Final Exam-RayanBarakat

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Final Exam

DECEMBER 17, 2023

Instructor’s Name: Nicole Klein
Expense Claim Form
Company Name: Blake Moore
Employee Name: Nikol Klein Employee ID: 22345
Department: Marketing and Sales Expense Period: January 20 to January 28

Itemized Expenses
Date Description Category Amount Paid
Jan.20-Jan. 25, 2024 Flights Transportation 1,837.76 $
Jan.20 and Jan.28, 2024 Taxi & Bus in Canada Transportation 60 $
Jan.22- Jan.24,2024 Hotel (Shangari- La Sydney, 2 nights* 284.47$) Lodging 569.94 $
Jan.22- Jan.27, 2024 Taxi & Bus in Sydney Transportation 60 $
Jan.22- Jan.27, 2024 Breakfast & Lunch Food 90 $
Jan.22- Jan.27, 2024 Dinners Food 90 $
Jan.22- Jan.27, 2024 Snacks and Drinks Food 50 $
Jan.23,2024 Conference Fee Conference Fee 1500 $
Flights (other flights booking due to the previous
Jan.28, 2024 Transportation 1276.50 $
flights cancelation)
Jan.25- Jan.27, 2024 Hotel (Holiday Inn, 3 nights* 286.332 $) Lodging 858.996 $
Jan.20- Jan.28,2024 Maps and Guidebooks Other 20 $

Subtotal: 6,413.196 $
Employee Signature: Date: Advance Payment: 0
February 8,2024 Total Reimbursement: 6,413.196 $
International Travel Checklist

Tasks Completed

Apply/renew passport if necessary Yes No

Arrange transportation to/from the airport Yes No

Book international flights Yes No

Check health requirements and vaccinations Yes No

Check visa requirements for the destination

Yes No

Exchange currency Yes No

Notify bank/credit card company of travel Yes No

Pack necessary documents (tickets, ID, etc.) Yes No

Purchase travel insurance Yes No

Research and book accommodations Yes No

4. Final Theory Questions:
1. What are two advantages for considering the services of a third part travel agent when planning a complex trip such as one
to another country?
Some advantages are:

• Travel agents have specific expertise and experience, especially in managing the challenges of foreign travel. They are
knowledgeable about visa procedures, travel laws, and any problems unique to the destination. This knowledge
ensures that passengers receive correct information and direction throughout the preparation phase, lowering the risk
of unanticipated problems.

• Time and Convenience: Planning a foreign trip entails a plethora of details, ranging from flights and hotels to local
transportation and activities. By organizing these details, making bookings, and coordinating logistics, travel agents
can save a significant amount of time. Their connections in the travel business may also provide perks such as cheaper
pricing, upgrades, or other amenities that individuals may not be able to obtain on their own.
2. Your manager is about to embark on a trip to Japan, research and list three business etiquette in that country.

• The Value of Silence: In the business world, silence is preferred above excessive talking. Silence conveys wisdom and
emotional self-control. This may contradict a Western perspective, in which being more extroverted might help with
communication. Japanese business culture is distinguished by a more introverted, formal style, particularly in the start
of a company engagement. When doing business in Japan, this approach is more likely to be accepted. To maintain
Japanese business etiquette, resist the desire to fill the quiet with more discussion about a problem that your
Japanese counterpart would want to avoid at the moment.

• The importance of group solidarity cannot be overstated: It is well acknowledged that Japan has a group-oriented
society, with group unity frequently valued over individualism. "A single arrow is easily broken, but ten in a bundle is
not," as the classic Japanese proverb says. Certain actions, such as how praise is accepted, are influenced by this
cultural attitude. While Western cultures respect individual efforts and greatly believe in individual acknowledgment
and praise, Japanese corporate procedures can be quite the reverse. Singling out one person in the group for special
appreciation, no matter how helpful he or she is to you, will most likely embarrass that person. Remember that the
team idea is important for Japanese employees when doing business in Japan, thus offer public credit to the entire

• Dinner Etiquette Speaks Loudly: Business dinners are an essential element of doing business in Japan, thus knowing
Japanese etiquette at the dinner table is essential. Wipe your hands, not your face, using the wet towel (oshibori)
provided at the start of the meal. If there are no utensils for helping yourself while serving yourself from shared
plates, use the other end of your chopsticks to pick up food to add to your plate. Another tenet of Japanese politeness
is not to pierce food with chopsticks; instead, pick it up, especially if it is slippery. When you're done eating, return
your place setting to way you found it, which includes returning used chopsticks to their paper envelopes or holders
and replacing lids on small dishes.
3. Provide three reasons time zones may be an important factor when planning a business trip.

• Meeting Scheduling: Understanding time zones is essential for meeting scheduling. It ensures that all participants are
available and able to connect at a time that is mutually convenient for both parties. If there is a substantial time
difference between sites, it is critical to identify a time that works for everyone's working hours.

• Communication Effectiveness: Being aware of time zone differences aids in efficient communication. It enables people
to respect the working hours of others, avoiding late-night or early-morning calls that could upset work-life balance or
cause discomfort.

• Meeting Deadlines and Coordination: Effective planning is essential for projects with teams from multiple time zones.
Understanding time zones aids in task coordination, managing deadlines, and assuring smooth collaboration among
team members who may be located in different regions of the world.
4. You are preparing your manager’s travel expense claim. List two examples of a personal expenses that cannot be
reimbursed by the company.

• Personal Entertainment: Generally, personal entertainment expenses, such as movie tickets, leisure sightseeing trips,
or personal hobbies, are not reimbursable. These expenses are seen as personal and unrelated to commercial operations.
• Personal Shopping: Typically, expenses incurred for personal shopping, souvenirs, or personal products that are not
required for company purposes are not reimbursed. Clothing, accessories, and personal gifts for family and friends are
examples of this.

Hotel Reservation, Shangri-La, December 4,2023:

Holiday Inn, Sydney, Australia, December 17,2023: https://www.holidayinn-
The Travel Team, Travel Journal, December 17,2023:
American Express, Bruna Martinuzzi, January.24,2022:
Metro Residences, Nov.22,2019:
Wage Point/Blog, Jordan Nottrodt, April.7,2016:
Fresh Books, Janet Berry Johnson, April.5,2023:

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