Finals Math Reviewer

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Methods of Collecting Data

1. Direct/Interview – face to face encounter, gather data involves two people.

2. Indirect/Questionnaire – written questionnaire.
3. Registration – governed by law, respondents provide data in compliance.
4. Observation – attitudes, behavior, values, etc.
5. Experiment – causes and effect relationship.

Methods of Presenting Data

1. Textual – paragraph
2. Tabular – orderly arranged in rows and columns
3. Graphical – visual or pictorial forms

Discrete Probability Distribution (DPD)

- Graphs of the outcomes of test results. Estimates the chances.

Probability Distribution

- Mathematical function: probability of diff possible values.

Normal Distribution

- Most important
x P(x) 1. X > 400k?
= 0.10 + 0.05
100k 0.10

200k 0.20 2. X < 200k?

= 0.10

300k 0.30 3. X > 600k?

= none

400k 0.25 4. X <= 500k?

= 0.10+0.20+0.30+0.25+0.10
500k 0.10 =0.95

5. X >= 300k?
600k 0.05
= 0.30+0.25+0.10+0.05


Normal Curve

- Bell-shaped curve. It is unimodal, symmetrical, and asymptotic.

- Entire family: 2 parameters: mean (𝜇) & standard deviation (𝜎).
- Highest point: mean (𝜇)
- Any numeric value: negative, zero, or positive
- Normal distribution is symmetric
- Determines how flat and wide: standard deviation (𝜎)
- Total area under the curve: 1

Empirical Rule

- Three-sigma rule 68-95-99.7, provide a quick estimate of the spread data in a normal distance.
1. App 68%
2. App 95%
3. App 99.7%


- Statistical measurement that describes a value’s relationship. A z-score is 0, indicates that data
point score is identical to the mean score.
Formula: Z = X - 𝜇

x z μ σ

90 -1.67 110 12

105 1.67 80 15

300 1.25 250 40

100 -1.6 140 25

346 2.4 250 40

8.42 -1.6 8.5 .05

Z= (X-𝜇) / 𝜎

1. = (90 – 110) / 12
= -1.67
2. = (105 – 80) / 15
= 1.67
3. = (300 – 250) / 40
= 1.25
4. = (100 – 140) / 25
= -1.6

X = 𝜇 + (z𝜎)

5. = 250 + (2.4 * 40)

= 346
6. 8.5 + (-1.6 * 0.05)
= 8.42
x z μ σ

96 -0.33… 100 12

120 2 90 15

346 2.4 250 40

8.42 -1.6 8.5 .05

𝜇 = x - z𝜎

1. = 96 – (-0.33 * 12)
= 99.96 or 100
2. = 120 – (2 * 15)
= 90
3. = 346 – (2.4 * 40)
= 250
4. = 8.42 – (-1.6 * 0.05)
= 8.5

𝜎 = ( x - 𝜇) / z

1. = (96 – 100) / - 0.33

= 12
2. = (120 – 90) / 2
= 15
3. = (346 – 250) / 2.4
= 40
4. (8.42 – 8.5) / -1.6
= 0.05

Scatter Plot

- Graphs that present the relationship between two variables. Represent 2-dimensional plane or
on a Cartesian system/plane. Called scatter graphs, scatter diagrams, scatter chart,
- Used in:
1. Paired number numerical data
2. Multiple values of the dependent variable for unique value of an independent variable
Near to almost all the points in the plot is known as “line of best fit” or “trend line”


- Statistical measure of the relationship between two variables’ relative movements

1. Positive correlation – both data sets increases together (bottom left – upper right line)
 Perfect positive – perfectly straight line
 High positive – all points are near
 Low positive – all points are scattered
2. Negative correlation – as one data set increases, the other decreases (bottom right – upper
left line)
 Perfect negative – form almost straight line
 High negative – neat to one another
 Low negative – points are scattered all over the graph
3. No correlation – points are scattered all over the graph

Hypothesis Testing

- Decision: making process for evaluating claims about a population. Testing an assumption.

Null Hypothesis

- Ho , initial claim
- Ho = 𝜇 1 = 𝜇2
- Equal to, the same as, not changed from, is

Alternative Hypothesis

- Ha H1 , contrary to the null

- Not equal, greater than, less than

Type 1 and 2 Errors

 Type I – rejecting null when it is true

 Type II – accepting null when it is false
Steps in testing hypothesis

- The standard error of the mean is computed as the number:

- σ=
- Test statistic formula
x−μ x−μ
z= ∨z=
- σ s
Level of Significance ( One-tailed Test One-tailed Test Two-tailed Test
α¿ (Left-tailed Test) ¿ (Right-tailed Test) ¿ ≠

0.10 −1.28 1.28 ± 1.645

0.05 −1.645 1.645 ± 1.96
0.01 −2.33 2.33 ± 2.575

Step 1: HO= μ = 2.5 kg (TRUE: ACCEPT NULL)

H1= μ > 2.5 kg

Step 2:  = 0.05 ( Righ-tailed = 1.645)

Step 3:

X = 2.503 μ = 2.5 s= 0.2 n= 12

= (2.503 - 2.5)(√12)/0.2

= 0.1438

Step 4:

Interpretation: There is not enough evidence that the mean weight of the babies is greater than 2.5kg.

- An alternative method of performing a hypothesis testing.

- There are 2 rules in p-value method.
 Reject Ho , if p-value <= a
 Do not reject Ho , if p-value > a

Step 1: HO= μ = 2.5 kg (TRUE: ACCEPT NULL)

H1= μ > 2.5 kg

Step 2:  = 0.05 (Right-tailed = 1.645)

Step 3: Z = 0.1438


Ho is true
Ha is false

Step 4: P-value = 0.14 is 0.5557 (if the p-value is > 0.5 then subtract it to 1)

P-value = 1 – 0.5557
P-value = 0.4443 > a = 0.5
Then do not reject the Ho if p-value > a
Ho is true
Ha is false


z=test statistic

x=sample mean

μ= population mean
s=standard deviation

n=sample ¿ ¿

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