TugasPer11 Tia Syafira Akhiriani 43220221 SI PDF

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Cirebon, January, 03 2023

Head of human resource division

RS. Panti Abdi Dharma

Jl. Pulasaren no. 07 Cirebon

Dear Mr / Mrs,

Based on the advertising on Sosial Media, posted on 01 Jan, 2023 about the job as a Staf Front Office in
your hospital, I would like to volunteer to fill the position.

I have completed my undergraduate program in the field of System Information at STMIK IKMI Cirebon,
and I believe I have the perfect skills required for the job.

I am 24 years old and had working as a Staf Front Office for 3 years at Bentani hotel. I can speak 2
foreign languages including English and Chinese. In addition, I am well adapted to operating computer.

For your consideration, I have attached a curriculum vitae. I am looking forward to th e interview so i
can explain my skills and abilities in person to you.

Best regards,

Tia Syafira Akhiriani

Name : Tia Syafira Akhiriani

Class : SI - 2022 - S1

Prodi : System Information

NIM : 43220221

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