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Draft Perancangan Kurikulum

Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak

Focus Development Area

Logic and
Fundamental Skill Wireframing and
Project Development

Problem Solving Skill Prototyping and Distribution

Subject Material


Computational Thinking Front-end Back-end

Development Operation
Subject Distribution
Semester 4 Semester 6

Internship & Soft Skill Class

Internship & Soft Skill Class

Back-end (Golang)

Project Final Year

Semester 2
Computational Thinking Mobile Development

Front-end (React)
Javascript Fundamental (Kotlin)
Golang Fundamental Back-end (Golang)
System Operation

Semester 1 Semester 3 Semester 5

Computational Thinking 5 JP Front-end (React) 10 JP Back-end (Golang) 12 JP Learning Agile Development

10 JP

Javascript Fundamental 10 JP
Back-end (Golang) 10 JP
Mobile Development (Kotlin) 12 JP
Documentation Rules 10 JP

System Operation Total JP for IT 24 JP Preparation Internship Class 5 JP

Golang Fundamental 10 JP 5 JP

Semester 3 Total JP for IT 25 JP

25 JP Total JP for IT 25 JP
Total JP for IT
Semester 4
Semester 1 Semester 2
Computational Thinking
Student know and understand logic and algorithm

Student have to make examples of problem solving using logic concept

Student know the rules of writing algorithm with descriptive language

Student understand the rules of writing algorithm with pseudocode

Student know the various flowchart notations

Student know to write algorithms with flowcharts

Computational Thinking
Exploring the foundations of computational MODULE 2 Try some activities that could be
thinking, where these concepts occur within modified to use in the class. These
different subject areas, examine the impact EXPLORING ALGORITHMS activities do not require any coding, and
of incorporating computational thinking into are intended to provide examples of
Try some activities that could be
practice, and begin to explore how is it being
1 applied within various subject areas.
modified to use in the class. These
activities do not require any coding, and
what is possible using algorithms and
computational thinking.

2 are intended to provide examples of
what is possible using algorithms and
Algorithms computational thinking. Recognize Patterns
Use of technology/computers Logic and Algorithm Introduction Connections among the different
pieces of the larger problem
Critical Thinking Algorithm Writing Notation 3
Data Structures in Algorithms
MODULE 1 Case Study

Computational Thinking


Use the skills from previous lesson to

increase the efficiency or effectiveness of
Try some activities that you can modify for the integration of computational thinking
use in class. These activities involve in the class.
developing an algorithm and might involve
editing existing code or writing additional Case Study Daily Problem
code. No prior experience with programming Case Study Programming Problem
is required. These activities apply the process
of computational thinking, with a focus on Students with good
algorithm design. logic and problem
solving skills
Create Formulas
4 Implement Algorithm Annotation

Standar Indikator Penilaian Kasus

Computational Thinking

Indikator Prosentase
Punctuality in completing the case 20 %
Problem Solve 40 %
Understanding The Problem 20 %
Choose The Right Method To Solve The Problem 20 %

Total 100 %

1. Menggunakan flowchart, pseudocode

2. mengimplementasikan konsep algoritma pemrogaman pada platform Codility/Hackerank

Student have the ability to build or develop android project from


Students have the ability to debug for problems during the app

development process with android

Students have the ability to search the internet using the right

keywords for problems during the app development process

Students have the ability to understand code from other

developers who implement the MVVM pattern

Students can apply projects to .apk and at least distribute .apk

to playstore
Android Pengenalan Android Studio
Dzikir & Daily Do’a App
News App
Recipes App

4 Chapter 4 Portofolio App

Object Oriented
Daily Codelab
Programming Directory /res
Directory /java Activity
1 Pengenalan Kotlin AndroidManifest.xml 5 Activity Lifecycle
Layouting XML
Tipe Data Chapter 2 Android Virtual Device
Gradle Android Studio Intent
Null Safe Kotlin
Operator 2 Object
Classes Class & Function Generic Daily Codelab
Control Flow
Constructor Constraint type parameter Hello World! App Passing Data
Data Classes
Visibility Modifiers
Interfaces 3 Variance Fragment
Fragment Lifecycle
Vargargs Inheritance Chapter 3 Navigation Component

Encapsulation Localization
Chapter 1 Abstraction Debugging
Kotlin Generics Chapter 5
Kotlin Penunjang
Android Pemula

Android Lanjutan
Codelab AAD 1 s.d. 5
Final Project

Daily Codelab
Chapter 6
Unit Testing
Clean Code Intrumentation Testing
Network Service ViewModel
Alarm Manager Repository
Job Scheduler DataBinding
Work Manager Associate Android Developer
LiveData Req-Pemula

6 Android Notification
Filter by keyword
Have at least 4 pages and implement navigation.

Use ConstraintLayout for main features.
Local Storage
Chapter 8 Use a RecyclerView to display at least 1 array of data.
Content Provider Have at least 2 fragments for navigation component.

CRUD SQLite 7 Coroutine

Use at least 2 languages for quick user feedback on
Paying attention to the UI design standards, they
Daily Codelab
Dependency Injection can take references from dribbble and pinterest

Weather App
Alarm Chapter 7 8 Associate Android Developer
The final project is collected in the form of a project
link and at least .apk, and if .apk has been
uploaded to the play store it’s better.
Notes App
Kisah Nabi
Final Project
Android Jetpack Pro

Req-Lanjutan Req-Jetpack Pro

Implement clean code in project.
Implement application architecture MVVM in project.

Consume APIs with at least 3 different Endpoints.

The application supports users to rotate the application

Implementing android notifitcation for at least 1 feature. screen without clear or reloading data.

The application must support the user to search by The application supports users to change the theme to

entering live keywords and be able to store tagged data. a light or night mode application without clear or

reloading data.
Paying attention to the UI design standards, they
Paying attention to the UI design standards, they
can take references from dribbble and pinterest
can take references from dribbble and pinterest

The final project is collected in the form of a project

The final project is collected in the form of a project
link and at least .apk, and if .apk has been
Ntaps Portofolio !!
link and at least .apk, and if .apk has been
uploaded to the play store it’s better.
uploaded to the play store it’s better.

Final Project Final Project

Standar Indikator Penilaian Projek Pemula
Indikator Prosentase
Projects can be compiled and run on the target platform 17 %
The project has original code, no plagiarism for UI composition and full features composition 10 %
Have at least 4 pages and implement navigation. 10 %
Use ConstraintLayout for main features. 10 %
Use a RecyclerView to display at least 1 array of data. 10 %
Have at least 2 fragments for navigation component. 10 %
Use at least 2 languages for quick user feedback on Toast/Snackbar/AlertDialog. 10 %
The final project is collected in the form of a project link and at least .apk, and if .apk has
been uploaded to the play store it’s better.
The project has beautiful visualization, original design, and pays attention to user
psychology 15 %

Total 100 %
*>80 % Plagiarism automatically rejected
Standar Indikator Penilaian Projek Lanjutan

Indikator Prosentase

Projects can be compiled and run on the target platform 20 %

The project has original code, no plagiarism for UI composition and full features composition 10 %

Implement clean code in project. 15 %

Consume APIs with at least 3 different Endpoints. 10 %

Implementing android notifitcation for at least 1 feature. 14 %

The application must support the user to search by entering live keywords and be able to 13 %

store tagged data.

The project has beautiful visualization, original design, and pays attention to user 10 %

The final project is collected in the form of a project link and at least .apk, and if .apk has
been uploaded to the play store it’s better.

Total 100 %

*>80 % Plagiarism automatically rejected

Standar Indikator Penilaian Projek Jetpack Pro

Indikator Prosentase

Projects can be compiled and run on the target platform 20 %

The project has original code, no plagiarism for UI composition and full features composition 15 %

Implement application architecture MVVM in project. 20 %

The application supports users to rotate the application screen without clear or reloading 15 %

The application supports users to change the theme to a light or night mode application 12 %
without clear or reloading data.

The final project is collected in the form of a project link and at least .apk, and if .apk has 8%
been uploaded to the play store it’s better.

The project has beautiful visualization, original design, and pays attention to user
psychology 10 %

Total 100 %

*>80 % Plagiarism automatically rejected


1. Mengunggah kode ke github repo

2. Membuat poster karya

3. Distribusi .apk playstore setiap sebulan sekali

4. Slack
Web Services & DBMS
Student have the ability to build API services for mobile development

Student have the ability to make website using front-end framework.

Student have the ability to make fullstack website using framework.

Student have the ability to find and solve errors

Student have the ability to deploy website to shared hosting

Web Services & DBMS
Backend Framework
1 Golang
4 Introduction Golang

Intro Database & Web Dev Golang Data Type
Instalasi Tools HTML5 Operation in Golang
SQL Structure Conditional ini Golang
SQL Relationships & ERD Echo Framework
Data Control Language
Data Definition Language
Rest API
3 Front End Web Frameworks

Data Query Language Deploy Static Web to Hosting

Data Manipulation Language

Database Web Frameworks

Web Services & DBMS

Web Portofolios
5 Req- Beginner

Ntaps Portofolio !!

Standar Indikator Penilaian Projek Web API
Indikator Prosentase
The project has original code and no plagiarism 5%
The project has been following coding style standard 5%
The project has implemented structured API Endpoints 10 %
The project has implemented Database Normalization 10 %
The project has implemented Access Control List (Authentication and Authorization) 5%
The project has implemented Object Relational Mapping (ORM) technique 20 %
The project has implemented Structured Response JSON and appropriate HTTP Response 10 %
The project has implemented Email Services to send confirmation email 15 %
The project has implemented Media Library to save uploaded file 10 %
Students are able to presentate their final project 10 %

Total 100 %
Standar Indikator Penilaian Projek Fullstack Website

Indikator Prosentase

The project can be compiled and run on the target platform 5 %

The project has been following proper coding style standard 5 %

The project is published and managed in Github 10 %

The project has been following UI UX Design 30 %

The project has implemented proper MVC 30 %

The project has API endpoints 10 %

The final project is collected in the form of url link (uploaded in server) 10 %

Total 100 %

1. Mengunggah kode ke github repo

2. Membuat poster karya

3. Distribusi aplikasi ke server

4. Slack
System Operation
Student have the ability to Proficiency in Linux.

Student have the ability to Docker Mastery.

Student have the ability to System Security.

Student have the ability to find and solve errors.

Student have the ability to Continuous Learning.

System Operation


2 Introducing Docker

Introduction to Linux and Linux Utilities

Comparing VM and Docker.
Understand how security can be

applied to Docker
Introduction to Shells

Docker –An Architectural overview.

Understand Docker Daemon


Unix File Structure

The Docker Hub A brief Introduction.

3 protections

Start containerizing.
Understand Docker Image protections

File management

Understand Docker Container

Interprocess Communication


Linux Security

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