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12/16/23, 12:44 AM Procedure Text Kelas XI


Procedure Text Kelas XI
15 Questions

1. How to Make Orange Juice

1.Prepare the fresh orange fruit.
2.Peel the skin and fiber.
3.Enter it into a blender (may use a juicer to make it more practical).
4.Add water and ice cubes (you can also mix it with honey).
5.Blend them by using a blender for about one minute and then pour it into a glass.
6.Serve the orange juice.

Question : What kind of text is it?

A Narrative Text B Report Text

C Manual Text D Procedure Text

2. How to Make Orange Juice

1.Prepare the fresh orange fruit.
2.Peel the skin and fiber.
3.Enter it into a blender (may use a juicer to make it more practical).
4.Add water and ice cubes (you can also mix it with honey).
5.Blend them by using a blender for about one minute and then pour it into a glass.
6.Serve the orange juice.

Question : How many steps are there in the text?

A Six B Five

C Four D Seven 1/5
12/16/23, 12:44 AM Procedure Text Kelas XI

3. How to Make Orange Juice

1.Prepare the fresh orange fruit.
2.Peel the skin and fiber.
3.Enter it into a blender (may use a juicer to make it more practical).
4.Add water and ice cubes (you can also mix it with honey).
5.Blend them by using a blender for about one minute and then pour it into a glass.
6.Serve the orange juice.

Question : What do you do after adding some water and ice cubes?

A Put the blender away B Peel the orange skin

C Blend them by using a blender D Add some milk

4. How to Make Orange Juice

1.Prepare the fresh orange fruit.
2.Peel the skin and fiber.
3.Enter it into a blender (may use a juicer to make it more practical).
4.Add water and ice cubes (you can also mix it with honey).
5.Blend them by using a blender for about one minute and then pour it into a glass.
6.Serve the orange juice.

Question : What do you have to do first?

A Add the ice cubes B Peel the orange skin

C Prepare the fresh orange fruit D Prepare the juicer

5. The following things are the ingredients to make an orange juice, except....

A Ice cubes B Sugar

C Fresh oranges D Brown sugar

6. What utensils do you need to make an orange juice?

A A cup and a frying pan B A blender or a juicer

C A glass and a pan D Some water and sugar 2/5
12/16/23, 12:44 AM Procedure Text Kelas XI

7. 1 egg
50 gr cheese
1 cup of milk
cooking oil
salt and pepper

Question: What are they called?

A Ingredients B Utensils

C Steps D Methods

8. Methods:
1.Crack an egg into a bowl.
2.Whisk the egg with a fork.
3.Add milk and whisk well.
4.Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir.
5.Spread salt and pepper.
6.Heat the oil in a frying pan.
7.Pour the mixture into the frying pan.
8.Turn the omelette with a spatula when it browns.
9.Cook both sides.
10.Place on a plate, eat while warm.

Question: What is the fifth step?

Pour the mixture into the frying Grate the cheese into the bowl and
pan stir

C Heat the oil in a frying pan D Spread salt and pepper 3/5
12/16/23, 12:44 AM Procedure Text Kelas XI

9. Methods:
1.Crack an egg into a bowl.
2.Whisk the egg with a fork.
3.Add milk and whisk well.
4.Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir.
5.Spread salt and pepper.
6.Heat the oil in a frying pan.
7.Pour the mixture into the frying pan.
8.Turn the omelette with a spatula when it browns.
9.Cook both sides.
10.Place on a plate, eat while warm.

Question: What is the meaning of "whisk" in the 2nd step?

A Memarut B Mengocok

C Memecahkan D Mengaduk

10. Methods:
1.Crack an egg into a bowl.
2.Whisk the egg with a fork.
3.Add milk and whisk well.
4.Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir.
5.Spread salt and pepper.
6.Heat the oil in a frying pan.
7.Pour the mixture into the frying pan.
8.Turn the omelette with a spatula when it browns.
9.Cook both sides.
10.Place on a plate, eat while warm.

Question: What is the meaning of "grate" in the 4th step?

A Menambahkan B Memotong

C Menyiapkan D Memarut

11. What utensils do you need to make "cheese omelette"?

A A bowl and a glass B A spatula and chopsticks

C A frying pan and a spatula D A plate and a glass 4/5
12/16/23, 12:44 AM Procedure Text Kelas XI

12. What ingredients do you need to make "cheese omelette"?

A Salt and spinach B Onion and sugar

C Eggs and rice D Cheese and eggs

13. What is this ingredient called?

A Pepper B Scallion

C Garlic D Onion

14. What is this utensil called?

A Frying pan B Fork

C Grater D Stove

15. What is this utensil called?

A Knife B Stove

C Spatula D Bowl 5/5

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