FS 1 Episode 5,6,7 (Lorimar)

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Learning Episode 5.

Creating an Appropriate Learning Environment


Mr. Carlo Ceazar A. Faderon NDMU-IBED 09-19-23

Grade 9 MAPEH

1. The classroom is composed of different age ranges from 13-15 years old. The characteristics that
I have observed is that they are tall both girls and boys, some are chubby, some are thin, and
some are fat, some are sleepyhead, some are active, and some are just quiet. They are respectful
and kind learners. Moreover, they also want to interact with their classmates

2. There are 23 boys and 21 girls.

3. Yes, they were able to manage their own behavior because they were old enough, independent,
and they knew how to control it. They are behave learners and know how to listen when someone
tries to reprimand them when their behavior is already too much.

4. Yes, the learners can work independently, however, sometimes, they need someone to help or
assist them, especially in their Filipino and Araling Panlipunan class.

5. They can stay for 20 minutes and after that, they will start going to the comfort rooms, lie their
heads on the chair or desk, and lose their focus but after some time, they managed to regain their
focus during the discussion.

1. Yes, there are areas in the classroom for specific purposes such as divan, achievement
table, and storage of books and teaching materials. The divan is intended for the storage of
the cleaning tools, the achievement table on the other hand is an area to place the
achievement of the class, and the storage of books and teaching materials are where things
are stored so that learners and teachers will not be hassle to bring it every day.

2. Yes, there are rules and procedures posted in the classroom. a) Observe silence, b) Show
respect to everyone and c) Maintain cleanliness. These rules reinforce positive behavior to
the learners because they are being reminded of the routines in the classroom and later on,
they are able to adapt and make it a habit.

3. Yes, the learners participated in making the classroom rules. Since they are the ones who
are involved in the rule-making, they already know what things need to abide by when
they are inside their classroom. They also participated in the said rules and these rules
helped them to control their behaviors so that they would not violate any of the approved

4. The daily routines done by the resource teacher are prayer, checking of attendance,
checking of excuse slips, announcements and reminders, monitoring and checking of
assignments and performance tasks.

5. Yes, there is a seating arrangement, and the basis of the arrangement is random. Some
were seated with their friends, some seated with the transferees, and some seated based on
what made them feel comfortable. The seating arrangement helped in managing the class
because one group would tell the others to be quiet or listen to the teacher.

6. The class mayor as one of the right hand of teacher told her classmates to minimize their
voices and her classmates listened to her and the teachers also had command and authority
over the learners which is why they were able to manage the noise in the classroom.

7. If a learner is not following instructions, the teacher will catch the attention first, then
enumerate it step-by-step. When the learner still doesn’t get it, the teacher would show it
first to the learner and let the learner synch with him.

8. The resource teacher would always remind and encourage his learners to possess positive
behaviors because this will reflect on how they are taught at home and school and what
community or environment they belong to. He also possesses positive behavior which
serves him as role model in the classroom and acts as a brother/ father to his learners.

1. There is a need to enforce positive discipline so that learners will be well-disciplined and will be
aware of the do’s and don’ts of their actions. This will change their bad behavior and become a
part of the nation that contributes to the betterment.


Mr. Carlo Ceazar A. Faderon NDMU-IBED 09-19-23

Grade 9 MAPEH

Description Effect on the Learners

1. An intended place for every facility that It organizes the classroom that can help
can be used for the lessons, activities, and learners to focus more on what they are doing
needs of the teachers as well as learners. and it will be easier for them to find the
things that they are looking for.
2. Set of boundaries and expectations that The learners will possess positive behavior
must be followed inside the classroom. and be aware of their do’s and don’ts in the

3. A hierarchal or certain manner that is The learners will be conscious of their

followed in the classroom. behavior and the proper sequencing of the
manner in the classroom.

4. Everyday procedure in the classroom. They can make it as their habit such as
praying before anything else and after the
activity or situation.

5. Seats that consist of rows and columns and They can have their own place or territory
a designated place for every individual. that can help them focus during discussions
and feel comfortable while they are in school.

6. Proper discipline and procedure is imposed Learn to possess positive behavior and be
to correct a negative behavior or to remove able to reflect on their behavior.
certain behavior

7. Encourage, improve, and strengthen Contribute to the betterment of the room,

positive behavior. school, community, and nation. They will
possess good and positive behavior that can
give peace.

1. The classroom organization and routines affect the learners’ behavior by making them conscious
of their actions, organization in the classroom, learning to follow instructions, and easily
adapting or adjusting to the environment and community they belong to.

2. The teacher should keep in mind that when designing the classroom organization and routines,
learners should be involved in the process so that they can also impose the best routines for
themselves. The theory that comes to mind is B.F Skinner's Operant Conditioning which
involves punishment and reward. This is a need to instill in the minds of the learners that they are
responsible for all their actions. The actions they made may come with either punishment or

3. In my perspective, the effective strategy for managing and motivating the behavior of the
learners is Operant Conditioning. Learners, nowadays, are really used to rewards and punishment
which is why I think it is effective. To keep them going they need to receive something as a
token and treat for their hard work and punishment will be given to manage or to change their
negative behavior to positive behavior.

1. I can see myself organizing a Grade 9 class. The routines and procedures that I would consider
for this level are greeting each other every morning, homeroom, cleaning every morning, lunch,
and afternoon, prayer, and caring for each other. I chose these routines and procedures because
these are some of the basic attitudes that one must possess and learn to apply in a real-world
setting and once they are used to it, it will become their habit.

2. a) Keep your phones during class hours, b) listen and participate actively, c) raise your hand if
you want to answer, and d) show respect to everyone around you. I chose these because I want
to maximize their learning and participation in school. Moreover, school is a great place to start
or practice them to be a well-disciplined learner and later on become a good citizen of this

3. The learners must involve themselves in the rule-making so they will participate on the process
because they set that rules for themselves and not for the teachers. All rules were based from
what they think is applicable and needed in their class.


1. D
2. C
3. B
Learning Episode 6. Classroom Management and Classroom Routines

Mr. Carlo Ceazar A. Faderon NDMU-IBED 09-19-23

Grade 9 MAPEH
Classroom Routines Observed ( ) Not Observed ( )

1. Movement into the Classroom /

2. Transition in classroom activities /
3. Movement out of the classroom /
4. Use of lavatories/ comfort room /
5. Passing of papers /
6. Passing of books X
7. Working with pairs/groups /
8. Tardy students /
9. Absent students /
10. Submission of materials /
11. Submission of projects /
12. Asking questions during lessons /
13. Asking for assistance /
14. Joining classroom activities /
15. Lining up /
16. Walking in line /
17. Fire drill/emergencies X
18. Movement between activities /
19. Use of classroom supplies /
20. Checking of assignment /
21. Cleaning of the classroom /
22. Greetings /
23. Prayer /

1. Yes, the routines effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class because it is strictly
followed and implemented thus, if cannot be tolerated or negligence of these have a
corresponding consequences.

2. The routines which are systematic and consistently implemented are checking the tardy and
absent, lining up, prayer, greetings, and cleaning the classroom. The teacher always start the day
with a prayer to ask God’s guidance, then greetings, and checking of attendance. He did these
every morning during homeroom. After the learners’ recess and lunch, he let them line up before
entering the classroom.
1. The routines I will most likely to apply is praying every morning to ask God for His guidance
and protection all throughout the day and spiritual aspect is the most important aspect that must
be filled first before anything else. I also want to instill in their minds to acknowledge God in
everything they are going to do.


Mr. Carlo Ceazar A. Faderon NDMU-IBED 09-19-23

Grade 9 MAPEH
Classroom Rules Importance
1. Listen attentively -to grasp every information and has something
to answer when asked or have a quiz
2. Raise your hand if you want to answer - to maintain class organization and can be
recognized by the teacher who is answering
3. State answer in complete sentence - to keep track of the question and can be
understood easily
4. Participate actively - to make the classroom interactive
5. Respect everyone - to maintain peace inside the classroom

1. The circumstances that maybe led to the formulation of the rule is because it is not practiced by
the students and they are not used to it. It can be also a way for crowd control, maintain peace
and order, and organization of the classroom.

2. Yes, the classroom rules are very important to easily managed the classroom and set some
restrictions inside the class. Imposing rules would discipline and make the learners become a
good follower.

1. I want the same rules with my Resource Teacher however, I will add some rules from what has
been already set. The rules that I want to add, first, to be prepared at all times and second, to go
to school on or before time. These rules can really help me to make my future classroom
organized and peaceful. It will also employ proper discipline to my learners.

The learners had just their lunch and they prepared themselves to enter the classroom. They line up
first outside the classroom and wait for the signal to come inside. It can be seen in the picture that it is
already their routine and they were patiently waiting

It can be seen in the picture that they are working with their pairs. They were given illustration here
and to have an answer, they need to collaborate, help each other, and build good friendships with their
classmates to finish their task and submit on time.

1. A
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. D
Learning Episode 7. Physical and Personal Aspects of Classroom Management

Mr. Carlo Ceazar A. Faderon NDMU-IBED 09-19-23

Grade 9 MAPEH

Aspects of Classroom Management YES NO


1.1 /

1.2 /

1.3 /

1.4 /

1.5 /


2.1 /

2.2 /

2.3 /

2.4 /

2.5 /

2.6 /

1. The voice of a teacher has an effect on the classroom instructions. With the use of voice, it will
depend whether the learners will listen or not, learn from the lesson, and conveys clear
instructions to the learners.

2. The punctuality of the teacher reflects the standards that he/she wanted to impose in the
classroom. The learners will view him/her as their model and try to replicate his/her behavior and
3. The environment has an impact to the learners, that is why, checking the physical aspects are
important. The learners must be comfortable with their places to maximize their learning and
keep their focus for the whole duration of the class.
1. There will be no good instructions if there is no order and organization in the classroom, thus
everything will be useless. No matter how much you have planned and prepared for it, once there
is something wrong or problem may arise, it will just ruin everything.
2. My plans in ensuring effective classroom management are set rules at the beginning of the
school year, implement and follow the rules, and give praise and rewards to the learners.

Effective Classroom Observed Not Observed No Opportunity

Management Strategies to Observe
1. /

2. /

3. X

4. /

5. /

6. /

7. /

8. /

9. /

10. X

11. /

12. /

13. /

14. /

15. X

1. There are 12 strategies that were employed and it contribute to a better classroom management
because it made the classroom more organize and interactive as well. The time is maximized and
really used proper. Additionally, were able to gather or learn from their peers and the learning
pace is faster and easier because they were able to help each other.

2. The documentation of the rules, interview students to assess their needs, and write group
contracts are the strategies that were not used by the Resource Teacher. I think, it is important so
I suggest that it must be observed because it has something to do with the behavior or condition
of the learners. It is helpful to easily address the needs, know the limitations in and outside the
classroom, contracts used as evidence, and maximize the participation and interaction in the

1. The classroom management strategies that I need to employ to respond to diverse types if
learners are to consider peer teaching, be a model in the classroom, address bad behavior
quickly, engage the learners, praise and reward, let them work in groups, and establish classroom



1. D
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. D

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