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Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2022-2032

Volume III Sectoral Studies


3.1 Social Composition and Characteristics

Lian, an idyllic coastal municipality nestled in the heart of Batangas province, unfolds
over a land area of 76.80 square kilometers or 29.65 square miles, contributing
2.47% to the broader expanse of Batangas. As of the 1st of May, in 2020, the
vivacious spirit of Lian was embodied by its population of 56,280, an enumeration
meticulously drawn from the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH).
This populace mirrors 1.94% of Batangas province's total residents and imparts its
own unique imprint to the dynamic tapestry of the CALABARZON region, accounting
for 0.35% of the collective inhabitants.

The canvas of Lian's demographic landscape is painted with remarkable density,

resulting in a calculated equilibrium of 733 inhabitants per square kilometer or 1,898
inhabitants per square mile. A testament to vitality, this figure crystallizes the synergy
between human presence and the surrounding environment, echoing the intricate
dance of life within its borders.

A compelling narrative of growth emerges through the historical lens, as the

municipality's population witnessed an ascent of 3,620 souls from 2015, evolving
from 52,660 to its 2020 count. This trajectory continued its upward momentum,
reaching 10,337 more residents than the 2010 tally of 45,943, and a remarkable
17,151 surpassing the 2000 population of 39,129.

A narrative of progression is further underscored by an annual increase of 1.41%

between 2015 and 2020, a steady march forward. Comparatively, the growth rate of
Lian's community was more fervent between 2010 and 2015, peaking at 2.63%.
These figures etch a portrait of Lian that is not only evolving but also fostering an
environment ripe for exploration, unity, and shared aspirations.

3.2 Population Size and Growth Rate

Lian has 19 barangays as shown in the following table. The provided table presents
population size and growth rate data for the 19 barangays of Lian. It includes
information about the population percentages in the year 2020, actual population
counts for both 2020 and 2015, the change in population from 2015 to 2020, and the
corresponding annual population growth rates for each barangay.

Volume III Chapter 3. Population and Socioprofile of Lian, Batangas

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2022-2032
Volume III Sectoral Studies

Figure 3-1. Population size and growth rate data for the 19 barangays of Lian
Barangay ▾ Population percentage Population Population Change Annual Population Growth
(2020) (2020) (2015) (2015-2020) Rate (2015-2020)

Bagong Pook 4.63% 2,604 2,321 12.19% 2.45%

Balibago 6.47% 3,641 3,250 12.03% 2.42%

Barangay 1 3.25% 1,827 1,895 -3.59% -0.77%

Barangay 2 0.94% 530 928 -42.89% -11.12%

Barangay 3 1.92% 1,080 1,411 -23.46% -5.47%

Barangay 4 2.44% 1,373 1,463 -6.15% -1.33%

Barangay 5 1.77% 998 1,056 -5.49% -1.18%

Binubusan 8.05% 4,533 4,610 -1.67% -0.35%

Bungahan 9.09% 5,115 4,249 20.38% 3.98%

Cumba 3.43% 1,932 1,724 12.06% 2.43%

Humayingan 2.94% 1,657 1,557 6.42% 1.32%

Kapito 6.63% 3,729 3,273 13.93% 2.78%

Lumaniag 4.26% 2,397 2,309 3.81% 0.79%

Luyahan 4.74% 2,667 2,392 11.50% 2.32%

Malaruhatan 8.56% 4,817 4,410 9.23% 1.88%

Matabungkay 9.59% 5,398 4,938 9.32% 1.89%

Prenza 8.18% 4,604 4,486 2.63% 0.55%

Puting-Kahoy 3.90% 2,197 1,905 15.33% 3.05%

San Diego 9.21% 5,181 4,483 15.57% 3.09%

Lian Total 56,280 52,660 6.87% 1.41%

The analysis of this data reveals several key points:


● Population Distribution: The population distribution among the barangays

varies significantly, with Balibago, Bungahan, Binubusan, Matabungkay, and

San Diego having relatively higher populations compared to other barangays.

Volume III Chapter 3. Population and Socioprofile of Lian, Batangas

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2022-2032
Volume III Sectoral Studies
● Population Growth: Overall, Lian has experienced a positive population
growth rate of 6.87% from 2015 to 2020. This growth rate indicates that the
municipality's population has been increasing over the five-year period.

● Barangay-Level Growth: Population growth rates at the barangay level show a

diverse range. Some barangays, like Bungahan, Kapito, and San Diego, have
experienced relatively high growth rates, indicating a significant increase in
their populations. In contrast, barangays like Barangay 2 and Barangay 3
have seen substantial decreases in population.

● Challenges and Opportunities: The data highlights the varying trends in

population growth among different barangays. It suggests potential challenges
in certain areas where populations are declining, such as Barangay 2, which
saw a significant decrease in population over the five-year period. On the
other hand, barangays with high growth rates, like Bungahan and San Diego,
might require additional infrastructure and services to accommodate the
increasing population.

● Planning Implications: The population growth rates can inform urban and
regional planning efforts, including the allocation of resources, infrastructure
development, and service provision. Barangays with higher growth rates may
need more attention in terms of managing urban expansion, ensuring access
to basic services, and addressing potential environmental and social impacts.

3.3 Growth of Barangay Population

Bungahan emerged as the most rapidly expanding barangay within the municipality,
showcasing a remarkable annual population growth rate (PGR) of 3.98 percent over
the five-year span from 2015 to 2020. It garnered the distinction of being the fastest-
growing community, witnessing a notable surge in its populace during this period.
Following closely in its footsteps, San Diego demonstrated substantial growth with a
PGR of 3.09 percent, while Puting-Kahoy and Kapito exhibited commendable rates
of 3.05 percent and 2.78 percent, respectively. Bagong Pook also contributed
significantly to the dynamic transformation of the municipality, recording a PGR of
2.45 percent. However, in contrast, Barangay 2 (Pob.) experienced the most striking
decline in its PGR, plummeting to -11.12 percent, signifying unique demographic
challenges that warrant attention.

In terms of sheer population size, Matabungkay stands as the most populous


barangay within Lian, boasting a sizable community of 5,398 individuals.


Volume III Chapter 3. Population and Socioprofile of Lian, Batangas

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2022-2032
Volume III Sectoral Studies

Following closely, San Diego and Bungahan each 0claim vibrant populations of 5,181
and 5,115 residents, respectively. Malaruhatan maintains a substantial populace as
well, with 4,817 inhabitants, while Prenza contributes significantly to the municipal
population with 4,604 individuals.

On the other end of the spectrum, Barangay 2 (Pob.) assumes the role of the
smallest populated enclave, accommodating 530 individuals. Similarly, Barangay 5
(Pob.), Barangay 3 (Pob.), and Barangay 4 (Pob.) each harbor relatively modest
communities, sheltering 998, 1,080, and 1,373 persons, respectively. Notably,
Humayingan, with a population of 1,657, presents an intriguing demographic
snapshot, showcasing a distinct character within the broader context of Lian's
diverse barangays.

3.4 Migration Patterns

During the period from 2015 to 2020, a noteworthy phenomenon emerged as certain
barangays experienced a decline in their population figures. This intriguing trend can
be attributed to a variety of factors, shedding light on the intricate dynamics shaping
the demographic landscape. One key contributor to this decline is internal migration,
where residents may have opted to relocate within the Philippines or even venture
abroad in pursuit of various opportunities. The influence of overseas contract
workers becomes particularly apparent, as individuals seek employment
opportunities outside the country's borders, temporarily altering the population
composition within their respective barangays.

Furthermore, the presence of students pursuing education in neighboring towns and

cities contributes to this demographic shift. As these students temporarily reside
elsewhere for their studies, they are not accounted for during the census or survey
periods, thus affecting the recorded population figures of their home barangays. This
interplay between educational pursuits and migration underscores the multifaceted
nature of demographic changes within these communities.

In essence, these population fluctuations serve as a testament to the

interconnectedness of modern life and the various factors that influence individual
decisions to relocate or reside temporarily in different locations. The complex
interplay of migration patterns, economic opportunities, and educational pursuits
collectively shapes the demographic fabric of each barangay, offering a nuanced

perspective on the diverse trajectories that contribute to the population dynamics


within Lian.

Volume III Chapter 3. Population and Socioprofile of Lian, Batangas

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2022-2032
Volume III Sectoral Studies

3.5 Population Density 0

The calculated population density of the area stands as a testament to the vibrant
and bustling nature of the community, revealing a concentration of human habitation
that underscores the dynamic interplay between people and their surroundings. With
a density of 733 individuals per square kilometer or 1,898 persons per square mile,
the figures encapsulate the intensity of human presence within the given geographic

This high population density speaks to the multifaceted aspects of the locality, from
the intricate web of residential clusters that define urban and suburban areas to the
bustling hubs of commercial and social activity that characterize the municipality.
Every square unit of land becomes a canvas upon which the daily lives, aspirations,
and interactions of numerous individuals unfold, creating a mosaic of stories,
cultures, and experiences.

The density figures also hint at the challenges and opportunities that come with such
vibrant coexistence. The need for efficient urban planning, infrastructure
development, and resource allocation becomes more pronounced, as the demands
of a dense population necessitate thoughtful solutions to ensure quality of life,
access to essential services, and a harmonious balance between human activity and
the environment.

3.6 Household Distribution

As of 01 May 2020, the municipality of Lian had a total population of 56,280 persons.
Of this total, the household population comprised 99.9 percent or 56,250 persons.
This is 3.6 thousand higher than the 52,610-household population in 2015, and 10.4
thousand more than the 45,886-household population posted in 2010.

The total number of households in Lian reached 15,991 in 2020. This is higher by 3.0
thousand compared with the 12,956 households in 2015 and by 5.6 thousand
compared with 10,432 households in 2010.

Figure 3-2. Household Population, Number of Households and Average Household

Size Based on Various Census Years:
Census Year Total Population Household Number of Average Household
Population Households Size
2010 45,943 45,886 10,432 4.4

2015 52,660 52,610 12,956 4.1

2020 56,280 56,250 15,991 3.5

Volume III Chapter 3. Population and Socioprofile of Lian, Batangas

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2022-2032
Volume III Sectoral Studies
0 of Population and Housing and 2015
Sources: Philippine Statistics Authority,2000,2010,2020 Census
Census of Population

The average household size (AHS) in Lian decreased from 4.1 persons in 2015 to
3.5 persons in 2020. In 2010, there were 4.4 persons on average, per household.

The presented data below captures the evolution of Lian's population and household
dynamics over a decade, spanning from 2010 to 2020. During this period, the total
population of Lian underwent progressive growth. In 2010, the population stood at
45,943, which increased to 52,660 in 2015, and further escalated to 56,280 by the
year 2020.

Figure 3-3. Household Population, Number of Households and Average Household Size
Based on of Lian:

A similar pattern emerges in the household population, with consistent upward

trends. The household population, which encapsulates the individuals residing within
households, experienced steady expansion. Beginning at 45,886 in 2010, the count
swelled to 52,610 in 2015, and ultimately reached 56,250 by 2020.

The number of households, serving as a vital metric of community composition,

reflects the composition of Lian's residential units. This number witnessed

proportional growth over the years, signifying an evolving community structure. In


2010, there were 10,432 households, which expanded to 12,956 households in

2015, and culminated at 15,991 households in 2020.

Volume III Chapter 3. Population and Socioprofile of Lian, Batangas

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2022-2032
Volume III Sectoral Studies
An important aspect to consider in this progression is the average household size,
which highlights the composition of individuals residing within each household. Over
the span of a decade, the average household size demonstrated a noticeable shift. It
started at 4.4 persons per household in 2010, decreased to 4.1 persons per
household in 2015, and further diminished to 3.5 persons per household in 2020.
This trend indicates potential changes in family structures and living arrangements
within Lian's populace.

Collectively, this data not only underscores Lian's demographic transformation but
also hints at evolving socio-economic and cultural dynamics within the municipality.

Figure 3-4. Lian Population Summary in 2020:

3.7 Urban – Rural Distribution

No data available.

3.8 Tempo of Urbanization

No data available.

3.9 Age – Sex Distribution


According to the 2015 Census, the age group with the highest population in Lian is 5
to 9, with 5,337 individuals.

Volume III Chapter 3. Population and Socioprofile of Lian, Batangas

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2022-2032
Volume III Sectoral Studies
Conversely, the age group with the lowest population is 80 and over, with 479

Combining age groups together, those aged 14 and below, consisting of the young
dependent population which include infants/babies, children and young
adolescents/teenagers, make up an aggregate of 30.62% (16,126).

Those aged 15 up to 64, roughly, the economically active population and actual or
potential members of the workforce, constitute a total of 63.76% (33,577)

Finally, old dependent population consisting of the senior citizens, those aged 65
and over, total 5.62% (2,957) in all.

Figure 3-5. Lian Age – Sex Distribution:

Age group Population (2015) Age group percentage

Under 1 997 1.89%
1 to 4 4,477 8.50%
5 to 9 5,337 10.13%
10 to 14 5,315 10.09%
15 to 19 5,243 9.96%
20 to 24 4,724 8.97%
25 to 29 4,041 7.67%
30 to 34 3,646 6.92%
35 to 39 3,674 6.98%
40 to 44 3,337 6.34%
45 to 49 2,941 5.58%
50 to 54 2,363 4.49%
55 to 59 1,931 3.67%
60 to 64 1,677 3.18%
65 to 69 1,166 2.21%
70 to 74 807 1.53%
75 to 79 505 0.96%
80 and over 479 0.91%
Total 52,660 100.00%
Youth Dependency Ratio: 48.03 Old Age Dependency Ratio: 8.81 Total Dependency Ratio: 56.84
Median Age: 25.29



3.10.1 Population Vital Statistics

Volume III Chapter 3. Population and Socioprofile of Lian, Batangas

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2022-2032
Volume III Sectoral Studies
Based on the report of the Municipal Health Office for 2022, the following describe
the profile of the health subsector:
● Crude Birth Rate- 23.30%

● Total Fertility Rate- 81.79%

● Crude Death Rate- 2.50%

These statistics are indicators of population demographics and are typically referred
to as vital statistics. Specifically, the given numbers represent:

● Crude Birth Rate: The crude birth rate is the number of births occurring in a
population per 1,000 people in a given year. A birth rate of 23.30% indicates
that, on average, there were 23.30 births for every 1,000 people in the

● Total Fertility Rate: The total fertility rate is an estimate of the average number
of children a woman would have during her reproductive years if the current
age-specific birth rates remained constant.

A total fertility rate of 81.79% suggests that, on average, each woman is

expected to give birth to approximately 81.79 children over her reproductive

● Crude Death Rate: The crude death rate is the number of deaths occurring in
a population per 1,000 people in a given year. A death rate of 2.50% indicates
that, on average, there were 2.50 deaths for every 1,000 people in the

These statistics provide insights into the population dynamics of a particular region
or country and are commonly used to analyze and compare demographic trends.

3.10.2 Dependency Ratio

The Dependency Ratio in Lian offers a comprehensive view of the population's age
distribution and the associated reliance on the working-age segment. Specifically,
the calculated Age Dependency Ratios shed light on the municipality's demographic
landscape. With 48 youth dependents for every 100 working-age individuals, the

data highlights the proportion of young individuals dependent on the working

population. Additionally, the presence of 9 senior citizens for every 100 working-age

residents underscores the support needed for the elderly.

Volume III Chapter 3. Population and Socioprofile of Lian, Batangas

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2022-2032
Volume III Sectoral Studies
In a broader context, the overall Dependency Ratio of 57 dependents (including both
youth and elderly) per 100 working-age individuals reveals the collective reliance on
the working segment.

This ratio signifies the intertwined responsibilities and contributions required to

sustain the community, emphasizing the importance of effective policies to cater to
the diverse needs of various age groups. The Dependency Ratio thus serves as a
vital tool for understanding Lian's social and economic dynamics, guiding planning
and resource allocation efforts for a well-balanced and sustainable future.


The total household population aged 10 years and older in Lian amounts to 56,280
individuals, exhibiting diverse marital statuses. Among this population, 45.83%
(25,793 individuals) are classified as single, 47.7% (26,846 individuals) are married,
4.22% (2,375 individuals) are widowed, 0.84% (473 individuals) are separated or
divorced, and 1.39% (782 individuals) are in common law or live-in relationships. A
fraction of the population holds an unknown marital status.

Further analysis reveals that the distribution of marital status aligns with specific age
brackets. Notably, the majority of singles fall within the age group of 24 and below,
while those who are married predominantly belong to the age range of 25 and
above. In contrast, the widowed group is primarily composed of individuals aged 55
and over.

Observing the gender dimension in Figure 3-6, it is evident that single males
outnumber single females. However, in the categories of married, widowed,
separated/divorced, and common law/live-in, there is a higher representation of
females compared to males. This data, sourced from the National Statistics Office,
underscores the diversity of marital statuses within the household population aged
10 years and older in Lian, providing insights into the demographic landscape and
potential areas for social and community support.

SINGLE 52.42% 44.61% 45.38%

MARRIED 42.38% 47.08% 47.70%

WIDOWED 2.87% 5.34% 4.22%

SEPARATED/DIVORCED 0.53% 1.20% 0.84%

Volume III Chapter 3. Population and Socioprofile of Lian, Batangas

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2022-2032
Volume III Sectoral Studies


COMMON LAW/LIVE-IN 1.80% 1.78% 1.39%
UNKNOWN 0.00% 0.00% 0.02%
TOTAL 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Source: National Statistics Office/Projection


Tagalog is the major mother tongue used in the municipality relatively because Lian
is seated in the Southern Tagalog Region. Likewise, they are called
Batangueños. They represent 98% of the total population while the rest are either
Bicolanos, Bisaya, Ilocano, Kankanai, Cebuanos or other ethnic languages.


Number of People
Mother Tongue Percentage of Total Population
Tagalog 55,472 98.5638%
Waray 243 0.4318%
Ilongo 129 0.2292%
Ilocano 239 0.4247%
Kapampangan 43 0.0764%
Cebuano 45 0.0800%
Others 109 0.1942%
Total 56,280 100.0000%
Source: MPDC


Because of the Spanish Influence, the majority of the residents in the municipality
are Roman Catholics. It comprises 54,294 persons or about 96% of the total
population, 307 persons or 0.5455% are Evangelicals, 794 persons or 1.41% are
Iglesia ni Cristo, 308 persons or 0.55% are Born Again Christians, 199 persons or
0.35% are Seventh Day Adventist, on the other hand, 29 or 0.05% of the population
are Phil. Benevolent Miss., while 93 persons or 0.17% of the population are
Jehovah’s Witnesses, and 256 persons or 0.45% are to be considered as other
Number of People
Religious Affiliation

2020 Percentage of Total Population

Catholics 54,294 96.4712%

Evangelicals 307 0.5455%

Volume III Chapter 3. Population and Socioprofile of Lian, Batangas

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2022-2032
Volume III Sectoral Studies
Number of People
Religious Affiliation
2020 Percentage of Total Population
Iglesia ni Cristo 794 1.4108%
Born Again Christians 308 0.5473%
Seventh Day Adventists 199 0.3536%
Phil. Benevolent Miss. 29 0.0515%
Jehova's Witness 93 0.1652%
Muslim 231 0.4104%
Not Stated 25 0.0444%
Total 56,280 100.0000%
Source: MPDC


Literacy refers to the population who are able to read and write. Of the population 5
years old and over which is 56,280; 54,582 or 96.98% were literate and 1,698 or
3.02% were illiterate. The literacy rate of male (97.32%) is slightly higher than that of
females at 96.60%.
Figure 3-9. Literacy Rate
Male Female Both Sexes
Population 5 Yrs. Old & Over
Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage
Literate 29,327 97.32% 25,255 96.60% 54,582 96.98%
Literacy Rate (%) - 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00%
Illiterate 808 2.68% 890 3.40% 1,698 3.02%
Total 30,135 100.00% 26,145 100.00% 56,280 100.00%
Source: MPDC

Literate Individuals: Among the population, 54,582 individuals (96.98%) are

considered literate, meaning they possess the ability to read and write. Among them,
29,327 (97.32%) are males, and 25,255 (96.60%) are females.

Illiterate Individuals: The data reveals that 1,698 individuals (3.02%) within this age
group are illiterate, indicating that they lack basic reading and writing skills. Among
the illiterate, 808 (2.68%) are males, and 890 (3.40%) are females.

Volume III Chapter 3. Population and Socioprofile of Lian, Batangas

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