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Educational Philosophy

There are various techniques and styles available for classroom management. Classroom

management is crucial to the learning environment and is of great benefit to all. The lack of

classroom management is a disservice to the students because effective teaching and learning

cannot happen. Harry Wong and Fred Jones are known for teaching classroom management

techniques through their expertise.

My personal philosophy of classroom management will be a balanced mix of both Harry

Wong and Fred Jones techniques. The use of some of the techniques presented (and confirmed

through countless testimonies) by of both will help my classroom and behavior management.

The first week of school will entail the teaching to mastery of routines and procedures.

One of the techniques Wong presents is to teach every step. I will do this the first two weeks of

school to my bright-eyed, some nervous kindergartners. I will demonstrate what their morning

routine will look, to the smallest detail, and have them practice. Naturally, there will be lots of

practice the following days. I will have a poster with short sentences detailing the pictures next

to the order for those that are not reading yet. For example: 1. Unpack backpack and hang on

hook (picture of backpack on hook). 2. Put lunch on lunch cart (picture of a lunchbox on the

cart). 3. Turn in folder in blue basket (picture of folder in the basket). 4. Be seated and begin

Morning Work (picture of student at desk working). These are clear and concise instructions that

students are expected to follow. The language used is positive, promoting that aspect of Jones’

philosophy. (Jones) Students will be praised and recognized as they are doing what they are told.

This is just the first example of routines and procedures that I will implement to reduce and

eliminate any behavior problems.

Fostering Learning and Meeting Diverse Needs

I will not detail all the routines and procedures that I hope to implement, but the above is

the one of many. My classroom framework fosters learning and meets the needs of all students

by ensuring that specific procedures and routines are in place. By doing so, students will feel safe

and secure knowing what is coming and what is expected of them. It will provide a safe

environment conducive to learning. It may be idealistic, but hopefully the rules, both specific and

general will set an expectation. The rules will be stated in a positive language rather than

negatively. (Jones) The description I provided for the Morning Routine Poster takes into

consideration the diverse learning needs of students.

Promoting Self-Motivation and Social Interaction

I will also implement the Character Counts! teaching of the six pillars of character in my

classroom. This will create an environment of self-motivations and promotes a healthy manner of

interaction between students. my hope is by teaching these characteristics in the classroom, it

will carry over to their interactions with others outside the classroom. I think this method can be

more effective if it is implemented schoolwide. As students learn to engage with one another and

use the pillars of characteristics, they will be motivated to treat each other better. Social

interaction will occur in a positive manner.

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