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082250340836 Paser, East Borneo

I am a disciplined and independent person. My
professional experience and my education background Diponegoro University
have given me abundant knowledge both in technical Economics | 2018 - 2022
and non-technical skills. I’m confident with many skills GPA 3.78 / 4.00
& competence that I had will prove my credibility and Thesis : Analysis of the Influence of Indonesia's
capability to learn new things and easily adapt in Local Currency Settlement Policy with Malaysia
various professional environment. I am ready to take and Thailand on the Rupiah Exchange Rate
responsibility for all the work given and committed to against the US Dollar 2018-2021
giving my best performance in the company.

Skills Work Experiences

Dibimbing. id – Jakarta(Remote)
Hard Skills Soft Skills Languages
Class Manager Bootcamp Digital Marketing |
E-views Public Speaking Indonesian
June 2022 – Present
Microsoft Office Problem Solving English
Coordinated with to regarding the Bootcamp
Design Graphic Communication
digital marketing class.
(Photoshop) Adaptable Muhammad Irsyad Graded assessment students Bootcamp
Ridwan, S.E. digital marketing class.
Achievement Fresh Graduate
Facilitated the students regarding the needs
of the learning process in Bootcamp digital
6th Place of National Essay PPIC UPN Veteran marketing class.
Yogyakarta | August, 2020
Bank Indonesia – Semarang
1st Place of Business Plan at Temu Ilmiah Regional
(TEMILREG) FoSSEI of Central Java – Purwokerto | Researcher at KPwBI of Central Java / Kampus
March 2020 Merdeka Bank Indonesia | February 2022 – July
Finalist of Call for Paper at National Hero 2022
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University | February, Contributed to project of export-oriented
2020 SME business model development in the
Top 10 of Call for Paper at National Islamic Economic coffee and cloth sector.
Sharia Competition (IESCO) Darussalam Gontor Contributed for project UMKM Gayeng Jawa
University | February 2020 Tengah 2022.
2nd Place at National Sharia paper Competition Joined and made a summary of learning
IQTISHODUNA Airlangga University | November 2019 insight for the internal and external
3rd Place of KTI Qur’an MTQM Diponegoro meetings.
University | March, 2019 Bank Syariah Indonesia – Semarang
Banking Operation / Kampus Merdeka Bank
Syariah Indonesia | August 2021 – January 2022
Trained in personal development and
Organization Experience technical skills for sharia bankers.
Knew and understood banking operational
Kelompok Studi Ekonomi Islam (KSEI) FEB UNDIP service standards.
Head of Biro Penelitian dan Prestasi (PEPSI) | Carried out operational transaction
Oktober 2019 – September 2020 processes and financing transactions
Kelompok Studi Ekonomi Islam (KSEI) FEB UNDIP Bank Indonesia – Jakarta Pusat
Staff of Biro Penelitian dan Prestasi (PEPSI) | Investor Relation Unit, Department International |
Oktober 2018 – September2019 February – June 2021
Contributed to project of assessment on use
case indicator on Early Warning System
(EWS) Rating Indonesia.

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