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Factors Influencing Mathematical Problem Solving skills to the Academic

Achievement of Grade 11 STEM and ABM students of Blessings in the Word

Fellowship school Inc. S.Y. 2023-2024

A Research Paper

Presented to

The Faculty of Senior High School

Blessings in the Word Fellowship School Inc. Tagaytay City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the Completion of Senior High School

Alinsurin, Emmanuel C.

Estares, John Russell D.

Florentino, Krizhan

Gemo, Ralph Justine D.

Mendoza, John Henrich D.

Pareja, Louise Nikaella B.

Respicio, Theonie Aalliyah B.

Vida, Makisig N.

Villanueva, Lian Maurice P.

November 2023
Chapter I


Mathematics is one of the most important subjects in school and it is also

important for our daily tasks. We need to analyze the equations and word

problems before determining the best method for solving them. In many cases,

there are more ways to get the right answer. The ability of the students to solve

mathematical problems is necessary for educational purposes and has a great

impact on their academic performance. Mathematics is used to qualify

numerically and spatially natural as well as man-made situations. It is used to

solve problems and it has helped in making social, economic, and

technological advances (Dendane, 2009).

The ability to solve mathematical problems effectively is not only

important for success in mathematics itself but also for various other subjects

and real-life situations that require analytical thinking and problem-solving

abilities. Problem-solving skills are considered an essential component of

mathematics education. It involves the application of mathematical knowledge

to identify, analyze, and solve complex problems. The acquisition of problem-

solving skills is not solely reliant on mathematical knowledge but also on

various factors that influence an individual's problem-solving abilities.

When facing mathematical problems, a student’s ability to think logically

ang clearly can be disturb hindered. Math anxiety and stress can cause mental

blocks, making it difficult for students to solve problems effectively, even if they

have the necessary mathematical knowledge students that suffer from anxiety
can affect their mathematical solving activities, assignments, and also their

academic performance. Math is often a prerequisite for a wide range of

academic disciplines and careers. If math anxiety goes unaddressed, it can

limit a student’s opportunities and potential, preventing them from pursuing

certain fields or academic paths that require a strong mathematical foundation.

One of the ways to reach your targets in learning mathematics is to

practice consistently and develop a solid foundation in the subject. In essence

Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous

right hand “Serves as a reminder to put our trust in God, especially during

times of fear and uncertainty. Like what God said, when we face multiple

obstacles and start to feel overwhelmed, the Lord is not out of option. God can

strengthen us in such a way that we will be able to live victoriously in any

situation, and walk through any problem.

In line with this, the researcher will determine the factors influencing

mathematical problem- solving skill to the academic achievement of students.

The researcher will find out why those factors will influence the mathematical

problem-solving skills of students as well as their academic achievement in

school. This study will focus on the factors that can help everyone, especially

those students who are taking STEM and ABM strand. The learners will

enhance their enthusiasm to strive to solve problems and improve their

perseverance when dealing with mathematical challenges.

Statement of the Problem

The study Factors Influencing Mathematical Problem Solving Skill to the

Academic Achievement of Grade 11 STEM and ABM students in Blessings in

the Word Fellowship School Inc. Aims to assess the following research


1.) What is the demographic profile of Grade 11 STEM and ABM students in

terms of

a). Age;

b). Sex; and

c). Strand

2). What are the factors that influencing the mathematical problem solving skill

to the academic achievement of Grade 11 STEM and ABM of Blessings in the

Word Fellowship School Inc.?

3.) How does problem solving skills affect the academic achievement of Grade

11 STEM and ABM students of Blessings in the Word Fellowship School Inc?

4). Is there least or most significant factor that influences the mathematical

problem solving skill to the academic achievement of Grade 11 STEM and

ABM students of Blessings in the Word Fellowship School Inc. ?


Hypothesis Ho: There is no significant relationship between the factors

and academic achievement of Grade 11 STEM and ABM students of

Blessings In The Word Fellowship School Inc

Objectives of the Study

This study aims the following :

1. To determine the demographic profile of selected Grade 11 Students from

Blessings in the Word Fellowship School Inc.

2. To identify what are the factors influencing the mathematical problem solving

skill to the academic achievement of Grade 11 STEM and ABM.

3. To discover how mathematical problem solving skills affect the students’

academic achievement.

4. To find out what are the most and least significant factor that influencing the

mathematical problem solving skill to the academic achievement of Grade 11

STEM and ABM students.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to determine The Factors influencing Mathematical

Problem Solving Skills to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 STEM and

ABM students of Blessings in the Word Fellowship School Inc. and will work

to the benefit of the following:

Students - They will benefit from this study by enhancing their own

mathematical solving capabilities. To be able to comprehend and determine

the problem, as well as create the best solution. Through this study, they could

identify and assess the given problem accordingly.

Parents - Through the study, parents can learn about different strategies and

interventions that can optimize their child’s mathematical problem-solving

skills. They can identify ways to provide support and create a conducive

learning environment at home that nurtures their child’s mathematical abilities

Teachers - Insights from the study can empower teachers to provide

personalized instruction, addressing the specific needs of students who may

struggle with mathematical problem-solving. This can contribute to a more

inclusive and supportive learning environment.

Future Researcher - This study helps future researchers to be aware and

knowledgeable of the factors influencing mathematics problem solving skill of

the students. It serve as a guide and reference for future researcher working

on related studies. It will be important material for future reference in that it will

provide results or issues that might impact mathematical solving skills

Scope and Limitations

This study is conducted to determine the Factors Influencing

Mathematical Problem Solving Skill to Academic Achievement of Students in

Blessings in the Word Fellowship School Inc. The data collection will be

conducted on 83 Grade 11 students from STEM and ABM S.Y. 2023-2024

who will represent the respondents.

Definition of Terms

Academic Performance - the measurement of student achievement across

various academic subjects.

Acquisition - the learning or developing of a skill, habit, or quality.

Analytical Thinking - is a method for analyzing a problem and finding a


Conducive - means tending to cause or produce something.

Equations - is a mathematical statement that shows that two mathematical

expressions are equal.

Factor - a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or

outcome which affects the students academic performances.

Insight - a deep understanding of a person.

Intervention - The act or fact of taking action about something in order to have

an effect on its outcome; action taken to improve a situation.

Mathematics Anxiety - a feeling of tension and anxiety that interferes with

the manipulation of numbers and the solving of mathematical problems in

ordinary life and academic situations.

Mathematical Knowledge - ability to understand numbers, quantity, and the

relationships between them.

Mathematical Solving Capabilities - the ability to perform mathematical

tasks and to effectively solve given mathematical problems.

Mathematical Word Problem - is a mathematical exercise which is in the

form of a question that needs mathematical analysis and equations to be


Mental Block - an inability to remember or think of something you normally

can do.

Perseverance - continued effort to do or achieve something, even when this

is difficult or takes a long time.

Prerequisite - something that is necessary to an end or to the carrying out of

a function.

Problem Solving Skills - the ability to identify problems, brainstorm and

analyze answers, and implement the best solutions.

Spatially - in a way that relates to space and the position, area, and size of

things within it.

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