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Animal Word Scramble

Instructions: Use the clues to help unscramble the letters to reveal the name of each animal.
Write the name of the animal on the line.

AEHTLENP the largest land animal
NOGROAKA this marsupial is called a joey as a baby
USGL type of mollusk lacking a shell
REAZB an ungulate that lives in a herd
ETELBE what a mealworm turns into
LEMO small mammal that live mainly underground
GOSPEN simple ocean animal that hardly moves
HIPONDL smart, carnivorous marine animal
EPDIRS largest of the eight legged arachnids
EGIRT largest of the big cats

Instructions: Circle or fill in the correct answers.

1. Approximately how many taste buds do we have on our tongue?

a. 100
b. 10
c. 10,000
d. 10,000,000

2. The main function of taste is:

a. make you happy
b. encourage body to start digestive process
c. breakdown food
d. keep you from eating things you don't like
Which part of the digestive system does the most to digest food?

Your is a bag made up of muscles that churns food.

Two long tubes of muscle that lead from the stomach and help absorb food are
the and the .

The , , , small intestine and large intestine make up
the system, which breaks down food so that it can be used by the body.
Food the body can't use is stored in the .
a. stomach
b. large intestine
c. mouth
d. small intestine

This substance, also know as "spit", is in your mouth to help break up food.
a. Medicine
b. Salt
c. Taste buds
d. Saliva
Where does digestion start?
a. In you mouth
b. In your small intestine
c. In your large intestine
d. In your stomach

Which part of the digestive system makes food mostly liquid?
a. stomach
b. esophagus
c. small intestine
d. large intestine

Name: Date:

Erosion and Deposition

Erosion and deposition are likely to happen when the land does not have
trees or plants.
a. True
b. False

Rivers deposit large amounts of material when they flown into the ocean.
a. True
b. False
is the process that lays down (drops) sediment in a new location.
a. Erosion
b. Deposition
c. Weathering
d. Meandering

The process of moving pieces of soil or rock by mechanisms including
gravity, wind, water, ice plants or animals its called:
a. deposition
b. erosion
c. landslide
d. weathering
When pound against cracks in rocks on the shore they erode,
and pieces of rocks break off and are carried away. The shoreline erodes,
forming new landforms, such as .
a. mudslide; rivers
b. lakes; ponds
c. waves; beaches

The rapid downhill movement of large amount of rock and soil is called a(n):
a. erosion
b. landslide
c. avalanche
d. earthquake
A large deposit of material from a river into the ocean forms an area called a
a. peninsula
b. delta
c. dune
d. beach

In deserts, wind deposits grains of sands in mounds called:
a. dunes
b. deltas
c. peninsulas
d. islands
Large amount of snow and ice that fall rapidly down a mountain is called
a. landslide
b. avalanche
c. erosion
d. deposition

How can people help control erosion?

Name: Date:

Human Eye Coloring

Instructions: Amazingly, a human eye is about the size of a ping pong ball,
weighs less than an ounce, and closes about once every five seconds. Yet,
this small organ is the window to a powerful sense, sight. Follow the key
below to color the parts that make up the human eye.

Use the key below to color the parts of the human eye.
A) Muscles - orange

B) Cornea - white

C) Pupil - black

D) Lens - gray

E) Iris - green

F) Retina - brown

G) Optic nerve - red

Name: Date:

An area of new land at the mouth of a river, formed from sediments carried
by the river is called the
a. epicenter
b. delta
c. topography
d. fault

A hill of sand, made and shaped by the wind is a
a. jetty
b. sand dune
c. sinkhole
d. delta
A body of water with land on all sides
a. peninsula
b. ocean
c. island
d. lake

A very flat land with grass and very few trees
a. plain
b. desert
c. hill
d. valley
Land that has water around three sides of it
a. island
b. valley
c. peninsula
d. ocean

have fairly level surfaces but surfaces but stand high above sea
level, often found near large mountain ranges.
a. Prairies
b. Plateaus
c. Valleys
d. Loess
A piece of land that is surrounded by water is a/an
a. peninsula
b. bay
c. island
d. plain

A butte is:
a. a large mass of slow moving ice
b. rock carried by wind, water or ice
c. body of water partly enclosed by land
d. a narrow-topped hill with very steep clifflike sides
What landform has a peak?
a. Hill
b. Plateau
c. Mountain
d. Valley

What is the landform or body of water called that is partly enclosed by land (
and is usually smaller than a gulf)?
a. estuary
b. fjord
c. bay
d. island

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