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Based on what you understand, how important is having a software on certain hardware
such as desktops, laptops and smartphones? Explain your answer.
 It is important having a software on the certain hardware for them to run
correctly. The software is the one who perform the task, without software the
hardware is useless. Laptops, desktops, and smartphone can’t work without
software since it can’t communicate. The code and data were place at the
software. The hardware is nothing without a software.
2. Based on the laws of software evolution, specifically on conservation of familiarity, what
are the possible effects for your client if this law was not applied to the project you are
developing for them? Explain your answer.
 The possible effect to the client if this law is not applied when you use the
software it not run according to the plan. It help to the client if you are familiar to
the project you do. It also for you to easily discuss it to your client. If you are not
familiar with the project it can lead this to fail. Having familiarity to the project you
can execute it
3. Is it really applicable for developers to just follow the software evolution process without
missing a single step? Explain your answer.
 Yes, as a developer you need to follow the software evolution process for us to
easily execute the project. Following the process we can make our project more
understandable. It easy to discuss to the client if you follow the process, because
you don’t forget what inside that project. It is important also because,
organization invest large amount of money in the software. Software evolution
help the software adopt to changing the business requirements.
4. Based on the laws of software evolution, specifically on continuing growth, who do you
think should adjust to a business’ problems, the developers of the system for the
business, or the users of the system who sets the trends for the business’ lifestyle
changes? Explain your answer.
 For me I they need to adjust both, for them to use the software correctly. They
need to adopt what is inside the project. For the developer we need to discuss it
to the user. And as a user for us to adopt the continuing growth we also need to
adjust and listen to the developer. So that we encounter the real changes and not
the project to be useless.
5. Based on the laws of software evolution, specifically on reducing quality, on what
instances does a software system declines in quality? Why?
 The software system decline in quality when we don’t know what we’re doing.
The quality of the product did not meet the expectation of the user.
6. How important are requirements to the success of a project? Will completely identifying
all requirements guarantee a success? Why?
 It important because, requirements provide stakeholders such as marketing and
software to set of goal. The foundation for the project and the schedule must
target the finished product quality and performance. The user will able to
understand the requirements and hold realistic expectation for the final product.
Yes identifying the requirements guarantee a success. If we met the real
requirements the project work perfectly.

7. Based on the laws of software evolution, specifically on Increasing complexity, what do

you think are the certain factors that affect that increase in complexity in a system? Why
do you think so?
 The useless work of the software. It can reduce or maintain it by the developer.
The complexity may increase.

8. Based on the software evolution process, how important is a change request? Why?
 The importance of change request the necessary information is required and
impact analysis process analyzed the necessary information and pass to the next
step release planning process. All the information are completely process
retrieves the first step of change request so the evolution process is done. The
new requirements emerge when the software is used. The performance of the
system may improve.

9. What do you think will be the difference between a software that applies all laws of
software evolution and a software that does not? Explain your answer.

 The software that applies all law is easy to use by the user. It easy to understand
because there a process. The software that follow the law may increase the real
world change. And the software does not may cause a useless software. And for
the user they will not easily understand it.
10. Bonus Question. You either get 10 or 5 points based on your answer.) You were tasked
to create a group with 3 members each last synchronous session. Based on your
opinion, who do you think among your group members is the asset? (Required, name 1
in your group), Who do you think will be the liability? (Required, name 1 in your group).
What is your value to the group? Do you think you can help them succeed this
upcoming project? Explain your answer.

 I think the asset to our group is Mark Angelo. And the liability me. My value to my
group is we can finish the task that are given to us. Yes I can help my group for
upcoming project all we have to do is to have a cooperation with each other.

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