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Resources Policy 86 (2023) 104067

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Resources Policy
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Dynamic simulation and control strategy exploration of the unsafe behavior

of coal mine employees
Wanzhen Li b, Lujie Zhou a, c, *, Jian Hao b, Kai Yu c, Jing Chen c, Pingping Liu b, Rui Feng b
State Key Laboratory of Mining Disaster Prevention and Control Co-founded By Shandong Province and the Ministry of Science and Technology, Shandong University of
Science and Technology, Qingdao, 266590, China
College of Energy and Mining Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, 266590, China
College of Safety and Environmental Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, 266590, China


Keywords: Approximately 80% of production safety accidents in Chinese coal mining industry companies are caused by
Coal mine employees unsafe behaviors. Therefore, in-depth study of employees unsafe behavior and its control technology have great
Unsafe behavior practical and theoretical value for the prevention and control of coal mine accidents. In this paper, a dynamic
Early warning
simulation model of the unsafe behavior of coal mine workers is established, and 28 factors that affect the unsafe
Control strategy
behavior of coal mine workers are summarized. Combined with agent and system dynamics, a dynamic simu­
lation of the change law of unsafe behavior of coal mine workers is carried out, and unsafe behavior is found. The
simulation results between different groups are consistent. Through the study of interventions and control
measures for the unsafe behavior of coal mine employees, a control strategy for the unsafe behavior of coal mine
employees is proposed, and a control strategy base is established. According to the situation, this kind of result
will strengthen the early-warning control of unsafe behaviors and provide a practical method for the guidance of
safety management. Research on unsafe behavior can potentially solve the safety management of coal mining

1. Introduction of the understanding of unsafe behavior and the development of related

disciplines, an increasing number of safety management experts have
Unsafe behavior is one of the important reasons for risks or accidents. begun to establish simulation models of unsafe behavior accidents. Ex­
According to the statistical results, the proportion of human error in all amples include the Swiss cheese model (Reason, J., 2005), the accident
the direct causes of major accidents in coal mine accidents in China is as reason cause tracking model (ARCTM) (Silva, S.et al., 2013), and the
high as 97.67% (Han et al., 2022). Moreover, in China, the working limited reaction model (Endroyo et al., 2017). The Gray-Markov Model
environment of coal miners is poor, the risk of operation is high, the was also used to predict the million tons mortality rate in coal mines
income is low, and the overall education level and technical quality of (Chen S. et al., 2015).
coal miners are low (Di H., 2017). Therefore, it is of great significance to With the deepening of the understanding of unsafe behavior and the
summarize the previous research results, study the unsafe behavior and development of related disciplines, an increasing number of safety
its influencing factors of coal mine employees, and find ways to reduce management experts have begun to establish accident simulation
the unsafe behaviors of coal mine employees. models of unsafe behavior. Among the existing studies, the use of system
Some early scholars considered the concept of unsafe employee dynamics (SD) in the aspect of coal mine workers’ unsafe behavior oc­
behavior to be the same as “human error”. At this stage, there was no cupies the vast majority, such as the use of system dynamics to establish
distinction between human engineering and unsafe behavior, while a new model of employees’ unsafe behavior on the basis of analyzing the
some restudies discussed the results of human error as a direct substitute formation mechanism of coal mine workers’ unsafe behavior (Li and
for unsafe behavior (L Rigby, 1970; Swain and Guttmann, 1983; Reason, Tian, 2016) or the method of combining with human modeling to
J., 1990; Senders and Moray, 1991; Themes, 2001). With the deepening interact with workers’ behavior (Jiang Z., 2014). There are also

* Corresponding author. State Key Laboratory of Mining Disaster Prevention and Control Co-founded By Shandong Province and the Ministry of Science and
Technology, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, 266590, China.
E-mail address: 13969891661@163.com (L. Zhou).

Received 29 March 2023; Received in revised form 18 August 2023; Accepted 18 August 2023
Available online 30 August 2023
0301-4207/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W. Li et al. Resources Policy 86 (2023) 104067

proposed control strategies for coal mine workers’ unsafe behavior (1) Determine the influencing factors of coal mine workers’ unsafe
based on simulation results (You, Q et al., 2023). A new system of coal behaviors, establish an unsafe behavior model, combine the
mine workers’ unsafe behavior is proposed based on system dynamics system dynamics modeling and intelligent body modeling
(Yu, K et al., 2022). Combining the human factors analysis, classification methods, both of which are mutually verified, and establish a
system and system dynamics model, the important influencing factors of more reasonable decision-making model of unsafe behaviors by
miners’ unsafe behaviors were explored (Wang, 2021). combining the work characteristics of coal mine employees.
In recent years, some experts and scholars have made new research (2) Develop an early warning technology system for coal miners’
contributions to other models. The decision-making model of miners’ unsafe behavior.
unsafe behavior was constructed from the three-dimensional model
(Ren et al., 2013), the foundation of behavioral economics (Li and Yang, This paper intends to conduct an in-depth study in four parts. The
2018), and the intelligent control of employees’ unsafe behavior. For first part gives a brief overview of the system dynamics model as well as
coal miners’ unsafe behaviors, the JD-R model dual program (Tong, R the intelligent body model, combines the two through data analysis and
et al., 2019), quadruple evolutionary game model of the internal model analysis, and then introduces the necessity of choosing two
CMBSM system (Zhang et al., 2023), combined with HFACS-CM, SEM, models for simulation in this paper. In the second part, the dynamic
and SD models to evaluate miners’ unsafe behaviors in deep coal mining model of coal mine workers’ unsafe behavior is established. On the basis
(Yang et al., 2022) were constructed to produce a new model for of clarifying the relationship between the factors of unsafe behavior, the
simulating the subjects, networks and parameters of miners’ unsafe dynamic simulation model is established by using intelligent body
behavior propagation (Tian S. et al., 2019). modeling and system dynamics, which not only explores the behavioral
Other insightful studies have been developed. Modeling from the transmission law among different groups and develops the decision-
perspective of group unsafe behavior and occupational safety and health making method to control unsafe behavior but also realizes the
has been conducted to explore early warning and control measures for mutual verification of the simulation results by the two modeling
group unsafe behavior (Yu et al., 2019a, b; Cao et al., 2019; Zhou, 2018). methods. In the third part, 28 influencing factors are derived from the
From the perspective of safety behaviors, the influence of safety atti­ accident tree analysis, the early warning technology of coal miners’
tudes on safety behaviors was analyzed using the Safety Attitude Scale unsafe behaviors is developed, and an example analysis is carried out
and the Safety Behavior Scale, and the importance of early warning of with the Tangkou Coal Industry Co., Ltd. as the research object. The
unsafe behaviors to prevent and control the occurrence of coal mine fourth part is the conclusion and outlook, which summarizes the paper
accidents was also argued from the opposite perspective (Li Y. et al., and proposes corresponding countermeasures for coal mine workers’
2019). Data mining methods were used to analyze unsafe data, and four unsafe behaviors, providing practical guidance for safety management.
main factors were found to influence unsafe behavior (Qiao, W. et al., Through the research of this paper, the law of development and
2018). Gray relational analysis was used to analyze miners’ unsafe evolution of unsafe behavior of coal mine workers is derived, and the
behavior in Wmine (Tian et al., 2021). A three-way game model of early warning control system of unsafe behavior of coal mine workers is
regulators, coal mining enterprises and workers was developed to developed. The results of this research can provide theoretical and
explore the impact of the risk perception level of coal mining enterprises technical support for research and applications in this field. Meanwhile,
on safety (Li et al., 2022). The relationship between hazards, risks and the technology has been experimentally applied in Shandong Tangkou
accidents was explored, and the root-state hazard identification (RSHI) Coal Industry Co., Ltd. where the number of three violations has been
method was proposed (Liu et al., 2021). significantly reduced, the safety management level of the coal mine
In conclusion, the simulation of unsafe behaviors around the world enterprise has substantially changed, the informatization level of the
mainly focuses on the following aspects: first, it focuses on the rela­ enterprise’s safety management has been improved, and significant so­
tionship between unsafe behaviors and accident results; second, it cial and economic benefits have been created.
mainly explores the relationship between unsafe behaviors and influ­
encing factors. However, how to verify the feasibility and authenticity of 2. Materials and methods
the model has become a weak link in the study of unsafe behavior
decision-making. Therefore, it is necessary to further improve the 2.1. Overview of system dynamics
existing theory of safe behavior, establish a more reasonable model of
unsafe behavior decision-making in combination with the characteris­ System dynamics was first founded by MIT professor Jay Forrester in
tics of coal mine employees’ work, and further explore the control the early 1950s. It is a computer simulation technology based on system
countermeasures of the unsafe behavior of coal mine employees. theory and information theory to study the dynamic behavior of sys­
It is well known that coal mine workers’ unsafe behaviors are char­ tems. It is mainly used to analyze the dynamic relationship between the
acterized by susceptibility to infection, strong behavioral preferences, structure, function and behavior of complex systems such as society,
and high uncertainty, so it is difficult to completely intervene, simulate economy and ecology. It is especially suitable for dealing with complex
and predict coal mine workers’ unsafe behaviors. Through the previous problems with a nonlinear degree, high order and multiple variables and
literature review, it is found that the current research on coal mine making investigations and police analyses by means of computer
workers’ unsafe behavior mainly reflects the following: simulation. The basic logic diagram of system dynamics is shown in
Fig. 1.
(1) A single simulation model for coal mine workers’ unsafe behav­ The stock can also be called the state variable, which represents
iors is used, and there is a lack of model feasibility verification. anything in our reality. It can be a physical object or a state. The flow
(2) With more focus on process analysis, the research results cannot represents the rate of structural change in the system. Fig. 1 shows that
be applied in practice, and there is a lack of research on the early the stock is connected by flow, and there is mutual circulation. The
warning application of unsafe behavior among coal mine dynamic variables and parameters in the system can directly affect the
workers. stock and variables, and the stock can also affect the change in dynamic
variables. The connecting lines between variables and parameters
In summary, there is still a large research space for the study of coal constitute the structure of the system.
mine workers’ unsafe behavior, so this paper continues to analyze in
depth on the basis of previous research and intends to carry out further 2.2. Overview of the agent
research in the following aspects:
Agents are the most novel modeling simulation method at present

W. Li et al. Resources Policy 86 (2023) 104067

3. Construction and analysis of the dynamic model

3.1. Construction of the system dynamics model

The causality diagram of system dynamics (SD) can only show the
dynamic change process of the interaction among the factors in the
system. It is a kind of qualitative analysis, unable to complete the spe­
cific quantitative analysis of the interaction between the factors. How­
ever, the flow chart of system dynamics (SD) can be divided into state
variables, rate variables, auxiliary variables and constants according to
their functions in the system to realize the quantitative analysis of
various factors among the systems (Goerlandt and Reniers, 2018).
This paper researched 183 cases of heavy coal mine accidents pub­
lished on the website of the State Administration of Work Safety from
2013 to 2022 and studied the accident types of safety analysis and ac­
Fig. 1. Basic structure diagram of system dynamics. cident notification issued by the office of the Safety Committee of the
State Council as well as the causes of major accidents. Then, by using
theoretical and literature research methods, we referred to many
and were initially applied to distributed artificial intelligence research.
scholars’ unsafe behaviors of coal mine employees. From the perspective
At present, agents have been applied to many fields, so it is impossible to
of the causes of mine accidents in 2013–2022, there are many factors
give a strict and clear definition of agents. However, agents are used in
threatening the unsafe behaviors of employees. There are 28 influencing
many new fields and directions by scholars because of the characteristics
factors. The 28 factors are divided into 7 flow rates, 13 dynamic vari­
of factor autonomy and flexibility in the actual system.
ables and 8 parameters according to the system dynamic flow chart.
Agent modeling is autonomous and social, and in a specific envi­
Table 1 introduces the variables.
ronment, through effectors acting on the environment, agents can
One of the subsystems is the behavior transmission among groups. It
interact with each other and can also solve problems with clear in­
is assumed that there are four groups in a company: the original
terfaces and boundaries. Among them, the characteristics that the agents
employee group, the behavior neutral group, the unsafe behavior group
can communicate with each other and influence each other have a high
and the safety behavior employee group.
degree of fit with the unsafe behavior of employees, such as regret,
The original employee group refers to the employee group assumed
willfulness, and high uncertainty.
by the company that does not have any behavior characteristics; the
behavior neutral group refers to a part of the group that is vulnerable to
2.3. Brief introduction of the modeling tools behavior infection; the unsafe behavior group refers to the general name
of the employees who have unsafe behavior; and the safety behavior
AnyLogic is a new modeling and simulation software that covers employee group refers to the employee group that can modify behavior
many disciplines, such as system dynamics and discrete events. Java is and prevent unsafe behavior. The change in the number of people
the main programming language of its modeling, and the software has among different groups in a period can be used to express the process of
unique flexibility, which can let the user truly feel the simulation effect behavior transmission considering the complexity of unsafe behavior
after the system runs. At the same time, AnyLogic has a powerful model and the interrelated characteristics between groups. Therefore, it is
storage background, which makes it convenient for users to directly and believed that behavior-neutral groups are the most vulnerable groups,
quickly retrieve the graphic objects they want to apply, reducing the which will develop into unsafe behavior groups under the guidance of
modeling time (Álvarez-Santos et al., 2018). Considering the compre­ unsafe behavior factors, but some neutral groups also return to the
hensive simulation function of AnyLogic, after analyzing the unsafe original employee group under the guidance of efficiency. However, the
behaviors of coal mine workers, the characteristics of many factors and ultimate development trend of unsafe behavior is from unsafe to safe
complex organization are obtained. Therefore, this paper uses the soft­ behavior under the role of the group. The role of the group can be
ware of AnyLogic as the main tool for the simulation of unsafe behaviors. considered the result of group cohesion and group pressure. The SD map
of this subsystem is shown in Fig. 2.
2.4. Model necessity analysis
Table 1
To continuously improve its economic benefits, coal mining com­ Variables introduction.
panies must be able to ensure the safety and health of their employees by Nature of Name of Variables
reducing the frequency of accidents; to reduce the frequency of acci­ Variables
dents, they must precontrol the occurrence of accidents; to precontrol
Stock Original Employee Group, Behavior Neutral Group, Unsafe
the occurrence of accidents, they must do a good job in every link of Behavior Group, Safety Behavior Employee Group, Judgment
safety management work; therefore, group behavior is an important link Level of Decision Stock of Employees
that directly affects the occurrence of individual behavior. How to Flows Joining of New employees, Conversion Rate of Neutral Group,
standardize the safety behavior of employees and how to control group Conversion Rate of Original Group, Conversion Rate of Unsafety
Behavior, Removal Rate of Unsafety Behavior, Impact of Wrong
safety under the condition of multiple decision-making means have Decision, Impact of Accidents on Decision-making
become problems that coal mining enterprises need to consider. On this Dynamic Behavior Variation, Existing Strategy Aversion, Conflict on
basis, it is essential to combine the resources available in the safety Variables Existing Decision-making, Accident Impact Rate, Accident
discipline to create an unsafe behavior model to simulate the behavioral Severity Level, Group Attitude on Safety, Behavior Infection Rate,
Psychological Coefficient, Violation Punishment, Unsafe
safety state of employees. On the one hand, the safety education and
Coefficient, Risk Coefficient, Decision-making Management
training is invisible, which can improve the safety cognitive skills of Coefficient, Accident Relative Intensity
employees and reduce the occurrence of unsafe behaviors; on the other Parameter Organizational Culture Atmosphere, Safety Input, Education and
hand, it is also a calibration of company safety decision-making, which Training, Original Group Transformation Coefficient, Group
can directly let the safety managers know the impact trend of each safety Pressure, Group Cohesion, Safety Attitude, Delay on Decision
decision on group safety.

W. Li et al. Resources Policy 86 (2023) 104067

Fig. 2. SD map of behavioral transmission among different groups.

The other part of the subsystem refers to the level of decision-making on the basis of the set program.
and judgment of employees, which can be understood as the degree of
change in employees’ judgment ability for safety decision-making over 2) In the internal structure model of the agent, the employee individual
time. Employees will correct their behaviors under the action of a is defined as the agent to judge the logical relationship between the
certain safety decision. However, due to the occurrence of accidents employee individual and the group. The parameters, variables,
during the period and the delay of decision-making information and logical functions and other data of these two parts can interact in real
other reasons, employees will not trust the original safety decision. time and call each other.
Then, it will cause a change in the level of decision-making judgment.
The SD chart is shown in Fig. 3. In this structure chart, the addition of new employees is also
In the system dynamics model of unsafe behavior, the organizational randomly generated. However, there are active and inactive individuals
culture atmosphere, safety input, education and training, group pres­ in both neutral and unsafe behavior groups. This difference will further
sure, group cohesion and safety attitude are set as controllable factors clarify the randomness of behavior in the process of transmission.
for the whole model. At the same time, the original employee group, the
initial employee group and the initial unsafe employee group can be set
in the system dynamics model to explore the behavior changes in 3.3. Model operation effect display and the operation result analysis
different numbers of group units, as shown in Fig. 4.
3.3.1. Overall design of the model
3.2. Construction of the agent model The unsafe behaviors of coal mine employees proliferate easily, as
well as the characteristics of strong behavior preference, high uncer­
The agent modeling adopts the bottom-up research method. Through tainty, and layered distribution. Therefore, it is difficult to completely
the research of group change, the unsafe behavior model of the agent intervene, simulate and predict the unsafe behaviors of coal mine em­
(AB) is established, and the individual characteristics of coal mine em­ ployees. To date, the existing research on the intervention measures of
ployees are mapped to the attributes of the agent so that a single agent unsafe behavior control in China is obviously insufficient, with most
represents the individual coal mine employee, and multiple agents studies focusing on theoretical summaries and not in-depth research. At
represent the coal mine employees. In this model, each individual the same time, some research results cannot be applied in practice, there
employee can be regarded as an agent, the individual condenses into a is no operability in actual work, and we cannot discuss the control and
group, and the group achieves real-time information exchange between intervention effect of unsafe behavior. The following should be noted:
agents, comprehensively simulating the changes between different
groups of unsafe behaviors. (1) The intervention of unsafe behavior control of coal mine workers
Based on the agent simulation modeling platform and Java pro­ should be “from virtual to real”, and theoretical basic research
gramming language, the unsafe behavior logic architecture is con­ and practical investigation should be conducted in the early
structed to form two parts of the agent model body: stage. Through these early works, the simulation modeling of
unsafe behavior control intervention is carried out, and then the
1) The main model of unsafe behavior, the setting part of the parame­ invisible unsafe behavior is clarified.
ters of each link related to unsafe behavior, is shown in Fig. 5. (2) To clarify the influence degree of unsafe factors of coal mine
workers, it is necessary to list the factors with great influence
The number of employees is the sum of the number of original em­ degree as the main parameters, to clarify whether the main pa­
ployees and new employees. On the basis of the original group of em­ rameters are the resulting factors or the causal factors and to take
ployees, the number of new employees is increased randomly according the risk transfer law of unsafe behaviors into account in the
to the Java statement. The operation of the overall model is also started simulation model.

Fig. 3. Employees decision-making level SD chart.

W. Li et al. Resources Policy 86 (2023) 104067

Fig. 4. Unsafe SD diagram.

Fig. 5. Agent model.

(3) It is necessary to consider the current situation of unsafe behavior As system dynamics is about changing complex relationships be­
management in actual coal companies and to combine the tween factors from a virtual state to a graphical analytical structure,
simulation results with the actual situation to make the final mathematical equations are used to calculate the dynamic relationships
simulation results practical. between the factors, quantifying the structure and finally arriving at a
(4) Unsafe behavior management of coal mine workers is long-term system analysis that fits the actual situation. The autonomous and social
work, so simulation modeling should consider sufficient time properties of agent modeling, on the other hand, allow for self-
nodes. management within the social laws of the system in which it is
(5) Any decision has timelines, and the implementation of the new embedded, reducing the influence of additional constraints. At the same
decision will bring certain results. However, with the passage of time, the combination of the two allows the accuracy of the model to be
time, the employees will adapt and increase their resistance to the verified, eliminating uncertainty due to a single model.
existing decision. Therefore, the establishment of the simulation In summary, the purpose of the dynamic simulation model of the
model should consider the resistance of the employees to the unsafe behavior of coal mine employees – the “SD + AB unsafe behavior
decision. model” – is to combine with practice and meet the strategic test of coal
(6) The unsafe behavior of coal mine workers is based on the group in mine companies. Based on the principle of agent and system dynamics,
the safety of actual coal mine production, and the individual this paper simulates the changing rule of group behavior under the
behavior is finally reflected in the unsafe behavior statistics of the condition of different constant changes in the unsafe behavior of em­
group team. ployees and provides a new method for the management of the unsafe

W. Li et al. Resources Policy 86 (2023) 104067

Table 2 eventually become safe behavior groups.

Original variable values. It can be seen from the difference between the SD and AB models that
Parameter Name Initial Range Control Method although the trend of the two models is basically the same, there are still
Value subtle differences. The number of people in each group is different at
Original Employee Group 2000 [1000,10,000] Sliding Block each model time point, but the maximum error of the two models cannot
Adjustment exceed 5% in the graph, which also shows that the construction of the
Behavior Neutral Group 450 [300,1000] Sliding Block two models in the study of unsafe behavior simulation is reasonable.
Initial Unsafety Group 250 [200,800] Sliding Block
4. Discussion on early warning technology of coal miners’
Delayed Decision-making 10 [0,50] Sliding Block unsafe behavior
Information Adjustment
Safety Investment 0.12 [0,1] Sliding Block The study of unsafe behavior simulation models can clearly identify
the key causal points that affect the occurrence of unsafe behavior of
Safety Attitude 20 [5,50] Sliding Block
Adjustment coal mine workers, while the application of unsafe behavior early
Organizational Culture 1 [0,5] Sliding Block warning technology is to study the key points, and by increasing the
Atmosphere Adjustment early warning of key causal points, the accuracy of the early warning can
Education and Training 15 [10,30] Sliding Block
be improved, thus preventing the occurrence of unsafe behavior of
Group Pressure 15 [10,30] Sliding Block
workers in a more scientific and efficient manner.
Adjustment To effectively control the unsafe behaviors of coal mine workers, this
paper studies and implements an early warning technology system for
the unsafe behaviors of coal mine workers. Through analysis and early
behavior of coal mine employees. control of this system, the paper scientifically implements the control
strategy of unsafe behaviors. At present, the unsafe behaviors of coal
3.3.2. Effect and analysis of operation mine employees are mainly reflected in the “three violations”, that is,
Combining the previous agent model and system dynamics model – illegal operation, illegal command and violation of labor discipline.
“SD + AB unsafe behavior model”, the dynamic system simulation Therefore, this paper carries out early warning technology research on
model of unsafe behavior is formed, which consists of the AB model, SD unsafe behaviors.
model, model comparison and model description. Table 2 shows the
value of each variable parameter in the initial state.
4.1. Accident causality tree analysis of unsafe behaviors
As shown in Fig. 6, click “Operation” after setting the initial value,
and the model will run automatically. After the model runs, click “AB
According to previous research on the unsafe behaviors of employees
model”, “SD model”, “model comparison” and “model description” on
and the analysis of the relationship between unsafe behaviors and ac­
top of the model to switch the module interface.
cidents, to study the prevention and control measures for accidents
Fig. 7 shows the agent model running interface. It can be seen from
caused by unsafe behaviors, an accident causality tree by unsafe be­
the page that the parameters in the running process of the agent are
haviors was prepared, as shown in Fig. 10. The reason for accidents by
consistent with the system dynamics because the parameter settings of
unsafe behaviors is a consequence of ineffective intervention and control
the whole model are unified. At the same time, there is a “random agent
strategies, which causes failure factors to influence employees to engage
state chart” button in the agent module, which can observe the change in
in unsafe behavior. The meanings of the letters in the accident tree are
the background agent logic state chart at any time.
shown in Table 3.
Fig. 8 shows the operation interface of the system dynamics. It can be
The structure of the accident tree is listed as
seen from the figure that when the system dynamics model is in the
operation state, all stocks, flows and variables are in a state of dynamic

T = A1⋅A2 = (B1 + B2 + B3 + B4 + B5 )⋅A2

= (x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 + x12 + x13 + x14 + x15 + x16 + x17 + x18 + x19 + x20 + x21 + x22 + x23 + x24 + x25 + x26 )
(x27 + x28 + x29 + x30 )

change. The minimum path set of the accident tree is used for further anal­
Fig. 9 shows the comparison of the agent model and system dynamic ysis. The fault tree has two sets of minimum paths, P1 and P2:
model. It can be seen from the two model figures that the number of
original employees has been decreasing with the model time because the P1 = {x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10,x11,x12,x13,x14,x15,x16,x17,x18,x19,x20,x21,
original employees have been changing to other groups. However, the x22,x23,x24,x25,x26}
number of behavior-neutral groups increased at the beginning stage and P2 = {x27,x28,x29,x30,x31}
decreased in the final stage. At the end of the model running time, the
number of behavior-neutral groups was less than the initial number. The P1 is composed of 26 basic events, and P2 is composed of 5 basic
unsafe behavior group shows a similar trend to the neutral group. As the events. There are two possible ways to prevent the occurrence of acci­
number of neutral groups increases, the number of unsafe behavior dents caused by unsafe behaviors of top incidents, that is, 26 basic events
groups also increases. After the number of the neutral group falls, the in P1 or 5 basic events in P2 do not occur, so the occurrence of top in­
number of the unsafe behavior group also falls. However, since there is cidents can be avoided, that is, unsafe behaviors of employees can be
still a part of the neutral group, the number of unsafe behavior groups avoided.
cannot be zero. The number of safety behavior employee groups is the According to the minimum path set, it can be seen that in the same
opposite that of the initial employees group, and most of them will path set, each basic event occurs the same number of times in the path

W. Li et al. Resources Policy 86 (2023) 104067

Fig. 6. Picture of the model startup screen.

Fig. 7. Agent model operation interface.

set, which is once, so the structural importance coefficient I φ (I) of these it can be concluded that the control of unsafe behaviors of employees
basic events is equal. The structural importance of basic events x1—x26 is should start from two aspects: one is to reduce or avoid the causal factors
the same and that of basic events x27-x31 is the same, but the structural of unsafe behaviors, and the other is to provide reasonable and effective
importance of basic events x27–x31 is greater than that of basic events x1- intervention and control measures for the production of unsafe behav­
x26. iors of employees. According to the accident tree analysis, intervention
and control measures for unsafe behaviors are proposed in accordance
Iφ(1) = Iφ(2) = Iφ(3) = Iφ(4) = Iφ(5) = Iφ(6) = Iφ(7) = Iφ(8) = Iφ(9) = Iφ with the causes of unsafe behaviors. The intervention and control
(10) = Iφ(11) = Iφ(12) = Iφ(13) = Iφ(14) = Iφ(15) = Iφ(16) = Iφ(17) = Iφ
measures formulated can effectively control the factors affecting the
(18) = Iφ(19) = Iφ(20) = Iφ(21) = Iφ(22) = Iφ(23) = Iφ(24) = Iφ(25) = Iφ basic events x1~x26. Therefore, research on the causes of unsafe be­
(26)<Iφ(27) = Iφ(28) = Iφ(29) = Iφ(30) = Iφ (31)
haviors should focus on how to formulate reasonable and effective
Compared with the failure of the causal factors, the intervention intervention and control measures, which is very important for
strategy of unsafe behaviors has a more serious impact on the overall analyzing causal factors stemming from the unsafe behavior of
unsafe behaviors. employees.
According to the above calculation and analysis of the accident tree,

W. Li et al. Resources Policy 86 (2023) 104067

Fig. 8. System dynamics run interface.

Fig. 9. Model comparison.

W. Li et al. Resources Policy 86 (2023) 104067

Fig. 10. Fault tree analysis of unsafe behavior.

manager safety behavior, as well as the management technology system

Table 3
of relevant technology and equipment. The main method is to monitor
Original variable values.
and analyze the unsafe behaviors of employees in real time to obtain
Alphabet Meaning information on unsafe behaviors. After systematic analysis and scientific
T The Fault Analysis of Unsafe Behavior treatment, the coal mine workers’ unsafe behavior early warning tech­
A1 The Causes of Unsafe Behavior nology system judges whether the severity of unsafe behavior exceeds
A2 Ineffective Intervention and Control Strategy
the critical value and issues early warning signals. This kind of tech­
B1 Environmental Factor
B2 Individual Factors nology can urge the responsible unit to take corrective measures to
B3 Group Factor eliminate unsafe behaviors and reduce the probability of unsafe
B4 Leadership Factors behavior accidents.
B5 Organizational Management Factors The early warning technology system of unsafe behaviors of coal
x1 Environmental Site Difference
mine employees includes the collection of unsafe behavior information,
x2 Low human‒machine Matching
x3 Lack of Emergency Resources the transmission, storage and analysis of unsafe behavior information,
x4 Lack of Safety Equipment the identification and management of unsafe behaviors, the early
x5 High Group Pressure warning prompt of unsafe behaviors, the evaluation and monitoring of
x6 Low Group Cohesion
the rectification effect of unsafe behaviors, and the implementation of
x7 Low human‒machine Matching
x8 Lack of Safety Equipment
the control strategy of unsafe behaviors. The early warning technology
x9 Poor Safety Attitude system and information flow of unsafe behaviors of coal mine employees
x10 Lack of Leadership Safety Commitment are shown in Fig. 11.
x11 High Fatigue It can be seen from Fig. 11 that the early warning technology system
x12 Poor Emotional Stability
for unsafe behaviors of coal mine employees is a circular structure, the
x13 Lack of Safety Knowledge
x14 Inattention key part of which is to judge whether it is necessary to send out early
x15 Slow Emergency Response warning information according to the early warning standard for unsafe
x16 Poor Skill Operation behaviors. If the early warning technology system for unsafe behaviors
x17 Lack of Working Experience
of coal mine employees meets the early warning standard, send out the
x18 Low Risk Identification Ability
x19 Poor Mental State
early warning information for unsafe behaviors and propose relevant
x20 Lack of Education departments and operators eliminate unsafe behaviors and take rectifi­
x21 Lack of Information Communication and Feedback cation measures; through rectification effect evaluation, if the rectifi­
x22 Lack of Organizational Culture Atmosphere cation is qualified, the early warning shall be cancelled, and normal
x23 Imperfect System and Norms
production operation shall be resumed.
x24 Low decision-making Management
x25 Unreasonable Punishment for Violation of Regulations On the basis of the previous study, the early warning control mea­
x26 Less Safety Investment sures for unsafe behavior of coal mine workers are integrated, and an
x27 Safety Management Failure early warning control system for unsafe behavior of coal mine workers is
x28 Failure of Individual Intervention compiled to provide early warning supervision and management of
x29 Failure of Group Intervention
x30 Poor Safety Leadership
unsafe behavior of coal mine workers, which is entered into the system
x31 Poor Physical Environment at the same time as the unsafe behavior of workers occurs, and the
corresponding control measures are retrieved to rectify the unsafe
behavior, thus achieving comprehensive control of unsafe behavior. A
4.2. Early warning technology system for the unsafe behaviors of coal functional block diagram of the system for unsafe employee behavior in
mine employees coal mines is shown in Fig. 12.
Based on the system requirement analysis and the coal mine workers’
The early warning technology system of unsafe behavior of coal mine unsafe behavior warning process, the system is divided into seven
workers is a management technology system that considers the pro­ functional modules, including hazard forecasting activities, BBS
duction process, production environment, production employee and behavior observation, EAP plan, behavioral risk identification,

W. Li et al. Resources Policy 86 (2023) 104067

Fig. 11. Precautions technology system and the information process of the unsafe behavior of coal mine employees.

behavioral risk warning, control countermeasures and system manager directly identifies the risk of unsafe behaviors of em­
management. ployees according to their own experience in safe production;
second, the system safety analysis method, which adopts accident
type and impact factor analysis, safety checklist, event tree
4.3. Early warning methods for the unsafe behaviors of coal mine analysis, accident tree analysis and other systematic safety
employees analysis methods, is used to make a systematic and comprehen­
sive analysis of the unsafe behaviors of coal mine workers. This
The purpose of the early warning technology of unsafe behavior kind of method will accurately identify all kinds of unsafe
management of coal mine workers is to accurately warn of the unsafe behavior risks.
behavior of relevant employees, guide and standardize the safe work ② Evaluate the risk level. Evaluate the risk level and define the early
behavior of coal mine workers, effectively reduce the risk of accidents, warning range of unsafe behavior risk. In this paper, the behav­
and ensure the safe production of coal mine enterprises. Its specific ioral risk classification standard proposed in the literature “En­
working methods are as follows. terprise Risk Management and Monitoring Early Warning
Technology” is directly applied to divide the unsafe behavioral
1) Information collection of unsafe behavior risk into three levels: “serious”, “general” and “slight”. The clas­
sification standard is shown in Table 5 (Milanowicz et al., 2018).
The collection of unsafe behavior information of coal mine em­ ③ Risk management will be selected according to different situa­
ployees mainly uses the method of manual collection, which means that tions. According to the risk level of unsafe behaviors of coal mine
full-time safety supervisors, safety managers and production managers employees, it is important to select reasonable and effective
complete the discovery and collection of unsafe behavior information; at management and control measures. Meanwhile, to ensure the
the same time, when conditions permit, special equipment or moni­ safety and orderly operation of the production process, it is also
toring systems are used to automatically collect information. meaningful to urge the responsible department and manager to
eliminate unsafe behaviors in time and even take reasonable
2) Transmission, storage and analysis of risk information remedial measures.

The risk information manually collected shall be incorporated in the 4) Warning tips for unsafe behaviors
table of unsafe behavior information, as shown in Table 4. Input the
information into the computer and it will be stored in the database of the According to the monitoring results of the unsafe behaviors of em­
server; the risk information collected by human use of automatic in­ ployees and safety behavior norms, an “early warning prompt” of unsafe
struments will also be transmitted and stored in this way. The unsafe behaviors is used to prompt, fore-warn and warn of the unsafe behaviors
behavior information monitored by the computer is stored by the of relevant employees to urge them to put an end to unsafe behaviors
monitoring computer and transmitted to the database of the network and perform their safety work responsibilities in a timely, correct and
server by the interface software through the computer network. Ac­ effective manner. The purpose of early warning and warning is to rectify
cording to the needs of security work, the risk information stored in the and standardize their behavior. For employees who fail to achieve the
network server can be researched or statistically analyzed by using the purpose of rectification, special measures should be taken for education
statistical chart analysis method. and correction.

3) Identification and management of unsafe behaviors 5) Evaluation and monitoring of the rectification effect of unsafe
The identification and management of unsafe behaviors of coal mine
employees include the following content. Supporting software is used to evaluate, manage and track the
rectification of unsafe behaviors of employees. Mainly from the
① Identify the risk of unsafe behavior. There are two ways to following aspects:
identify the risk of unsafe behavior, which should be reasonably
selected according to the actual proficiency in the production
process: first, the experience discrimination method, in which the

W. Li et al. Resources Policy 86 (2023) 104067

Fig. 12. Functional block diagram of the coal mine employee unsafe behavior system.

W. Li et al. Resources Policy 86 (2023) 104067

designed annual production capacity of 3 million tons, and a supporting

coal preparation plant with an annual processing capacity of 3 million
tons. The company has 15 underground mining and auxiliary units, 13
divisions (departments) and 7 ground units, with 2882 registered em­
ployees. In various departments of the company, three violations and
hidden dangers of accidents occur from time to time, and the production
safety situation is not optimistic. In this case, the early warning and
control technology of coal mine workers’ unsafe behavior has been
experimentally applied at Shandong Tangkou Coal Industry Co., Ltd.
since 2020. The system statistically analyzes the three violations of
Tangkou Coal Industry Co., Ltd. before 2020 and intelligently proposes
control countermeasures from the unsafe behavior control counter­
measure library.
System of intelligent analysis of unsafe behavior control counter­
measures to the coal mine worker early warning control system of the
control countermeasures for the library, on the basis of the behavioral
risk identification, early warning, from safety management, individual,
group, and five aspects of state and environment safety leadership,
comprehensive, multidimensional substantially increased the coal mine
worker group safety behavior level, effectively reducing the three vio­
Fig. 13. Three violations of the trend map of the Tangkou Coal Industry Co., lations. After the control measures proposed by the system were offi­
Ltd. (June 2018–December 2022). cially implemented in January 2020, to verify the effectiveness of the
countermeasures, a survey of the three violations of Tangkou Coal In­
① Determination of the rectification period. For unsafe behaviors dustry Co., Ltd. were conducted for more than five years. Fig. 13 is the
that have been given early warning, determine the rectification trend chart of the three violations of Tangkou Coal Industry Co., Ltd.
period, ensure the elimination of unsafe behaviors within the from June 2018 to December 2022.
most reasonable time, and implement rectification and remedial As shown in Fig. 13, the number of three violations of Tangkou Coal
measures in a timely manner. Industry Co., Ltd. began to drop sharply in January 2020. Over time,
② Tracking of rectification and evaluation of the rectification effect. although the number of three violations fluctuated, the overall trend was
Track and analyze the occurrence of unsafe behaviors of em­ downward, indicating that the control measures in coal mine workers
ployees in real time, and evaluate the elimination of unsafe be­ have played a role. The data come from the “Warning and Control
haviors and the implementation of rectification and remedial System for Unsafe Behaviors of Coal Mine Workers”. The data in the
measures. For unsafe behaviors within the rectification period, system database start at the end of May 2018, so the data statistics are
the rectification can be divided into “implemented”, “to be from June 2018. A flow chart of the application of early warning control
reviewed” and “not rectified”. technology in the enterprise is shown in Fig. 14.
③ Rectification effect monitoring. Track and monitor the rectifica­ For a more in-depth analysis, the triple violation data for September
tion of unsafe behaviors in real time. Send out “warning” in time to December for the five years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 were
for unsafe behaviors beyond the rectification period. Cancel the compared and analyzed, as shown in Table 6 and Fig. 15.
warning status in time for unsafe behaviors that have been By way of comparison, it is evident that the number of violations for
rectified. the same period from 2020 to 2022 is significantly lower and decreasing
month by month compared to September to December in 2018 and
6) Control measures for unsafe behaviors of coal mine workers 2019, indicating that the control strategy is working in the population.
As shown in Fig. 15, the three violations from September to December
According to the actual situation and classification of unsafe be­ from 2020 to 2022 are relatively close to each other, indicating that the
haviors of coal mine employees, this paper studies and proposes targeted level of safety behavior of Tangkou Coal Industry Co., Ltd. employees
control measures for unsafe behaviors of coal mine employees from the
five aspects of environment, individual employees, employees’ groups,
safety management and safety leadership, which should be implemented Table 5
The degree of danger of unsafe behavior risk.
in coal mine safety management.
Risk level Definition

Level Serious unsafe behaviors (serious three violations) and failure

4.4. An example analysis of coal mine workers’ unsafe behavior early I——Serious to stop them in time will result in casualties or major property
warning control losses
Level General unsafe behaviors, which may lead to property loss if not
II——General stopped in time
Shandong Tangkou Coal Industry Co., Ltd. is located in Nanzhang Level Slight unsafe behaviors, which may lead to minor accidents if
Town, Rencheng District, Jining City, China. It is currently the mine III——Slight not stopped
with the largest production capacity of the Zikuang Group, with a

Table 4
Unsafe behavior information.
Check Place Name of Fulling table Date

Order Implement department Check Time Problem Name of in charge Time of rectification Remark


W. Li et al. Resources Policy 86 (2023) 104067

Fig. 14. Flow chart of the application of early warning control technology in the enterprise.

has stabilized as a result of the control measures.

Table 6
With the implementation of the application and gradual improve­
Comparison of the number of violations by employees from September to
ment of the early warning and control system of coal mine workers’
December in the Tangkou Coal Industry Co., Ltd. in the past three years.
unsafe behavior, the results not only gradually improved the coal mine
Month Three violations years September October November December workers’ awareness of safe production but also strengthened and
2018 2239 1982 2123 2208 improved the coal mine workers’ handling methods and handling
2019 2080 2130 2048 1719 strength of unsafe behavior. By analysis of Tangkou Coal Industry Co.,
2020 1057 1200 1179 1030
Ltd., the field of application and data testing results show that the em­
2021 936 921 995 947
2022 909 916 957 862 ployees operation of formal degree has been significantly improved, the
safety production level also has improved, the coal mine safety man­
agement level of enterprises has had a substantial change, remarkable
social and economic benefits have been created, and national informa­
tization construction has been further promoted. It improved the in­
formation level of enterprise security management.

5. Conclusion and recommendations

The innovations of this paper are mainly reflected in the following:

based on 28 influencing factors of unsafe behavior, this paper establishes
a dynamic simulation model of unsafe behavior – the “SD + AB unsafe
behavior model”, which conducts a dynamic simulation analysis of
group safe behavior to deeply study the intervention and control strat­
egy of unsafe behavior of employees. Second, we explore the dynamic
influence mechanism between the influencing factors within the model
and provide a theoretical basis for the development of behavioral early
warning technology.
Specifically, the following results and conclusions were found:

(1) The dynamic simulation model of the unsafe behavior of coal

mine workers is combined with agent and system dynamics. It is
found that the simulation results of unsafe behavior among
Fig. 15. Comparison of the trend of three violations in September–December of different groups are consistent. Under the condition that the
the Tangkou Coal Industry Co., Ltd. in the past three years. behavior intervention strategy remains unchanged, with the
advancement of time, the original employees group will gradu­
ally change into a safe group; at the same time, the trend of the
unsafe behavior group is consistent with that of the behavior
neutral group, but the change time point will lag behind.

W. Li et al. Resources Policy 86 (2023) 104067

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