand.
You possess the power to ignite a flame,
And turn the mundane into the extraordinary game.

Your words, like treasures, unlock our minds,

Revealing new worlds, wonders we find.
You cultivate curiosity and encourage questions,
Fostering a love for learning that never lessens.

You are a mentor, a role model, a guide,

Leading us through a journey, side by side.
You see beyond grades, beyond classroom walls,
Knowing that education transforms and enthalls.

With kind words and a listening ear,

You wipe away doubts and extinguish fear.
You inspire us to reach our unique potential,
To chase our dreams, and be exceptional.

You are a guardian of knowledge, a source of inspiration,

Empowering generation after generation.
Your impact echoes like a symphony's refrain,
Creating ripples of change that will forever remain.

So here's to the teachers, the ones who dedicate,

Their lives to shaping minds and creating a new fate.
Thank you for all you do, for your passion and care,
For being a teacher, a gift beyond compare.




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