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Alya : “Hi Riva! How are you?”

Riva : “Hi Alya! I’m pretty good, how about you?”
Alya : “I’m good, where are the others?”
Riva : “I don’t know, let me check first, oh they are here”
Windri : “Hi guys! I’m sorry I’m late to join”
Hamzah : “Yes me too, wasap guys?”
Aisyah : “Wait, where is Cici?”
Hamzah : “ Hmmm I don’t know”
Aisyah : “Windri, can you text Cici?”
Windri : “Yes of course, wait a minute"

Isi Chat
Windri : “Assalamualaikum, this windri, where are you cici?”
Cici : “I’m sorry, I’m forget we have meeting”
Windri : “It’s okay ci, let’s join with us”
Cici : “Sure, let me wear my veil first”
Windri : “Okaay, we waiting you”
Isi chat
Cara chat orang lain yang baik dan benar hehe

Windri : “Guys. Cici is still wearing a veil"

"Okay. No problem."
Alya : “Omg, it’s been a long time we are not talking each other”
Aisyah : “ Yes, what are you doing last week?”
Hamzah : “ I just took care of an order for doing to be sewn”
Aisyah : “ How about you Riva?”
Riva : “ I teach English course”
: really? Where did u teach?
: since when? R u happy?
Riva : I teach at arcamanic ranbow kids, since one mount ago until now, and I’m
very happy when I teach, because the children very cute.
Cici : “ Hi guys! I’m sorry to be late, because I’m forget we have zoom meet, I feel
so bad”
Windri : “It’s okay cici, no problem”
Cici : “ Okaay guys, by the way what are you talking about?”
Hamzah : “ We just talking about our activity last week"
riva : ci how about you? What’s your activity?
Cici : I just do nothing.
Windri : no one asking me?
Alya : oh yeah sorry, and how about u windri? Whats your activity?
Windri : same as like riva, but I teacha at madrasah.
Aisyah : masyaallah u have many pahala.

Riva’s phone is ringing and the ringtone is Jisoo – Flower

Riva : “ Sorry guys there is a call, wait a minute”

A few moment later

(Temen Riva nelepon kalau dia kelebihan tiket konser BlackPink. Jadi dia mau bagi bagi ke
Riva dan temen-temennya) MASUK AKAL GAK?
Mengangkat telepon

Aisyah : “Hey Riva, btw I know your ringtone!”

Cici : “ Me too, is that Jisoo – flower right?”
Riva : “ Yes, do you guys know Jisoo”
Hamzah : “ Yes I know I really like when she move her hand like this (memperagakan
gerakan), it’s like ...”
Windri : “ Haha yes I agree, I’m so addicted”
Alya : “ So guys, you better teach me the dance”
Windri : “Yeah good idea! let’s practice and join the challage on Tiktok, Hamzah please teach
Hamzah ngajarin dance dan kita semua mengikutinya
Alya : “ Omg guys it was so fun, I’m really happy”
Aisyah : “ Yeah it was so fun "

Someone left hamzah

Riva :"What's wrong?"

Cici :" I don't know maybe signal"

Riva: I forget that I wanna tell you guys. My friend tell that Black pink Will concernts in
Jakarta soon and she (kelebihan Tiket) so give us free ticket HOREEE

Windri :"Really? It's a good news"

Aisyah : "I am so happy! Can I join?"
Riva :"Of course"
Riva :"Oh yeah, don't forget tell (someone left) that we Will see concernts BlackPink!
(someone in meet) could/would you text/tell (someone left) to IKUT see concernts with US?
Leave message
Alya : "Okay. I'll chat/tell him. Sorry but, I have to go now because I Will (ke mana atau
Cici : "Okay. How about we end this ...?"
Aisyah : "Yes. We talk again guys. I am glad we were able to talk today."
Riva : "Yes. Thank you for today! See you!"
Windri : "See you!"
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