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NISN : 0062125814

Class : XII TKRO



Academic Year 2023/2024


After Consultation with Supervisors at School and Supervisors at DU/DI this Report
meets the requirements for taking the Report Exam.

Confirmed : in Gorontalo

On :


School Counselor Workshoop Supervisor

H. Dwi Sriyanto S.Pd _____________________


Headmaster of Head of The Study Program

SMK 3 GORONTALO Automotive Light Vehicle Engineering

Ishak A. Piu , S.Pd H. Dwi Sriyanto, S.Pd


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Alhamdulillahirabbil'alamiin, all Praise and gratitude to Allah SWT who has given grace
for all the abundance of space and time so that the writer was able to complete the Field
Work Practice Report at the BW Auto Racing workshop well.
The preparation of this Field Work Practical Report is based on the knowledge I gained
while doing practical work at the BW Auto Racing workshop as well as based on
information from my supervisor and staff in the work environment who have sincerely
contributed to me so that this report can be completed.
I thank you:

1. Allah SWT, who has provided me with ease during carry out Industrial Work Practices
complete the writing of this report,
2. My parents, who have facilitated and given me infinite encouragement,
3. Mr. Ishak A. Piu, S.Pd, as Principal of State School 3 Gorontalo
4. Mr. H. Dwi Sriyanto S.Pd, as Head of the Automotive Ring Vehicle Engineering Study
Study Program and Supervisor at school
5.Mr Bonar, as head of the BW Auto Racing workshop.

Finally, I Hope this report can be useful for readers and I hope This report can add
insight and knowledge to all of us.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Gorontalo, .....................

Moh. Fahri Muchsin


TITLE PAGE.........................................................................................................................i

VALIDITY SHEET..............................................................................................................ii


LIST OF CONTENS...........................................................................................................iv


A. Basics of PKL Implementation.............................................................................1

B. Problem Formulation.............................................................................................2
C. Purpose of Writing the Report ..............................................................................2
D. Benefits of Report Writing...................................................................................2


A. Theoretical Foundation.........................................................................................3
1. Axle System Function......................................................................................3
2. Component Names and Function ....................................................................4
3. Work Process ..................................................................................................8
4. Occupational Health and Safety.......................................................................8

B. Trouble Shooting...................................................................................................9
1. Preparation of Tools and Materials..................................................................9
2. Initial Inspection...............................................................................................9
3. Disassembly....................................................................................................10
4. Inspection........................................................................................................11
5. Installation and Setup.....................................................................................12
6. Testing.............................................................................................................13
7. Conclusion of Work........................................................................................13



BIBLIOGRAPHY ..............................................................................................................15


A. Basic of PKL Implementation

When entering the world of work, students are not only required to graduate armed
with intellectual intelligence but must have basic abilities. The basic abilities referred to
include knowledge, skills and attitudes. Therefore, students need to do Field Work

Field Work Practice is a teaching and learning process in real work units, so that
students get a direct and comprehensive overview and experience of work while providing
opportunities for students to apply the theory they have gained during activities at school.

In carrying out practical field work, supervisors are required to guide and monitor
students' practical field work activities, such as making visits to the PKL students they
supervise, and providing advice or input if students encounter problems at the PKL place.

Students are required to fulfill all provisions imposed by the Accounting Department
and the practice location used for field work practice. Among them, students are required
to fill in daily reports and attendance lists during the implementation of PKL. Apart from
that, students are also required to prepare field work practice reports as a basis for
assessment for PKL supervisors.

By participating in the PKL program, students are expected to get to know more,
know, and practice analyzing the existing conditions of the world of work environment as
efforts to prepare oneself to enter the world of work. Students can too find out what is
actually needed by the agency in the field the student chooses.
B. Problem Formulation

The problem formulation that can be taken is,

1. What is the function of the axle system?

2. Name and explain the types of axles
3. What are the axle components
4. How does Axle work
5. Apakah alat dan bahan untuk membongkar Gardan
6. How to dismantle the axle

C. Purpose of Writing the Report

The objectives of preparing the report are,

1. As a requirement to take the final semester exam

2. As proof of the results of PKL implementation
3. To increase knowledge and experience regarding making reports
4. To increase knowledge about sales problems in the world business and
industrial world
5. To increase the sense of responsibility or tasks given by the School

D. Benefits of Report Writing

1. Train students to be more disciplined and responsible before entering the
world of professional work
2. Introduce students or prospective workers to field work, both in companies
and in industry
3. Produce professional Human Resources
4. Increase knowledge , especially knowledge that is not obtained at school


A. Theoretical basis

1. Axle System Function

The axle is a component that functions as a differentiator, according to the term in English,
namely differential . The function of the axle is to differentiate the rotational movement of
the left and right tire axles when the vehicle is turning. There are four axle functions that
are important for moving a car, namely:

a. Differentiating Rotary Shaft Movement

The axle functions to differentiate the rotational movement between the wheel axles on the
left and right of the car. This is the main and crucial function because it can withstand the
vehicle's turning distance. The turning difference makes the car's turning distance shorter.
When turning, the car does not need to rotate further because the axle has differentiated its
rotational movement. This difference in axle rotation can also affect tire durability. The
reason is, the tires will not experience slippage which has the potential to cause faster wear.

b. Successor to rotary power

After the movement of the left and right wheel axles is differentiated, the rotational power
will be transmitted to the drive wheels. The driving wheels of the car in question are the
vehicle tires . So, the tires on the car can run and rotate because there is power from the
axle. The rotational power produced by this clutch system must first be differentiated from
the axle, so that it can determine the direction of the wheels according to the instructions

c. Rotate Direction Changer

Please note, the rotational power from the engine or drive system moves in a straight
line, starting from the engine, transmission to the clutch. When passing through the axle,
this rotational force undergoes a rotation of 90 degrees.

This rotating rotational force is continued until it can move the drive wheel axle. As a
result, the car can move forward and backward due to this rotating rotational force. If there
is no axle, the car can only move sideways and cannot drive as usual.

d. Rotary Power Increase

The function of the last axle is to increase the rotational power produced by the engine.
If this rotating power increases, small engine components can rotate larger components.
This rotational power is then distributed to the car's drive axle.

2. Component Names and Functions

Figure 1. Axle Components

If you look at the construction, the main components of the shaft consist of:

a. Drive Piniom Gear

b. Drive Pinion Shaft
c. Ring Gear
d. Differential Carrier
e. Side Gear
f. Bearing Cap

a. Drive Pinion Gear

Gambar 2. Drive Pinion Gear

Drive pinion A gear is a gear that is shaped like a pineapple, its function is as a rotating or drive
gear gear that transmits power from the propeller shaft to the axle circuit. This pineapple-like shape
is often called hypoid gears . This kind of shape is very suitable for distributing power gently and

b. Drive Pinions Shafts

Figure 3. Drives Pinions Shafts

Drive pinion The shaft is the pinion gear shaft , this component usually has a form that is
integrated or permanently connected to the drive pinion gears . The function of this
component is as a rotating shaft to distribute rotation and the propeller shaft .

c. Ring Gear

Figure 4. Ring Gear

The function of this gear is to receive the rotation results from the pinion drives gears .
Both components, both ring gear and pinion drives gear is often referred to as a series of
final gears . Because, this gear is located at the end of the car's powertrain system

d. Differential Carriers
Figure 5. Differential Carrier
The function of this component is as a casing or housing for placing various other axle
components. For example, the ring gear as a rotation receiver is also connected to the
differential carriers . In addition, a series of spiders head and side The gear is also located
in the differential carriers .

e. Side Gears

Figure 6. Side Gears

Side The gear functions to receive rotation that has been manipulated by the spider gear to
be passed to the axle shafts . As discussed previously, when the car turns it spiders The
gear will rotate to determine the rotational speed of the car wheels.
spider spin differentiation process The gear will be connected to the side gear , where is the
side position The gear will be connected directly to the propeller shaft .

f. Bearing Cap
Figure 7. Bearing Cap

The bearing cap is a component that functions to hold the axle bearing which is located
near the side gears . Even though it is only the bearing that is being held, the bearing cap is
indirectly holding the entire series of axle components from the axle shaft housing .

3 . Work process

a. When the Car Goes Straight

When the car goes straight, the rotational force generated by the axle will enter the
pinion drives gears . Next, the rotational power will be connected to the ring gear which
has more teeth. When in a straight position, the car axle will make rpm ring gear
becomes lower than rpm pinion gear so that the ring gear rotation will be transmitted to
the differential case .

Power flow from the differential This case will move towards the pinion shaft and then
pass back to the pinion gears and sides gears . Next is the pinion The gear will rotate on
the pinion shaft so that the right and left wheels change sides of rotation. However,
because the steering wheel is straight, the load on the right and left wheels remains the

b. Turning Car Position

When the car turns, the wheels on the inside will receive rotational resistance from the
front wheels which change direction. This position will create a side the left wheel gear
becomes heavier so that the pinion The gear will rotate because of the difference in
weight. Side The gear on the right will move faster and make the rotation of the two
wheels different so that the direction of rotation of the two wheels becomes opposite .

4. Occupational Health and Safety

a. Pay attention to the instructions of the guide or mechanic.

b. Use work clothes/ wearpack when carrying out practice .

c. Work based on Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Rules

K3 and legislation

d. After using work equipment, clean the equipment again

work and put it back in its place

e. Ask the instructor about things that are considered difficult

B. Trouble Shooting

Problem Possibility Repair

The axle buzzes Lack of Lubrication Replace the old axle oil
with new
Vibration occurs at the axle The bearing is broken Replacing damaged

1. Tools and Materials

Before we carry out the steps in the dismantling process, then we analyze and carry out
repair steps on the axle ( differential ), so we need to choose which equipment and
materials we will use. The tools and materials that we will use include the following
a. Tool
1. Keys
2. Moment Lock
3. Tracker
4. Drive
5. Hammer
6. SST
7. Dial Test Indicator
8. Paintbrush
b. Material
1) Axle Shaft
2) Compressor
3) Fat
4) Duster
5) Paint/ Paste, Etc

2. Initial inspection

1. Check the axle by listening to the sound of the axle when the car is moving

2. If there is a humming sound or vibration at the axle, then repair it

3. Prepare tools and materials to repair the axle

3. Disassembly Steps

1) Drain the oil from the axle shaft and remove the axle shaft from the car.
2) Place the axle shaft on the work table then remove the bolts/nuts that secure
the carrier assembly of housing .

Figure 8. Removing the Bolt/Nut

3) Remove the sides bearing cap to remove the differential assembly so it can
come out.
Figure 9. Opening Side Bearing Cap

4) Remove the sides bearings invert using SST or trackel

Figure 10. Removing the Side Bearings Inver

5) Remove the pinion shaft dowel pin from the direction of the ring gear
momenting , pull out the pinion shaft and remove the differential pinion
gear , washer , side gears .

Figure 11. Letting go Pinions Sharf Dowel Pins

6) Release the end yoke to release the drive pinion gear with copper hammaer .

Picture 12. Release the End Yoke

7) Remove the bearing using a tool bearings Remover .

Picture 13. Releasing the Bearing by Using a Tool Bearings Remover

4. Inspection

1. Check Runout Companion Flange

2. Check Ring Gear Runout

3. Check Ring Gear Backlash

4. Measure Preload Drive Pinions

5. Check Total Preload

6. Check Backlash Side Gears

7. Check the tooth contact between the ring gear and the drive Pinions

8. Check Bearings

5. Installation and Setup

a. Differential Mounting Assembly

1) If gear , side If the gear and washer are not replaced, then put them back
into the shaft by applying gear oil to each gear and washer .
2) Measure the backlash between sides gears and pinions gear , standard value
0.05-0.15 mm.
3) Assemble the differential assembly by installing bolts. Lock the bolt on the
ring gear by moving the torque wrench binding torque 6.5 – 7.5 kg.
4) Install the drive pinion front bearing using special tools bearings adapter
installer and install the drive pinion the gear .
5) Adjust the pinion height by inserting a shim (0.75 mm std ) between
differential case and rear bearings outer race and tighten the nut until pre
load of 5 – 15 kg.
b. Pre Setup Load
1) Do a pre- check load by locking the end nut yoke with torque 14 – 17 kg.
Pre standard load 5 – 15 kg.
2) After obtaining the pinion pre load , then release end again yoke and install
the oil seal using SST. Use new seal oil and apply grease during installation.
3) Install the side bearings inner race into the differential case using SST and
then install the sides bearing cap temporarily tighten 1.0 - 1.5 kg
4) Tighten adjusting nut by using SST on the left and right so that there is no
pre load .
5) Use a dial indicator to check the backlash and adjustment, if the backlash is
not correct then tighten or loosen the ring nut by the same number of turns.
Backlash standard 0.13–0.18 mm. Then if you get the backlash value
standard then tighten the bearing cap 3-4 kg.

6) Check runs out on the ring gear standard ring gear value for run out 0.075
7) Double check the amount of backlash between the drives gears and drives
pinion standard value 0.13 – 0.18 mm, limit for repairs 0.2 mm.
8) Install all differential components to the differential box and put it back in
the car for testing .
9) Return all equipment clean and complete to its original place

6. Testing

After carrying out the initial inspection, disassembly, inspection and adjustment, a final
test is needed, namely by starting the engine and listening to the sound from the car axle
when driving and we see whether there is still a buzzing sound when the car is moving and
vibrations on the axle. If there are no problems with the axle then this test was successful.

7. Work Conclusion
1. The axle system construction has the main components, namely: Drive Pinions
Gears ,
Drive Pinions Shaft , Ring Gear , Differential Carrier , Side Gear , and Bearing Cap.
2. There are two ways the axle system works, namely: When the car goes straight, the
power rotates
produced by the axle will enter the pinion drives gears . And When the car
turning, the wheels on the inside will receive rotational resistance from the front
which changed direction.
3. Problems that often occur in the axle system are: buzzing sound at the axle
and Vibration occurs on the axle when the car is moving. How to solve the problem
The above problems are: changing the oil or adding oil to the maximum limit,
Replacing broken bearings , adjusting preload , carrying out
readjustment of the clearance between crown teeth wheel and pinion gear .



In this chapter the author can summarize what has been learned and
carried out during Field Work Practices (PKL) from start to finish, namely
as follows:
1. PKL activities are very beneficial for students, especially SMK 3 students
GORONTALO 3rd VOCATIONAL SCHOOL. With PKL activities, students are
reqruedhave an independent attitude and are able to interact with other people so
Students are expected to have high skills and insight.
2. Field Work Practices (PKL) are practical activities outside school hours
the same as agencies/companies or industry, so that students
can practice to be able to socialize and cooperate with the outside community.
3. Field Work Practices (PKL) can support students to become workers
middle class workers who are experts in their fields who are able to meet the market
National or even International. That way students will have an attitude
which will become the basic provision for sustainable and self-development
can apply what he has obtained, in everyday life.
4. Maintain high discipline because discipline is one of the things
This is very important for the progress of a company.


1. For Students
• Students can utilize the experience gained from the workshop
while carrying out the PKL.
• Students must comply with existing regulations in the industry/workshop.

2. For School
• In the admission and placement of implementing students
Practical Work, should consider the appropriate field
Student's major, so that students can develop their knowledge
owned can also increase knowledge.
• Schools need to put emphasis on work issues
applies to both government and private agencies. Thus _
if students do PKL at the agency so that the students
will be able to adapt easily.
3. For workshops
• To further improve cleanliness in the workshop
• I hope mechanics can share their knowledge with children


Yoyok Damay. 2020 Differential Examination . Surabaya

Mas Juliandi. 2021 Axle maintenance and repair. Bandung
Ferisa Danesvaran . 2021 Functions of axle components. Depok

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