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AFL 1 Marketing Strategy

Matthew Clement

Marketing refers to any actions a company takes to attract an audience to the company's product
or services through high-quality messaging. Marketing aims to deliver standalone value for
prospects and consumers through content, with the long-term goal of demonstrating product value,
strengthening brand loyalty, and ultimately increasing sales. Marketing includes advertising,
selling, and delivering products to consumers or other businesses. But now, I want to explain more
about Advertising.
Advertising is the techniques and practices used to bring products, services, opinions, or causes to
public notice to persuade the public to respond in a certain way toward what is advertised. Besides
promoting goods for sale, advertising methods are used to encourage people to drive safely,
support various charities, vote for political candidates, etc.

Advertising is a sort of paid advertising that draws attention to your main message, and it's the
next stage in putting your digital marketing strategy into action. It broadens your reach to help you
achieve your company objectives, whether you want to expand your customer base or improve
your sales volume swiftly. You can gain from advertising in the following ways even if you don't
hire an ad agency.

Word of mouth was the primary form of advertisement in the ancient and medieval worlds. The
invention of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries was the first step toward contemporary
advertising. Weekly newspapers in London began carrying advertisements in the 17th century, and
by the 18th century, such advertising was thriving. The vast expansion of business in the nineteenth
century was accompanied by the growth of an advertising industry; it was during that century that
advertising agencies were founded, particularly in the United States. The original agencies were
essentially traders for newspaper advertising space. However, by the early twentieth century,
agencies were involved in the creation of the advertising message itself, including copy and
artwork, and by the 1920s, agencies that could plan and execute complete advertising campaigns,
from initial research to copy preparation to placement in various media, had emerged. Advertising
evolved across a wide range of mediums. The newspaper was perhaps the most basic, offering
advertisers vast circulations, an audience local to the advertiser's location, and the ability to change
their adverts on a regular basis. Magazines, the other major print medium, can be of general interest
or targeted at specific audiences (such as those interested in outdoor sports, computers, or
literature), and they provide an opportunity for manufacturers of products of particular interest to
such people to reach out to their most likely customers. Many national periodicals create regional
editions, allowing advertisers to target their ads more precisely. Television and radio become the
most widely used medium in Western industrial countries. Although radio and television in certain
nations are state-run and do not accept advertising, in others, advertisers can buy brief "spots" of
time, generally a minute or less. Advertisement spots are shown between or during normal
programs, at periods determined by the advertiser or left to the discretion of the broadcaster. The
quantity and composition of a television or radio program's viewership are the most essential
information for marketers. The amount of money a broadcaster can charge an advertiser is
determined by the size of the audience, and the composition of the audience defines when a specific
message intended at a certain portion of the public should be broadcast. Direct mail, which can
make a highly detailed and personalized appeal; outdoor billboards and posters; transit advertising,
which can reach millions of users of mass-transit systems; and miscellaneous media, such as dealer
displays and promotional items such as matchbooks or calendars, are among the other advertising
media. With a fiercely competitive consumer market in the twenty-first century, advertisers
increasingly turned to digital technologies to draw attention to their products. In 2009, for example,
Entertainment Weekly magazine published the world's first video commercials embedded in a
print edition.

Appliance of Advertising
- Newspaper: Your firm can reach a wide range of clients by advertising in the newspaper.
Classified listings are under subject headings in a designated area, while display advertisements
are scattered throughout the publication. You could discover that combining ads in your
state/metropolitan newspaper with ads in your local paper yields the best results. (Example of
Newspaper: JawaPos, Surya, etc)
- Magazine: Advertising in a specialized magazine is a quick and easy way to reach your target
demographic. Readers (possible consumers) are more likely to read magazines at their leisure and
keep them for longer periods of time, providing your ad numerous opportunities to catch their
attention. Consumers (by interest group, such as ladies) and trade (by industry/business type, such
as hospitality) are the two main audiences for magazines. Glossy magazine advertisements are
perfect if your products need to be exhibited in color, albeit they are often more expensive than
newspaper advertisements. Magazines rarely cover a limited area, such as a single town.
Advertising may not be cost-effective if your target market is merely a small percentage of the
circulation. (Example of Magazine: Tempo, Sindo Weekly, Opini)
- Radio: Radio advertising is an excellent approach to contact your target population. Regular
advertising can attract new customers if your target market listens to a specific station. Sound, on
the other hand, has its restrictions. Listeners may find it difficult to recall what they've heard, and
the impact of radio advertising may be diminished. The only method to solve this is to repeat your
message on a frequent basis, which will dramatically increase your prices. If you can't pay to have
your commercial played on a regular basis, you might find that radio advertising isn't very
- Television: Television has a wide reach, making it excellent for advertising if you serve a huge
market in a large area. To persuade a buyer to buy from you, television advertising has the
advantage of sight, sound, movement, and color. They're very helpful when you need to show how
your product or service operates. The cost of creating a television commercial and then purchasing
an ad spot is often high.
Advertising is sold in units (e.g., 20, 30, 60 seconds) and costs vary depending on the following
factors: If you want to buy spots on multiple networks, you must know the time slot of the
television program and whether it is metro or regional.
- Directories: Businesses are listed in directories by name or category (e.g. Yellow Pages phone
directories). Customers who use directories have often made up their minds to buy; all they need
to do now is figure out who to buy from. The main advantage of online directories over print
directories is that you can instantly update your business name, address, or phone number in the
directory if it changes. You may also update your business's details or add new services. It may be
beneficial to advertise in both print and internet directories if your target market uses both, though
print directories are becoming less popular.
- Outdoor and Transit: Outside and on-the-go advertising can be done in a variety of ways.
Outdoor billboards might be roadside signs or hoardings at sporting events. Posters aboard buses,
taxis, and bicycles can all be used for transit advertising. Large billboards can make a great effect
with your message. If the same consumers pass your billboard on their way to work every day,
you're likely to be the first company they think of when they need anything.
Even the largest billboards normally have limited information; otherwise, they can be difficult to
read. Customers will be able to follow up and learn more about your company if you include
your website address. Outdoor advertising, particularly in excellent sites and on supersite
billboards, may be highly costly.
- Direct mail, Catalogue, and Leaflets: Direct mail is when you write directly to your clients.
More of your target market will be reached if your mailing list or distribution area is more
accurate. A direct mail campaign is more personal since you can target your audience and time it
to meet your needs. Sending your newsletters or fliers online to an email database is a cost-
effective type of direct mail.
You can also deliver catalogs, flyers, and pamphlets to your target audience. Including a
brochure with your direct mail is a terrific method to provide more information about your
products and services to a potential consumer.
- Online: Having a website might be a low-cost strategy to attract new customers. At a
reasonable cost, you may reach a global audience. Many customers conduct online research
before selecting on a vendor.
Customers may be enticed to buy from you if your website is well-designed. You may advertise
your business online in a variety of methods, including paid advertising and improving your
search engine results.
Promoting your products or services on social media sites, blogs, search engines, and other
websites that your target audience visits are other ways to advertise your business online.

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