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Semester Project
Report On
Evaluation of Internal Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder Risk Factors

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Date: April 15,2020.

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary............................................................................................................................................3
2. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Risk Factors.........................................................................................3
3. Introduction to Study..........................................................................................................................................4
3.1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................................4
3.2. Background Information..............................................................................................................................4
3.3. Statement of Problem..................................................................................................................................5
3.4. Significance of Study...................................................................................................................................5
3.5. Scope of Study............................................................................................................................................5
3.6. Limitations of Study....................................................................................................................................6
3.7. Review of Related Literature.......................................................................................................................6
3.8. Methods of Study........................................................................................................................................6
3.8.1. Sample Selection.................................................................................................................................6
3.8.2. Source of data.....................................................................................................................................7
3.8.3 Statistical Method................................................................................................................................7
4. Organization.......................................................................................................................................................7
5. Results and Discussion.......................................................................................................................................8
5.1. Children having symptoms of ADHD...................................................................................................8
5.2. Children suffering from ADHD............................................................................................................9
6. Conclusion........................................................................................................................................................11
7. Recommendation..............................................................................................................................................12
8. References........................................................................................................................................................12
Evaluation of Internal Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder Risk Factors

1. Executive Summary

The aim of this report was to evaluate Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Risk Factors and

their treatment. (ADHD). A survey to calculate percentage of ADHD in major cities of Punjab

district was conducted. The results indicate that several children were suffering from ADHD.

The report concludes that ADHD is a dangerous disorder and it is affecting all areas of life. It is

recommended that proper arrangements should be made to manage and treat ADHD.

2. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Risk Factors

Risk factors for ADHD include:

 Blood relatives with ADHD or another mental health disorder.

 Drug use, alcohol use or smoking during pregnancy.

 Exposure to environmental toxins such as lead.

 Premature birth.

 Brain Injuries.
3. Introduction to Study

3.1. Introduction

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder (disorder in

which development of central nervous system is disturbed). It is characterized by hyperactivity,

impulsivity, and inattention. Generally, ADHD develops in childhood, although it might not be

diagnosed. ADHD continues into teenage years and old age. It affects all areas of life, causing

trouble in studies and work, relationships and obviously health. ADHD may cause emotional

cost as people with ADHD experience shame and sense of failure when they struggle with

routine activities that other people do effortlessly.

3.2. Background Information

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is spreading all over the world. It affects all areas of life

including studies, health, work and causes difficulty in performing daily routine tasks.

Population studies indicate that five percent of children worldwide show impaired levels of

attention, as well as hyperactivity. The percentage of boys with ADHD is twice as girls. Now it

is spreading in Pakistan as well. Doctors have a little information about this. Even people are

unaware about ADHD. They need proper guidance related to this disorder which may help them

in staying away from this disease.

3.3. Statement of Problem

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder risk factors

and to discuss causes and treatment of ADHD.

3.4. Significance of Study

There are three groups who may benefit from this study. The first group, consisting of people

suffering from ADHD, may learn how to treat this disease and what actions are required to

control this disease. This may help them to overcome troubles caused by ADHD and to properly

manage daily routine tasks in life. In this way, they can also guide others the techniques for

controlling ADHD. The second group that may benefit from this is group of people who do not

have this disorder. By letting them know the causes of ADHD and outcomes of this disorder,

they may be able to transfer the knowledge to other people around them which will help in

staying away from disorder. The third group is group of doctors who may help in treatment and

management of disease. This study will let them know the symptoms and the ways to manage

and treat this disease. So they may be able to handle such situations more efficiently.

3.5. Scope of Study

This study was carried out in children to analyze the percentage of ADHD in children. Teenagers

and adults were not included in this study. This study was carried out in children living in major

cities of Punjab District. The major cities of Punjab include Lahore, Faisalabad, Islamabad,

Rawalpindi, Multan, Sialkot, Sargodha, Gujranwala. Data for this study were collected during

the summer of 2019.

3.6. Limitations of Study

This study is not generalized. It may be limited through the use of questionnaire as a data

collection instrument. Areas that may have been affected by ADHD may not have been included

in this questionnaire. Furthermore, all the treatments of ADHD may not have been included in

this study.

3.7. Review of Related Literature

KiGGS (2008), conducted by Robert Koch Institute in Germany, a survey monitoring 14,836

girls and boys (age between 3 to 17 years), showed that 4.8% of the participants had an ADHD

diagnosis. While 7.9% of all boys had ADHD, and only 1.8% girls had it. Another 4.9% of the

participants (6.4% boys: 3.6% girls) were suspected ADHD cases, because they showed a rate ≥7

on the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) scale. The number of ADHD diagnosis was

1.5% (2.4% boys : 0.6% girls) among preschool children (3-6 years old), 5.3% (8.7% boys :

1.9%girls) at age 7-10 years, and had its peak at 7.1% (11.3% boys : 3.0% girls) in the age group

of 11-13 years. Among 14 to 17 years, the rate was 5.6% (9.4% boys : 1.8% girls).

3.8. Methods of Study

3.8.1. Sample Selection

A group of 240 students from major cities of Punjab district were chosen for questioning phase.

These cities include Lahore, Faisalabad, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Multan, Sialkot, Sargodha,

Gujranwala. 30 children from each city will be selected for collecting data.
3.8.2. Source of data

A survey was conducted for collecting data. Questions related to attention problems were asked

for checking symptoms of ADHD in children. Children suffering from this disorder were also

checked. At last, some treatment techniques were recommended to children.

3.8.3 Statistical Method

Simple statistical techniques were used to tabulate the results of this study. Children having

symptoms of ADHD and children having this disease were analyzed using method of percentage

to draw the results. A statistical analysis of data was made.

4. Organization

The report is divided into different headings which are further divided into sub-headings. All the

headings and sub-headings serve an integral part in report. Their roles are given below.

 Executive Summary or Abstract provides a gist of whole report in a concise manner.

It summarizes the report covering all important parts.

 The introduction section provides a general overview of report. This includes

introduction to main problem, significance of report, limitations and scope, review of

related literature and methods of research.

 The finding section provides statistical data in form of tables and figures creating a

sense of reliability for the readers.

 The conclusion section summarizes the findings section. It ends with a statement

which will lead to recommendation section.

 The recommendation section is an important part of report. It suggests the actions

required to overcome the problem.

 The reference section contains detail all the cited work. It is called bibliography of


 Lastly, the appendices section contains information that is large and complex for the

report such as questionnaires used for gathering data.

5. Results and Discussion

Two things will be represented in finding. First, percentage of children having symptoms of

ADHD will be discussed. Second, children suffering from ADHD will be analyzed.

5.1. Children having symptoms of ADHD

30 children from each major city of Punjab District were checked for symptoms, the results are

given below

 In Lahore, 6 children were found having symptoms of ADHD

 In Faisalabad, this range was 5.

 In Islamabad, 2 children had signs of ADHD.

 In Rawalpindi, this number was 4.

 In Multan, 5 children had symptoms.

 In Sargodha, 6 children were indicated.

 In Sialkot, 3 children were found having signs of ADHD

 In Gujranwala, 6 children had symptoms of ADHD.

Analysis of Children Having Symptoms of ADHD

Percentage Of Children Having Symptoms Of

18% 20%

Lahore Faisalabad

Islamabad Rawalpindi

Multan Sargodha
8% Sialkot Gujranwala
17% 14%

5.2. Children suffering from ADHD

Out of 30 children from each major city of Punjab District, the list is given below.

 In Lahore, 7 children were suffering from ADHD

 In Faisalabad, this range was 6.

 In Islamabad, 3 children had ADHD.

 In Rawalpindi, this number was 5.

 In Multan, 7 children had this disorder.

 In Sargodha, 7 children were indicated.

 In Sialkot, 4 children were found having ADHD.

 In Gujranwala, 7 children had ADHD.

Analysis of Children Suffering From ADHD

Percentage Of Children Suffering from ADHD






Lahore Faisalabad Islamabad Rawalpindi Multan Sargodha Sialkot Gujranwala

Series1 0.25 0.2 0.1 0.18 0.24 0.25 0.15 0.24

ADHD is actually the result of brain system working a little slower than usual. Symptoms of

ADHD are present in early childhood after 3 years of age and before 7. It is usually discovered

when a child begins to have problems paying attention. If not treated well, it may be continued to

adulthood. Untimely diagnosis and treatment of this disorder can lead to several problems. In the

recent years, many investigations have been done to identify the proper cure of this disease. But,

unfortunately, its proper cure is still not found. However, it can be treated and managed.

Counselling helps to solve depression, anxiety, or relationship issues that might result from

ADHD. This disease is spreading all over the world at a very fast rate. This increase is shown

Anaylsis of Increase in ADHD

Increase In ADHD From 2006 to 2018










2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020

6. Conclusion

This report concludes that ADHD is a dangerous disorder. Findings show that rate of ADHD is

very high in children. It is increasing day by day. This disease may affect all areas of life. People

should be aware of causes of ADHD and must try to stay away from actions that cause this

disease. It might not be diagnosed, but it can be successfully treated and managed. So a person

having symptoms of ADHD or suffering from ADHD should be treated properly and proper

arrangements should be made to manage this disease. Consultation with specialist doctors of

ADHD is very important to manage and treat this disorder. Recommendations from doctors must

be followed. Some recommendations are mentioned ahead.

7. Recommendation

Based on findings and conclusions in this study, actions must be taken to manage and treat

ADHD. These are recommended below:

 Talk to your child teacher about classroom strategies that can help in learning.

 Talk to your child’s doctor and share your concerns.

 Hire a private learning specialist.

 Talk to specialists of ADHD for better treatment.

 Talk with other parents who are facing a similar situation.

8. References

1. Biederman, J. (2004). Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Selective Overview.

Retrieved from

2. Morin, A. (2014). Understanding Your Child's Trouble With Hyperactivity. Retrieved from


3. Sinfield, J. (2018, February 5). How ADHD Is Diagnosed and Managed. Retrieved from

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