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Units of Competency

ICTPMG613 Manage ICT project planning

ICTPMG617 Plan and direct complex ICT projects

Academies Australasia College Project Management DIT114

Diploma of Information Technology October 2023
Academies Australasia College Project Management DIT114
Diploma of Information Technology October 2023
Academies Australasia College Project Management DIT114
Diploma of Information Technology October 2023
Unlocking the Future of Learning: Empowering Working Adults with Cutting-Edge E-Learning

In an ever-evolving world, where knowledge is the currency of the future,

Columbia University in Europe stands committed to providing world-class education to its
diverse community of students. As the demands of education continue to transform, so must our
approach to delivering it. It is with this vision in mind that we embark on an exciting journey to
introduce a groundbreaking E-learning platform tailored exclusively for our dedicated and
dynamic working adult students.

Imagine a world where learning knows no boundaries, where knowledge is accessible

anytime, anywhere, and where the pursuit of education seamlessly aligns with the demands of a
modern, fast-paced professional life. This is the future we envision—a future where the
convergence of technology and education creates a vibrant, interactive, and highly engaging
learning experience.

As the appointed Project Manager, I am thrilled to introduce a comprehensive

proposal that outlines our strategic plan to revolutionize the way our student’s access and engage
with educational content. In this proposal, we will explore the five core components of an E-
learning platform—Audience, Course Structure, Page Design, Content Engagement, and
Usability Testing—and demonstrate how each element will be meticulously crafted to ensure the
success of our E-learning initiative.

Our goal is simple yet profound: to empower our working adult students
with a flexible, user-friendly, and enriching E-learning environment that caters to their unique
needs, preferences, and aspirations. By harnessing the potential of technology, we aim to bridge
the gap between education and career, making learning a seamless and rewarding journey.

Join us on this transformative

expedition as we lay the foundation for a future where learning is not just an endeavor but a

Academies Australasia College Project Management DIT114

Diploma of Information Technology October 2023
lifelong adventure. Together, we will create an E-learning platform that reflects the excellence
and innovation synonymous with Columbia University.

The pages that follow will unveil our detailed plan, strategies,
and methodologies for the successful implementation of this ambitious project. We invite you to
explore this proposal with enthusiasm and an open heart, as we embark on this exciting chapter
in the history of Columbia University in Europe.

Identify the strategic and operational needs of the Columbia University

e- learning project during the planning phase

Identify organization’s need for required complex ICT project

1. Define Strategic Objectives: Start by understanding the organization's overall strategic

objectives. What is the organization trying to achieve in the short-term and long-term? How does
ICT support these objectives?
2. Conduct a Needs Assessment: Engage with various stakeholders, including senior management,
department heads, and end-users, to identify specific needs and pain points. Ask questions such

 What challenges or inefficiencies are currently being experienced?

 Are there any regulatory or compliance requirements that need to be addressed?
 Are there opportunities for improvement or innovation through technology?
 What are the future growth and scalability requirements?

3. Perform a Gap Analysis: Compare the current state of the organization's ICT infrastructure and
capabilities to the desired state based on strategic objectives and identified needs. Identify the
gaps that need to be addressed.

Academies Australasia College Project Management DIT114

Diploma of Information Technology October 2023
4. Consider Industry Trends: Stay informed about industry trends and technological
advancements. Are there emerging technologies or best practices that could benefit your
organization? Are competitors or peers implementing similar projects?

5. Assess Financial Viability: Evaluate the financial resources available for the project. Determine
whether the organization can afford the project, considering not only the initial investment but
also ongoing maintenance and operational costs.
6. Risk Assessment: Identify potential risks associated with the project. What are the risks of not
implementing the project? What are the risks and challenges associated with the project's
execution? Understanding the risks will help in decision-making.
7. Engage Stakeholders: Involve key stakeholders in the process of identifying needs. Their
insights and perspectives are valuable in ensuring that the project aligns with organizational goals
and addresses real issues.
8. Prioritize Needs: Not all identified needs may be equally important or urgent. Prioritize them
based on their impact on the organization's goals, compliance requirements, and potential return
on investment.
9. Build a Business Case: Create a compelling business case that outlines the identified needs, the
proposed ICT project, and the expected benefits, costs, and risks. Present this case to senior
management for approval and funding.
10. Alignment with Strategic Plan: Ensure that the proposed ICT project aligns with the
organization's overall strategic plan. It should be seen as an enabler of the strategic goals.

Identify project’s strategic context and requirements

 The project's strategic context and requirements are to align with the
organization's overall strategic goals and address specific needs and challenges identified through
a needs assessment.

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Diploma of Information Technology October 2023
Identify organization’s strategic and business plans, and output requirements

 The organization's strategic and business plans provide the project's

strategic context, while output requirements specify the expected project deliverables and

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Diploma of Information Technology October 2023
Identify client requirements and impact of legislation, and industry codes and

Client Requirements:

 Learning Objectives: Understand the specific educational goals and outcomes desired by
Columbia University for its working adult students.
 Content: Determine the types of courses, subjects, and content that the university wishes to
offer on the E-learning platform.
 User Experience: Define the expected user experience, including ease of navigation,
accessibility, and interactivity.
 Scalability: Identify whether the platform should accommodate future growth in terms of
courses and users.
 Customization: Explore whether customization options for individual learners or departments
are required.
 Assessment and Reporting: Specify any assessment tools, grading systems, and reporting
capabilities needed.
 Integration: Consider if the platform needs to integrate with existing systems or services used
by the university.

Impact of Legislation, Industry Codes, and Standards:

 Data Privacy Regulations: Compliance with data privacy laws, such as GDPR in Europe, must
be ensured to protect the privacy of student data.
 Accessibility Standards: Adherence to accessibility standards, like WCAG, is essential to
ensure the platform is usable by all, including individuals with disabilities.
 Copyright Laws: Ensure that all content shared on the platform adheres to copyright laws and
licensing agreements.

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 Security Standards: Implement robust security measures to protect against data breaches and
cyber threats in compliance with industry standards.
 Quality Assurance: Follow industry best practices and quality assurance standards to deliver a
reliable and effective E-learning platform.
 Content Standards: Ensure that the educational content aligns with academic standards and
accreditation requirements.

Conduct risk management analysis and develop and document risk-

management plan

Risk Management Analysis:

 Identify Risks: Begin by identifying potential risks that could impact the project. These may
include technical challenges, resource constraints, regulatory changes, or external factors like
market trends.
 Assess Risks: Evaluate the likelihood and potential impact of each identified risk. Use a risk
assessment matrix to categorize risks based on severity and probability.
 Prioritize Risks: Rank risks in order of priority, focusing on those with the highest potential
impact on project objectives.
 Mitigation Strategies: Develop strategies to mitigate or reduce the impact of high-priority
risks. This may involve contingency plans, resource allocation, or process adjustments.
 Monitoring and Control: Establish a monitoring and control process to regularly review and
update the risk assessment. Ensure that risk mitigation measures remain effective.

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Risk Management Plan:

 Purpose and Objectives: Define the purpose of the risk management plan and its objectives,
which include ensuring project success and minimizing negative impacts.
 Roles and Responsibilities: Specify the roles and responsibilities of team members involved in
risk management, including who is responsible for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks.
 Risk Identification: Detail the process for identifying risks, which should involve ongoing input
from team members and stakeholders.
 Risk Assessment: Describe how risks will be assessed, including the criteria for prioritizing risks
and the tools or techniques to be used.
 Risk Mitigation: Outline the strategies and actions to be taken to mitigate high-priority risks.
Include contingency plans and resource allocation strategies.
 Monitoring and Control: Explain how risks will be monitored throughout the project lifecycle,
including regular review meetings, status reports, and triggers for action.
 Communication Plan: Define how risks and their mitigation efforts will be communicated to
stakeholders, including frequency and reporting formats.
 Documentation: Specify how risk-related documentation will be maintained, including risk
registers, mitigation plans, and updates.
 Review and Update: Clarify the process for reviewing and updating the risk management plan as
the project progresses and new risks emerge.
 Contingency Plans: Develop contingency plans for major risks that could severely impact the
project's success. Outline the steps to be taken if these risks materialize.

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Diploma of Information Technology October 2023
Prepare the e- learning project plan for the Columbia University

Define and document specifications, terms of reference and skills required for

1. Specifications:

 Definition: Specifications are detailed descriptions of the project's requirements,

including its scope, features, functionality, and performance criteria.
 Purpose: To provide a clear and comprehensive understanding of what the project aims
to achieve and deliver.
 Components: Specifications typically include technical specifications (e.g., hardware
and software requirements), functional specifications (e.g., what the system or solution
should do), and performance specifications (e.g., response times, scalability).

2. Terms of Reference (TOR):

 Definition: Terms of reference are a formal document that outlines the project's
objectives, scope, roles, responsibilities, and governance structure.
 Purpose: To define the project's boundaries, establish responsibilities, and provide a
framework for decision-making and accountability.
 Components: TOR typically includes project objectives, project scope (including what's
in and out of scope), project organization structure, roles and responsibilities of team
members and stakeholders, and reporting and communication protocols.

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Diploma of Information Technology October 2023
3. Skills Required for the Project:

 Definition: A list of skills and qualifications needed for the successful execution of the
 Purpose: To ensure that the project team possesses the necessary expertise to meet
project goals and requirements.
 Components: Skills required may include technical skills (e.g., programming languages,
software proficiency), project management skills (e.g., PMP certification), domain-
specific knowledge (e.g., education technology for an e-learning project), communication
skills, and soft skills (e.g., problem-solving, leadership).


 Format: These specifications, terms of reference, and skills requirements should be

documented in a formal written document that can be easily shared and referenced.
 Review and Approval: Ensure that the document is reviewed and approved by key
stakeholders, including project sponsors, before the project begins.
 Version Control: Maintain version control to track changes and updates to the document
over the course of the project.

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Identify and document project budget according to project requirements

1. Define Project Requirements:

Start by thoroughly understanding the project's requirements, objectives, scope, and deliverables.
You should have a clear understanding of what needs to be accomplished in the project.

2. Identify Project Costs:

Break down the project into its various components, tasks, and activities. Identify all the costs
associated with each component. These costs may include:

 $50,000 for labor costs

 $10,000 for materials and supplies
 $25,000 for equipment and technology
 $15,000 for software licenses
 $30,000 for outsourced services
 $5,000 for travel expenses
 $10,000 for contingency reserves
 $20,000 for overhead and administrative expenses

3. Estimate Costs:
For each identified cost item, estimate the expected expenditure. Use historical data, vendor
quotes, industry benchmarks, or expert judgment to make accurate cost estimates.

4. Allocate Costs:
Distribute the estimated costs across the project's timeline. Determine when and how each cost
item will be incurred during the project's duration.

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Diploma of Information Technology October 2023
5. Create a Budget Spreadsheet or Document:
Use a spreadsheet or budgeting software to create a detailed budget document. Organize costs
into categories or work packages for clarity.

6. Include Contingency and Reserves:

Allocate a contingency budget to account for unforeseen risks or changes in project scope. The
size of the contingency reserve may vary depending on the project's complexity and uncertainty.

7. Document Assumptions and Justifications:

Include documentation for cost assumptions and justifications. This helps provide transparency
and ensures that stakeholders understand how cost estimates were derived.

8. Obtain Approvals:
Share the budget document with relevant stakeholders, including project sponsors and
management, for review and approval. Ensure that the budget aligns with project requirements
and organizational goals.

9. Monitor and Control:

As the project progresses, continuously monitor and control expenses against the budget. Identify
any deviations and take corrective actions when necessary to keep the project on track

10. Document Changes:

If there are changes to the project scope or requirements that impact the budget, document these
changes and seek necessary approvals for budget adjustments.

11. Finalize and Maintain Documentation:

Once the project is completed, finalize the budget documentation for future reference, auditing,
and lessons learned.

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Define skills needed for the successful completion of project

Project Management Skills:

 Project Planning: The ability to create a detailed project plan, including defining scope,
setting objectives, and outlining tasks and timelines.
 Resource Management: Efficiently allocate and manage project resources, including
personnel, budget, and materials.
 Risk Management: Identify potential risks, assess their impact, and develop strategies to
mitigate or respond to them.
 Stakeholder Management: Effectively communicate with and manage the expectations of
project stakeholders, including clients, team members, and sponsors.
 Quality Management: Ensure that project deliverables meet quality standards and project

Leadership and Communication Skills:

 Leadership: Lead and motivate the project team, providing direction and guidance
throughout the project.
 Communication: Clearly and concisely convey project information to team members,
stakeholders, and senior management.
 Conflict Resolution: Resolve conflicts and disputes within the project team to maintain a
positive working environment.

Technical Skills:

 Technical Expertise: Possess knowledge and expertise relevant to the project's field,
industry, or technology.
 Data Analysis: Analyze data and information to make informed project decisions.
 Software Proficiency: Be proficient in project management software and tools for
planning, scheduling, and tracking progress.
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Problem-Solving and Decision-Making:

 Critical Thinking: Analyze problems, evaluate options, and make well-informed

 Adaptability: Be flexible and capable of adjusting the project plan in response to
changing circumstances.

Time Management and Organization:

 Time Management: Efficiently allocate and manage time to meet project milestones and
 Organization: Keep project documentation, tasks, and resources well-organized.

Financial Management:

 Budgeting: Create, manage, and adhere to project budgets, ensuring cost control and
resource optimization.

Negotiation Skills:

 Negotiation: Negotiate terms, contracts, and agreements with suppliers, vendors, and
stakeholders to achieve favorable outcomes.

Team Collaboration:

 Teamwork: Foster collaboration and teamwork among project team members, promoting
a positive and productive work environment.

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Client and Customer Focus:

 Customer Service: Understand and meet the needs and expectations of project clients or

Ethical and Professional Conduct:

 Ethical Behavior: Act with integrity, ethics, and professionalism in all project-related

Documentation and Reporting:

 Documentation: Maintain accurate project documentation, including progress reports,

change orders, and project records.

Risk Assessment and Management:

 Risk Assessment: Identify, assess, and manage project risks to minimize potential issues.

Contract Management:

 Contract Administration: Understand and manage project contracts, including compliance

and deliverable requirements.

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1. Define Resources:

Start by identifying all the resources required for the project. These resources can be categorized
into several types, including:

 Human resources (personnel with specific skills and expertise).

 Financial resources (budget and funding).
 Physical resources (equipment, materials, facilities).
 Technology and software resources.
 Information and data resources.

2. Document Resource Requirements:

Create a detailed list of the specific resources needed for each aspect of the project. Include
essential details such as quantity, specifications, quality standards, and any special requirements.

3. Determine Resource Availability:

Assess the availability of these resources both internally within your organization and externally
through suppliers, contractors, or partners. Identify any potential resource constraints,
limitations, or lead times.

4. Estimate Resource Costs:

Estimate the costs associated with acquiring and utilizing these resources. This includes labor
costs, material costs, equipment rental fees, software licenses, and any other relevant expenses.

5. Allocate Resources to Tasks:

Assign resources to specific project tasks or activities based on the project schedule and
requirements. Ensure that each task has the necessary resources allocated to it.

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Diploma of Information Technology October 2023
6. Develop a Resource Plan:

Create a resource plan that outlines how and when resources will be acquired, allocated, and
released throughout the project lifecycle. Consider resource leveling to optimize resource usage
and avoid overallocation.

7. Secure Resource Commitments:

Obtain commitments from internal departments or external vendors to ensure that the required
resources will be available when needed. This may involve signing contracts, agreements, or
purchase orders.

8. Establish Resource Management Processes:

Define processes for resource management, including resource allocation, utilization tracking,
and resource release or reallocation if project priorities change.

9. Monitor and Control Resources:

Continuously monitor resource usage against the resource plan. Identify resource-related issues,
such as overutilization, shortages, or cost variances, and take corrective actions as needed.

10. Document Resource Documentation:

- Maintain clear and organized documentation of all resource-related information, including

contracts, agreements, resource schedules, budgets, and procurement records.

11. Address Resource Risks:

- Identify potential resource-related risks, such as delays in resource availability or budget

overruns. Develop contingency plans to mitigate these risks.

12. Communication and Reporting:

- Communicate resource needs, plans, and status to relevant stakeholders, including project team
members, managers, and external partners. Provide regular updates on resource utilization and
any deviations from the plan.

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13. Compliance and Legal Considerations:

- Ensure that all resource acquisition and allocation processes comply with legal and regulatory
requirements, including procurement laws, labor laws, and contractual obligations.

Define, document, and secure resources required to support the project

1. Human Resources:

 Project Manager: A dedicated project manager will be assigned to oversee the entire project,
ensuring that it stays on track and within scope. This individual will be responsible for
coordinating efforts, managing the team, and communicating with stakeholders.
 Subject Matter Experts (SMEs): SMEs in educational technology, instructional design, and e-
learning will be engaged to provide expertise in content development and course design.
 Instructional Designers: These professionals will play a crucial role in structuring the course
content, ensuring it aligns with pedagogical principles and learner needs.
 Content Developers: Skilled content creators, including writers, graphic designers, and
multimedia specialists, will be required to produce high-quality interactive learning materials.
 Research Team: Experts in educational research and data analysis will be necessary to conduct
the target audience analysis and gather insights into learner preferences and abilities.
 IT Team: IT specialists will be responsible for identifying and setting up the necessary hardware
and software infrastructure for the E-learning platform.
 Educational Psychologist: A specialist in educational psychology will be involved in assessing
learning abilities and prerequisites for course design.

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Diploma of Information Technology October 2023
2. Hardware and Software Resources:

 Computers and Servers: Adequate computer hardware and servers will be required to host the
E-learning platform, ensuring it can handle user traffic and data storage.
 Software Licenses: Licensing for learning management systems (LMS), content creation tools,
and any specialized software needed for interactive content development.
 Internet Bandwidth: Sufficient internet bandwidth to support online course delivery, including
video streaming and interactive features.

3. Facilities and Infrastructure:

Office Space: A physical office space for project meetings, coordination, and collaboration
among team members.

4. Financial Resources:

Budget Allocation: A budget will be established to fund the project, covering personnel salaries,
software licenses, hardware purchases, content development costs, and any unforeseen expenses.

5. External Vendors and Consultants:

Third-party Vendors: If necessary, external vendors may be engaged to provide specialized

services such as content hosting, cloud infrastructure, or technical support.

6. Legal and Compliance Resources:

Legal Expertise: Legal counsel may be needed to ensure compliance with data protection laws,
copyright regulations, and any other legal requirements related to the E-learning platform.

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Diploma of Information Technology October 2023
7. Training and Capacity Building:

Training Programs: Training and capacity-building programs may be required for team members
to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge to support the project effectively.

Develop and document timelines, schedules and critical path for project.

Task Name Start Date End Date Duration Assigned Dependencies

Project Initiation 01/01/2023 01/05/2023 5 days Project Manager
Conduct Target 01/06/2023 01/20/2023 15 days Research Team Project Initiation
Audience Analysis
Define Expected 01/21/2023 01/31/2023 11 days Instructional Project Initiation
Course Outcomes Designer
Assess Learning 02/01/2023 02/15/2023 15 days Educational Project Initiation
Abilities Psychologist
Identify Required 02/16/2023 02/28/2023 13 days IT Team Project Initiation
Analyze Job 03/01/2023 03/15/2023 15 days HR Team Project Initiation
Understand 03/16/2023 03/31/2023 12 days UX Researcher Project Initiation
Develop Course 04/01/2023 05/15/2023 45 days Instructional Target Audience
Structure Designer Analysis, Define
Expected Course
Outcomes, Assess
Learning Abilities
Create Interactive 05/16/2023 06/30/2023 46 days Content Develop Course
Content Developers Structure
Testing and Quality 07/01/2023 07/21/2023 21 days QA Team Create Interactive
Assurance Content
Platform 07/22/2023 08/21/2023 31 days Development Identify Required
Development and Team Hardware/Software
User Acceptance 08/22/2023 09/05/2023 15 days Testers Testing and Quality
Testing Assurance
Launch E-Learning 09/06/2023 09/20/2023 15 days Project Manager Platform
Platform Development and
Academies Australasia College Project Management DIT114
Diploma of Information Technology October 2023
Ongoing 09/21/2023 IT Team Launch E-Learning
Maintenance and Platform

1. Identification of Stakeholders:

Conduct a thorough analysis to identify all relevant stakeholders. This includes internal
stakeholders (e.g., university administration, faculty, IT department) and external stakeholders
(e.g., students, parents, regulatory authorities).

2. Stakeholder Mapping:

Create a stakeholder map to categorize stakeholders based on their level of influence and interest
in the project. This will help prioritize engagement efforts.

3. Define Objectives and Goals:

Clearly define the objectives and goals of the stakeholder consultation process. Understand what
information needs to be gathered, what decisions need stakeholder input, and what outcomes are

4. Communication Plan:

Develop a comprehensive communication plan that outlines how, when, and through which
channels stakeholders will be engaged. Consider various communication methods, including
meetings, surveys, emails, and forums.
Academies Australasia College Project Management DIT114
Diploma of Information Technology October 2023
5. Tailored Engagement Approaches:

Customize engagement approaches for different stakeholder groups. For example, faculty
members may require detailed briefings, while students may benefit from surveys and interactive

6. Information Sharing:

Ensure transparency by sharing relevant project information with stakeholders. Provide updates
on project progress, milestones, and challenges.

7. Feedback Collection:

Establish mechanisms for collecting feedback from stakeholders. This can include surveys, focus
groups, town hall meetings, and online forums. Feedback should be actively sought and valued.

8. Incorporating Feedback:

Analyze the feedback received and incorporate valuable insights into project planning and
decision-making. Demonstrating that stakeholder input is influential builds trust.

9. Conflict Resolution:

Be prepared to address conflicts or disagreements among stakeholders. A structured conflict

resolution process should be in place to mitigate issues promptly.

10. Reporting and Documentation:

- Document all stakeholder interactions, feedback, decisions, and outcomes. Maintain a clear
record of the consultation process for transparency and accountability.

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11. Evaluation and Continuous Improvement:

- Periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the consultation strategy. Use lessons learned to refine
and improve future stakeholder engagement efforts.

12. Compliance with Organizational Requirements:

- Ensure that the stakeholder consultation strategy complies with organizational policies,
guidelines, and legal requirements. Seek necessary approvals if required.

1. Assemble the project team and commence work for the Columbia University e- learning
No Management’s Query [4 marks] Project Manager’s Feedback [4 marks]
1 What is the project scope and client’s The project scope for the Columbia
respond? University e-learning project encompasses
the development and implementation of an
online learning platform tailored to the
needs of working adult students. The
client's response has been positive, with a
clear understanding of the project's
objectives and expectations.
2 What is the communication reporting Our team follows a structured
processes and channel for your team communication reporting process using
members? regular team meetings and a dedicated
project management software platform.
This ensures efficient collaboration,
information sharing, and progress tracking
among team members.
3 How would you ensure project plan and To align the project plan and staff
staff performance are in align with Project performance with Project KPIs, we will
KPI? establish clear KPI metrics, monitor
progress regularly, provide necessary
training and resources, and conduct
Academies Australasia College Project Management DIT114
Diploma of Information Technology October 2023
performance evaluations to ensure that team
efforts are directed towards achieving the
defined KPIs.
4 How would you monitor resourcing, Project Manager's Feedback: "We will
corrections, changes, or addition to reflect implement a robust monitoring and control
changing circumstances? system to track resource allocation,
corrections, and changes. This will include
regular status checks, change request
procedures, and reallocation of resources as
needed to adapt to changing circumstances
while minimizing project disruptions.

2. Manage the e-learning project for Columbia University

No Management’s Query [2 marks] Project Manager’s Feedback [2 marks]

1 At which stage and duration, you will We will finalize the project during the
finalize the project to ensure that it is in line Evaluation stage, which occurs at the end
with project plan? of the ADDIE process. This ensures that the
project aligns with the project plan and
meets the defined objectives before
2 When exactly you need to handover the According to the university procedure, the
project completion to the required project completion handover should occur
personnel according to the university upon successful User Acceptance Testing
procedure? (UAT) and approval by the stakeholders.
This typically happens during the final
phase of the project, ensuring a smooth
transition to the required personnel.
3 At which stage you as the Project Manager I will conduct the project debrief
need to conduct project debrief and update immediately after project completion,
project outcome to your project members focusing on strengths and weaknesses. I
will update project members on the overall
progress and outcomes to facilitate
1. Debrief on project strengths and continuous improvement and knowledge
weaknesses sharing.
2. Project outcome on its overall

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Diploma of Information Technology October 2023
3. Identify the policy and process improvements for the e-learning project for Columbia
University [4 marks]

No Management’s Query [2 marks] Project Manager’s Feedback [2 marks]

1 Comment on the opportunities for the
●There may be opportunities for process and
University learning based on the following
policy changes to align with the e-
learning platform. A review is
● Any required changes to
processes and policies?
●Documentation of strategic planning
● Is there a need for documentation processes could enhance transparency
strategic planning processes? and accountability.
● Should you lodge all ●All documentation should be lodged
documentation according to according to organizational procedures to
organizational procedures? ensure compliance and accessibility.

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