LIT 515B, ANALYSING POETRY (A Dream Within A Dream by Edgar Allan Poe)

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LIT 515B

Brenda Tamo
Camila Zurita


A Dream Within a Dream by Edgar Allan Poe

1. What is the poem about?

The poem is a poignant reminder of the uncertainty of life, questioning whether life
itself is just an illusion and the inevitability of change and loss, as the speaker grasps
in vain for the grains of sand that slip through his fingers, asking, "Can I not grasp
them with a tighter clasp?"

2. How does the poem make you feel? Why?

The poem makes us feel a little bit worried about how brief good things could be. The
way the author expresses that “I can’t hold them with a tighter clasp” sounds so
desperate and painful, it seems that the author does not support the idea that those
good moments "slip from his hands" and it makes us reflect on our good times and
appreciate them more. We felt helpless as the author reflects on the idea that
everything might just be a dream, as it says in the poem "Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?"

3. Is the poet trying to make you think about a particular issue or give you a
message about something? What are the main themes presented in this poem?

We believe the poem "A Dream Within a Dream" is about how time slips away and
we cannot hold onto moments that pass by. The poem explores the theme of loss
and the fleeting nature of time, using the metaphor of sand slipping through fingers
“Yet how they creep Through my fingers to the deep”. It talks about cherishing the
moments in our lives while they last, as they are gone all too soon.

4. Is the poem positive or negative overall? In what particular ways?

We think the poem "A Dream Within a Dream" is generally negative as it reflects on
the loss and the impossibility of holding onto moments that “slip away like sand
through fingers”. The author expresses a sense of sadness and helplessness,
lamenting the passing of time and the brief nature of life. The line "can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?" captures the bittersweet nature of life and the importance
of cherishing every moment.

5. What kind of mood or atmosphere is created in the poem? How is this

We think the poem has a contrasting atmosphere because it shows us how good
times are sometimes like living in a dream, but it also tells us that time is going to
take them. The author accomplishes this by saying “You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream” and then “how they creep Through my fingers to
the deep” We understand that we can do nothing about it but resign ourselves to
accept it.

6. Are there any words (figurative language) that stand out as creating a
particular effect or feeling?

The poem "A Dream Within a Dream" uses various figurative language techniques to
convey its themes. In the first stanza, imagery is used to create a sense of intimacy
and loss with the metaphor of the “kiss upon the brow” and “in parting from you now”.
The metaphor comparing life to a dream “that my days have been a dream”
emphasizes its short nature and creates a feeling of unpredictability. In the second
stanza, personification is used to create a sense of chaos “Of a surf-tormented
shore”, and the metaphor of “grains of golden sand slipping through fingers” is used
to emphasize the momentaneous and uncontrollable nature of time. These figurative
language techniques create a dark mood and convey the overall sense of sadness
and loss in the poem.

7. What do you think of the poem?

We think the poem is quite sad. It shows a perspective that most young people do
not feel, because we believe that we have all the time in the world to create pleasant
memories. But the ones who have experienced the happiness of sharing, living and
laughing with people we appreciate is what makes life meaningful. So if at some
point it gets out of our hands, we can still see it in our memories.

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