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1 Inventory item wise master

2 Format of material reciept

3 Current storagae saftey
4 Physical verification of stock
5 Current Inventory records
i. Item Master
ii. Material Receipt Note
iii. Inbound Material list
iv. Inventory Register
v. Physical Verification Reconciliation
vi. Material Returns
6 delegation of authority
7 Format of requisition/indent
8 Vendor master data
9 Purchase order
10 GRN format/Inspection format
11 Handling of damaged or defective items
12 Inventory tagging
13 Shelf life monitoring
14 Inventory audits
15 Stock reordering parameters
16 Stock valuation
17 Distribution process and formats
18 Disposal
Need to Identify inventory and create or update masters in software
Have an existing format for GRN but not implemented

Procedure not implemented

All records are maintained as physical books
All records are maintained as physical books
All records are maintained as physical books
All records are maintained as physical books
All records are maintained as physical books
Procedure not implemented

Have format of Indents but not used, orders placed via call
Not maintained

Inspected by stores manager

Separate racks maintained for each category of goods

Procedure not implemented
Procedure not implemented
Procedure not implemented
Order cost basis
Procedure not implemented
Procedure not implemented

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