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Anh Thầy Donald Dương 0969.25.

3575 đề ôn tập HKI lớp 8


Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút
A. LISTENING (2.0 points)
I. Listen and choose the best answer A, B or C. (1.0 point)
1. Where is Nick going to meet Karen? (TH)
A. At the bus stop B. At the pool C. At the cafe
2. Where did the man go on holiday? (NB)
A. In Turkey B. In China C. In Italy
3. What time does the bookshop shut tonight? (TH)
A. At 6.30 B. At 7.45 C. At 9.00
4. Which drink is Anna’s? (TH)
A. A bottle of water B. A can of orange C. A can of apple juice
5. How much did David pay for his new camera? (TH)
A. £65 B. £75 C. £85
II. You will hear a conversation about a holiday English course. Listen and complete.
(1.0 point)


Place: Oxford
Students must be: (1) ___________________ years old or more. (NB)
Starting date: (2) ___________________ July. (NB)
Students stay with: (3) English _______________________. (NB)
Price of course: (4) £ ______________________. (NB)
College in: (5) _______________________ Street. (TH)

B. LANGUAGE (2.0 points )

Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. On the side of the road, a herd boy was herding _______. (NB)
A. kites B. hay C. cattle D. blackberries
2. My uncle moved to _______ USA three years ago. (NB)
A. the B. a C. an D. X
3. Does your new stereo play music _______ than your old one did? (NB)
A. louder B. more loudly C. loudlier D. more louder
Anh Thầy Donald Dương 0969.25.3575 đề ôn tập HKI lớp 8

4. "Children in my village often fly their kites in dry rice fields". "_______" (TH)
A. It’s right up my street! B. That’s awesome.
C. Exactly what I want. D. How interesting!
5. There are different types of street food among regions and _______ around the world.
A. cultures B. traditions C. customs D. habits
6. If you spend less time playing computer games, you _______ better. (NB)
A. studies B. studied C. will study D. would study
7. “Would you like to go camping with me this weekend?” “_______” (TH)
A. Yes, I'd love to. B. That’s all right.
C. OK. That’s what you’ve chosen. D. No, thanks.
8. Daisy is _______ social media. She spends lots of time on Facebook and Instagram.
A. tired of B. bored with C. addicted to D. curious about
9. _______ it was such a cold day, they decided not to go on a picnic. (TH)
A. Because B. Although C. When D. As long as
10. My sister enjoys ____. She usually walks around the mall, but not buying anything.
A. going shopping B. hanging out C. window shopping D. doing DIY
C. READING (2.0 points )
I. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to fill each blank in the following passage.
(1.0 point)
Hoi An
The ancient (1)________ of Hoi An lies on Thu Bon River, more than 30 kilometers to
the south of Da Nang. Occupied by early western traders, Hoi An was one of the major
(2)_______ commercial ports of South Asia in the 16th century. Hoi An is famous
(3)________ old temples, pagodas, tiled-roof houses and narrow streets. Tourists can
visit the relics of Sa Huynh and Cham Civilizations. They can also enjoy the beautiful
scenery of the Thu Bon River, Cua Dai Beach, etc. In (4)______ years, Hoi An has
become a very (5)_______ tourist destination in Viet Nam. Importantly, the committee of
the World Heritages of UNESCO officially certified Hoi An a World Heritage Site in
1. A. village B. city C. town D. capital (NB)
2. A. recent-time B. modern-time C. new-time D. old-time (TH)
3. A. for B. in C. with D. of (NB)
4. A. near B. new C. recent D. most (NB)
5. A. popular B. disliked C. known D. liked (TH)

Anh Thầy Donald Dương 0969.25.3575 đề ôn tập HKI lớp 8

II. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each question. (1.0
Living in a big city today is very different from living in a small town long ago.
Today if you want to go to the city centre, it takes you a long time by bus or by car. If
you ride a motorbike, you breathe all the exhaust fumes and feel sick. However, if you
become ill, there are hospitals close by. Also, if you like music and dancing, the discos
and pubs offer a wide variety.
Long ago life was different. If people traveled, they used horses and carts. If they
went a long distance, the journey took days, not hours. If they were ill, they didn’t go to
the hospital, there were none. If there is a wedding or holiday, they sang and danced.
1. The life in a big city today is ___________ the life in a small town long ago.
A. the same as B. not very different from
C. slightly different from D. not the same as
2. How did people travel?
A. by bus or by car B. by motorbike
C. by horse and cart D. by bus or by car
3. The word “they” in line 6 refers to __________
A. cities B. modern people
C. people in the past D. horses and carts
4. We can replace the word “ill” in line 7 by the word _________
A. “healthy” B. “wrong” C. “strong” D. “sick”

5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. There were’t any hospitals in the past.
B. In the past, the long journey could takes days.
C. It’s very convenient to travel in the past.
D. Living in a big city today is convenient to travel.
D. WRITING (2.0 points)
Question 1. Finish each of the following sentence in such a way that it means exactly
the same as the sentence printed above it. (1.0 point)
1. Minh really loves to do DIY.
=> Minh really enjoys ________________________________________________
2. In the countryside, children play more freely than in the city. (less)
=> In the city, children play ___________________________________________
3. Flying kites in the fields is interesting. (It is + tính + to v0)
=> It is____________________________________________________________
4. He will pay me tonight; I will have enough money to buy a car. (Đk loại 1)
=> If______________________________________________________________
5. I will call the police if you don’t give back my bicycle.
=> Unless _________________________________________________________

Anh Thầy Donald Dương 0969.25.3575 đề ôn tập HKI lớp 8

6. Practice English more or you won’t communicate with the foreign people.
If ________________________________________________________________
7. It took Mr. Duong 2 hours to prepare for the next lessons
Mr. Duong spent____________________________________________________
8. Unless he does morning exercise, he won’t have good health.
If he______________________________________________________________
9. Nam is 1.7cm. Otherwise, Nhi is 1.52cm. (so sánh)
Nam is____________________________________________________________
10. She didn’t review the lesson, but she got a good mark. (however)
Fill each blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. Tom: How do you go to school every day?
Eden: I ___________ (go) to school by bicycle. It helps to reduce pollution.
2. The horror film ___________ (be) so boring that we almost fell asleep at the cinema
3. Alice is quite lazy and she rarely ___________ (go) to the gym.
4. Last Christmas, my family ___________ (spend) our times in Maldives and took part
in a special festival.
5. Lisa: Hey, we ____________ (prepare) some moon cakes now, do you want to join?
Rose: Sounds great.
6. We usually ___________ (have) Banh Chung and banh day on Tet holidays.
7. I ___________ (take) a lot of photos when I visited the flower festival in the
8. If the weather(be) _________ fine tomorrow, we will go fishing in Tri An.
9. John ___________ (leave) for Noi Bai Airport yesterday morning.
10. My mother and I ___________ (not be) keen on horror films.

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