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The role of Requirements in the Success or

Failure of Software Projects

Analiza P. Natividad
Professor Paulo Lorenzo

Experiment is the key to success. The contemporary program consist of a wide

variety of elements that want to be together. This code is mostly thought to be useful for
the purpose of developing efficiency, which implies that a single defect may result in
grievous consequences. Even if the chance of the failure may be poor, it is not the reason
to reject this danger. Like in doing a software project we encounter success and failure.
There are a lot of reasons for the software project to failed, but there also a reason to be
success. The failure of the software project usually costly and risky and can be life
threatening. The failure in software project is a challenge in today’s competitive market

With regards to software development requirements of the corporation,

everybody’s looking for the best quality assistance to make the greatest value available.
To be better software development we should employing the good code. When we did
this our software project start to success. The quality of the software is important, it’s
make the client satisfied. Software project would be successful if you have the appropriate
software development company. And also the software project is successful if we have
an allocate budget for it. Also when it complete on time. And the failed project is the one
that is aborted or cancelled. Some of the group of researchers tells that there are small
of percentage that the software project can be successful. They said that the
requirements are difficult to understand and not clear. This is the one of the reason why
some of the software project is failed.
I’m at my forties today, I know there is more than rejection and failure and pity.
Because to make great, we have to put our fear of failure. And we get to admit this fact
that bad works do not automatically lead to prosperity. And far, success is not the end.
Like in making software project there are a lot of failure before you get the success.
Always do your best and don’t quit in making it. There is always a foundation in successful
project. There are also a lot of reason why the software project failed. It also affect the
company’s image, goodwill, and revenue drive. Also success and failure is always there
no matter what happen. Just always remember that in every failure we made there always
a success bring.

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