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In recent years, there has been progress in artificial intelligence and its related technologies. Among

these advancements, chatbots have emerged as a technology. Chatbots are software programs that can

engage in human conversations with users. They serve as assistants and find applications in various

research and industrial domains. Prominent examples of known chatbots include Apple Siri, Microsoft

Cortana, Facebook Messenger, and IBM Watson (Clarizia et al., 2018).

AI chatbots such as ChatGPT have been gaining popularity among students due to their ease of use,

quick response generation, and free availability. It has reached 100 million monthly users in January

2023, making it the fastest - growing consumer app in history (Crouse, 2023). The use of chatbots in

education can create an interactive learning experience for students that is similar to one - on - one

interaction with teachers. This technology has the potential to increase students' interest in learning by

promoting engagement through group projects and tasks (Clarizia et al., 2018).

Studies have shown that AI Chatbots can have a significant impact on academic performance. For

instance, according to a study published in the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher

Education, AI - powered educational tools can help personalize learning for students, automate

instructors’ routine tasks, and power adaptive assessments. AI chatbots can provide personalized

guidance, support, or feedback by tailoring learning content based on student - specific learning

patterns or knowledge levels. This can help students learn more effectively and efficiently (Seo et al.,

2021). In addition, according to a recent survey of 1000 international students revealed that over 90% of
them use AI chatbots to enhance their understanding of course material, answer questions, and get

support during assignments and exams. Furthermore, 70% of the students reported improvements in

their academic performance since using AI chatbots, with many saying that they feel more engaged and

motivated to learn. It is clear that AI chatbots are becoming an essential tool for international students

seeking to excel in their studies, and their widespread use is likely to continue to increase in the coming

year (Westfall, 2023).

While AI chatbots have the potential to improve the academic performance of the students in Carmen

National High School - Night Class in a number of ways, there are also some challenges and concerns

that need to be addressed. One concern is that students may become too reliant on AI chatbots. It is

important for students to develop their own critical thinking and problem - solving skills. It cannot

replace the human and emotional support that students need to succeed, and relying too heavily on AI -

powered educational tools may impact students negatively (Shonubi, 2023).

The researchers chose this topic to take an action of the problem that we observed in the students in

Carmen National High School - Night Class, being overly reliant on AI - powered educational tools and

lose the ability to think critically and creatively. We will formulate an awareness plan that can inform to

the respondent's students that they should be aware about the potential risks of overly relying on Al

chatbots and the importance of developing their own critical thinking and problem - solving abilities.

Our goal is to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to understand the potential risks

and benefits of Al Chatbots in education while also encouraging them to develop their own critical

thinking and problem - solving abilities. This approach will help to ensure that students approach their

use of Al - powered educational tools in a responsible manner and avoid becoming overly reliant.

However, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of AI Chatbots on student academic

performance in Carmen National High School - Night Class. By conducting this research, we hope to
provide insights into the potential benefits and challenges of integrating AI tools in education and inform

educators and policymakers on how to support students' learning through the use of AI tools.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effects of AI Chatbots to the academic performance of student in

Carmen National High School - Night Class.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

Research Questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents as to;

1.1. Age?

1.2. Gender?

1.3. Year Level?

3. What challenges do students face when using AI Chatbots for academic support?

4. Is there significant differences in the academic performance of students who have access to

AI chatbots compared to those who do not?

Research Hypothesis

(Ho) Null Hypothesis: There is no significant effect of AI Chatbots on the academic performance

of the students in Carmen National High School - Night Class.

(Ha) Alternative Hypothesis: There is a significant effect of AI Chatbots on the academic

performance of the students in Carmen National High School Night - Class.

Significant of the Study

The following are expected to benefit from this research:

Students. They can benefit directly by understanding how AI chatbots can impact their academic

performance and learning experiences, enabling them to make better use of these tools.

Parent/Guardian. They can gain insights into how AI chatbots are impacting their children's

education and may be better informed when discussing their children's educational choices.

AI Developers. This study may guide developers in designing more effective and user - friendly

AI chatbots for educational purposes, leading to better integration and performance.

Teachers. This research can provide insights into how AI chatbots can assist educators in

optimizing their teaching methods and offering personalized support to students.

School administrators. They can gain insights into the cost - effectiveness and impact of AI

chatbots on student retention and success.

Future researcher. This will serve as a reference guide for the future researchers when they

will be having a related study to conduct.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the effect of AI Chatbot on student academic performance in Carmen

National High School - Night Class during school year 2023 - 2024, which is located at Cogon

West, Carmen, Cebu. This study will aim to identify the effect of the AI Chatbots on student

academic performance as well as assess the changes in their critical thinking and problem -

solving skills. This quantitative research method will be used through a survey design, where a

questionnaire will be administered to the respondents to collect data.

This study is limited to students in Carmen National High School Night - Class and specifically

targets a minimum of 30 selected student respondents who have experience with AI Chatbots.
This study will not include students from other schools or institutions, individuals who have not

interacted with AI Chatbots, or factors unrelated to academic performance.

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