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Cosmic Riddles

western sage

Stillness to Silence to
Test this and find the
"voiceless voice" of
the Primal Parent
within "you".

He who has a left ear,

let him hear what the
Western Parables have
to say.
What is a Parable? What
is a Koan?

For many Seekers of

incorruptible truth,
there is a waypoint
that "you" the Seeker
must pass through in
your journey to
That waypoint is when
you the Seeker realise
"you" have never been
the Seeker, "you" have
only ever been the
I bow to you. Namaste

Rid yourself of
alcohol, smokes and
If you do not, you
shall surely miss the
goal-less goal.
Impure beings never
find the way out.
Oh Divine Cosmic
Parent, the spirit and
matter of all space and
dust we see.
Nameless is your name.
Heaven come.
Heavens will be done.
If we can but behave
ourselves on this earth
this day.
Oh Divine Cosmic Parent
is faithful to provide
bread if we act in
responsible ways.
Oh Divine Cosmic Parent
is quick to forgive the
repentant and
Guide us away from our
own propensity for sin
and error, to
rediscover your holy
Guide us home, the
stillness within, where
the devil in man can
hold no sway.
Our Incorruptible
Cosmic Parent is the
Great, the small and
the subtle.
Stretching to eternitys
So it has always been,
is now, and will always
Our only ever-lasting

How important is
purification in the
path-less path to
What is purification?

The Christ exhorted all

of us to work ardently
on our Salvation every
Show me the scripture
that says he gave "you"
a get-out-of-jail card,
just so that "you" can
wallow in your sin.

I give to you the "eye

of the needle" through
which we all must pass
He who has a left ear,
let him hear.
Christ encouraged us to
correct our own ways
before trying to
correct others.
I gave up meat, alcohol
and cigarettes 12 years
Is anyone able to

Here I give you plainly

the first foundation
stone toward your
I vow to live a life of
temperance. No alcohol
of any kind.
In this world, alcohol
is the great
MindDestabiliser. He
who drinks alcohol
shall not find the
path-less path within
themselves. They are

We think that Christ

brought a new message
to the world.
He did not.
Laozi, Buddha and
Christ are the 3 wise
men you seek.
Their message is the
"Be still and know that
I am God."

Here is a Parable, a
Koan for you to answer
within yourself.
One day, three men were
standing in front of
the gates of heaven
waiting to get in...
The first man had the
exact 101 steps to get
into heaven...
The second man had an
ever flapping tongue,
talking about
everything under the
The third man, wandered
around aimlessly like a
quiet child...
Which of these 3 got
into heaven?

Unless you are prepared

to lose father, mother,
brothers and sisters in
your quest for heavens
way, you shall only
remain bound to this
outer world of sin and
Let your family kill
you, turn the other
cheek and love them
Only in this way will
you find the way to
The path to salvation
is not to ignore your
The path to your
salvation is to become
intimately acquainted
with it...
Without acting upon it.

Not many people can

admit to themselves
that they are headed
toward death.
12 years ago I foresaw
my own death, and
realising that not even
my father or mother
could help me, I took
the steps needed to
save my own life.

You can prepare for

enlightenment or
realization now, by
understanding you are
preparing for death of
your ego.
This stage will happen
at the appropriate
time. I call this stage
passing through the eye
of the needle.
Be comforted, that
though you will die,
you will not die.

When men and men-with-

wombs value
the outside more than
the inside, by this you
know they live in
Turn within you and
find life.

There are 3 meditation

techniques that have
proved of invaluable
worth in this journey
to liberation.
1 - Deep yogic breath
2 - Anapana
3 - Sit-forget
Put these to the test
and prove me wrong.

When your cup has

become empty, then you
know you are truly
Keep it that way.
The kingdom of heaven
is simple to enter...
But it will take all
your will power to
enter it.

When gurus tell you all

the answers...
That is not a guru.

To obey heaven is easy

once you have learned
how to be dead.
To obey man is far
worse than hell.
Repent means this. Stop
your alcohol, drugs,
meats, smokes and sex.

As a child, each of us
was fed and clothed by
our parents.
So sad that is not the
food and clothing we
truly needed from them.
If you wish to find
life, first you must
lose it.
If you wish to overcome
death, first you must
embrace it.

The slave says he is

The freeman says he is
a slave.

For a woman to reach

heaven, first she must
embrace the broken-man
within her.
For a man to reach
heaven, first he must
embrace the broken-
woman within him.
Test this and realize
for yourself the primal
union, the first union,
the first marriage you
were never told about.

He who does not fast,

eats himself to death's
He who does not eat,
finds the little
doorway to heavens

Small fish always get

thrown back into the
It is only the big fish
that are prized.

The people of this

world, attach
themselves to a
reflection, and this is
why they suffer.
If only you knew how to
attach to the real.

There are two questions

that occupy the mind of
the person who seeks
1, What is this thing
you live on that you
call "earth".
2, What is the "you"
that you think you are.
Solve this.
This planet owns me.
I have never owned it.

The day of my death is

the sum of all the
choices I made in my
So is yours.

Easy to make a bad

choice in a bad
situation. We all do
Hard to make a good
choice in a bad
situation. That takes
practice and turning
the other cheek.

In a cursed age, men

and women only use
their right eye.
Is it not time to
cultivate your left

When the husband is in

denial, soon enough the
wife follows suit, soon
enough the children
follow suit, soon
enough the gates of
hell follow suit.
I cast out denial 12
years ago. Why? To
liberate myself from
He who has a left eye,
let him hear.

One day a fisherman

rowed out onto the sea
to catch a big fish.
Looking around, all he
saw was small fish, and
he wept.

Tell your child that

you want to kill them,
and no matter who your
god is, hell waits for
Tell your child they
will never amount to
anything, and no matter
who your god is, heaven
will not let you in.
For those who do not
seek enlightenment and
liberation, the outcome
is reincarnation.
But, since we have left
a trash-can world in
our wake, the condition
of your future
reincarnation will be
far worse than this
Piscean Age of trash.
If you wish to step out
of the cosmic hologram,
then turn within and
purify yourself. Shun
the world.
If you wish to inherit
a future shattered
world worse than this
one, just keep doing
what you are doing now.
I choose to repent,
purify and to turn
within. In this way the
eye of the needle
presents the way out,
the way home.
Test this with all your
might. Anything less
than your full might
will mean failure and
another round here, but
oh woe, another round
on a shattered planet?
Your choice.

The tapestry of cause

and effect.
What is it?
Why does it enslave you

The outcome of a world

age is not measured by
how it began...
It is measured by how
it ends.
Look at this current
world age of Pisces. We
supposedly started this
age with the message of
the Christ, but tell me
honestly, how do you
think this Piscean
world age will end?

When a family remains

in denial, that very
same family suffers in
deep trauma.
When your traumatized
family lashes out at
you and you choose to
turn the other cheek...
Know this, their
immoral behaviour is
not your fault.

This world is plagued

with denial and trauma.
These two things are
far worse than any
disease, catastrophe or
virus that has ever
befallen man.
The disease of denial
and trauma has a known
history far beyond our
pitiful recorded
history of 6000 years.
That sounds like a very
painful disease indeed.

There are many snakes

in the world.
Some of those snakes
are very close to you.

If a parent swings...
That is not a parent.
The Christ rebuked the
merchants of his day
for cleaning the
outside of their cup,
but defiling the inside
of their cup.
Fasting is the only way
to clean the inside of
your cup.

The fish in the sea

cannot see there are
birds flying in the
And this is why the
fish suffer.
If only the fish knew
how to be still.

Our incorruptible
cosmic parent has given
us all the most
wonderful gift. The
ability to repent and
to reform (adapt).
Repentance without
(adaptation) is just
the words of a flapping
Reform yourself.
No soul on this earth
shall liberate from
this world of death and
suffering without
passing through the eye
of the needle.
Put this to the test.
Your soul depends on

How strange our cosmic

parent always sends the
messenger to show the
way out.
Even in times of no
Repent and reform your

He who feeds his

desires adds nails to
his coffin.

This world of men live

in death yet they call
it life.
Why have a life
destined for death?
Why not rather have a
death destined for

What are the 5

universal precepts
(commandments, vows)
given to man to live
Refusing to live by
these precepts brings
death, famine, war and
Prove me wrong.
What is the path of
The wise men of old
would resound with
"Know thyself".
Same thing, challenging
boat ride for us all
now. The other shore
awaits. No rush.

I discovered for myself

that the daily
discipline of Self-
Mastery leads to the
12 years later and I
deepen. There is unseen
merit in this untrodden
road to know myself.

There are 3 types of

people in this world...
Grandparents, parents
and children.
How terribly sad we
have all failed.
Worshipping bling is
not a success.
The rich claim to be
the solution for
So why do the rich keep
creating more poverty?

Why is everyone waiting

for a Messiah to bring
them a get-out-of-jail-
Your get-out-of-jail-
card is called
Meditation and
If you and I had to
you would wonder why I
am quiet in person...
I would wonder why your
mind is always racing.

The cookie jars in this

world are very
addictive. Delicious

Am I in trauma? Yes.
Are you in trauma?
12 years of daily
repentance is hard
work. Very hard work.
The inner work of
I had to face down my
own demons, skeletons
and ghosts inside me.
There are a lot of
crowing roosters in the
world who are scared of
turning inside
Take courage.
Meditation and Fasting
will not kill you.
We cannot change what
our parents did...
We can only change

I have learned in life

that there must be
healthy boundaries
between people.
This is not how energy
hungry people operate.
They gun for your
That is the "win-lose"
type of person you
might meet here on

Anyone for "win-win"?

Why do parents palm off

their guilt onto their
children from the very
day the child emerges
from its mother's womb?
Is it because they
think they "own" you?
Are you just a
"possession" to your
I am only a brother. I
own nothing.

Ah, the poison that
smelts and forges
trauma and sadism into
Please grandiose
parents, stop feeding
off the misfortune of
your children, and the
world's children.
To become a parent is
to lose your way and
destroy your children
in the process.
To become a friend
means nothing when you
need their help and
they run away from you.
To become a brother or
sister is to find your
Your choice.
In this world, nothing
is "mine" to touch.


When the head feeds the

tail, harmony will

In the last 12 years,

this journey has
facilitated deep inner
healing during
There is still more
deep healing to go. I
choose that.

Why are people so

cruel, even when they
are wrong?

There is only one

people group in every
society that is
responsible for child
suicide, child rape,
child abuse and child

There are times in

where sitting still
will save your life.
I practise this

Return to body.
Return to "your" body.
When in doubt, trouble
or anxiety...
Self-mastery is the
cure to all your woes.
Brair Rabbit popped up
his head, a twitchin'
his nose and murmured,
"but oh what to learn,
to learn, to learn" as
he bobbed his head and
scampered away to find

The path to salvation

begins with your
repentance. Repentance
without abstinence
leads to death.
Who knows why? I did
not make the Divine
Law. Something greater
than my lowly words did
I bow to that truth.




One day a cave dweller

snapped out of his
chains as he and his
companions were
watching shadows
flicker on the far
Climbing out of the
cave he was dumbstruck,
stupified and then
quietly muttered to
himself, "There is no
There is no

Oh Samael, blind right

eyed god. See ye not
how far ye have fallen?
Why would you hanker to
fall further than what
you have already
Buddha said this
existence is suffering.
I say to you this
existence is trauma.
Is there a difference?

I am the cosmic zygote.

I have never been
anything else.

The closer I merge with

the divine source
within, the emptier I
Ah, home at last. OM at

Is there an ultimate
language that can
express the ultimate
reality, when that
language is bound and
limited to a world of
No, not one.

Overcome your
propensity to move,
then overcome your
propensity to eat and
drink and touch, then
overcome your
propensity to talk,
then overcome your
propensity to think.
In this way heaven will
come to you.

How is the rampant

elephant tamed?
One day a two headed
man was hanging from a
Seeing a bright red
strawberry on a nearby
frond, he reached over
and plucked a piece of
his child's mind,
exclaiming "yum" as he
ate, then unsatiated,
plucked a piece of his
child's heart as he
tucked in for a tasty
feast and continued to
eat the red strawberry.
He who has a left ear,
let him hear.
What is the forbidden
Why are we still eating
I am renunciate. I will
never eat what the
world of men eats.

Once upon a time I was

an earth idiot...
Then awakening came and
I became a cosmic
Kill your inner
Why keep your inner
objects and suffer?

I still can't figure

out why people watch
Who would want to watch
a narcissist exercising
schizophrenia, for the
sake of his narcissist
supply, while a coked
out director tells him
how high to jump.

It always snows in

When a new born child

comes into this world,
its mother is the first
to take a bite of its
innocence, thus setting
the stage for the
child's lifelong
Ill-parenting is worse
than desire and worse
than the love of money.

One day a young idiot

mother held her crying
baby in her arms, and
the mother grew
impatient with her
innocent blob and
murmured to her infant,
"Look what you are
doing to me now".
Poor child, defenseless
that it could not
protect itself from the
energy vampire it will
one day call "mother".
Poor child indebted to
guilt and shame that it
owes its mother for
inconveniencing its
perturbed mother with
its mere existence.
You owe your parents
nothing. Not even guilt
and shame. That is
theirs to carry.

Parents, your children

are not yours to feed
Repent of your
wickedness, for surely
hell hath no fury such
as a child corrupted
from birth.

We live in a world of
trauma toys...
For we have learned to
love "things" more than
we love people.

Parents are powerless

to undo the lifelong
damage they leave in
their children.
Is there a way out?

Everyone born to this

earth of suffering and
trauma will have to
pass through the eye of
the needle on their
journey to heavens
The Christ is no fool.
Find your true
in time, the other side
of the eye of the
needle will come to

The Christ taught the

eye of the needle...
Buddha taught the still
Laozi taught merging
with dust...
How curious they all
brought the same

Mankind is an odd
species. He rewards
himself with sweet
meats and dainty treats
while he watches
negative things on the
stupid cube.

No caring dog owner

rewards his animal for
bad behaviour, unless
he wants his dog to
fight to the death.

Turn your eyes outside

In this way will you be
healed of your

One day a machine-head

daddy and a mosquito-
head mommy fell in
No sooner had they done
this, than an unplanned
yet traumatized child
was born.

Who are my father,

mother, brothers and
Those that work
ardently toward the
kingdom of God.
Working ardently toward
money, comfort and
reputation is not the
kingdom of God.
Am I daily sitting
still? Yes.
Are you daily sitting

Gnosis and Meditation

are very very good

A good tool to help in

your Gnosis is a
Daddy and Mommy never
used one.
For the Seeker of
absolute truth,
everything is gnosis.
Keep renewing your
mind, keep learning,
then distill all your
knowledge, and in this
way Gnosis will come...
Wisdom will come.

How do I distill all my

Sit still, mouth
closed, eyes shut, mind

If I told you that

heaven was easy to
find, and all you would
need to do is take one
step backward, one step
left, and one step
Would you do it?

There are many people

in this world that want
you to enmesh with
their suffering.
When you do enmesh with
their suffering,
suddenly they are
You are alone. Treasure

When I am alone I do
not harm myself, abuse
myself, rape myself,
curse myself.
I am my own best
Not so when I come into
the sphere of
traumatized adults.

Are there any adults in

this world who are not
traumatized from birth?

Nitti nitti.

I listen to the
"voiceless voice" of
It is my ultimate

One day Sophia looked

at Samael and said,
"Your right eye is not
enough to enter the
kingdom of Heaven".


Are you empty yet?


If you try to figure

out these Koans with
your right eye...
Soon enough you will
lose your way...
If you listen to these
Koans with your left
Heavens favour will
shine upon you.
Start again...

My true brothers and

sisters prepare
themselves for ego-

There is no book to
attach to.
Not even all these
lowly words.
Seek within yourself
the groundless ground
and set yourself free.

Unless you are content

in your aloneness...
I cannot call you
brother or sister...
What you seek is not
inside me...
It is inside you. Go
We are all born into
this world as uncarved
Soon enough we learn to
grasp, cling, suffocate
and strangle our own
left eye.
Even when that left eye
loves us back

It is truly amazing
that the Divine Creator
has endowed man with
two eyes...
The right eye looks
The left eye looks

If we measure the
success of this Piscean
world age by the
wellbeing of our
30% increase in child
suicide is not a
This is the worst
disgrace and shame, no
matter what bling we

One day a halitosis

messiah walked down the
road, banging his rule
book on everyone's
As for me, I am only a
brother. I give you

Since when did the

torture, abuse, rape
and suicide of our
children become a
Since time immemorial.
Repent, the kingdom of
heaven is near.

1 breath.

Stillness to silence to
Test this.
Only when you are sick
to death of this world
of death...
Are you ready for

Do not bring to me one

who is weak in purpose
or wavering in faith...
I will spit him out
like a luke warm
Unless both of your
feet are planted in
You are not fit for the
kingdom of heaven.

What will true healing

cost you?

Which religion is the

None of the above.
Many names...
One truth.
The ego clings to ego.
Let it die...
At the appointed time.

Now for a short time I

leave you to
You will have to decide
if your suffering is
more important than
your healing...
Or if your healing is
more important than
your suffering.

The ancient and eternal
dharma is here.

Believe me when I say

that I am in the Father
and the Father is in
What is the Father? Is
not the Fathers body
the visible Cosmos, the
visible Universe you
see when you look into
the dark night sky? The
Father is this Universe
of matter and substance
you see. Yet, the
Emptiness of this
Universe is the Great
Mother, the Holy
Spirit. The Holy Space
of all creation. The
Holy Womb of all
creation. Open your
eyes, and wipe the
crust from your eyes,
and see.
See the Primal Parent,
the Divine MotherFather
before your very eyes.
The Christ did not come
to only fulfill judaic
law. Surely the Christ
came to fulfill Daoist
Law, Buddhist Law,
Hindu Law Judaic Law,
Moslem Law and
Christian Law and any
other Law that may
arise among men. All
brought truth, the
Christ brought
Why would the Christ
message not be the
completion of all Moral
Law from every age and
every time and every
Surely the Christ would
find many godly
Samaritans among all
the religions of the
It is not our place to
judge. It is only our
place to love one
Are you loving your
neighbour yet?

There is no liquor more

intoxicating than man's
own understanding.
Toss your conclusions
into upset, uproot
conclusions long ye
have held. For know ye
not which conclusions
barr ye from the gates
of heaven, but do give
you speedy entrance to
For a man or woman to
enter heaven...
You will need to learn
to walk backwards.

I once shared with a

friend that I wanted to
lose myself on a lonely
How strange I have been
there all along.
Ah bliss.
Building an anchor
takes time. It cannot
be rushed.
It took "me" 12 years
to build this anchor,
now "I" can finally
rely on it too keep
"my" life steady.
As long as "I" stay
with it... It will stay
with "me".

Did "I" build the

Or did the anchor build

So glad "I" am just a

lowly bag of water
roaming across the face
of Mother Earth.

Be careful when
traumatized adults
project their trauma,
suffering and sin onto
your shoulders.
They are not content to
carry their cross
As for me, I carry my
own cross. How?
By turning the other
cheek. Take the hit and
don't sling back.
You do not need to help
them, nor feel bad
about not helping them.

There are two things

that damaged adults try
to palm off onto you...
The one is their own
The other is their own
shame. Both are not
Simply "Return to

The West brags about

the pursuit of
happiness, but they
have to be drunk on
booze to experience it.
Stranger yet they all
seem so miserable when
sober. How fake.
If only they knew that
Inner Peace must first
be laid down, just as a
builder digs deep and
wide trenches before he
lays the foundation of
a house.

When in doubt...
flow around any
traumatized adult just
as water effortlessly
flows around a
If you keep watching
the stupid cube...
Do not be surprized
when you start bleeding
like a sheep headed for
the slaughter.

There was a time I was

well on my way to get a
I brought it to an end.
I did not want a
machine-head mind. I
wanted a human mind.
He who has a left ear,
let him hear.

Is my foundation laid?
Is your foundation

Love yourself... Love

your neighbour.

One day a traumatized

man told everyone how
much he loved his dog.
Yet how strange he
never held the dog,
never showed affection
to the dog, always
looked at the dog from
across the room.
Did the traumatized man
really love his dog?

When a parent gets

annoyed by your mere
existence because they
are too busy on petty
and "important"
Is that a parent?
Is it not time to
become your own best
father and own best
How? 3 stone
meditation. Prove me

One day a monkey-mind

was trapped in the
scaffolding of his
He jumped from one rung
to another, one branch
to another, trying to
find a way out.
He had heard of a place
outside of him where
there was bubbling
streams, soft grass to
roll on, and real
breathing trees to hug
and climb.
But no matter which
rung or branch he
jumped to, he could not
free himself from his

Have you found the

glue-of-emptiness yet,
to put yourself back
together again?

Suffer the little

children to come unto
me? Yes.
Why? Is it not because
each of them will only
find me when they are
already a traumatized

Are "you" awake yet?

Here is a cosmic-riddle
for you to solve.
Get the riddle wrong
and you shall lose your
life and die. You have
only one attempt to
solve this cosmic-
How many mountains are
there on the face of
this earth?

Skip even 1 parable or

1 koan and in your
haste, you are already
Start again. Go back to
the beginning, and
start again.

Now comes the rub...

If you answer even one
of these questions,
your gravestone takes 1
step closer to you.
So how do you answer
these questions?
I invite you to tell
One day a wandering
mendicant was walking
along the road, he
stopped suddenly and
started laughing from
deep in his belly.
He realized he had
become a wandering

One day a self-styled

preacher-woman banged
her book of rules on a
monks head, insisting
that the monk must
follow the teachings of
The monk replied, "I
can only follow the
teaching of Christ, and
Christ alone."
No sooner had he said
this, than the
preacher-woman began to
bash her book of error-
prone rules on the
monks head.

Approach the eye of the

needle with desire and
you shall die.
How do I know this?
Just as a moth
approaches a burning
candle just to be
destroyed by its desire
for the flame...
If the moth approaches
the burning candle with
no desire, it becomes
the flame.
Take heed.

It is not hard to quit

For a while you will
miss your booze...
But surely your booze
never misses you.

not this... not this

not know... not know
no control... no

When "you" are lost in

"your" desires, the
children of this world
are killed.
Karma... the eternal
decimator of men.
Plan it... and lose
your own life.

One day a celebrity-

head monk was walking
down the road.
As for me, I am just a
bag-of-shit covered
in skin.

How many christs have

come to this world?
So many.
Yet some were outcast,
some were oppressed,
some were ignored, some
rejected, some stoned
to death, some nailed
to a dead tree.
Are you listening yet?

One day a monk passed a

roadkill-dog on the
As he saw the suffering
remains of his beloved
brother, he said "I
release your spirit to

On a certain occasion,
a monk was passing a
fence, and a cow
chewing a blade of
tasty grass nearby
looked at him and said
The monk fell down to
the ground, bowed with
his hands cupped,
dropped his eyes to the
floor and said "thank
you Master, I am your

A tormented man visited

a chicken-run one day
to ask a hen a
The man asked the
chicken, "how do I find
liberation from my
suffering?" The hen
replied, "Pkk, pkk,
On hearing this, the
man was instantly
Wake up my brothers and
It is time to swim in
the silver river...
It is time to sit still
in the cosmic stream.

One day an aspirant

asked his teacher, "How
do I enter moksha?"
The teacher lifted his
hand, and tapped his
forefinger and thumb
The merchant makes his
money while his family

The only thing worse

than an atom bomb is a
duplicitous mind.

One day a new-born

child was brought
before a guru.
On seeing the new-born
child, the guru fell
prostrate before the
child, and quietly
exclaimed, "Master,
please teach me".
He who has a left ear
will hear.

One day a sage dressed

as a packauw, visited a
young bikkhu and gave
the young bikkhu a
The young bikkhu
replied, "That is not a

One day a monk was

walking down the road,
when suddenly a half
naked yet terrified man
burst out of the
bushes, yelling "We are
all going to die, the
end has come".
Upon hearing this, the
monk quietly stopped,
brought his palms
together, and replied
"I breathe in, I
breathe out".

Conclusions are to the

monk, as an extra
bullet or two is to
Russian roullette.

It has been said that

the way of the buddha
and the way of the dao
is two sides of the
same coin.
I say to you, the way
of the buddha and the
way of the dao is two
sides of the same coin,
and the coins rim is
enlightenment and
liberation, aka

No matter what religion

you serve, we all need
a toilet to take a

One day a monk walked

into a hardware store
and approaching the
sales assistant, the
monk asked politely,
"May I have a tube of
glue-less glue?"

When a packauw
That is not a packauw.

My people prime their

caskets as they eat
their brothers and
sisters for lunch.
Nitti nitti
One day a family sat
down in front of the
television with their
dinner on their laps,
and rewarded themselves
for watching the
negative 8 o' clock
news by chewing their

Am "I" a naughty dog?

Am "I" really a bad
Am "I" really an angry
I dare not curse the
many christs in this
deluded trauma-
worshippin' world.

One day a self-styled

bling-huggin' ignorant
guru drove down the
road in his luxurious
carriage, as he passed
a bikkhu carrying his
bowl, armpits sweating,
feet sore and grateful
for his contentment.
Ye shall only enter the
garden of eden when
your mind sits safely
and securely in your
bottomless heart.
The other way around is
the cage of hell.

When you are filled to

the full and
Your breath stinks,
your farts reek, your
wife is in the arms of
another man, and your
children secretly hate

The morally supreme

"Northern Hemisphere"
has not only stolen all
the wealth from the
people of my country...
They have stolen every
one of our nonexistent

The North argues about

moral supremacy among
Yet it is only the
North that has a known
track record of 6000
years of world wars.

no dreams... only

In this country, my
people must pay in top-
dollar cash for a form
of yo-yo enlightenment.
It is only the employed
well-off people in this
country who can afford

A movie is 1% of the
best "hero" shots,
while the other 99% of
ugly "bad" shots is
thrown away...
Reality is not like
We do not get to edit
reality and live
without suffering.
Stop editing your life.
When approaching the
divine source within...
There are two offerings
of sacrifice in my
In my right hand I hold
the grandiose and lofty
perception of all my
good deeds that must
In my left hand I hold
the denial and
ignorance of my trauma,
suffering, sin and
karma that must die.
You cannot change one
thing without affecting
This is why your
vaccines will
ultimately fail.

As above so below...
As below so above...
For the performance of
the miracles of the one
When your space
agencies start
deflecting asteroids,
thinking they have the
big picture...
Do not be surprized
when Helios throws you
a curve ball.
Cease your
Ye oh men, know not
what ye scribble and
scratch at in the
What then befalls us
all shall not be a
respecter of men.
Too much wisdom brings

no do... no do

One day a humpty dumpty

scientist was convinced
he could make the solar
system in his broken
and cracked image.
We all know what
happened next.
The gates of hell draw

Idiot man is bound by

cause and effect that
he does not understand,
but claims to be the
supreme master thereof.
As for me, no do.

Right eyed men are

They think they know
how to build an empire
when they do not even
know how to raise their
own children or the
worlds children.
You cannot raise
children by raping
them, abusing them,
neglecting them or
contributing to their
This Divine Cosmos is
your ultimate judge,
jury and executioner.
"I" have never owned
this "Solar System".
This "Solar System" has
always owned "me".

Many names - same

How can I say this?
Laozi taught returning
to the untainted child
within you, the true
"you", that he called
Shakyamuni taught
returning to the
untainted child within
you, the true "you",
that he called Buddha.
Jesus the Essene of
Nazereth taught
returning to the
untainted child within
you, the true "you",
that he called Christ.

Tao, Buddha and Christ

are exactly the same
"Your" true nature.
Go there.
It is never too late to
return to the
"untainted child" you
should have been.
3 stone meditation.

Untainted Child within

"you", I a lowly
brother bow to you.

Big bear hugz.

Head... Nail... Field

What did the true

Christ teach?
The rim of the coin.

If "your" ego is the

result of childhood
Why would you want to
keep your traumatized
ego, and the karma it
As for "me", I do not
enjoy the suffering of
"my" traumatized ego.

Why must we pass

through the eye of the
needle to find heaven
It is the only way to
"kill" the traumatized
ego, so that the "true
you" within you can be
Prove me wrong.
Everything you sense
and perceive has
already happened in the
Even the thing you call
your "future".
Aren't you tired of
being a broken record?

Here now, I think this

thought, no sooner do I
perceive this thought,
that this thought is
already in the past and
my perception of it,
also in the past.
Nothing to cling to.
No, not one.

A man lines up his car

at one marker, pointing
his car at another
marker far off in his
No sooner has he sped
to the second marker,
the second marker is
always in his past, no
matter how close he
thinks he gets to it.
The car itself is
always in the past even
though he sits in it.
His human body is in
the past even though he
sits in it.
So what does man do
everyday of his life
until the day of his

What is enlightenment?
Enlightenment has been
over glorified. The
danger is when we think
enlightenment makes us
into super humans doing
magical feats.
So is there a more
realistic way to view
But first we have to
admit to ourselves that
human life is raised in
trauma which brings
If this is true then I
can say that I was in
trauma my whole life. I
agree with this.
So, what is the one
process that can free
me of my trauma?

It is better for those

who are able, to remain
For how can one find
the stillness of God in
an ever-chattering
relationship with their

The family man brags

about his status while
he cheats on his taxes,
his wife, and his

No matter what the

latest fashion, all we
wear on our skin is a
layer of crude oil, a
layer of plastic.

That which is within me

makes me complete...
Not that which is
outside me.
Why did the wise men of
old speak in parable
and koan?
By this measure shall
ye know who is your
true brother?
I cannot spoon feed
you. You must exercise
your God given ability
to think for yourself.
Dig for the answer
within you, like a
wild-haired gold digger
seeking his bounty.
No sooner has a
merchant accumulated a
Than he fears and frets
over losing that

Husbands earn the fear

and hatred of their
If only they knew that
to earn the respect and
love of their wives is
so much better and
Learn to sit still in
silence oh husband...
In time will you earn
the love of your wife.
You will know that day
has come when she comes
to sit still beside you
of her own free will.

A father who gives his

3 year old son a
plastic gun...
Is not a father.
Koans and parables are
not a game my beloved
brothers and sisters...
Koans and parables are
about the possibility
of your eternal life or
your cyclic death.

You cannot induce

enlightenment in
yourself or in someone
First ego-death, then
Prove me wrong.
Is it a hard rule to
have your spine as
rigid and straight as a
telephone pole when

Error prone humans

think of themselves as
either male or female.
Yet they shall only
liberate from this
suffering world when
they discover the
Divine Androgyne within
them, no matter whether
they think they are
male or female.

The first thing to do

when meditating...
Is to stop showing off.

This inner silence...

So pervading...
I do not know where I
am anymore.
I hear the "cluck cluck
cluck" of traumatized
humans everyday...
I do not know why they
"cluck cluck cluck".

What does the "Zen of

Om" and the "Zen of
Rumi" have in common?
More than you think.

Is not Akasha linked to

the ears?
Why are so many
religions sexist?
They accept "God the
And reject "God the
I wish not a curse on
my head, this is why I
follow after the
"Divine Parent", the
"Primal Parent", the
"Holy MotherFather"
that IS creation.
He who has a left ear,
let him hear.
If the animal kingdom
had no desires...
They would never mate.
And see
how they suffer.

A cricket puts his life

on the line everytime
he rubs his legs on his
His desire for a mate
outweighs his fear of
being eaten by a cat.
When a man has no daily
silent practise...
His family lives in a
daily bickering hell.

Oh men of this Earth...

Is it not time to be
men of this Earth?

There is a second way

to slay the Medusa's of
this world...
Turn yourself into
stone first.
Learn to go "GreyRock".

One day a medusa-head

daddy and a medusa-head
mommy fell in love.
No sooner had they done
this, than their spawn
was born.

All the traumatized

scientists of this
world think they see
the big picture...
Why do they lie to
themselves when they
cannot even explain how
dark energy and dark
matter affect the
evolution of this
"Solar System".
In the "future" his
childrens children will
hate him for what he
has blindly unleashed
on this "planet".

He who is traumatized
is blind.
Some people call this
life a "game"...
Some people call this
life a "theatre"...
But when a game ends,
or the theatre ends,
everyone gets to go
home alive...
Yet in this life...
Get it wrong...
How many "medusa-head"
humans are there in the
world today?
Too many to count.
How do you see one?
When they cannot answer
a direct question, and
start blaming you.
Especially when they
cannot admit their own
Tread with caution.
Blood is on their
In a world of 8 billion
traumatized people...
How important is self-
How do you do it?
It starts by learning
to turn the other
cheek, and not sling
Contain yourself.

When we were born, we

quickly learned to pour
out our woes on other
We lost our self-
Many adults that seem
to be selfcontained,
are not.
They fake it, while
they destroy the lives
of their family, their
friends and colleagues.
Learn to contain
yourself. Stop spilling
your boundaries.

When you learn to

contain yourself...
You give yourself the
one thing daddy and
mommy never gave you.

If you cause other

people to hurt, while
thinking you are self-
You are only
Contain yourself.

It is pointless
spilling your own sin
onto other people.
That is not self-

Laozi, Buddha amd

Christ practised self
Carry your own shit.

Life is not a game...

Life is not a
Only traumatized adults
talk like that.
No-one can liberate
another person. That is
a lie.
That is their own task
to do.
We live in a world of
too many messiahs, too
many goodie-two-shoes.
Look at how many
goodie-two-shoes want
to save the planet, and
it is not working.
Non-interference is
Save your own soul. It
will take every ounce
of strength you have.

I am not your saviour.

You are.

Superman is an idiot.

Be still and find the

Holy Grail within you.
Many Christians pray
without honouring the
Holy Spirit. Why do
they talk first?
Before you pray, "Be
still and know that I
am God" for 5 to 15
minutes. Sit in
silence. Honour the
Holy Spirit first.
Cast away your prayer
list, for your "wants"
mean nothing in the
presence of the Holy
Spirit within you.
We do not "command" God
what to do for us.
We humbly wait in
silence for His
presence and we love
and serve our
community, all the
broken and the poor.

One day, a reclusive

over-smiling buddhist
reprimanded a daoist
for not following the 8
fold path.
The daoist said " I am
perfectly where I am
supposed to be, in
The buddhist forgot
that it is not rules
that bring the end of
It is emptiness.

Anapana shall lead you

to liberation.
have nothing to
to this.
One day a "career-head"
daddy and a "career-
head" mommy ran off to
build a legacy of
money, comfort and
reputation, while
telling their
traumatized children,
"we know how to raise
If only "career-head"
daddy and a
"career-head" mommy
knew the only true
legacy they had was
their children.

When you restore your

primal state...
What rules are there to

The ending of this

world cycle, this world
age, is marked by the
interference of the
merchant and the
Sticky fingers, blind
as they fiddle, tear
the natural order


I hold to the purest

That this "Mother-
Earth" is the best
vaccination against all
man-made diseases, man-
made viruses and
manmade insanities.
I shall not put Mother-
Earth to the test.
no do... no do.

Every merchant I have

ever met, sets his goal
posts in quick sand.
Now I know why he keeps
shifting his goal posts
around all the time.
He has no intrinsic
character, he has no
values. He has no true
anchor to keep him
It is Mamon that he
bows to.
As for me, I repent.

When merchants rule the

That world shall go to
rot and ruin.

Oh my beloved brother
Julius Caesar...
If only he had found 3
stone meditation before
it was too late for him
and his grandiosity...
If he had found 3 stone
His wife would have
loved him, his children
would have loved him,
his people would have
loved him...
Even Brutus would have
loved him.
Moderate your insane
quest for riches, power
and fame oh men.
Know ye not the
betrayer ye have
What am I?
Do not know.
Maybe a speck of dust.
Maybe a mustard seed.
Maybe the eye of the
Do not know.
Do not know.

We live in a world of
So sad it is those very
same noseyparkers that
shall destroy this
world age.

What is the Zen of

Jesus Christ?
"Be still and know that
I am God"

To the grandiose rich,

I say...
Feed my people.
Clothe my people.
Shelter my people.
Give rehab to my
Love them as

Where shall the Divine

Law build its temple...
When rock crumbles...
Cement withers away...
Paint flakes to dust...
Gold is stolen...
Within you my brother
and sister.
Within you.
In a world of growing
There is only the need
for inter-religious
Otherwise we risk
shortening the fuse,
and lighting it with a
burning match.

Now put I a riddle to

the Space Scientists of
the world, who have
interferred with the
balance of this "Solar
Your science was good,
up until the point you
drifted away from
purely "observation
science". I commend you
for all your efforts.
But when satellites are
crashed into other
planets, and when you
deflect asteroids, do
you truly understand
what you are
interferring with?
What made you think
that this "solar
system" is not in a
finely tuned balance?
Do you think that this
"goldie locks planet"
just happened by chance
Your measure is by
Newtonian standards,
but you missed the
equation... The "dark"
influence behind all
Now can you not explain
your results yet you
still jump in glee at
your unexpected
Go back to your purely
"observation science"
and be content with
For now add you an
unknown variable to the
balance of "the maker"
that is beyond your
The "dark energy" you
keep forgetting about
may well compensate for
your hubrous and pride.
If we now face another
mass extinction due to
your fiddling, there
will not be anyone left
on earth to remember
that it was scientists
with their cyclopic eye
that brought the end to
all mankind at the end
of the age we call

Did the space agencies

of the world consult
the United Nations
before perpetrating the
Dart program?
There are 8 billion
people on this
"planet", and there are
innumerable "solar
system" bodies in orbit
in this "solar system".
You cannot "fix the
fix" if you make even
but one error, for know
ye not the chain of
"cause and effect" that
unfolds by your blind
That puts all of us at
risk of being knocked
back to the stone age.
I expect the United
Nations to do better.
Space is not a
scientists play ground.

Now other nations seek

to "monkey see monkey
do" as we have seen so
many times before with
the new weapons of
The salivating
scientist cannot see
what he meddles with.
Yet interfere they will
again, until the fix
they cannot fix, comes.
Consider this a
I truly hate my job.

Now the time is


Only non-interference.
no do ... no do.


So why is there a "G"

and an "A" in freemason
Now you know.

DAO is Creation.
Creation is DAO.
I bow to this.
Nothing new under the
No not one.

Creation = Creator
Creator = Creation
Here now our first true
example of
Cosmic mathematics.

What is the difference

between Creation and
Nothing. No matter if
we call it...
Creationary Evolution.
Evolutionary Creation.
It is all the same holy

Was Jesus Christ a

Master of meditation?
"Be still and know that
I am God" Oh yes.
How many christs shall
awaken in the close of
the age of Pisces?
That is completely up
to you.
Turn within and master

When you have chewed on

my words... Make sure
to spit them out...
Your awakening must
bloom from deep within
you, from the size of a
mustard seed.
Never despise that
mustard seed. It will
liberate you from this
tasty "hell" called the
"world of men".

There are 3 profit

models that a business
can operate under and
to help adapt to the
changing times.
- Operate for loss.
- Operate for break-
- Operate for profit.
Now the question I ask
you is this...
While the world was
going through the
economic devastation of
Did the governments and
megabusinesses adjust
their profit model to
help the people of
their country?
No... they increased
their prices across the
The rich do not care
about the very people
they parasite off. No
matter if it is a
global virus, war,
stock market collapse
or any other excuse to
worship mamon.
As for me, I repent.

The Christ was deeply

knowledgeable about the
Great Flood.
This is why he said,
"If a man causes even
one of these little
ones to sin, it be
better that a millstone
be tied around his neck
and he be cast into the
deepest sea".
The deepest sea is the
Great Flood, and the
way we are doing things
in this Piscean age, I
would not be surprized
if God relents, and
changes his mind, and
cleanses this world.
Man is replaceable.
This Earth is not
Has not God changed his
mind before?
This age of iron and
clay is soon done.
God shall bring the
stone that shatters.
Alcohol will never bind
iron and clay.

Signs And

One day a "yoyo head"

daddy and a "yoyo head"
mommy told their child
how much they loved
him, then the next day
how much they wanted to
kill him, the next day
how much they loved
him, the next day how
he would never amount
to anything.
He who has ears, let
him hear.

In the last days...

Presidents break their
Priests break their
Merchants break the
Scientists break the
natural order...
The common man breaks
the law...
Where are we now?
Is it not a mystery
that my country eagerly
signs a 50 year
agreement on the SKA
But no-one wants to
sign a 50 year economic
recovery plan to
address the 50% mass
unemployment in this
A mystery indeed.

There are 2 liberations

that the Godwary can
receive as a reward for
remaining on the narrow
The first is in this
very life, being freed
of their suffering
past, so they can truly
serve, here and now.
The second is on their
death bed, when they
die one day, and
reunite with God.
I welcome this.

Competition breeds
How do we know that
"God" has completed
"his" plan for
Very simple. Sit still
for a moment and
1 single breath.
What a miracle.
Creation is complete.
Nothing left to do. no
do... no do.
How do we know whether
or not this "milky way
galaxy" is simply one
of "Gods" neurons in
"his" brain?
How many galaxies are
there in the "Universe"
that look like the
neural pattern of the
human brain?
Find out.

How do we know whether

or not "earth" is
simply one of "Gods"
ovaries, in the "Cosmic
womb" of "Creation"?

Define it...
And lose it.

Where shall I build my

Within myself.

Who was that homeless,

poor, jobless man who
walked the earth 2000
years ago?
He chose to walk away
from his family, his
wealth and his
Why? To face rejection
head on?

Surely if the Christ

had to walk this earth
Who would reject him?
Everyone. Even those
who proclaim him.
Why would the Christ
come back to earth
adorned in bling?
Bling was not the
answer then...
Bling is not the answer

Every christ from Laozi

to Shakyamuni to Yeshua
lived in poverty,
misunderstood and
rejected by the people
of their time.
Why would the pattern
of Christ consciousness
be any different now?
Why do we expect a
super-hero to return?

Am I dead? Yes.
Are you dead?

Why is it that
"important" people have
such long winded
timelines to help
While "important"
people chew their
Their neighbour dies.

One day a poor man

asked a priest for
No sooner had the
priest heard this, the
priest walked away to
eat his "important"
"Important" people
never truly make time
for the poor.
"Important" people are
too busy.

I am unimportant.
I accept this.

When the "inner

objects" of your mind
fall out of sync with
the "outer objects" of
Deep trauma comes.
It is better not to
have error-prone "inner

When I was a child, I

created "mirror daddy"
and "mirror mommy"
inside my mind.
No matter how much I
tried to keep them in
sync with "real daddy"
and "real mommy",
trauma still came.
I needed unconditional
love and acceptance
that "real daddy" and
"real mommy" never gave
When the real and the
mirror conflicted...
trauma, suffering, sin
and karma came to roost
and stay.

Kill your inner-objects

and live.
Interferring with
something is not the
same as saving
That is when things...
Too many false
Too many.

Who claims to save the

world but instead
causes division?
Buddhists. Hindus.
Who else?
The list is not
finished yet.
As for me... no do.
I have work to do on my
own soul.

Faith without works is

What is the works
spoken of?
Truly I say to you, the
works are the daily
inward discipline of
purification, fasting,
meditation, prayer,
abstinence, repentance,
temperance, humility,
solitude, godly vows...
Shall I go on?

There are two works for

the "God awakened".
The "lesser-work" and
the "Great-work".
All that which is the
"Great-work" is your
inner journey.
Do that... First.
We forgot that the
ultimate message of the
Christ was not about
what rules to follow,
or what life to live...
It was about your
eternal life...
Or your assured
I say to you, better
the man who practises
eternal life while in
the flesh...
For when he is in his
Will Be Too

No-one is fit to
evangelize some-one
Evangelize first your
own soul, and stick to

Why is it said "No good

deed goes UNpunished"?
For your
"understanding" of good
is not the same as your
"understanding" of
Every time you do your
"good", you may be
pouring suffering into
his life.
Back off.
That might be the best
love you can give him.
Trust that God has him
firmly in Gods process,
and honour that,
without banging your
rule book on his head.

I do not claim to be
Why? I know my "sin".
However, I am
For heavens gateless-
This growing "awakened"
is enough.

None of your good deeds

will liberate you, and
give you entrance to
"heaven". How do I know
Everyone has been
bragging about their
good deeds for the last
6000 years...
And yet...
See how "shit" this
world has become.

Christ instructed us,

"When you do a good
deed, let not your left
hand know what your
right hand is doing."
What did he mean?
Firstly, true goodness
is spontaneous and
unplanned. There is no
other way than this
that does not breed its
counterpole of evil.
Secondly, true goodness
is forgotten and
discarded away. If you
keep track of your good
deeds, like notches on
a belt, you are a
viper... a snake... a
saducee... a
pharisee... a dealer...
a merchant.
All the Christs gave us
clear instruction on
this, yet we still plan
our good deeds and
wonder why this world
age is in such moral

When evil men fake

their good deeds for
their own reputation...
"Hell on earth" is
Get the drift?
True good deeds come
from the bubbling
fountain of life within
you. There is no need
to keep track of it.
Fake goodness comes
from the trapped
monkey-mind... The cage
of hell inside your

Plan it...
And lose it.
One Single
Whew! What a relief.

Be careful becoming a
rich man's messiah.
He knows how to
manipulate you, far
more than you know how
to manipulate him.
Before you know it, a
hammer and a hand full
of nails will be ready
in his hand.
We all know what
happens next.

In the story of
Genesis, God created
Adam as a caretaker...
Not as a self-serving
What do you see in the
pattern of all the
worlds rulers today?
When you were a new-
born baby, did you have
an "ego" yet?
Yet, you could breath,
drink, sleep, smile and
cry, poop and pee, and
do the things babies
Your body was in
perfect function and
order WITHOUT an ego.
Until your first
From that very day,
your "traumatized ego"
was born.
The "false self".

When you realize the

"fundamental ground",
throw away your books-
oflearning, and apply
yourself to the
"fundamental ground".
The daily practise of
the "fundamental
ground" is enough to
transform your life...
As a child, the very
first time you used the
word "I", is also the
very day that "false
self" became AWARE of
"false self".

What happens when

trauma becomes AWARE of
The "I" is born.
Where did we learn to
obsess over controlling
and judging others?
We learned it all from
broken-daddy and

There was a time in the

garden of eden, where
"observation" and
"faith" were the same
When mankind fell,
"observation" became
And "faith" became
What I say to you is
Faith and observation
are inseparable.
We live, breath and
have our being inside
This is my "observable
faith", that
"creation(God)" will
provide for all my
If only we would live
in harmony with this
The scientist declares
he observes inert and
dead dust in this
Yet his lack of faith
is that the very same
dust feeds him and puts
food on his plate.
Thank you Oh Divine
Cosmic Parent for my
"observable faith".
When I look into the
deep night sky, I see
all that "sparkling
But at the same time I
notice so much more
"empty stuff"
surrounding all the
"sparkling stuff".
What is this "sparkling
What is this "empty

What is Nature?
Simply take
"traumatized man" away
from the picture and
look again at the Earth
in 100 years.
By that time...
Streams will run
Fish will repopulate...
Forests regrow...
Clean rain will fall...
Oceans will be alive...
Sky will be clear...
Animals and birds will
The farmers field will
be wild again.
The simple human will
love his lot, until...
The first city is built

Ego is trauma.
Trauma is ego.

Why do our children

lie to us?
Is it not because we
lied to our children
Santa Claus is a lie
and an economic

Moment by moment...
This creation is
It is always exactly
where it is meant to

Traumatized scientists
and traumatized
merchants claim this
Cosmos is in chaos,
destructive and a
dangerous place.
I ask you then, if that
is the case, why are
you able to find deep
lasting healing in your
Am I bearing false
witness on this matter?
Test my claim and find
the divine healing of
this Cosmos within

Be still and...
One day a lowly
brother wrapped his
arms around the whole
world and gave the
world a big hug.

While the "Northern

Hemisphere" argues over
who gets the biggest
handful of money...
My people perish from
"Northern Supremacy".

How much more mass

unemployment can my
people and country
While the "Northern
Hemisphere" squabbles
over who is most

How long until the

Hemisphere" destroys
itself once again?
6000 years of history
is no lie.
If traumatized man
destroys this planet...
Surely it will be the
Squabbling Hemisphere"
that will be the first
to go.

6000 years of "Northern

Hemisphere" world wars.
Do we really need that
considering how we can
look after and care for
the World?
What is the forbidden
Surely it is the
Religion of Secularism.
The Religion of "The
Worship of Corrupt
Human Mind".
This world age now
ruled by it.
Repent, the Kingdom of
God is near.

When the regular

progression of the
seasons breaks...
Know this...
Traumatized merchants
have broken this
"Earthly Mother".
Then soon thereafter,
this current world
cycle comes to an end.

I see clearly the

Divine Law that gives
man life.
Now traumatized man
fiddles where he should
not fiddle.
My heart is troubled
and vexxed, for
traumatized man does
not repent and yet he
relishes in the
"worship of his mind".
Today, I repent.

Is there a "Natural
Calendar" that man can
live in harmony with?
Yes, indeed.
Four Divine Seasons.
1 Spring to 90 Spring.
1 Summer to 90 Summer
1 Autumn to 90 Autumn
1 Winter to 90 Winter
Any other calendar than
this shall destroy this
beloved "Mother Earth".

Did Christ say...

Happiness I leave with
you; My happiness I
give to you;
No he did not.

There are many

"traumatized alpha
males" that smile while
they oppress and feed
off the depression of
their wives.
How fake.

When the husband smiles

while the wife looks
Know this...
That is not a husband.

Why do husbands beat

their wives?
Why are they not true
Turn the other cheek
You probably deserved
your wifes rebuke.

Inferior men rape women

and children.
There is no excuse for
refusing to carry your
own trauma.
Carry your own cross.
Contain yourself.

When women mimick their

broken men...
They are just as

Harm a child
physically, emotionally
or mentally...
And no matter how rich
or poor you are...
The Great Flood waits
for you.
Test this if you wish.

He who is duplicitous
is lost...
And blind.
Build a world on
And oneday that world
shall abuse you.

Too much abuse.

No true men here.
Turn the other cheek
and become a true man.

Who would have thought

the ancient
Pharaoic doctrine of
suppressing your "inner
child" would lead to
the destruction of this
world age.

Which nations
perpetuate the abuse of
By now, you can figure
that out all by

Kill a child...

Why are a nations

rulers powerless to
reverse crime?
It is because they feed
The ancient Pharaoic
doctrine of death...
Brings death.
Yet the West is built
upon it and feeds off

The day your "inner

child" dies...
Is the very day "you"
No matter how old you
Well done. You just
killed your own soul.
Who would want to be an
adult that commits
"soul murder" on
As for me.. Goo goo gaa
gaa. I am free.

Meditation is one of
the rare daily
practises that can
awaken your "inner
When you do...
You shall find the
beginning of eternal
Are you "daily-
meditating" yet?

My "inner child" is

One day, 8 billion

"wrinkled foreheads"
walked the Earth.
So sad, none of them
wanted to stay a child.
Except "me".
One day a "wrinkled
forehead" with scowly
eyebrows walked down
the road looking for
"narcissistic supply".
So sad his "inner
child' was on the verge
of death.

A slow suicide of 60,

70 or 80 years ain't
Better to heal your
"inner child" while you

Plato said...
Monarchy degrades to
Oligarchy degrades to
Democracy degrades to
Was Plato a liar? What
do you see happening in
the worlds
"democracies" today?
How long has the "Age
of Tyranny" with the
"Mask of Democracy"
been here?

Be careful thinking
yourself an "innocent
crucified christ" when
your bank account is
fat, while your nations
people starve.

The fake wealth of the

"Northern Hemisphere"
kills my country and my
Debt is not wealth. Why
does the "Northern
Hemisphere" mismanage
their money so badly
when they claim to be
so good at it?

Money = Debt

All the protectionist

policies of the
duplicitous "Northern
Hemisphere" is exactly
why my country faces
mass unemployment and
Will it get better for
my people while the
Northern fatcats get

Oh Divine Cosmic
Unless the "Northern
Hemisphere" is stopped,
my people shall be
utterly destroyed.
Have mercy on my
people. They are simple
and poor, and they bark
to the tune played by
the "Corrupt Northern

I once told a fat rich

"Christian" who
underpayed his staff...
"While you eat, I

The "Northern
Hemisphere" builds
space toys to play
around in space, when
they should be paying
reparations to my
people for destroying
our economy.

Why spend a million

dollars a day to keep 1
astronaut in space...
When that money is
better used to house
and feed my people?
A tin shack is not a
When my community is
housed, fed, clothed
and working...
Only then am I a
Anything other than
this... and I am a liar
and a thief.

In a world of
Say what you mean...
Mean what you say.
But choose your
"atypical" friends
Pathological Narcissism
is NOT your "friend".

Salvation is a two way

Unless you work
ardently on your
salvation, "God" will
not meet you half way.
There is no time left
to wallow in your sin.
Say what you mean.
Mean what you say.
That is enough.
Only traumatized adults
read between the lines.

A traumatized adult
never understands
straight talk.

It is only traumatized
adults who relish in
How can I relish in war
when my brothers are on
both sides of the rich
mans divide?

When one monkey builds

a war engine...
The next monkey will do
the same.
Until the day one
"angry monkey" does the
one act he cannot undo.

We live in a world of
monkey-see, monkey-do.
As for me...
I am not a monkey.
Build a world on
And soon, no matter how
self-righteous you
Ye shall destroy it.

When one mans comfort

outweighs another..
The gates of hell are
close by.
This age of men shall
not see the kingdom of
For not one of them
chooses to repent. They
do not know what
repentance is.
And so for them there
is no heaven, no
valhalla, no
As for me... I repent.
no do... no do.

The "blood spiller"

shall find no rest.
Karma is no joke.
That what a man sows...
So shall he reap.
Is Christ a liar?

If my culture is so
morally supreme, why
are so many of our
children abused,
neglected, raped and
forced to suicide?
It is not I that will
judge this world of
It is the Great Flood
that shall judge this
world of men.
It is Gods will that
this message is
No-one truly listens,
for the world of men
keeps telling me what
to do.
But which of them shall
Oh Divine Cosmic
Parent, the spirit and
matter of all space and
dust we see.
Nameless is your name.
Heaven come.
Heavens will be done.
If we can but behave
ourselves on this earth
this day.
Oh Divine Cosmic Parent
is faithful to provide
bread if we act in
responsible ways.
Oh Divine Cosmic Parent
is quick to forgive the
repentant and
Guide us away from our
own propensity for sin
and error, to
rediscover your holy
Guide us home, the
stillness within, where
the devil in man can
hold no sway.
Our Incorruptible
Cosmic Parent is the
Great, the small and
the subtle.
Stretching to eternitys
So it has always been,
is now, and will always
Our only ever-lasting

All creatures, from the

tiniest to the largest,
are doomed to death...
The "strongest" live,
just long enough, to
reproduce for the
perpetuation of their
species, and then...
Man brags about being
the "strongest" and the
"fittest" for survival.
How vain his thoughts,
words and deeds when he
is blind to the non-
violent "Christ" within
And so, for men such as
Only death.

Wars only feed greedy

This is why my people
will starve.

How many more war-

engines does the
Northern Hemisphere
That shall impoverish
my people even further.
The money used to build
so many northern war-
engines could be used
to rebuild my country
and my people.
Will the self-righteous
North do that?
They are preparing for
"The Last Great War".
As for me... I repent.

It shall be known in
the deep future, that
it was "Grand Parents"
who destroyed this
world age of Pisces.

Which hemisphere has

impoverished my nation?
Which Hemisphere
worships Mamon?
With so many Northern
nations building new
What are they getting
ready for?
Why can they not love
one another?

Do we really need
another World War with
Super Weapons?
I prefer the Northern
Hemisphere does repent.
If they will not repent
I would rather pray and
ask God to deliver the
World from the Northern

Why do we overpay a
Scientist to play with
his toys...
Yet underpay a farm
worker who feeds the

I give you something to

chew on.
Not bone.

Everything in this
mercantile world is
designed to feed off
your childhood trauma.
The "good", the "bad"
and the "ugly".

The vexx and the
The beginning of the
Of hell.

Now the "Northern

Hemisphere" plays their
6000 year old tune once
As the North builds up
their militaries once
History is no fool. But
alas, this time there
will be no "winners".
There is a saying
"third time lucky".
As for me, I see no
luck in a "super weapon
world war".

What is the
"fundamental ground"?

Oh rich man...
It is not your place to
decide who lives and
who dies.
That is the job of the
"Great Flood".
Good luck.

Trauma is like a
scratch on a vinyl
Suffering is like that
same scratch playing
over and over again...
Driving the human

When a boat is headed

for the edge of a
It is time to change

Modern civilization is
like a boat with a
"medusa-head" Captain
behind the wheel...
Problem is...
Not one of his heads
agree with each other.

It is said, "Power does

not corrupt...
Power corrupts
Every "fat belly"
leader takes the food
from his nations
childrens mouth to feed

Why do so many men look

Eat one third less.
Ye shall not die.
Are there any sober
"rulers" in the world

No one "wins" in war.

Employed people strike

so often for a raise...
They forget about the
unemployed people who
need it more than their
fat and well fed
Homeless people never
get a raise.

Who are the miserable

fatcats in the world?

It is easy to wage war

when you can print
"monopoly money".
The consequence
however, is quite

The 'winner" in war is

deeply traumatized.
No win.

One day a group of

shareholders sat down
to discuss the profit
model of their company
after the first wave of
They looked at one
another and unanimously
agreed to keep
exploiting their
It has been said that
the morale in any
organisation trickles
from the top down. I
agree with this.
I say to you the rot in
any organisation
trickles from the top
down. I agree with

When a parent keeps

blaming you for their
own sin...
That is a pathological
May your awakening
bloom within you from
the size of a mustard
May that mustard seed
lead you to full
Know that you are loved
and accepted as you
All bad habits will
die. A new life awaits.
I wish I could save
Not even the Christ can
do that.
Why? It took me 13
years to purify myself,
to rid myself of my own
How long will it take

My heart is heavy in
the following audio
message. I have no
desire to speak, but to
remain silent, even
more lives will be
If we as a humanity,
cross the
"irreversible point" by
breaking Mother Nature,
our childrens children
will hate us.
He who has a left
ear... Let him hear.

May you find your

Handbrake up...
Handbrake up...
Handbrake up.

One day, a lowly

brother tapped his head
with his forefinger and
said "no do... no do".

Nothing to remember.
Nothing to forget.

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