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Nama : Aulia Ismi Nur’aeni (2202101011)

Sylir Cahyaning Sukma (2202101014)

Anggi Nanda Prastika (2202101214)
Kelas : 3A / PGSD
No. Komponen Isian
1. Title Teaching English to Young Learners through Pocket Bee
Instructional Media
2. Author Naufal Fachrur Rozi
3. Journal JournEEL
4. Publication Year 2022
5. Volume Vol. 4
6. Introduction This article discusses English as a local content in primary
schools. In teaching English especially for young students,
multidimensional preparation is necessary, where learning
media is a tool to achieve success in the TEYL learning
process. The TEYL Pocket Bee learning tool was created by
the researchers of this scientific article as an embodiment of
a learning tool that is able to provide TEYL teachers and
students with the maximum opportunity to create a good
learning process.
7. Summary Result Method
The research subjects of this scientific article were drawn
using a convenience sampling framework. Convenience
sampling refers to a form of qualitative sampling in which
research subjects are opportunistically available in terms of
access, location, time, and willingness. This scientific article
was also accompanied by inclusion criteria as sampling
criteria, namely age restrictions (i.e. the age range of the
learners). Therefore, there were 20 young learners.

Pocket Bee
Pocket Bee is a TEYL learning media created by researchers
with the aim to provide learning media that can cover the
possibility of improving young learners' English language
skills (i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing). The
advantage is that it is legitimate to research materials
integrated with TEYL learning media. Basically, Pocket Bee
learning media has a very flexible capacity to be used as
learning media for various types of materials because the
form of Pocket Bee learning media (i.e. the pocket) is not
only limited to teach certain materials. The main materials
that will be used in Pocket Bee learning media are highly
directed to basic English materials only. Benefits of TEYL's
Pocket Bee learning media, the researcher concluded that
there are three benefits. The benefits are the interactive and
familiar design with children, the utilization of used goods,
and the positive results of Pocket Bee learning media.

The Implementation of Pocket Bee

In the pre-activity, the researcher conducted a brainstorm
with the aim of getting along intensely with the young
learners, getting to know each other deeply, and giving them
confidence that the learning process would be fun. The
concept of brainstorming the application of Pocket Bee
learning media is quite simple. The researcher gave
instructions about brainstorming (for example, saying red
means one clap, saying yellow means two claps, and saying
green means three claps). All the responses from the
students were amazing. They looked very happy during the
opinion process.
In the core activity, the Pocket Bee learning process is as
follows, 1) Providing initial knowledge, 2) Letting all
students roll the dice, 3) Taking the picture card from the
bee pocket, 4) Testing students' understanding, 5)
Instructing all students to draw and write the picture card.
In the final activity, the researcher went around all the
students to show their drawings. This also became a
reflection for all students in memorizing English words
from the animals they drew. Furthermore, the researcher
also gave appreciation to all students in the form of snacks
to be eaten together.
8. Conclusion Pocket Bee is a TEYL learning media in the form of an
interactive and familiar design with children created by the
researcher with the aim of providing learning media that can
maximize the possibility of improving young learners'
English language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. Students' response to the implementation of Pocket
Bee TEYL learning media shows that this learning media is
able to provide fun and happiness to students during the
learning process.

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