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化數 homework (CH7) 解答

1. Write down the first 5 terms of the MacLaurin series of the following functions:
(i) sin 2 x 2 (5%)

ex 1
(ii) (5%)
 x2 x3 x4 
1  x     1
ex 1  2! 3! 4!  x x 2 x3 x 4
  1   
x x 2 6 24 120

2. (a) Expand each of the following functions as a Taylor series about the given point,
and (b) find the values of x for which the series converges:

(i) sin x, (10%)

This series converges for all values of x.

(ii) ln x, 2 (10%)
3. The equation of state of a gas can be expressed in terms of the series

 i
pV  nRT  Bi (T)  where the Bi are called viral coefficients. Find the first
i 0 V 

 n2a 
three coefficients for the van der Waals equation  p  2 V  nb   nRT . (10%)
 V 

4. Find the limits:

ex 1
(i) lim (5%)
x 0 x
ln x
(ii) lim (5%)
x 1 x2 1

5. The energy density of black-body radiation at temperature T is given by the Planck

8 hc
formula:  ( )  (ehc /  kT  1)1 , where  is the wavelength. Show that the
 5

formula reduces to the classical Rayleigh-Jeans law   8kT / 4 (i) for long

wavelengths (), (ii) if Planck’s constant is set to zero (h0). (10%)

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