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TB Pg 25 #1,3,4,9

1. A classification system that uses relatedness is more objective than a classification because
it is a comparison of observed or morphological characteristics while the classification system
contains detailed evidence in the form of fossils and genetic information.

3. The branches represent each species‘ ancestors, going back in time. The species are placed
at the tips of branches from one side of the diagram to the other. The tips of a phylogenetic tree
are mostly living, but could also count extinct lineages or fossils. In the trees you are already
familiar with, tips are subtended by branches. A branch, which represents the persistence of a
lineage through time, may subtend one or many leaves.

4. The top of the tree represents the current day. As you look past the branches downward, you
go back in time. Once the branches touch with an intersection those are the common ancestors
connected to the branches/lines above.

9a)The group colours orange and purple represents a clade because it is the single common
ancestor of all the descendants.

b) The orange group is more closely related to the green group then the pink because they have
a more recent common ancestor.

c) & d)

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