Ake History

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Nathaniel Akebono T.

I - BSIT - A
Subject: HISTORY

Before I begin explaining why and what kind of Philippine flag I have
done, let me share something a brief of introduction about the Philippine flag
and what I have learned. Philippine history, the flag was the nation’s most
treasured symbol of freedom. It symbolized patriotism, nationalism, and
nationhood; it represented the Filipino people’s aspirations and sentiments in
their pursuit of independence. Filipinos are united by it as an instrument of
unity. The Philippines has long proclaimed an independence and it is important
to knowthat our national flag has played a huge part in the revolutionary
movement of theFilipinos towards the Spaniards, American and Japanese

When I read the instruction of our activity, I was a bit hesitant on my idea
because I asked myself, what if it will turn out bad? And my idea was making it
a cartoonized or more like a comic Philippine flag. While doing or making my
own version of the Philippine flag, I was able to read more about the Philippine
flag. Like a flag if flown from a flagpole shall have its blue field on the top in
time of peace and the red field on top in time of war. If it is in a hanging
position, the blue field shall be on the right (left to the observer) in time of
peace and the red field to the right (left of observer) in time of war. If on a
stage or platform or government office, the flag shall be at the left (facing the
stage) or the left of the office upon entering. The flag shall never touch
anything beneath it such as the ground, plants or other objects.Men should
remove their hats or headdresses with the right hand and hold them at the left
chest. Women should salute by placing the right hand over the left chest.The
salute to the flag in the moving column is rendered at the moment the flag
passes. When the national anthem is played, the same manner of saluting is
to be observed. When no flag is displayed, all should face the musicians. The
love we have for our country is best manifested on how we give respect to our
flag. In movie houses, when the National Anthem is played, do we stand up
and encourage others to do so? When there’s a flag ceremony ongoing, do we
stop and partake? The little respect we have for our flag shows how little we
have respect for anything!

So back to my idea, I chose to make it in a cartoonized or in a comic

version. Because I love reading comics and I believe that doing something or
relating it into something I love will become more meaningful to me. Then it did
become meaningful for me because I was able to make my own version of the
Philippine flag in a comic version. I’m not good at drawing / sketching but
atleast I have tried and I have done best, thank you for making us experience
this type of activity.

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