Celebrity Gossip Newspaper - Maria Gozdzikowski 1

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Student Name: Maria Gozdzikowski

EDU 214
Celebrity Gossip Newspaper Reflection
Date: 12/2/23

Artifact Description: I had to compile a list of fictional stories to create a

semi-realistic newspaper.

What you learned: I learned how to include pictures into text and ways to
manipulate wording into columns and how to increase both size and boldness.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)•S Addressed:

1.7 Global Collaborator: “Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives
and enrich their learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in
teams locally and globally.”

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I could use this type of formatting
when it comes to expressing different ideas in History. Students would be able to
scroll down and acknowledge all this information whilst looking at a picture.

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