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Affiliated Alagappa University-Karaikudi

Department of Business Administration
Unit Test-I
Class: II BBA Entrepreneurship – 22BE3 Max Marks: 75
Date: 1 0 / 0 7 / 2 0 2 3 Time: 3 hours

Part-A (Answer all the Questions) (10x2= 25)

1. What is an Enterprise?
2. What is an Entrepreneur?
3. What is Intrapreneurship?
4. List out the Characteristics of Entrepreneur?
5. Mention the features of an Entrepreneur?
6. List out the qualities of three entrepreneur?
7. State the various Functions of Entrepreneur.
8. What do you meant by Achievement motivation?
9. What are the types of Entrepreneur?
10. What are the Economic factors?

Part-B (Answer all the Questions) (5x5= 25)

11. Write a short note on growth of entrepreneurship.
12. Write a note on women entrepreneur in India.
13. What are the factors affecting Entrepreneurship growth.
14. How entrepreneurship as a career? Explain
15. Describe the type of Entrepreneurs? Which one do you think most suitable for India?

Part-C (Answer all the Questions) (3x10 = 30)

16. Explain the required skills and knowledge of entrepreneur?
17. Explain the types of Entrepreneurial personality.
18. What are the Barriers faced by entrepreneur? Explain?

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