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化數 CH5 homework 解答

1. Find the average values in the given intervals: (i) 2 x 2  3x  4;  1  x  1 . (5%)

(ii) cos 3 ; 0    . (5%)

2. Evaluate the definite integrals:

3 d
(i)  2

 3t
(ii) dt (5%)

(iii)   sin 2 xdx


 dx
(iv)  2 x(x  1)
3. For each function, state if it is an even function of x, an odd function, or neither. If
neither, given the even and odd components. (i) sin 2 x , (ii) cos 3x , (iii)
sin x cos x , (iv) 3x 2  2 x  1, (v) e  x . (10%)



d ln p H vap
4. The Clausius-Clapeyron equaition for liquid-vapor equilibrium is  .
dT RT 2
If the enthalpy of vaporization, H vap , is constant in the temperature range T1 to T2,

show by integrating both sides of the equation with respect to T, that

 p  H vap  1 1 
ln  2      , where p1=p(T1) and p2=(T2). (10%)
 p1  R  T1 T2 
5. The distribution of mass in a straight rod of length l is given by the density

function  ( x)  x 2 ; 0  x  l . Find (i) the total mass, (ii) the mass density, (iii) the

centre of mass, (iv) the moment of inertia with respect to an arbitrary point x 0 on
the line, (v) the moment of inertia with respect to the centre of mass. (vi) Show
that the moment of inertia has its smallest value when computed with respect to
the centre of mass. (20%)

(v) I(X) = l5 /5 – X l4 /2 + X2 l3 /3 X = 3l /4
= l5 /5 – 3l5 /8 + 3l5 /16
= l5/80

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