A103SLL Introduction To Illustrator 2010-11 V3.1

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An Introduction to Illustrator



Aims and Summary

This course is an introduction to the fundamentals, tools and techniques of Adobe

Illustrator for print and screen (web) presentation.

Students will gain a basic understanding of Illustrator techniques for creating and
manipulating vector illustrations, including the differences between print and screen
optimisation and workflows.

Adobe Illustrator is a sophisticated vector graphics program capable of creating

complex and attractive illustrations and type effects. It can be used by many people
ranging from artists to web designers (hobbyists to professionals) and is closely
integrated with other Adobe products such as Photoshop. Users of Adobe products
such as Flash and Dreamweaver will find this program useful too. The module will
also give the student an understanding of the commercial context in which Illustrator
and related products are utilised, and an awareness of contemporary practices and

Module Size and Credits

Module size Half

CATS points 10

ECTS credits 5

Open / restricted Open

Availability on/off campus On

Total student study hours 100

Number of weeks 10

School responsible School of Lifelong Learning

Academic Year 2010 / 2011

Entry Requirements (pre-requisites and co-requisites)


Excluded Combinations


Composition of Module Mark (including weighting of components)

100% coursework

Pass Requirements

A module mark of at least 40%

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Special Feature


Course Stages for Which the Module is Mandatory


Course Stages for Which the Module is a Core Option


2. Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Intended Module

The intended learning outcomes are that on completion of this module you should
be able to:

LO1. explain the business context in which Adobe Illustrator and related
products are utilised;

LO2. demonstrate an awareness of contemporary digital design

techniques and usage;

LO3.. ultise a specified range of Illustrator tools and techniques in order to

create text and other effects.

Indicative content

 Adobe Illustrator and Effects

 Contemporary practice and standards
 Adobe Illustrator

o Illustrator Environment
o Workflow
o Working with Paths
o Working with Objects
o Modifying objects
o The Pen Tool
o Fill and Stroke Attributes
o Layers
o Working with Text
o Creating Output
o Introduction to the Assignment

Teaching and Learning Methods

Activity Indicative Hours

Lectures/Tutorials 20

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Independent Study 45

Assessment Activities 35

The course is essentially participatory, incorporating small and large group

discussions, skills practice, and personal development exercises.

The aim of the weekly sessions is to both introduce new topics to the student and
to reinforce learning from previous weeks. Each week, the tutor will demonstrate
specific concepts, with step-by-step guidance combined with discussion of
previously produced examples. Students will practice each new concept learnt
during a session before another skill is introduced, and the session will be
prefaced with a short discussion of the business and professional context in which
the learning takes place. These concepts will be supported by on-line tutorials
designed to both support existing learning and to offer developmental
opportunities. Handouts will be made available online to students in PDF format.
Additional resources will be made available on-line to support the student’s
understanding of the context (e.g. commercial) in which the learning takes place.
Students will be strongly encouraged to use the on-line discussion forum to
supplement their learning during non-class time.

Students will be required to apply the skills and concepts presented during the
lecture in the development of relevant material both as work in progress and for
assignment submission. Unsupervised time will be required to be spent on a
variety of activities managed by the students, which will include the completion of
assessment work, further reading, thinking, planning and for skills practice.

As a means of consolidating the weeks learning, a number of formative multiple-

choice tests will be taken through Moodle by the student at their own convenience
(but all by the end of term).

Method of Assessment

Summative Assessment

You will present a portfolio of illustrations that have involved: creating and modifying paths;
drawing and editing geometric objects; applying fill and stroke attributes, colours, gradients,
adding transparency to objects and paths; using layers; entering and formatting type in an
illustration. As part of this work, the student will audit and assess their submission online.

This portfolio will summatively assess Learning Outcomes 1 to 3 inclusive.

Formative Assessment

A series of on-line formative assessments will be made available to you that will support your
understanding of the business and practical contexts in which Adobe Illustrator is placed and
aspects of contemporary usage of the software.

Other points

Students who fail to submit coursework will not automatically be considered for a re-sit. When
a student is eligible for re- assessment, revised coursework will be set, to meet the needs of
the failed coursework component(s) unless otherwise advised.

Date of Last Amendment

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September 2010


Essential Reading
Relevant reading and tuition materials will be made available through Moodle and
related e-resources. These resources will be detailed during class sessions.

Recommended Reading
Relevant reading and tuition materials will be made available through Moodle and
related e-resources. These resources will be detailed during class sessions.

Required Equipment
Students will utilise relevant software and hardware during classroom sessions. It
is also expected that students will have access to their own relevant IT resources,
including relevant software, hardware and Broadband / High Speed IT
connections, for further study outside of the classroom.

Module Leader Joy Monkhouse

Name School of Lifelong Learning

Room JAG16

Telephone Number 02477 653115

E-mail Joy.Monkhouse@coventry.ac.uk

Subject Quality and Approval Information

Board of Study Lifelong Learning (LL)

Subject Assessment Board Lifelong Learning (LL)

Shortened Title Add+ ILL INTRO

Date of Approval by Board of
10th March 2010

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