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30 Writing
Sample Prompts
30 Free SSAT Writing Sample Prompts
SSAT Writing Sample: Persuasive Prompts

Note:​ The persuasive prompts apply only to the Upper-Level SSAT Writing Sample.

1. What, in your opinion, is one change your school could implement for the
greater good of the scholarly community?
2. In your perspective, should the current voting age in the United States (18)
be raised or lowered?
3. Should community service be a graduation requirement for private and
public schools? Why or why not?
4. What three characteristics must successful leaders possess?
5. Which is more likely to benefit a student's education at any age: an arts
program or a sports activity?
6. If you could do anything to change the world in this given moment, what
would you do and why?
7. In your opinion, what is the most pressing social issue in your community
right now and why?
8. What, in your perspective, is the definition of success?
9. Consider a role model of yours. This person could be a mentor, a leader,
historical figure, or other inspiring individual. What do you admire about this
person and why?
10. You have an opportunity to teach a class to your peers on something that
interests you. What would the subject of this class be, and why do you feel
this subject would be relevant?
11. Many communities offer their residents public services, such as libraries,
parks, and transportation. In your opinion, which public service has the
greatest value in a given community?
12. You have an opportunity to deliver a speech on something meaningful.
What would your speech be about, and whom would you most want to
address with this speech?
13. Is it more important to learn from others or from one's own experiences?
14. If you could be present for any historical event, which would you choose?
15. Consider a film, book, song, or work of art that has inspired you in some
way. What is inspirational about it, and why?

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SSAT Writing Sample: Creative Prompts

Note:​ These prompts can apply to both Upper-Level and Middle-Level SSAT Writing Samples.

1. It was time to speak up.

2. The clouds appeared to be moving very quickly.
3. This was not what she expected.
4. I soon recognized that...
5. It was clear that they needed...
6. The sky had never looked so blue.
7. When he opened the door, he saw...
8. A bustling street in a large city...
9. Her favorite animal...
10. The colors were dazzling.
11. Heart pounding, palms sweating...
12. I don't think I'll have time for this.
13. What a disappointment!
14. He had only two choices.
15. All of a sudden...

We encourage students to practice crafting responses to these sample writing prompts under
test-like conditions, if possible. This means setting a timer for 25 minutes and hand-writing your
response on lined paper.

Given that most students in this modern age are accustomed to writing primarily on a computer,
this hand-writing component can be essential!

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SSAT Writing Sample Prompts: Next Steps
The key to success on the SSAT Writing Sample (and the test's other sections) truly lies in
effective, long-term practice.

This is especially the case given that the Writing Sample requires a timed response! With these
SSAT Writing Sample prompts, you'll have ample opportunity to build stamina and hone your
writing skills.

Practice, however, is only one side of the test prep coin. To ensure that you're actually honing
those writing skills, we recommend working with an​ ​SSAT expert​.

An SSAT tutor will be able to review your responses and offer strategies and suggestions for
improvement. This can be vital for giving your SSAT Writing Sample response the nuance and
complexity it needs to stand out in a crowd of private school applications.

For a free SSAT test prep consultation with PrepMaven,​ ​reach out today​!

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Test Prep - Tutoring - College Essays

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